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(c) Vickie Tern  

 "'<ring>    <ring>'"


"Janet, thank God you're home!"


"Yes.  You've got to help me!"

"Oh?  Help you?"


"Now calm down, Cary!  Help you how?  What's wrong?"

"Everything!  Nadine has found out about us!"

"Found out?  Found out exactly what?"

"A neighbor saw us last Tuesday when we were in the bedroom together.  
Making love.  You remember?"

"Oh, yes, honey, I surely remember that!  You know, you surprise me, 
Cary. You really have no shame, do you know that?  Do you remember 
where your mouth ended up last Tuesday?  And your nose?  And that you 
actually agreed to hold it in your mouth?  And then when it filled your mouth, 
that you actually agreed to chew it and swallow it?"        

"Janet, please!  Don't sound so amused!  This isn't funny!  It isn't a game! It 
could destroy my marriage, maybe yours too!  Nadine suspects something!"

"All right, love, now calm down.  Let me understand the facts.  Your 
neighbor couldn't have seen anything incriminating, if that's the right word.  
Anything intimate I mean.  We had the bedroom blinds and the curtains 
drawn, both, the whole time we were together.  No one knows about us but 
you and me.  And now I know a lot more about you than I did, don't I, my 
sweetly submissive little man?  My darling pervert!  You didn't know you 
had it in you, did you.  I bet some of it still is!"


"All right, lover.  Exactly what did your neighbor see?  And what did she tell 
Nadine?  Or was it a he?"

"She saw you.  When you were in the kitchen afterward, making tea.  
Remember, you thought I needed to rinse my mouth out after...what we did.  
What you asked me to do.  What I did.  Or when we went back to the office, 
you said, you'd only let me kiss you in that same place and nowhere else.  
And that wouldn't be convenient, because when you're at the office you only 
take down your panties in the Ladies' room, and I can't go with you into the 
Ladies' room because I'm not a lady.  Not that we ever kiss each other at 
work anyhow!"

"Yes.  Yes.  Not yet, anyhow.  You know, Cary, I've been thinking 
about...what you did.  It was exciting!  Do you know that?  That you did it 
just because I asked you to, and didn't object, not even once?  You know, 
sweetie, I've got to confess it, at first I was a little dismayed when you 
agreed to do it.  In a way.  Even now I don't see how you could bring 
yourself to do that!  I suppose I didn't expect you to, I just wanted to see if 
you meant it when you said you'd do anything for me!  I was curious how 
far you'd go if I pushed you.  It was just a whim on my part.  But then when 
you agreed, and then you actually did it, for me, from me, that was soooo 
exciting, sweetie!  Ooooh! Even now, just thinking about it, I'm getting a 
little wet.  You were so eager to please me!  And that's so very thoughtful!  I 
haven't once gone to the toilet since then without thinking that maybe my 
sweet Cary should be here, maybe I should save it for him, maybe I'm 
depriving him."

"Janet, let's not talk about that now.  Lets deal with..."

"Then we'll talk about it later?  You promise?  You said when you were 
drinking your tea and rinsing out your mouth that you didn't know what had 
come over you.  Well, maybe we can find out, because, you know, that's a 
whole new kind of thing for us to explore now, isn't it?  You're not just 
willing for me to humiliate you, you love it, don't you?"

"Janet, let's deal with Nadine and what our neighbor told her.  The facts are 
that this neighbor saw my car in the driveway and that the bedroom blinds 
and curtains were drawn and that later a strange woman was fixing something 
in the kitchen.  She wondered who the woman might be."

"I'll bet."

"And she asked Nadine if it was a relative, or something, and told her maybe 
we should notify Neighborhood Watch that it's OK.  So Nadine told me this, 
and then she asked me, who was the woman?  You know, the neighbor 
doesn't know you, that you're my business partner.  She's never seen you 
here without Bill, those times when you've both been to our house for dinner 
or a pool party. Nadine, she looked very grim when she asked me if I knew 
anything about a woman in our kitchen!"

"How did you answer her?"

"I should have told her it was you.  That would have been innocent enough, I 
see that now.  But I was afraid to mention you!  I was afraid it might wreck 
everything.  Your friendship with Nadine, our partnership, my marriage, 
yours too probably!"

"So you said it was who?  A cleaning lady?  A pizza delivery girl? Another 
one of your many lovers?"

"I don't have any other lovers, Janet!  You know that!  I wouldn't even have 
you, except for a month ago when you came to me, you'd just found out 
about Bill and all of his different women and you were so desperate for 
consolation, and got out of hand."

