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Welcome to My new Websets and Adoptions site. First you must register with my mailing list below. From there you will receive the password and username to enter my site. Which you may enter near the bottom of this page to view my works. Lots of time went into these special graphics and Proper Credit should always be given. Please be sure to sign my guestbook and let me know where my graphics will be located.

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Thank you for coming to visit & Remember to check back soon ... Blessings!

Tammy Jo

Care to Apply for my Award? Email Me

Add your site to my Free For All Links

This background set was made by me personally. Please do not take it without linking back - Thank you from TJ's Web Sets for your respect of my conditions!

I also will be pleased to work with you in preparing ORIGINAL and
EXCLUSIVE graphics for your personal or commercial site.

I also provide webmaster services.

Please visit my TJ's Web Design page for more details on pricing.

Midi~ I Believe

This website has been optimized for 800x600 monitor resolution,
and for 16 bit, or better color.
Best viewed with Internet Explorer.

This website is maintained and copyrighted © by Tammy Jo ~
Last revised August 25, 2001

Page Made on March 19, 2001

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Tammy Jo~
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Once you receive notice of membership in my mailing list, Please enter the user ID and password below and please, please do not give out these identifications. Everyone must register before entering to be on the list for future updates.

All Graphics Are Made Using Paint Shop Pro 6 & 7

All items are deemed to be free of restrictions for use by TJ's Web Sets.
All graphics are the sole property of TJ's Web Sets and may be
used ONLY as link ware adhering to the restrictions named above.

The Graphics Gallery--Come On In

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