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Old Readerville F2F Gallery

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Sir Speedy in The New Yorker

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Gretchen's Hootenanny
Somewhere in Virginia, April 2003

  • Waaaah!
  • Picked-over waaaah!
  • Niki and her cheesecake, with Debi drooling.
  • Cheesecake closeup
  • More cheese! (on a plate)
  • The guests of honor
  • Derik, Sprout, Gretchen and Debi
  • FishBoy and Niki
  • FishBoy and Sprout
  • Christina and Debi
  • Ditto
  • The kids. The monument.

    Anne's Reading / Casa Fuchsia
    Menlo Park, California, February 2003

  • Anne
  • More Anne
  • Even More Anne
  • Anne, Debi, Jeb, Mr. Fuchsia, Kat
  • Bob, Mr. Fuchsia, Jeb, Russell
  • Bob, Kat, Karen, Karla
  • Candida, OWH, Randall, Catherine
  • Catherine, Joel, Karla
  • Catherine, Joel, Karla, again
  • Debi and Russell
  • More Debi and Russell
  • Gretchen
  • Gretchen and son
  • Scary!
  • Mr. Fuchsia and Bob
  • Joel and Karla
  • Karen and Joel
  • Karla, Anne, Louie, Jeb
  • Karla, McLinda, Karen, Bob, Debi
  • Kat, Debi, Anne, Jeb
  • Kat, Russell, Candida
  • Louie, Karla, McLinda, Karen, Bob, Debi
  • OWH, RosyG, Randall, Catherine
  • Randall, Catherine, Joel, Karla
  • Randall, Catherine, OH
  • Randall, Mr. Fuchsia, Jeb, Russell
  • Randall and Russell
  • RosyG, Anne, OWH
  • Russell and Candida
  • Russell, Joel, Candida
  • The boots!
  • The kiss!

    Savannah Strut
    Savannah, Georgia, February 2003

  • Debi and Mark at Clarey's
  • Mark, Warren, Elisha and Debi
  • Debi opening gifts
  • Mark 'n' Boo

    Boston Bookmania
    February 2003

  • Daniel, Tom, Olivia, Sten
  • Katharine Weber, Misty B, Daniel, Stenhammer, Ron Newman, Ron's friend, Carol
  • Katharine, Cara, Daniel and Misty
  • Cara and Misty
  • Mrs. Tom and Olivia

    California Cafe Klatch
    December 2002

  • A cozy gathering
  • And a few more pics

    Soiree Chez Randall
    October 2002

  • A good time was had by all, but not enough photos were taken

    New York Is Readerville Country
    September 2002

  • New York Is Book Country
  • Some of the Group. (From left: Marion, Scott, Daniel, Sue, Lynn, Janet, Catherine)
  • Catherine and Randall Stickrod
  • Scott F.
  • Daniel
  • Mya and Marion
  • AnneDear at Ground Zero
  • AnneD and Misty B in the Big Chair
  • Big Chair redux
  • And a close-up
  • Sue R. and Lynne
  • Can't get enough of AnneDear!

    Fun and Games in Savannah
    August 2002

  • PC, Debi and Sprout consort with Gnic the Gnat.

    Hot Time in Chi-Town
    August 2002

  • Emily at Kelly's (lookit all them books!)
  • Brunch: Kelly, Josie, CJ and Emily
  • Kelly and Josie
  • Kelly and Em
  • Kelly and Catherine J.

    New York, New York!
    May 2002

  • At Les Halles (Thursday)
  • At Angelers & Writers in SoHo (Friday)
  • At the Cloisters and Artisanal (Friday)
  • At BEA and New Green Bo and a cafe after (Saturday)
  • At the suite (Saturday)
  • Miscellaneous: Whose limo? DG somewhere. Sunday Brunch at the Park Avalon. Ground Zero
  • Julz
  • Cat Lonergan
  • Friday lunch at Anglers and Writers

    ReaderCharlottesville II
    March 2002

  • Waaaaah!

    Spilling California
    February 2002 chez Kat Warren & Mr. Fuchsia

    1. Anne Ursu, author of Spilling Clarence, and her honey, John.
    2. Candida shows off her copy.
    3. Kat & Candida look like they're hogging all the books.
    4. Karen ducks as Bob expounds.
    5. Who knew Mr. Fuchsia could tap dance and sing?
    6. Karla and Louie are so darned cute!
    7. Can't get enough of that Louie!

    Conquering the Canyon
    October 2001

  • Ana Purna and DG Strong live up to their names

    New York Moments
    November 2001

  • NK, Janet, Mya and Niki gather at the N.Y. Deli.
  • And the lovely and talented Janet hosts a post-Thanksgiving fête for a number of Readervillians, among them
  • Mya Riemer and Ron Newman.

