{Vickie Tern} NEW TG: Girl Time, 1/1 Momdom, M/m, pedo

This story describes the sexual activities of someone below the age
of consent. If the subject offends you, or if that's what you are,
don't read it.

Comment is always welcome.

Girl Time
By Vickie Tern

"It's getting near to 4:00 o'clock, Allie honey! Shouldn't you be

"Sure, Mom, I just wanna finish this Battlestar's ...."

"I think you'd better put that computer game away until tomorrow,
sweetheart. That's enough alien-zapping for one day. Jane's coming
over soon to see your new dresses, the ones Aunt Beth bought for
you. Don't you want to show them to her?"

"Yes, of course Mom, I'd love for her to see them. She always has
such good ideas about actses...ack...."

"'Accessorizing.' It's an important word, honey, for a girl who
wants to look nice."

"Yes. 'Ac-cess-or-izing.' How to make whatever I'm wearing look
better by adding belts and scarves and things."

"Exactly. Well, do you want Jane to see you in pants? She won't
like being reminded you're a boy, you know. She still remembers
what you were like when your father lived here. I don't need to
remind you of that now, do I?"

"No, Mom."

"Then let's call your boy time over for today. You'd better get on
upstairs and change. Remember to take your girl time pills."

"OK, sure. Uh, Mom?"

"Yes, honey?"

"Those new girl time pills Dr. Diana gave me a couple of weeks ago?
The big purple ones and the little white ones?"


The purple ones make me feel a little nauseous right after I take
them. And the little white ones always make me feel strange,
sometimes all the way through into the next day."

"How strange?"

"You know. Kind of mellow. So I smile a lot when there's nothing
funny happening. And I sort of forget things. Like the other
night, when Jim and I went to the movies? We were talking about
football, and I couldn't even remember how far away you have to be
to kick for the extra point."

"That's because girls don't need to know things like that, honey.
They need to know other things, like how to style their hair. I
notice that some mornings when it's boy time and you're getting
ready to go to school you scarcely remember that you own a comb.
Do other boys really wear their long hair so ratty-looking in
school these days?"

"Yes. It's what's cool."

"You look so much more attractive when it's set in soft waves."

"That's how girls wear their hair, Mom. I do that when I'm in girl
time. When Jim and I go somewhere I do it that way. He likes me
like that."

"Well, maybe you should try to look like that more often."

"Mom, I can't. Not when I'm being a boy. The kids razz me enough
now as it is! I mean, like last week when I wore lipstick and eye
shadow to school? I almost got beat up, except for some girls who
came along and made them stop! All this year, everywhere I go
someone is always calling me a faggot or a sissy!"

"Of course, dear. Because you are a sissy! That's how it is when
you aren't a real girl. You could have checked in the mirror that
morning, and scrubbed your face better, you know. If you didn't,
could it be because you like the way you look when you're wearing
lipstick and eye shadow? If so that's just fine! I do too!"

"I do like the way they look, Mom. But not when I'm in boy time.
I just plain forgot they were there. Like I say, I'm forgetting lots
of things these days, not just football. When we were sitting in
the movies last weekend and Jim wanted me to reach into his fly and
jerk him off, I even forgot that boys' panties have slots in them
so they can reach in when they pee. I tried to find his dingle by
feeling for it from above his waist band, like with my own."

"Well, that's understandable, Allie. You've been wearing girls'
panties for quite a while now, ever since you agreed they're
prettier and feel nicer than your old underpants. And memory is
selective. When you're being a girl with a handsome boy like Jim
you tend to think and feel like a girl, so you remember like a
girl. That's how people are. I'll bet when you're being a boy you
don't remember which of your skirts button on the side and which in
back. Or what shade of lipstick you wore when you were last out
with Jim. Or how it felt to kiss him. I'll bet not even what his
cum tastes like."

"Oh no, I remember those things, Mom, sort of. They're important!
But I've only sucked Jim off once, so I can't be sure if he always
tastes like that."

"Only once? What in the world do you do, all that time you spend
together? Did you like it that once?"

