Shoulder deep within the borderline.

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Song of the Day: "Alive" Pearl Jam

I've finally gotten my inspiration back! Go me. Now assuming I ever scrounge up the spare time I'm going to start putting my stuff up. Check the "writing" page once in awhile--it'll probably be mostly poetry or creative essay for now. Argle. I'm currently at work on a novel/la entitled "Alive and Grieving"--try as I might, I'm having a touch of trouble writing it out in its entirety. Granted, school's a bitch and my spare time is far and few between, but I want to get all (or most) of this on paper before 2003. Then I'll start the editing and revising and re-revising.. maybe one day I'll get it published, assuming I'm satisfied with it. Regarding this site, I'm gonna update my bio (yeah, there's a start) and as said, put up some writing. I might also expand the AFI section, although I can't think of anything that hasn't been done. Maybe song interpretations, because the last ones I read were a crock of shit. Meh. Onward.


Song of the Day: "The Prayer Position" AFI

If this page were my child, it would be dead or wasting away in the attic in a pool of its own decomposing shit. Meanwhile, I'd be charged with neglect and child endangerment. Heh. Anyway, my life's been a rather hectic cesspool as of recent. AP History has kept me away from webpagin' for the past couple of months, but at least now I'm on break. Now that I've gotten out of the habit of updating, I've really forgotten what I say here. I've been considering setting up a Live Journal account for a blog (shit, it's easy and such) and turning WasteLand into an art/writing resource. I don't know. I don't know where to go with this page, although The Counter tells me people still read this. Well, you know the IM and email (if not, see "Feedback" at the top of the page), what do you want to see? More shit poetry? Artistic photography? Expansion of the AFI section, maybe a Tool and/or Death by Stereo section? Commentary, song interpretations, maybe some cheat sheet essays you can mooch? More stuff about Loser Camp and how much it sucked this year? Throw me a frickin bone here, kiddies. And in other news, Ed Moshey sucks dog cock.

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