    Chicago Shindig
    November 2001

    1. It's not a Readerville gathering without WAAAAAAH!
    2. CJ, Molly, Josie, Mary Catherine
    3. Edward, CJ and Molly
    4. Edward
    5. Catherine J.
    6. Molly through the stacks
    7. Mary Catherine
    8. Molly and Josie
    9. Kelly
    10. TPC
    11. Jennifer P.

    Kat's Garden Party Featuring Jim Crace
    October 2001

  • The Group. Seated, from left: Karen, Karla, Bob B., Soumeya, Catherine. Standing: Marta, Kat, Mr. Fuchsia, Candida, Tana B., Jim Crace, Randall, Lynn.
  • The rest of the pictures are here.

    Tabby's Philly Fête
    August 2001

  • Again, WAAAAAAH!
  • Did I hear an echo? WAAAAAAH!

    Readwood Estate
    July 2001

    1. First off, WAAAAAAH!
    2. The Setting
    3. Bob, Kristen and Karen
    4. Kat and Jo
    5. Marta, Karen and Candida
    6. Kristen and Mr. Fuchsia
    7. Kat, Marta, Karen and Candida
    8. Karla and Jo
    9. Karen and Candida
    10. Karen, Bob and Kristen
    11. Joel and Kristen
    12. Joel being good
    13. Bob B., mixologist
    14. Uh-oh
    15. DG and Bob, mano a mano
    16. Protecting the innocent

    June 2001

    1. At Frontera -- From left, Mark, DG, Emily, Katherine, TPC, Niki, Kelly, Janet, Karen, Karla, Candida
    2. From left, Karen, Kelly, Niki and Anne
    3. Niki, Mark
    4. Bar Louis -- Post book fair on Sunday.
    5. Twister! -- DG, Katherine and Niki
    6. With Rick And Deann Bayless
    7. CP and Janet L.
    8. Book Fair bear -- From left, Mark, Candida, Winnie, Sprout, Anne
    9. Sprout at the Field Museum
    10. Candida with dinosaur
    11. Emily and CatherineJ
    12. Sunday breakfast
    13. Mark and Katherine B.
    14. Katherine's nose to knees
    15. Niki
    16. Sprout and ThelmaC
    17. Thelmac and Niki
    18. Sprout, Candida and Saran-wrapped lion
    19. Mark and Sprout
    20. Mark and DG
    21. "I will now make this tortilla disappear"
    22. Mmmm, good eats!
    23. Emily shutterbug
    24. More Twister
    25. Sprout and DG
    26. Karla, Kelly, Anne Janet
    27. Sprout captures Twister
    28. Sprout gets a massage
    29. Kelly, Emily and CP
    30. Karla, Kelly, DG, TPC
    31. Emily, Lurker (Scott), Candida and Catherine
    32. CK, Sheba and Emily
    33. The suite
    34. Tea at the Ritz
    35. Mmmmmm .. Mexican
    36. Mmmmmm ... more Mexican
    37. The Italian countess of Mexican food
    38. Kelly and Janet
    39. Candida
    40. CP
    41. Katherine
    42. Catherine, Mark and Karla
    43. Karen and TPC
    44. Kelly and Karen

    March 2001

    1. Sarah Rocklin and Sprout
    2. Derik Badman
    3. Sarah Rocklin and her brother, Justus
    4. PCashwell and Sprout
    5. Thing One
    6. Thing Two

    New York, New York!
    At Cafe Vivaldi in the Village, March 2001

    1. Karen Templer
    2. Katharine Weber
    3. Janet L
    4. MJ Rose
    5. Derik Badman
    6. The group! From left: Mya Riemer, Derik Badman, Bill Norris (in front), Kates, Karen Templer, NK (in front), Katharine Weber, Judith Hoffman (standing), Janet L and Marion Howard.

    The Rave at Randall's
    San Francisco, February 2001

    1. Marya, Soren, Marta, Candida, Karla, Bob
    2. Candida, Karla, Randall
    3. Randall, Karen
    4. Bob, Candida, Soren, Soumeya, Marta
    5. Bob, Karen, Karla (facing camera), and Marta, Soumeya and Soren
    6. Catherine and Bob
    7. Marta
    8. Soumeya
    Chez Marta, September 2000

    1. Candida, Bob, Karen, Randall
    2. The group (Note the dog's focus on the woman who always carries dog treats, a.k.a. Katherine B)
    3. More group, under the Not-An-Elm. (This time, Candida is the focus of dogly love)
    4. From background to foreground, Kat, Catherine, Joel, Soumeya, Candida, Marta, Randall. Standing in foreground: Bob and Karen
    5. Joel and Soumeya
    6. Karen and Bob
    7. Kat and Catherine
    8. Bob's friend, Kristen and Karla

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