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Alco-Haul-ism: WDM/2 Links


Alco Feast!!

Phil Wormald's Page


Alco Feast!! (feeling full already?)

Dave Craik's Page


Alco Feast!! (Wait, here is some more)

Richard Morisson's page


Plenty of WDM/2s in Action

Apurva Bahadur's page


The Action Comes to Life!!

Jay Balakrishna's page of IR Videos

Come see the place where the WDM/2s are built

Official DLW Website


More WDM/2 Pictures

Diesel Fiesta


Still More WDM/2 Pictures

Superrailway Diesel Page


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<= Return of the Diesels <= Comparison with the Century Series  <= WDM/2 Emotions 

Other Pages:

WDM/2: Variants and Offshoots WDM/2 Picture Gallery Alco-Haul-ism: (Links)