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There are many ways to "add light" to an object. You can brighten a lamp in many different ways. In the original tutorial I described the easiest way to lighten a lamp, but here are a few different ones I have tried.
Using The Effects/Illumination/Lights Tool
Roll Your Mouse Over The Lamp Above To See an example of The Lights Tool .
Paint Shop Pro 7
Once you have your object cropped and are ready to add the light effect Open
the above tool. For Best results use an image that is on a transparent background.
In figure (A) you will see the original graphic, in figure (B) you will see the effect
added to your graphic. Between the two graphics(C) you can click here to zoom
in and out of your graphic.
Figure (D) is a drop down menu of all effects that you can apply to your lamp. You
can easily move the cursors in figure (A) to adjust the light source. If you are even more advanced you can use the Light Source figure(E) to manually change each
setting and automatically see those settings applied to your lamp (in figureB).
Figure (F) resets the originals incase you really messed with 'em and want to go back to an original setting.
Have fun playing around with all of the different effects and once you have
the light effect that you are happy with click OK (figure G).

Make a copy of your original object before applying effects. You can do this easily by holding the SHIFT key and hitting the D button.

You can use the Light Effect to successfully add darkness to your lamp. You can use the light effected lamp as your lamp_off sprite and the original as your
lamp_on. Whichever you feel matches the best.