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Christopher J. Thompson
B.F.A. in Photography Dec. 2000

Insomnia.  Brightness is too overwhelming.  A frontal flash, causing the subject's environment to be lost in an immeasurable darkness, exposes many of my images.  The subject is not bleached out, but slightly saturated.  The image is exposed as our eye stares at the computer monitor; surroundings fade away in lost ideas.  The windows are black and flat, dimensionless as I am taken out of context. 

Rubber is a material that can be melted down, played with, molded, stretched, manipulated, folded, and squeezed.  I want to see my subject as something more, something our eye wouldn't usually see.  The negative has many possibilities.  I make it.  I burn it.  I stretch it.  I draw on it.  I expose it.  I tear it.  I discard it. 

People glance at my work and see me as pariahcal.  I am unaware if others are making fun or gossiping.  I operate on a low frequency: a continuous hum.  I am in-tune to my own wavelength; other frequencies fly past me.  My work exemplifies objects and people in my time.  I don't refer to my subject as a harsh depiction of reality, but a mathematical equation of the tangent, sine, and cosine. 

The subject matter I deal with is abrasive.  I unveil my images as I see them through my own perception.  There is a harsh reality contained in the nicotine and the tar stains left behind.  The malignant emotions I have trapped in my tumorous gut spill out into themo-graphical photographs.  I don't keep a journal.  I blow smoke onto the silver halides, the selenium toner, and the light-sensitive emulsions unfiltered in the emotions expressed in my work. 

The burn scars, moles, warts, pale skin, and receding hairline are like points of reference on my body.  The work I create is like permanent landmarks in my mind and memory.  By concentrating on them, I conceive their meaning.  There is a texture that can only be seen in my scars.  The tonal qualities are felt through visual fingers passing over my physical form. 




Last updated:  Jan 12, 2001