tangled hierarchies ...  


tangled hierarchies

fevered breast
and i am stolen into courtyard
bare of foot, bereft of sleep
where only cool of marbled touch
may quell this burning flesh
supplanted on the ground
a sound!
cool marble solace shattering
who there?
but silence wafting
jasmine calm
across the mantle of the night
to soothe in tangled branches
held to breast,
a face! your face!
as i in act of intimacy shattered
by your eyes am caught,
in night blooming branches
of love's desire
that you and i are one ...

secret fire

long i have awaited
long have i been concealed
now come,
shatter me
with thine eyes,
and extract my burning soul
until we are both consumed
in the fire that burns longer
than any matter may endure
drown me,
in the ocean flames of love
that burned before first dawn
unto the very last passion
on the final night of love ...

speaking in tongues

many were the evenings
of my soul laid down to rest,
craving the sweet elixir
of surrender
into the freedom of
the darkness before dawn
yet one good night
i did imagine hearing
in the single
most beautiful language
i have known,
your voice, an essence spoken
in a foreign tongue
and uttered from unmoving lips,
that left my heart awakened
in a thirst for dawn ...


i am dead, doubly dead
dead to death
for you have killed me twice
by your preemptive
igniting blue fire
sourced from velvet
void of samadhi
womb of potentia
from wherein
all is sourced
and desire grows
in curling tendrils of
the vine of soul
matrix of divine amrita
soma to your lips
that bring about by
many little deaths
this wave of bliss
that is your sacrament
and my awakening ...

heaven scent

if i should take you up
and press you to
those points of pulse
that in the quickening heart
become enflamed,
what then would be
your fragrance?
would you become
an ancient sage
to waft the pungent wisdom
of the tao
or majesty
of westcoast cedar
in smoky offering to
the ceremony of fire
a grail of spikenard
round my neck
the balm to soothe
anointed feet
or rose and essence
of the holy one
embodied fragrance
of the eucharist
an exotic infusion
of gingers and spice
tonic for soul
or quickening hearts
or fragrance of jasmine,
 patchouli, ylang ylang
sweet musky moistures
of commingled desire
or would you move beyond
all sense of deception
to become only then
your inviolate scent of truth ...


shards on rocky ground
and i can no longer make
the pieces fit
as shadows darken
upon reflection
in shattered illusions cast.
the vow now broken
disappearing strands
in cosmic dust
free to bind again
another promise
before the quantum fall.
are we are sculpted in images
formed from beyond
or not unlike a cosmic attractor
does the bodhisattva call together
only pieces
to hold the shape
of emptiness ...


a painting seems
to capture light
but colours upon palette
fail the radiance
of you.
a symphony approximates
but music fades
while hearts remain
to play
your song.
and words
when woven by the poets
in tapestries of love
do well to speak
your joy
but whisper only
intimations of
the silence
of my sacred heart
where you are found ...


not man,
nor borne of man
define yourself, divine yourself
goddess of all things.
unlace your footings,
toss them
backwards over shoulders bared
into faces
you need no more reflect.
dance barefoot to ophion, cosmic one
be ecstasy
for it is your wisdom to become
she who would the universe disturb.
strip your constructs,
shed Your skin
dance naked to the emptiness inside
moon goddess
of the circling void ...


no longer she,
who she is not
as still the flagellating
battered wings
against the cages
of confinement.
the molt of
feathered supplication
transforms the nightingale,
as through the emptiness
between the bars
of self containment
she writhes emancipated,
the sinuous cosmic serpent
of helical return ...

father confessor

the breast that leaks no honey milk
seeks to bring me solace
upon a bosom of darkness
that i may be again denied
in the name of father, son
and wholly ghost.
bestowing grace and in exchange
for all my carnal sin
his arms in benediction
convey upon me second hand acceptance
in patronizing gesture
crossed with thinly veiled contempt.
i cannot offer up to him confession
for just beyond his curtain of illusion
i sit and touch those private parts
the ones he must deny
so that his power may exist without
my god who dwells within ...