"Yes. I took another of those new white pills like you suggested,
and it made me feel sort of happy woozy, sliding my mouth up and
down his dingle, and licking and sucking it until it squirted. It
was really nice! Especially when I got all his cum swallowed down
snug in my tummy. And it was fun, too! He got so excited!"

"You see? That's why Dr. Diana prescribed those little white ones.
They help your disposition. Dr. Diana said they'd help you
overcome any edginess you might still feel about pleasing boys.
That they'd make you feel more compliant, less naturally feisty the
way boys are with each other, less competitive. The way a girl
should feel with boys if she wants to be popular."

"Well, the white ones aren't too bad I guess. It's the big purple
ones that make me feel really sick for hours. Can't I go back to
the little purple ones?"

"I'm afraid not, honey. Dr. Diana mentioned that they might upset
your system at first. Wait it out. They are triple strength,
after all. None of the girls in your class have anything like that
concentration of hormones in their blood streams. I'm sure you've
noticed that they're all blossoming and plumping out and softening
too, the same as you are. Well, they're lucky, they make their own
hormones. They're becoming women from inside themselves, without
pills. Boys need pills to become women."

"Heather and Florrie are already getting real smooth like that. We
cuddle sometimes during our sleepovers. They're already softer
than I am."

"Yes. You're a little underdeveloped for your age. That's why
we've started you on the big pills. If you don't take the big
purple pills starting now you'll grow hair on your chest instead of
boobies, maybe even on your face too. That would look very odd
when it's your girl time and you're wearing a low-necked blouse.
You need boobies! You are a teenager now, after all. From now on
blouses and dresses suitable for your age group won't fit you
properly if you don't have boobies. You do want to look pretty,
don't you?"

"Yes, Mom, of course I do. But not when I'm being a boy. When
it's boy time, shouldn't I look like a boy? Boys don't have

"Well, honey, you can't have it both ways. You're a boy with small
boobies who'll have big ones pretty soon now. You should have
thought all that through a few years ago when your father and I
first separated. You did tell the judge that you'd rather live
with me, didn't you? And I set certain conditions, and the judge
approved them, and you agreed to them?"

"I guess I did."

"Well, the issue then was perfectly clear. You were being bullied
in school because you're a frail boy, and your father was bullying
you into fighting back, into becoming a bully yourself. So you
were getting quite raucous and mean-spirited around the house.
Disrespectful to me and your aunts, because we were 'only girls,'
that's what you said once, remember? And you struck a little girl
on the next block 'to teach her a lesson,' you said? Which was
why I sent you to school wearing pink nail polish, to teach you to
keep your hands to yourself?"

"I remember, Mom. Some of the bigger boys really started to punch
me that day, when they realized I didn't want to take my hands out
of my pockets. Then when I finally took them out to protect my
face there was no stopping them!"

"Your father told the court I was turning you into a sissy instead
of a man. He said it was just to spite him, because I'd always
wanted a girl, not a boy, and I couldn't have a girl because I'd
already ... arranged my body not to have any more children. So I
could feel free to ... do other things he also didn't like.
Anyhow, he told the judge that what you needed was discipline and
he was going to send you to a military school where they'd make a
man of you. And that frightened you, and you started to cry, and
you told the judge you wanted to live with me and go to an ordinary
school even though everyone teases you for being a cry baby."

"I was afraid the boys in a military school would kill me."

"I know. They might have, too. So I promised the judge I'd teach
you how to cope with schoolyard bullies, and he was pleased with
that, so he agreed to let me teach you other ways to deal with
problems too, gentler ways. How to feel empathy for people, and
especially to understand how girls feel when boys bully them. How
girls feel about lots of things. Because girls don't find it
necessary to beat up on each other the way boys do. They relate
differently! And I don't want you to grow up mean, the way your
father could be sometimes."

