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Our Bishonen!

Caught by Myw-Myw and Sammie.

So here's our lovely harem! We got a little addicted and decided to catch every bishie we could! We must have one of the biggest harems on the net. Oh well, all the more cuties for us. ^.^ The page takes ages to load though.

Anime: Outlaw Star

Myw's Opinion: Well, although his bishie-ness is being held back by the size of those eyebrows (Oscar the Grouch!), his hair is damn funky! And check out those purdy, purdy eyes. *swooning fangirl sounds*

Sammie Adds: I like Oscar the Grouch ^-^

Anime: Record of Lodess War

Myw's Opinion: Why the long face? HAHA! I MADE A FUNNY! What a knee slapper! ^.^

Sammie Adds: Hehehe funny! *slap slap* Haha, long! Hyuk Hyuk

Anime: Blackjack

Myw's Opinion: The guy is just plain weird in the anime and I think he's kinda creepy... but check out that hair! Woo... funkadelic.

Sammie Adds: What's he doing to his face? and you can't even SEE his hair in that picture T.T How are people who haven't seen the anime s'posed to know what you mean?

Anime: Dragon Ball Z

Myw's Opinion: One word... EWWW!

Sammie Adds: Yeah, ditto.

Video Game: Chrono Trigger

Myw's Opinion: Well, I suppose I'm a little biased on this one, seeing as how in one period of my life, when all my friends had moved away, I beat Chrono Trigger no less then 10 times. -.- Oh well, kinda cute, not hyperactive-fangirls-screaming-"KAWAII!"-at-the-top-of-their-lungs cute... but cute none the less.

Sammie Adds: Too DBZ-ish. But cute.

Anime: Gundam Wing

Myw's Opinion: Pwetty. ^.^ But I wanna poke him in the eye... o.O

Sammie Adds: Poke poke.. hehehe!! Heh... other people's pain ish FUNNY!

Video Game: Final Fantasy VII

Myw's Opinion: I love this guy just for the weird swearing, i.e. "You @#$%*!@#$%@" o.O

Sammie Adds: I wish I could swear that long... ^-^

Anime: Vision of Escaflowne

Myw's Opinion: GET A HAIRCUT! It looks like you did it yourself with your eyes closed.

Sammie Adds: Yeah, HAIRCUT! Hehe actually, I like it :P ^.^

Video Game: Final Fantasy VII

Myw's Opinion: Well, what can I say... the translation may have made him incredibly stupid ("I Don't even know what a reunion is!") (He really said that. o.O) But he's purdy none the less. ^.^

Sammie Adds: His nose... That.. nose... kill it, get rid of it... ARRGH! Cloud! Return! *Chucks the bishiball into the water* Say hi to Aeris for me >=D

Anime: Dragonball Z

Myw's Opinion: That's just scary... I feel saddened and disturbed that I knew enough about DBZ to get him...

Sammie Adds: How deppressing =(

Anime: Bastard!!

Myw's Opinion: I hated this guy. After seeing only the first movie I already felt like ripping out his guts and strewning them over the fields, and numerous other things... but above all; NEUTERING HIM, DAMMIT! He's only here 'cause he had nifty hair. =P

Sammie Adds: Nifty. Ew, Myw. You're gross ^-^ Of course, I haven't seen the anime :P

Anime: Dragonball Z

Myw's Opinion: He's oogly! Poke him in the eye, I say!

Sammie Adds: *Pokes* YEAH!!

Anime: Vision of Escaflowne

Myw's Opinion: Hey, gotta love them pyros!

Sammie Adds: Everyone needs a pyro!

Anime: Dragonball GT

Myw's Opinion: What's that all over his face? It looks like he's been rolling in something nasty, then again, given the intellects of most Dragonball Z/GT characters... I wouldn't be very surprised.

Sammie Adds: Eww... Narsty. =P

Video Game: Chrono Cross

Myw's Opinion:He had a funny hat. It looked like a little beanie. ^.^ Need I say more?

Sammie Adds: Beanie hat! ^-^ Cuuuuuuuute. Er um, kawaii that is... =P (I WILL learn Japanese!)

Anime: Gundam Wing

Myw's Opinion: He looks a little... out of it. Um... more nose beeping and eye poking is required here.

Sammie Adds: Beep! Poke poke! Hehehehahahawhooooo.

Video Game: Chrono Trigger

Myw's Opinion: It's gold ol' fashioned cross dressing fun! Aw Flea, you so purdy! ^.^

Sammie Adds: Nice fashion sense, too.

Anime: Dragonball Z

Myw's Opinion: Don't you think he'd look good lying on a platter with a apple in his mouth?

Sammie Adds: Piggy! Hehehee

Anime: El Hazard

Myw's Opinion: He's the classic anime loveable-yet-drunk guy (tm)! Fujisawa was good... just cause... he was... good. Yeah. The sweat pants weren't very flattering, though. =P

Sammie Adds: He so coooool!