there is an odour to sin,
a sweet and sticky fragrance.
iím told it leaves a bitter taste,
yet tongue across my mouth
seeks lingering drops like nectar
upon the parchment of my lips.
dry not from retching
indiscretion purged,
but thirsting
for another salty taste,
another drop of holy water ...

holy fire

we have danced before
in the fire of eros.
we have danced before
in the fire of life.
we have danced before
in the fire of ecstasy.
now let us dance
before the holy fire,
and dance the boundless
in us to the sky ...


in the living silence
of every breath i take
bliss becomes me,
awakening the fiery shakti
your love, my inhalation,
sat-chit-ananda shakta,
keeper and sustainer
of my eternal inner flame ...


this imageyou,
how changed,

this face,your face
i knew you,
from where,

these eyes, your eyes
 i was lost in them,
as i am found in you
now ...


eyes closed.
an inhalation,
a smile.
one kiss
becomes less chaste ...


if i could scatter
paths of stars for you
to steer by,
if i could breathe
fresh winds of change
to fill your soul,
if i could rise
in crests of foaming spray
to hold you,
beyond a doubt  i would.
and if your winds
blow less than fair,
and your seas
know only chaos,
remember then
the energies of love,
and know that as they
birth your stormy seas,
they whisper also to
those winds of change,
to heed the endless calling
of your dreams ...


and now i lay me
down to sleep,
as slippery fingers
of darkness slide
between the folds of night
and inverse thoughts
of you precipitate
a point  of no return.
and i am taken up,
and carried off
to no small demise,
before the soporific waft
of sweet forgetfulness
may then overcome,
the inundating crest
of my desire for
the penetrating depth
of your return ...


why seek you to prove me wrong,
and by your vain assumption
call me unto trial
in your court of paradox.
that i may move beyond
the confines of your velocity,
need you condemn me to
the materiality of
your non monistic realm.
must i relinquish then
the boundaryless inside,
that in the breaking of
your wave upon my shore
i may become defined,
and yet denied,
and forced by solipsism
to my self exiled demise ...


beyond the square
of one
proliferates all creation
in exponentials of infinitude.
while by the fear of death
of self alone
do we become
more or less
than one by one ...

into the fire

you continue to suggest
i slay you,
how then do you care to die?
shall i entice you beyond
ties that civilize
into the wheeling of the galaxies,
in whisperings of invisible connection
for none to see
nor possess the vision to hear?
do i turn you around without precision
and in a quantum leap beyond undertaking
launch you into the fire
of a thousand burning stars?
or do i extinguish the fire
to fan only a flame,
with breath enough to allow you to smolder
until only your ashes remain?
how then do you care to die ...


immutable as rain
which clouds the sky,
adversity stalks life
to darken our sun.
but as the rain falls
on fertile soil,
and blossoms of hope
spring forth -
our love lies seeded
rich and deep
awaiting to drink
of fallen skies
to grow ever stronger
in light ...

sea of tranquility

i sang my chants
to storm swept seas
awash by time and tide.
and oftentimes my life
was left to breathe
a rotting stench,
until your love
called forth the sea
to wash away again
all earthy sin.
yet regret like
stagnant tidal pools
was left a dank reminder,
to soul aligned not
with the pull
and primal urge
of distant shores,
a call to being and
becoming heart
of clear reflection
upon your tranquil sea ...


my heart, my sacred vessel
i send to thee beyond,
the veil of darkness
that clouds begotten suns.
for earth
our sacred chalice
is shattered by your sons,
tears drying in her heartache
tears shed upon her sands.
last hope cast to eterna
our dreams seek our beyond
within this holy vessel
in new horizon's dawn.
mny heart, my sacred vessel
protect and deify
my heart, my sacred vessel
my shenzhou, sacred sun ...

song of eternity

i am the lapwing o'er the silver sea
who cries out birth
and our forgetting.
and from my eyes of malachite
sea deep and green
i blink the soporific dust
and vision death
of ego and of truth.
i am the running flow of time
toward the oceanic mind.
i am truth, immortal now
i waft on gentle currents of the air
and plunge in depths
through sea green beryl
unto a fathomless
eternal peace ...

