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Mythical Reflections

Having spent far too much of my time wandering the web in source of information for Harry Potter rpg characters and fan fics, it hit me that there was no central location of magical and mythical data for use with JK Rowling's amazing world. The wood used in wands, the name of a wizard, the materials used in a potion, the kind of stone in an amulet, all of these have different properties and different uses around the world. The approach of an Israeli wizard schooled the Kabbalah would be radically different than our Hermetical darlings up at Hogwarts. While this page is not intended to be the definitive answer to the needs of the role-playing and fic-writing community, it is the beginnings of an answer.

* A little bit about me *
* My humble dedication *
* Thoughts on naming practices, names themselves, and a list thereof *

As I build, I hope to have more data available. Check back soon for updates.

Send me an owl.

A Cautionary Note: I am a Harry Potter fan. In now way, shape or form do I own any rights to the fabulous series. Warner Brothers and JK Rowling own Harry Potter, and the offical Harry Potter website can be found here. I am not making any money off of this website, and it is here purely for personal use and enjoyment.

Links and such of note:
* Fiction Alley * HP-Hogwarts RPG * My Page *
linky love, miz graphics!