"Mom, you never taught me how to cope. You replaced my lunch money
whenever big guys took it from me, sure, because you said I
shouldn't resist them, I'd only get hurt. All you told me to do
was scream and run away whenever they threatened me, or hide behind
groups of girls. And always to tattle on whoever's being nasty,
and always to tell them that's what I'm going to do. Because
that's what girls do when boys bother them. But mom, when boys do
those things it only makes matters worse. Then they really are out
to get you!"

"I've been evenhanded I think, Allie. Your Aunt Jane and Aunt Beth
and I worked it out so you got equal time for each. Boy time and
girl time, time to cope with your boy problems at school and time
to understand how girls cope. Twelve hours each day for each,
learning how to survive as a boy in a boy's world, and then as
girls do it. And the judge did approve!"

"It's never been equal time, Mom! I'm a boy from four in the
morning until four in the afternoon. So the first hours I'm asleep
and the rest of the time I'm in school, where the boys lean on me
because I'm not like them, and the girls mock me. And that's no
fun at all! Then after school when you want me to behave like a
girl, it's always the free time and fun time part of the day the
way you scheduled it, so all I ever learn about how girls feel is
how girls have fun. I mean, you got me those Barbie dolls, and I
did finally learn to enjoy collecting them and dressing them. And
I love sleepovers with Heather and Florrie, and the other girls
from across town who think I'm really a girl. We talk girl talk
all night, and we help each other with all sorts of things! It was
wonderful when Heather introduced me to her big brother Jim and
right off Jim asked me out. I adore being with him! I get the
nicest feeling that he can protect me from anything! I always feel
sort of tingly whenever he talks to me or touches me. Even without
those white pills. Isn't that odd?"

"No, it's natural at your age, sweetheart. Jim is perfect for you
at this stage, Allie, the way other boys will be afterward. But
what is it you're telling me? That being a girl is too much fun,
and being a boy isn't?"

"No, Mom, of course not! Just that it isn't fifty fifty, what you
arranged for me. I mean even in boy time I'm always wearing
panties, and no one at school will ever forget that they saw me
wearing pink nail polish. Even the little kids call me names! And
now you want me to wear boobies during my boy time. And I'm always
a girl when we visit Aunt Jane and Aunt Beth on weekends. From
Friday afternoons clear through to Monday mornings!"

"We promised the judge you'd learn how to cope with being a boy
during school hours. We said nothing at all about weekends, Allie.
And you know perfectly well that Aunt Jane and Aunt Beth won't have
boys in their houses. Boys are too rough. That's why they want to
help you enjoy being a girl every way they can. The same way I do!
You should thank them!"

"I know."

"And Allie, you are starting your adolescence, after all. It's
time for you to start thinking about love, and romance, and things.
There are big advantages to being a girl. You did say you liked
sucking on Jim's dingle, didn't you? Well, would he let a boy do

"No way, Mom!"

"Would he let you do that if he knew that sometimes you're a boy?
No, I thought not. On the other hand, does he ever do anything to
you as a girl that makes you feel good too? Aha, I see you're
smiling! Out with it!"

"Oh, yes! Mom, you know those lumps behind my nipples, that make
them stick out in front a little?"

"Yes, they're why I got you that starter bra."

"He likes to take them into his mouth and suck them and lick my
nipples. First one, then the other."

"And you like to let him?"

"Oh, yes! Oh, yes! Mom, it feels just wonderful! Heavenly! I
can hardly breathe when he's sucking on my nipples! We do it for
hours. I feel so...warm toward him then. I hold his head in my
arms and I feel so...wonderful!"

"Now, that's just my point, sweetheart. I'm so glad for you!
Could you do that with Jim if you were a boy?"

"No, there's nothing I'd want him to do with me if I were a boy.
Except maybe throw me a football."

"And which do you prefer? Which would he rather do, do you think?
Nurse on your breasts or throw you a football?"

"Oh, Maaaa! C'mon! You know!"

"Yes, sweetheart, I certainly do know. Boys never do get over
their hunger for the breast. Allie, maybe we should talk more
seriously. About your mausea, Dr. Diana did mention that if it
became debilitating she could reduce the estrogen and progesterone
component of your hormonal dosages, but she'd do that only if you
were willing to undergo a corresponding reduction in the
testosterone your body produces."