"Mmmmm.  Yes, Your cock did surely get out of hand, lover.  From hand to 
mouth to pussy.  I remember that night very fondly!  I needed some friendly 
sympathy, and Nadine was off at some meeting somewhere, so I unburdened 
everything onto you.  And you heard me out, and then you helped me even 
the score a little.  And when I left you I was feeling as well-consoled as a girl 
can get.  No more quarrelling with Bill, not since then.  He has his women, 
and I have you, lover!  But you should have told Nadine it was me.  You 
really could have, you know.  That I'd brought over papers from the office, 
or something."

"You're right.  I could have.  But I can't lie to Nadine -- she can always tell.  
And I guess I was still feeling a little ashamed of...what you'd gotten me to 
do, I guess.  I didn't want to mention you.  I didn't think of it."

"So, Cary, who did you tell her it was?"

"Please don't be shocked, or amused, or anything."

"Who, Cary?"

"I couldn't think of anyone else!"




"That's right!  Me."

"I'm sorry, honey, there's no way any neighbor would confuse you with a 
woman. You have the makings, of course.  You aren't very...ahhh...manly.  
Not at all like Bill.  You're about my height, and you've got a small jaw, and 
all.  For a man.  That's what made me wonder how much your mouth could 
hold, maybe, in part.  But for you to look like a woman?  My dear darling, 
that would take a lot of work!"

"That's why I'm calling you."

"What?  Wait a minute, back up.  Why did you think Nadine would believe it 
was you the neighbor saw?"

"Well, actually, Nadine sort of suggested it.  I was waffling, and thinking 
about what we'd done, what I'd just done with you when you crouched over 
me and told me I had to do it.  It was so embarrassing!  I must have been 
bright red, and I was I guess incoherent.  Because Nadine said, 'Well, who 
was it, Cary?  What's so hard about that question?  Why are you so 
embarrassed?  Are you ashamed of something?  You mean it wasn't someone 
sent over from your office?' 'No,' I said.  I wasn't thinking, but I didn't 
want her to think it might be you."

"No, I suppose not."

"'Well then, who?' she asked.  'Who could it be, that you're so tongue-tied? 
I've never seen you so flushed!  What is it you're so afraid to confess to me?'  
And then a light dawned, and she got this crafty look in her eye, and she 
said, 'No!  Don't tell me!'  And then she waited for me to tell her."


"And I had no idea what she was waiting for.  I just stood there staring 
anywhere but at her, making odd sounds.  So she gave me a hint."

"Which was?"

"'Cary,' she said very slowly.  'This woman in our kitchen.  Was it 
somebody I don't know?'"

"'No!'.  A little too quickly, I realized.  I didn't want her to think it might be 
you.  But I had no room to maneuvre."

"'I do know her?'

"'Ah...yes.  In a way."

"'Then I'll tell you what I think,' she said.  'This woman is someone I know, 
but you're ashamed to say who it is.  So it has to be you, all dressed up, 
doesn't it?  She's you, isn't she?'"

"It was a simple statement of fact.  I realized I was in a corner.  Either the 
woman was no one, or the woman was me.  So I stood silent.  I must have 
been looking pretty pathetic by now, because she said, 'Awww, you poor 
baby. Of course!  It was you!  You're a secret transvestite, and ashamed for 
me to know it!'"   

"And she actually came over to me and kissed me, and then she went on, 'I 
know about crossdressers, honey.  They're on TV a lot these days.  Talking 
about pride, and guilt, and shame, and all.  You poor dear!'"  

"She looked at me so sympathetically, and then she suddenly said, 'Of 
course! That accounts for your reaction last Halloween, when I suggested we 
go to Janet and Bill's party dressed up like a whore and a pimp.  You leaped 
to the notion that I meant for you to be the whore, and you refused 
absolutely!  I was amazed that you misunderstood, but now it's clear!  
Because secretly you really would like to dress like that, like a whore, and be 
attractive and sexy.  But you're so ashamed you can't confess it!  Isn't that 
true?  Even to yourself?  So you got excited and upset when I suggested it!  
Even though I meant for me to be the whore the whole time?  Isn't that 

"I wasn't sure what she was talking about now, Janet, but it looked like a 
way out.  So I just said, 'That's right, dear,' and I waited.  You remember, 
last Halloween Nadine came to that party you gave, she was dressed like a 
whore, and I came dressed to look like her pimp?  It was embarrassing!  Bill 
kept putting his hands on her as if she really were a whore, and he wasn't the 
only one.  Taking hold of both her breasts I remember, and rubbing her 
nipples with his thumbs while she pretended to like it.  And whenever I came 
by to cool things down, Bill or one of the other men would just say 'Hey, 
Cary, she's hot, this wife of yours!  What do you get for her by the hour?' 
And they kept groping her as if I weren't even there."

