"SILENCE" (A few notes from a Bruce Boxleitner Fan)

We'd like to give our hearfelt thanks to Diane B. for acting as a go-between, and to Rose Marie D. for her gift of this picture of Vincent on the set of "silence" as well as her generosity in sharing with us some of her adventures.

Here are some of the things she had to say :

"He(Vince) was very funny and enjoyed speaking Italian with a wardrobe lady from Italy. We only saw him on the last 3 days of the shoot, but it was fun to watch him filming, and even playing football (with his shirt off!) with the producer." ARRRRGGGGHHH... *faning myself* those lucky guys !!!!
"...The production coordinator let us have a copy of the script, so I can tell you that Vincent plays a homicide detective. I think that he and Kristy Swanson's character may have had a previous relationship, I'll have to check that out. They may have a little rekindled romance going on, but that happened before we got to the set, so I didn't see any of that. Vincent's character and Bruce's are at odds, ostensibly because Bruce is the bad FBI guy come to town and the local law enforcement (Vincent) resent his presence. So, Bruce and Vincent are kind of antagonistic from the start. The last scene we saw filmed was at midnight on the steps of the historic old Post Office here in KC. They did one take, then the director told them to try another one with "a little more attitude". They both got downright surly. Very fun to watch them put a different spin on their lines..."

"the producer came across the street and said- Maybe I can make your day, would you like to be in a scene with Bruce Boxleitner (and Vincent). Of course we said yes. So we were at an outdoor coffee shop, at a table next to Vincent and Bruce. The scene was Vincent walking up to the table, sitting down, and talking with Bruce who was drinking coffee and working on a laptop. Vincent came walking down the street, past an Italian restaurant, and under an Italian flag, which we thought was fun. The chair he had to pull out and sit in was one of those plastic ones, and it was hard to sit in it and scoot it back in, and exactly hit his mark. It took him a couple of tries, but he did it perfectly. They talk for a minute, and then Vincent gets up and says, "Meet me at Asner's in an hour" and walks away. At this point, he has his coat slung over his shoulder as he walks away..."

"...I thought he (Vincent) looked great. I confess, we were entirely focused on Bruce, so we really didn't even talk to Vincent. He said hi to us once, and waved at us from the limo..."

More great pictures can be viewed on Deedee's (Diane) page : On the Set of Silence