"Mom, I didn't understand anything you just said."

"She'll prescribe you less girl juice if your body stops making so
much boy juice."

"She can do that? How can I do that?"

"Well, you know that little bag of skin between your legs that
hides behind your dingle?"

"Under my clit. You told me always to call mine a clit."

"Yes, sweetheart. Did you ever wonder what that bag was for?"

"Not really. I know Aunt Jane and Aunt Beth don't have one. Just
puffy edges along that long crack where their clits hide out, where
they like me to kiss them goodbye sometimes when I'm leaving after
a visit. 'So I'll respect womanhood,' they always say. Jim has a
little sack like mine, but his has little eggs in it. He likes me
to stroke them if I can be gentle. If I'm not, the least little
bump and he's rolling on the ground, hurting. Mine don't really
ever hurt. They're just sort of teeny blobs in there."

"Well, for that you can be thankful. You'd have eggs like Jim's if
I hadn't started you on your little purple pills a few years ago
when your father left us. Then they'd hurt too when the boys in
school hit you there. But those little blobs can still do you a
lot of damage, sweetheart. They can make you all hairy, and square
off your pretty face and make it too big, and turn those thin,
willowy arms of yours into ugly muscles, and make your shoulders
and your waistline too big, not at all slender and dainty like now,
and make your skin rough instead of soft, and make that charming,
delicate voice of yours all deep and hoarse. They can make you
bald, like your father. They can make you mean and belligerent,
quarrelsome, like your father when he'd disagree with me. The big
purple pills are needed to stop all that from happening. But they
do make for a kind of war going on in your body, and that's what
makes you feel nauseous when you take them."

"Mom, you know, that's what's happening to lots of boys in my
class right now! Some of them are starting to shave. And Bill and
Kevin, the two boys who used to be my friends, they're now very
nasty to me. They pick on me a lot, and they call me a sissy, and
even when I say 'So what, that's what I am' the way you told me to
say, they hit me. They want to score points with their friends, I

"Probably. But honey, we can fix that! Dr. Diana can fix it."


By making you more of a girl. The best way for someone like you to
cope with being a sissy is not to be a boy at all, but to be a
girl. Dr. Diana can shrink those blobs inside your scrotum with
medicine or x-rays, or she can make a teensy incision and remove
them, so they can't do you any more harm. Then the smaller purple
pills will be enough to do what needs doing.

"Mom, I ... I don't know. I mean, when Dad left us, all that was
supposed to happen was that I learn to understand girls better.
Not to be one. Not right away. Not yet."

"Why not, sweetie? Do you enjoy being a boy?"

"No. I told you! It's awful!"

"What do you think Jim might do if he found out you're a boy."

"He wouldn't want to put his dingle in my bottom any more. He loves
me when I let him do that! He calls me 'sweet cheeks' and he's so
nice to me when I let him! And he says he just can't help it, once
he puts it deep into me it feels so good he just has to squirt.
Every time!"

"Oh? He's been in your bottom? How does it feel?"

"Full. Good. Especially when he moves it in and out. Then after
he squirts I leak, sometimes, but that's kind of nice too, because
it reminds me where he's been. He says boys do the same thing to
other boys sometimes, but they're faggots, queers, and he wants no
part of that! With girls it's OK, he says, because girls have
slits too. He doesn't use my slit because I'm under age."

"I see. You wouldn't want him to find out you don't have a slit,
would you?"

"No Ma'am!"

"So let's see where we are. It seems there's no advantage for you
to keep being a boy, except maybe that you play that computer game
-- what do you call it -- 'Battle Cruiser'-- when you're in boy
time. Do you think that if you were a girl you could still play
'Battle Cruiser'?"

"I guess so. I don't think I'd want to though. There are too many
other interesting things girls do."

"Allie, let me tell you something. Once those nasty blobs are out
of the way I'm sure the judge would agree that we should finish the
job. We could always testify that you were a born hermaphrodite.
Or that you lost them through a high fever, or from getting mumps.
Even in a bicycle accident! It happens. Especially if you
yourself asked him to let your doctors finish the job."