Then Nadine looked me straight in the eye, and I didn't dare look away, and 
she asked me 'Is that why you were so grumpy all night at that party?  You 
were jealous of me?  You wanted to be the sexy babe?'"

"Well, what could I say?  I muttered 'Sort of, I guess.'  I was still addled. 
But Nadine had come up with an answer that satisfied her, and I thought I 
could live with it.  That when she's not home I wander around the house in 
women's clothing, and that's the woman our neighbor saw."

"Then we're off the hook, lover!  She doesn't suspect us.  What's your 
problem with that?  Eh?  Cary?"

"She's out of town until tomorrow night."


"She told me she wants me to greet her when she returns wearing 'all my 
finery,' she says.  'Make yourself as pretty as you can be,' she told me. 
'Maybe we'll go out for dinner and maybe we won't.  That depends on 
whether you're passable.  Though if you fooled our neighbor, probably you 
can fool anyone!'"  That's what she said."

"So?  So borrow some of her clothes and put them on, and put on a little 
make- up, and then take her to dinner.  Or vice versa.  No big deal.  She's 
probably testing you, to see if you're telling the truth.  Or maybe she wants to 
indulge you in your secret vice, prove to you she accepts you the way you 
are! She should only know what your secret vice really is!  Should I tell her?  
No, don't worry honey, I'm only teasing!  Look, sweetheart, just wear one 
of her skirts and some lipstick for an hour, and then you're off the hook!"

"Janet, her clothes don't fit me!  She's much shorter and thinner than I am. 
And I don't wear women's clothes.  I have none of my own.  And I don't 
know anything about make-up.  When she sees me it'll be obvious at a glance 
that I have no experience in these matters.  That no neighbor could ever 
imagine I was a woman!  Even seen from next door!"

"So you're asking me to help?  You want me to come over with some clothes 
and things to make my little toilet slave look like a proper lady?  Is that it? So 
your wife won't suspect what you really are?  What we've really been doing? 
Is that it?"

"Since you put it that way, yes." 

"Well, I won't do it.  Not that way!"

"Janet, what do you mean?  What do you mean, you won't do it?  Janet!  

"Sweetie, you have the wrong attitude.  In fact, as a woman I'm a little 
insulted!  I can see it now.  You're planning to bear up, to endure your 
humiliating ordeal, to seem to be a mere woman like me, in order to persuade 
your wife that you like to wander around in dresses.  I bet you're already 
thinking you're a martyr to our torrid love affair.  I bet you already regret it, 
that you're being punished for it by being forced to look like a girl for one 
evening.  So she won't suspect it's really something even worse!"  

"Well, I love you, Cary, in my odd way.  If you're going to feel humiliated, I 
want you to love it, like last Tuesday, not just endure it.  I can't condone 
anyone's suffering or martyrdom.  You'll have to pretend to be a woman for 
the right reasons, if you want my help!  I want you to be happy.  If you could 
be happy doing what you did the other afternoon, you can be happy looking 
like a woman.  You were happy, weren't you, even when it was squishing 
onto your lips and chin and you had to go yummy with your fingers and lick 
it all up, you were happy doing that then, weren't you?  Because it was 
something I wanted you to do?"

"Yes, Janet.  Because you wanted it.  I suppose."

"Well, if you have to seem to get off pretending to be a woman, I want you to 
be glad of it.  Use the opportunity to discover and express your real 
femininity.  Every man has some, even though most would rather die than 
confess it!  So be a man!  Be bold!  Find some way to enjoy looking like a 
woman and doing the things women do.  Let wearing a dress complete you!  
I don't believe in ordeals.  I believe in fulfillments!  Can you try to fulfill 

"If you want me to, Janet."

"That's just lovely, sweetheart, but that's not the answer I need to hear.  I 
want you to want to!  Say 'Yes, I will wholeheartedly do everything I am 
asked to do as a woman, because to some degree I am already a woman!'"

"Yes.  I will.  I agree to that!"

"All right.  Remember it!  Say it over and over tonight when you're going to 
sleep.  Clear your day tomorrow and I'll be over at 9:00am to get you started. 
What time is Nadine due home?"                        

"Around 5:00pm."

"Good.  That's plenty of time.  You'll greet her at the door with a kiss and a 
cocktail, and you'll look just ravishing.  I've got just the dress for you! 
You'll see!"

"All right."

"Bye now, honey.  And cheer up.  You're about to enter a whole new world.  
Be eager to explore the wonders you'll find there!"

