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This is a brief tutorial on how to make a one tiled object for The Sims.
Things That You Will Need:
Paint Shop Pro (or any graphics program)
The Sims Transmogrifier
(click above to d/l these items)
An Object that you would like to create.
(ex. A picture of a lamp )I have one for you below if you'd like.
Please check out the online tutorials at The Sims Exposed and The 7 Deadly Sims. T-Mog also comes with a tutorial for you.
These are the steps that I take when creating an original object. I have read other tutorials and it seems everyone has their own "way". I am not saying that one way is better than another, but it is up to you to find the easiest and most comfortable way for YOU!

The first step is to OPEN the graphic file for your first object in Paint Shop Pro.
We are going to be using the Hippy Lamp in this tutorial. If you would like to follow along download the picture below by right clicking and "saving file as".


Once you have the picture open in Paint
Shop we will start by selecting the
MAGIC WAND TOOL                                      Click anywhere inside the picture, but not ON the lamp itself. Only click AROUND the lamp. You will notice a bunch of little black dashes start to appear around your object. I will refer to these little lines as "ants". Now hold down the SHIFT key on your keyboard and click in the picture again where there are circles of ants on the background and around the lamp itself. Make sure that the running ants tightly encircle the lamp. Keep holding the SHIFT key and clicking your wand until the entire lamp is selected as closely as possible with the running ants.
It will look like the picture on the left.               This lamp is actually one of the easier ones I have done.
Next we will move on to inverting and copying the image....
On the top toolbar click SELECTIONS. Under the SELECTIONS tab click INVERT. (You won't see any visible changes in your picture)
Then click EDIT on the top toolbar and then COPY.
Next on the EDIT tab click PASTE. You will be given a few pasting options. We are going to chose PASTE AS A NEW IMAGE.
Click the
MORE button see what SHOULD have happened to your object!

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