Anime: Dragonball Z


Sammie Adds: Nooo! Please noo! DOOON'T!! Put it back on! PUT IT BACK ON!!

Anime: Slayers

Myw's Opinion: I realize the fact that he's a ugly... jackfanny (Sammie is censoring me... =P), but he's from Slayers and Slayers is good. End of discussion.

Sammie Adds: Jackfanny ^-^ hehee. Slayers IS good!

Anime: Dragonball Z

Myw's Opinion: Ugh.

Sammie Adds: What she said.

Video Game: Chrono Cross

Myw's Opinion: He's so sweet, and he's got neat hair... what more could you want from an anime character? Gee, not much to be said about him. He's kinda lame, actually. =P

Sammie Adds: Yeah, lame.

Anime: Dragonball GT

Myw's Opinion: You, like, suck. End of discussion.

Sammie Adds: Talk to the haaand.

Anime: Slayers

Myw's Opinion: What can I say, I like Gourry (a.k.a. Jellyfish Brains), he's kinda cute. He reminds me of Sammie, with the whole "Izzit a pickle?" thing (never try and play pictionary with Sammie...! =P).

Sammie adds: Hey! I'm good at Pictionary! Your drawings are just all... pickly!

Video Game: Final Fantasy 8

Myw's Opinion: He could be a good bishie if they didn't keep trying to show him at that weird angle...

Sammie Adds: He looks too much like Squall.

Video Game: Seiken Densetsu 3

Myw's Opinion: He has supremely nifty character design, other then that... not a too great character

Sammie Adds: I like his hair. Yus, yus I do.

Video Game: Chrono Cross

Myw's Opinion: ...The hell...? Um... nice dye job on the hair, though... I do like that...

Sammie Adds: Scaaaary.

Video Game: Final Fantasy 8

Myw's Opinion: Girly looking, yes... but I want a coat like that, and his hair's so soft and silky lookin'! ^.^ Ooo... I want a pillow made out of that...

Sammie Adds: Catch 'em and shear 'em! Mmm.. g'night.

Anime: Dragonball Z

Myw's Opinion: You know what -should- happen? Sometime during a fight the easter bunny should come out of the woods wearing stilts holding onto a big ol' rocket launcher that would shoot Veggie-boy in the eye with raviolli and then he would fall in a vat of jell-o (grape flavoured) and then the rest of the cast would mistake him for food and eat 'im.

Sammie Adds: Ooh, is that grape jell-o?

Anime: El Hazard

Myw's Opinion: Not here because he's very good looking, but because he has THE best evil laugh ever! EVER! EVEEER! WHA-HA..WHA-HA...WHA-HA-HA-HA!

Sammie Adds: *cackle* Yes ^-^

Anime: Tenchi Muyo tv

Myw's Opinion: It's the human-gone-barrel-gone-human! Gotta love that hair! Sammie has a thing for barrels, too (uh-oh, Dwindlin's got competition!).

Sammie Adds: Soo.... Sexy... aaaah.. *swoon* Oh, Right, Dwindlin ;D

Anime: Slayers

Myw's Opinion: Tee-hee! Nosie! BEEP-BEEP! Just look at that nozzle!

Sammie Adds: I'd rather not, it's ugly. :P

Anime: Slayers

Myw's Opinion: It's not quite Rezo, and it's wearing a dress... (o.O) But hey, check out those eyes!

Sammie Adds: Whatcha mean it's not Rezo? Huh? Ooh, dressy.

Anime: Blue Seed

Myw's Opinion: One of my all time favourite bishies! (After Zelgadis, of course! ^.^) Funky hair, kewl eyes... and check out that six pack! WOOOO!

Sammie Adds: Uhh... Should I leave you two alone?

Anime: Dragonball Z

Myw's Opinion: And you know what should happen to THIS guy? Okay, so he's just walking along and suddenly this great big Care Bear should come out of the woods and hug him and squeeze him and call him George, and then carry him off to care bear land and carry on doing so until he gets smothered.

Sammie Adds: How DO you get to Care Bear land? :)

Video Game: Final Fantasy 8

Myw's Opinion: Stupidity ish cute, what more can I say. ^.^

Sammie Adds: He looks like me! Well, not really, actually. :P

Anime: Vampire Princess Miyu

Myw's Opinion: He's... he's... SO PRETTY! *swoon*

Sammie Adds: I can't see his face, move over!

Video Game: Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Myw's Opinion: He's nice. I like his horsie. There's one thing, though... in the game Link falls asleep wearing a tunic thing, then he wakes up seven years later and he's wearing something totally different with the Sage of Light staring down at him... did the old man take off his clothes while he was asleep?! o.O

Sammie Adds: Hmm, gee, we'll hafta look that up, eh Myw? ;D

Anime: Dragonball Z

Myw's Opinion: I am disturbed that I knew enough to get this guy (1st try, too =P).