"All right."

"Wrong reply!"

"I'll try, Janet.  I'll really try very hard!  I'm eager to explore this new world!  
Just the way you say!"

"Everything in this new world!"

"Yes, everything!"

"Good.  See you promptly at nine.  Don't shave -- we'll see about removing 
your body hairs some more permanent way.  Bye now!"



"When you hear the tone, please leave a message of any length.  <Beep!>"

"Hello, Nadine?  You're probably somewhere else enjoying your little 
vacation from your marriage.  Isn't Bill something?  Well, I warned you!  
Absolutely insatiable, that man!  Indefatigable!  Tits, cunts, assholes, he'll 
stroke that thing of his into anything slippery that moves!  But you know that 
all too well by now, I'm sure!  I miss you, but God, I'm grateful to you for 
getting him off my back, and my stomach, and my ass, and all those other 
places he loves to rub himself.  It's been a whole day for you now, and a 
whole day off for me.   I'll bet all of your openings are already sore, with 
another day to go!  The man just won't quit, will he?  Well, you'll be back 
tomorrow, and we'll see each other then, won't we?  I can't wait!"  

"I think Cary'll enjoy Bill too, when he's ready.  Maybe even as early as 
tomorrow night, though that's probably pushing it.  Your little hubby has 
depths no one has plumbed yet.  Not even me, and you know how far I 
pushed him just this past Tuesday!  And he went there willingly!  Yuck!  
With no regret even now!  I can't begin to imagine what Bill will get him to 
do when his fat cock is plugged tight into Cary's ass and there's no wriggle 

"I thought you'd want to know right away, though, that the whole scheme 
worked perfectly.  He called me the way you thought he would.  Why not, he 
had nowhere else to turn!  So tomorrow I'll set him up to get the works and a 
half at Elizabeth Arden's.  We'll want him to look his best, and they're the 
best, right?  I'll tell them sassy blonde, to give him that innocent but eager 
Marilyn Monroe look we talked about -- he won't recognize himself when 
they're done, trust me!"  

"Then when he no longer knows who he is, we'll just make sure we keep 
him off balance.  So tomorrow night at dinner, Monte's, I've already made 
our reservations, I'll bring Bill over to your table, the way we discussed it, 
and we'll introduce the two of them into their new relationship then and there. 
Bill will offer to teach your reluctant Cary how to become the passionate 
woman he wants to be, and so forth.  Oh, yes, tomorrow morning I'll bring 
over that skimpy little black dress you bought for him, and pretend that it's 
mine but now it's his.  You're sure his heels will fit?"  

"You know, when that pimp and whore scenario we cooked up last 
Halloween didn't work, Bill was very disappointed.  He'd been hoping that 
all three of us would be available to that priapic cock of his even that very 
night, so you wouldn't need to sneak around behind Cary's back any more.  
He really wanted to get back to the bisexuality he'd enjoyed before we got 
married.  I promised him he could when I started up again on mine, but I 
never really delivered on the promise.  But this can't fail!  Your Cary is 
hooked now, and he doesn't even know it!  No more than he knows about 
you and Bill, that you've been lusting after Bill for how long now?  He was 
so concerned you'd leave him if you found out about me!  Well, after 
tomorrow, I'll bet we'll be the prettiest foursome imaginable!  Three nicely 
turned-out girls with a real hunk of a guy!"  

"Here, I'll leave you a copy of my whole phone conversation with your 
hubby, so you can hear how well it went for yourself.  I must say, hon, you 
seem to have played your part beautifully.  Not a transvestite bone in his 
body, and yet I bet when we're finished with him he'll be ecstatic about his 
new tits and cunt, and eager to pass all the rest of his days in a perfumed haze 
waiting for one more man to come by and fill him up.  He'll want to because 
we'll want him to.  I bet eventually it'll be just because Bill will want him to.  
He's sweet, a real dear.  But Nadine, he's so very gullible!  Not that most 
men aren't.  Bill for example has never for a moment asked me why you and 
I see so much of each other, how come we enjoy each other's company the 
way we do.  He hasn't the foggiest idea how we enjoy each other.  Maybe 
that's why we love our hubbies so much!  They trust us!"

"Anyhow, we'll talk later.  Here's how it went."

"'<ring>    <ring>'"


"'Janet, thank God you're home!'"


"'Yes.  You've got to help me!'"

"'Oh?  Help you?'"


"'Now calm down, Cary!  Help you how?  What's wrong?'"

"'Everything!  Nadine has found out about us!'"

"'Found out?  Found out exactly what?'"



(c) 1999 by Vickie Tern