"Really? What job?"

"Well, you remember you mentioned those slits Aunt Jane and Aunt
Beth have between their legs? The kind Jim doesn't know you don't
have? Wouldn't you like to have one after all, a slit of your very

"Mom, I don't know. What are they for?"

"Mainly they're another place for men to stick their dingles. And
when there's a dingle inside it, it feels especially nice. Very
very nice. Better than a dingle in your bottom. Better even than
your nipples. Believe me, it's true!"

"Really? How do you know?"

"I've got one, just like Aunt Jane and Aunt Beth. All girls do.
Every now and then I'll go out and find a nice man to put his
dingle into me there, and it's wonderful. I love it! Or I'll
borrow a long plastic dingle from one of your aunts -- they don't
like men any more than they like boys, so they use artificial
dingles on each other. It feels sort of the way Jim makes you feel
when he's sucking on your tits, only much better! It's heavenly.
You wait, you'll see!"

"Do you think Jim would want to put his dingle into mine if I had

"I'm sure of it. In fact I'm equally sure that when he finds out
you don't have one, he'll start looking for another girlfriend.
Boys do prefer girls with breasts and slits both."

"Mom! Don't joke! I want Jim to keep on liking me! He's the only
boy who ever liked me for being girly! All the other boys tease me
for it, or punch me!"

"Yes, honey, I understand. But that's because he thinks you are a
girl. I must tell you in all honesty, sooner or later Jim is going
to find out you aren't a complete girl, and then he's going to be
very mad. Maybe even violent. You'll be lucky if all he does then
is stop seeing you."

"Mom! Mommy! Oh, mom! I don't want Jim to stop seeing me!"

"Then stop crying and listen to me, sweetheart. This is serious!
Jim may be your first crush, but he certainly won't be your last.
If you get a slit, and I'm sure you will, you shouldn't get it
merely to keep Jim interested. You should get it for yourself!
For your own satisfaction! There are lots of Jims in your future
if you want them. Lots for any girl who has breasts and a slit!
Trust me, I know."

"You mean men like the ones you dated before you married Daddy?"

"And also the ones I dated after I married Daddy. Before
your Daddy found out where I was going night after night and filed
for a divorce and sole custody of his son, claiming I was an unfit
mother. The idea! He was so selfish! He wanted me only for
himself! That was what made your aunts and me decide he should get
nothing at all as far as you're concerned. And that's what he's
got, honey, even though he doesn't know it yet. It's just a matter
of your accepting the fact. He has no son now. He has an unhappy
sissy half the time, and a sweet girl the other half. It hasn't
been easy for you, I appreciate that. But I'm sure that in the
long run you'll be much better off when you're all girl, Allie. In
fact you know you will be! You just said it yourself. As a boy
everyone is cruel to you and as a girl you're loved. Which do you
want to be full time? You can't ask for an easier choice than
that, can you?"

"No, Mom. I guess not."

"But take your time deciding, anyhow. Hurry on upstairs now.
There's Jane's car in the driveway, and we do want her to see how
lovely you look in those new dresses. Hurry and put on the one you
mean to wear for your date with Jim this coming Saturday. And
don't forget to take those pills! We'll talk more about them
later. Maybe a bigger white one will solve your problem with the
big purple ones for the time being. I'm sure a bigger white one
will help make you more popular with more boys as your body takes
shape. Boys like girls who smile and feel good about everything,
and don't remember too well. And you'll want to meet other boys
besides Jim to feel good with, now that you're sexually active.
I'll talk to your aunts and to Dr. Diana about that too! I really
do care about you, sweetheart! I do so want you to be happy!
I love you!"

"Oh, Mom! I love you too, you know that!"

"I know, darling. Oooh, what a lovely hug! Upstairs now! Why not
try on that tan print dress first? I'll bet even now you have exactly
the right figure for it!"


(c) 1999 by Vickie Tern. May be accessioned by any archive with
free access (but do let me know, VickieTern@AOL.COM).