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Swan's Beach

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Beach Lover

Dedicated to Pier7

The sky is alive,

burning red and orange and blue,

Clouds reflect its colors,

shimmering brilliantly.

Birds fly overhead,

And disappear into the flaming sunset,

But they are unharmed.

They thrive on dusk.

And below, waves crash,

bathing my face with their mist,

As I perch on my rock...

watching the scene unfold before me.

The sounds of the waves are hypnotizing,

emptying my mind. But my senses are alert...

So much to see and hear, smell and taste.

And feel...But feeling hurts so much,

Because you are gone.

Memories force their way back into my mind.

Of times with you...

here, on this beach.

Running in the waves...



Holding hands...


Making love...


I gaze at the sky and the ocean,

At all of God's glorious gifts.

And I wonder,

for perhaps the millionth time...

Why He took you away from all this.


Favorite links

Swan's Dive

Pier's Sunset

Pier's Mountain lake

Pier's 'hometown'

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