Welcome to my internet treehouse. Here you can browse my art galleries, and find out a little more about me.

* Non-Fantasy, Fantasy and Zelda Galleries updated January, 2004 *

The Art

Check out my Elfwood Gallery. An easy way to see some of my fantasy and fan art.

Non-Fantasy Some drawings, paintings, etc.

Fantasy Fairies, elves, angels and some original characters! Drawings and paintings.

LOTR My Lord of the Rings art

Legends of Zelda My Zelda Fan-art

Photographs Some photos

...And Other Such Things...

A Photo Gallery from NYLC, Summer, 2002 in DC!

Cambridge College Program, 3 weeks in england in '03! (erased by dumb computer, under construction.)

Me! A short bio.

Those online quizzes...so addictive!

Email: SaRiA39@aol.com