time and again

lost time
when once i stood
by life's still pool
and in the chaos of my soul
cast stones
upon the waters.
at times
in anger and frustration
larger rocks were hurled
in soul's reluctance
to conform.
at others
insmaller rocks was tossed
in abject deference to
my soul's ambivalence
to life.
few times
in hopeful contemplation
stones across calm waters
in longing reach of
depth and tenderness.
then last
in silent resignation
grip was all but loosed
on one remaining stone
to fall in sand
beneath my feet.
until again
i heard your voice
the call
to my own bliss
and harmony of heart.
and one exultant motion
did then fling on high
that stone
whose arcing path was etched
in soaring transformation
of my spirit to that
quivering, life affirming
truth of heart alone ...

upon a quantum shore

do i exist,
did i exist
before your becoming.
beyond my boundaryless
of being,
no definition did exist
before the breaking
of your wave
upon my shore.
yet curse i not
a freedom lost
but cry out sweet
and sensate ecstasy
of consummation of
your fall of foot
upon my boundaryless,
untrammeled soul ...

vine of the soul

so lost your meadow
where i grew wild and free.
that home, now far and gone,
remains a longing and a cry within my heart.
these gardens where i now reside
have no familiarity to me.
they say they found in me uniqueness
and a gentle loving way.
they cherished me for
beauty of my flower,
my strength and versatility,
my gentleness of fragrance and of hue.
yet when i came
to bloom within their garden,
they sought to prune
and shape me to their needs.
they said i grew too wild,
and cultivated a distaste
as i sought again the freedom of my shape.
my strength
once known to them as virtue,
not favoured in their garden,
became to them a stubbornness of breed -
no longer grateful for their way
of tendering upon me, nourishment and care.
my petals,
beside roses of more striking colour,
no longer treasured for their
soft and subtle blush,
were fertilized and urged to manifest
the best that all the others could produce -
they say which lacked development in me.
and even my gentle fragrance
that they once so cherished
was  lost among  seductive scents
of others vying to be plucked -
the bees alone prevailed to taste
my message faint upon the wind.
they will not find a market
for me  in their garden.
they will not have a call
to gather large bouquets of me
to fill the empty vases of those
seeking something more.
they will not offer you
their praise for cultivating
such a pale contender.
they will not find in those
who walk their well worn path
a need for my unruly, tangled graces.
so place me gently back among
your meadows and your fields,
along the banks of running streams
or climbing obstacles that nature cares
to tumble in my path.
there you will see me bloom again
in ways my heart will nourish.
and those who gently walk
the mountain way will value
my unruly beauty.
they will not gather me to sell in shops
where others fetch a heady price.
they'll leave me free to drink your love
that nourishes my heart to grow
uniquely and forever free ...


remnants of the rendered veil
hang tattered from the outstretched limbs
of haunted eyes,
the innocents torn
from out the womb of wisdom.
the lost, torn, forlorn,
harvest of the gods of malcontent,
prey to vandals from beyond
the holy shroud enfolded logos.
for as the bride and groom
imbibe the blessed sacrament,
no party then remains to turn
the sacrificial waters into wine,
while undercover of sumptuous bliss
by many little deaths they do betray
those lives unraveled by
the consummating warp of time.
souls lost and scattered
in disrobings of embodiment
until from velvet void's impassioned cry
escaped from parted lips,
the vow commands return again
enshrouded by the veil,
to shepherdess from prey her fold forsaken,
unto the last in trackless crossing ...

i am not brass

i am not brass
i am honed
in the vessel
of your love.
i am not brass
but the white fire
of alchemical gold.
i am not brass
i long for you
lost love,
in the blue flame
of commingled
fire ...


place your lips upon mine
and as you breathe
infuse my code
with the fire
of my becoming.
i hunger for your divinity,
your prana
like wildfire excitation
across a neural manifold
of tautening flesh,
as i in vain attempt
of mad desire,
would tender the
delusion to contain
the fiery excitation of
your burning love ...

Email: mindfire@pacificcoast.net