Sammie Adds: I am also disturbed, AND alarmed.

Video Game: Chrono Trigger

Myw's Opinion: He's kinda alright, but that metal bikini bottom he wore in the game was NOT flattering...! o.O

Sammie Adds: Ew, thanks alot! You made me notice that >.<

Anime: El Hazard

Myw's Opinion: Super cutie! So sweeeet toooo... awwwww... *cue starry eyed look here* But, he got a little lame. *sigh*

Sammie Adds: *Also goes starry eyed* Hmmm but... Oh well.

Anime: Demon City Shinjuku

Myw's Opinion: I liked him, he was smart. But I wish he would stop talking about Pandora's box all the time...! It's annoying. FIND YOURSELF ANOTHER METAPHOR, DAMMIT!

Sammie Adds: I for one don't find him too attractive...

Anime: Record of Lodess War

Myw's Opinion: I liked Parn, pretty eyes, and the character was pretty well developed, too. I give him a B +. ^.^

Sammie Adds: Yus, very cute. Purty too. I don't know anything else about him, though. Didn't see the anime.

Anime: Slayers

Myw's Opinion: He's cute! He's evil! He's girly! But dammit, his fashion sense sucks! Who wears skin tight speedo like shorts? Sammie Adds: Hey! I like those shorts! T.T

Anime: Gundam Wing

Myw's Opinion: He's got nice hair, and he's pretty. But a little lacking somehow... B-.

Sammie Adds: Yea, like masculinity?

Video Game: Final Fantasy VII

Myw's Opinion: So... um... he looks... like... 40-something... er... not quite... a bishie... Cait Sith behind him is cute, though!

Sammie Adds: Cait Sith is sooo bishi!

Video Game: Final Fantasy VII

Myw's Opinion: Strange picture, but gotta love those shades! Still... I rate him a B-... He's not too interesting.

Sammie Adds: I like the hair.

Anime: Slayers

Myw's Opinion: FUNKY HAIR! I wanna know how he did that... And you gotta love anyone related to my all time favourite bishie; ZELGADISS! *swoon*

Sammie Adds: Zell so purty... But I like Rezo, I read some funny fanfics which made me think of him different than I did when I saw the movies. SO now I like him. He's a funny ol' grandpaaw, huh Zell?

Video Game: Final Fantasy VII

Myw's Opinion: Heehee... it looks like he has no neck, reminds me of a bulldog somehow... pretty colour of eyes, though!

Sammie Adds: How does he remind you of a bulldog? o.O

Video Game: Final Fantasy VII

Myw's Opinion: Pretty, pretty eyes... wooo... evil jackfanny (censored by Sammie again =P), though.

Sammie Adds: That fanny-hole!

Video Game: Chrono Cross

Myw's Opinion: KAWAII! Pretty colours, too! And funky hair! I give him an "A".

Sammie Adds: I'll glomp him for his hat first!!

Video Game: Final Fantasy 8

Myw's Opinion: He's got nice hair, that's the only good thing you can say for him. WHAT IS WITH HIS CHIN, THOUGH?! It's saggy-baggy! >.<

Sammie Adds: He scares me, actually, even the hair bothers me now...

Anime: Slayers

Myw's Opinion: Pretty hair, but weird character design! What's with that horn? I don't like him.

Sammie Adds: He's eeevil. But I like the horn. :P

Anime: Vision of Escaflowne

Myw's Opinion: When I look at this picture... the first thing that comes to mind is that I want to beep his nose... Sammie Adds: Beep! HEHE! Whoo...

Video Game: Final Fantasy VII

Myw's Opinion: Ouch! That's gotta hurt! Neat hair though... (I've got a thing for hair, as you've probably guessed...) I think he was an all around nifty guy.

Sammie Adds: Eww... blood I hate blood <=(

Anime: Gundam Wing

Myw's Opinion: He looks kinda drunk in this picture, but other times I think he's funky-sekzay-kewl.

Sammie Adds: Heh... Myw likes a druunkard! (sings)

Anime: Slayers

Myw's Opinion: I love Xellos. ^.^ He's so annoying, yet so cheerful! He rates an "A".

Sammie Adds: YAAAAAY! XELLOSS! WHOO!! :P I take Xelloss, you take Zelgadiss, 'kay?.

Anime: Slayers

Myw's Opinion: It's Zelgadiss! SEK-ZAAAAY! My favourite bishie EVER. A+++!

Sammie Adds: He and Xelloss are my faves.

Video Game: Final Fantasy 8

Myw's Opinion: Well... he's a little strange in this piccy... he looks like he just ate a lemon, and yet again... I have a overwelming desire to beep his nose... but I like Zell all the same. I give him an "A".

Sammie Adds: Ooh, Zell, you so pretty...

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