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Hello There


If Y/you enjoy originality

In the form of poetry & graphics

And an opinion or two thrown in

Y/you've come to the right place


 This  page is full of all "The Stuff"


Necessary stuff


Like warnings about nudity


Consider Y/yourselves warned


But it gets a little deep

(monotonous even)


Gives Me an excuse to keep those

Thigh high leather boots


If Y/you forgot your boots


Or have been here before  :)


Y/you can jump on the elevator

It will take Y/you right to the links


No smoking in the elevator please

Anything else...

Just remember I'm peeking


If it is Y/your first time to my new site

There is some interesting info here

So Y/your time won't be wasted





Please Be Patient


Many of my pages are graphics intense

I cut, compressed and edited every wav. and graphic

As much as possible without losing quality

I think you'll find them worth the wait

If you like any of my graphics so much you copy

I know I can't stop you

So Please give me credit with a link

and a note to my email with the sites URL

I started out two years ago not even knowing cut & paste

Taught it all to myself and I deserve the credit


The following

"Tender Melody"


May not be displayed, reproduced

or distributed in any way

Without My expressed and written consent

They are protected by Copyright Laws

You may not circulate these works 

or place them for the viewing public in any way

If you wish to share My poems with any other person(s) 

Then please either share this web page address

 or add a link to yours (which is appreciated) 

Or get expressed and written permission from Me


If you see your art or graphics unaccredited

Or you simply want what's yours removed

Contact me and I will rectify it immediately

There are guest books all through this site

Where I can be emailed


Please turn on your speakers

The following pages

have music carefully chosen

to compliment my written works 


On my pages you will see graphics promoting

"Stop The Hate"


"The White Ribbon" 

An effort to end child pornography

There are other worthwhile causes as well

That will be posted on my various pages

A complete listing

Along with some wonderful links and Web Rings

Are on my Healing page




Please if you publish anything 

That will be seen on the world wide web

Click on these graphics to find out how

 You can do the same

They are free of charge and only take a moment

It may not seem like much 

But the first step is always a small one


There are some wonderfully talented

People expressing on the net

Some through their writing or art

Others with services or products they provide

This link will take you to some I've come across

Not a section to pass over

Trust me ;)

Creativity at  its Best

Links 2


This site has barely begun

I have pages waiting to be downloaded

Others need  designing

or I 'm still looking for the right song

The best ones are waiting to be written

The  causes on the healing page

Will surely grow as well

And the links 2 will surely turn into 3-4-5

and I hope on and on as creative  expression should




Written & Designed


Tender Melody


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This The D/s Abuse Ring site is owned by Tender Melody / My Madness
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Artist creating imagery

Used in making My graphics

"Olivia De Berardinis"



"Let  Me Entertain You"

Sung by

"Gypsy Rose Lee"



Ohio State Office Building

Columbus, Ohio


If Y/you read all the way through this page

From beginning to end I salute Y/you!

Y/you may also appreciate why the gag is the most dreaded

Aspect of BDSM I've seen so far

And probably the most attractive where prospective Doms are concerned

"It's knot easy being me"   :/


© Copyright 2000/2001 By Tender Melody
All Rights Reserved