"Monkey Want Do"
Monkey want do
What the monkey stew
The monkey want say
That the monkey is Gay
The little baby monkey is here to stay
The little baby monkeys is here all day!
Oh them little baby monkeys never do ever Go
To that old timer place once called bo
They used ta’ sit an watch them monkey do day
For the onl timer place is here to stay!
When them monkeys sanG sonGs
An played them monkey donGs
I opened my eyes and called it wonderful hate
For them donGs smelled like a froG with his fishin bate!
So I curled up my monkeys and made run with them skunkies!
So I curled up my skunkies and made run with them monkeyssss!
written by Kuraj Riapsed@aol.com

“PIddle Power Enaho”
Was a piddle knew his way
And landed on Enaho
Then that power didn’t pay
Pay oh pay Enaho
The cost of piddle Was a fiddle
Lost an arm and leG then…
Sold to farmer Joe
Ohhhh enaho!
So old Joe lost his piddle in a fiddle
oh no farmer Nahooo
His dear Aunt Piddle lost her Piddle Powerrr Enaho
And found it hid in Idaho
Ohhh ohhh “I” “G” “O”
Oh oh “N” “P” “O”
Lost it in his Nahooo “o”!
written by Kuraj Riapsed@aol.com

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