Sailor Moon: The Geometry of Shattered Souls Written by Razorclaw X ( Disclaimer: Sailor Moon and characters belong to Naoko Takeuchi. Proper licenses belong to respective properties and characters. The manga has precedence over material in the anime. This file can be freely distributed so long as it appears in its complete form and proper credit. No part may be reproduced for monetary gain without permission from the author. (to which the answer is probably "no") Author's Note: It is recommended that you at least have seen the end of Sailor Moon's Black Moon story arc (Sailor Moon R in Japan), otherwise known as the Negamoon story in North America. Knowledge of the manga story counterpart is a bonus, and more enlightening. ------------------------------------------------------------------- July 1, 1999 My name is Kenji Shiromatsu, and I am a second-year graduate student at the University of Kyoto... or, at least, I was, yesterday. I am twenty-four years old, wear reading glasses, and am physically unremarkable. However, and I'm not being vain, I am quite intelligent, as only the best could get into such a prestigious school as the University of Kyoto. While in attendance there I was a student of astronomy, studying the stars and heavens above for... well, anything that was out there. In any case, it was as if my entire life meant nothing overnight. Therefore I have set about writing this journal in order to preserve whatever left of my past as possible, and, perhaps, my future. Still, if this source were to be of use to future generations after my allotted life span, so be it; I make no claim to be a great writer of any sort. It all began yesterday... well, no, that's wrong; it began a few days before that. Anyway, three days prior to yesterday, my fellow astronomers and I discovered what appeared to be the tenth planet of our solar system! The planet was completely black, and, if it were not for the shadow it cast over the stars it passed, we would have missed it easily. We were quite excited, to say the least. I was looking forward to studying the newly discovered planet. However, as soon as I had gone through my mail after returning home that day I received a note of utmost urgency: I was to attend the eighteenth birthday celebration of one of my cousins (a not-quite close cousin, mind you, but I won't bore you with my family tree). Needless to say, I was shattered; I was looking forward to going back to the university, but now I was being called away! Packing up light luggage, taking my leave of my colleagues, I boarded the next train to Tokyo for the celebration. To say that the trip was longer than usual need not be said; endless possibilities lost to me continued to circle in my mind the entire ride. So, to cut a long story short, I exited at the train station, then, following the directions on my 'invitation,' I walked to the home of my distant cousin. I wasn't the first to arrive, but I was far from the last. In any case, I was greeted by my relation, who insisted I call her 'Auntie Tsukino.' For the life of me I could barely remember her name and face, but somehow she knew me (I discovered later that my mother had arrived earlier and had since gone shopping with Cousin Usagi and the other girls). It was a nice, Western-style house, not too large, but not too small, as compared to my apartment back in Kyoto. Since I had arrived early, and since there was very little sleeping space for the number of expected arrivals, I was among the unfortunate (or lucky, depending on how you look at it) to stay elsewhere. I ended up staying at one of Usagi's friend's places, a quiet Shinto temple closer to the business district, since the family wanted to avoid heavy expenses by lodging the family in hotels for the celebration (of course, those relations living closer to Tokyo had no such problems). Anyway, I shared a meal with my extended family, but it wasn't until it was time for me to leave for the shrine that the girl of the evening, Usagi Tsukino, entered the house. In a typical, rushed- student fashion, arms full of bags filled with who-knows-what, she ran into me. To say the least I was angry at being run into, as I am not a short man (compared to my fellows, that is). Well, for the first time in over fifteen years, I came face-to-face with my distant cousin (the last time Mother and I were in town, so 'we' decided to see Auntie Tsukino's young boy, Shingo, who was only a year old). Not surprisingly, she had no idea who I was, but I recognized her on the spot: her oddball nikuman hairdo was still as odd as it was so many years ago, and her-- well, hair tails hanging down the sides of her heads gave her the look of a floppy-eared rabbit (I suppose some things never change). Of course the first words she mouthed off were something to the effect of: "Watch where you're going, creep!" So much for a first meeting. Well, whatnot, I wanted to make it across town to the shrine before the evening got too late, so, making short introduction and greetings made by my mother (who was not far behind the girl), I hurried out the door with my bags. It wasn't too hard to find the shrine, as it was the only one sitting in the business district (well, not quite, but you know what I mean; refer to above). I was introduced to Rei Hino, a good friend of Usagi's, a shrine girl. Well, if I didn't have a girlfriend already (by the way, her name is Kaori Takeshima), I would've tried to pick her up. Then again, there were two things against her: she WAS a shrine maiden, and second, her grandfather, a short little troll of a man, wouldn't leave me alone for some reason or another (I get the feeling he didn't like the idea of converting his shrine to a hostel). Still, the girl was feisty, and cute, too. I am digressing. The days up to Usagi's eighteenth birthday were quite uneventful, as I got acquainted with relatives I never knew I had, and relatives I wish I never knew. The recent discovery of the tenth planet was bugging me at the back of my head, so I called Kaori and asked her to check in with the university guys for me. Not surprisingly, I didn't hear from her since, but I'm getting ahead of myself. So the day came. The gathered extended family came to the Tsukino house at the appointed time, and the caterers came on time. There was nothing special going on. I met more of Usagi's many friends (despite her odd behavior and hairstyle, the girl was quite popular) that I had not met before then, as well as Usagi's boyfriend, Mamoru (which meant that she was so popular that even older guys liked her; Mamoru was a college graduate). I was quite indifferent to the whole affair; after all, the place I wanted to be was Kyoto, not Tokyo, chasing after black planets. It wasn't until the big family picture shoot something quite odd happened: Usagi got up and ran off. As well as a group of some of her friends, including her boyfriend. If I didn't know any better, I would've thought she was eloping with Mamoru. Well, that was the first of the troubles. The picture, and the celebration party, was cut short. The gathered extended family of Usagi Tsukino was in an uproar and general state of confusion-- of what happened to the star girl, of what was going on, and why their time was being wasted (I shared the latter's sentiments). I had a word with Usagi's father, who was ripping the hair off his head in fury and anger (and a number of observers noted his glasses were steamed-up enough that one could not see his eyes anymore). I asked him if Usagi was always like this, and he, who seemed not to hear me, continued his rant and rave over the situation. At that time it was coming to evening, and the wind was blowing a chilly weather our direction, so the family packed inside the Tsukino residence. I swear, if I ever go to another party, it will never be with that many people in such a small building. I wanted to blame the weather forecaster for predicting a warm day, but that did little to help, as the news reported a blizzard was coming in (then again, it WAS summer, so why SHOULD we have expected snow?). So you could imagine us, a group of over a hundred people, packed tight in a (relatively) small house with a blizzard going on outside, and Usagi and her friends running off (to elope, I kept hearing). But, as the hours dragged on, the blizzard got much worse. We couldn't imagine what was happening outside, but inside we knew one thing: the heater was about to literally-explode from the garbage that got stuck in the vents, preventing the heat from flowing (I believe some of the kids got a little bored, but I never bothered to ask). Well, needless to say, the heater blew, and before long the gathered people were dozing-off into sleep from the cold that overcame the house air. Or so I thought. Only a small group of us fought the urge to sleep when we realized that the heater was in fact working (we had to go to the heater itself to make sure, but why the heat it was generating was not circulating, even after we removed the garbage from the vents). Something fishy was going on, and it was something we could not explain, as one-by-one we succumbed to sleep. I was soon the last in the household awake, so I made my way back to the television, where a news broadcast was cut short by a sleeping reporter. Curious, I flipped the channels, and all I could see were sleeping reporters in numerous locales, all the while fighting my heavy eyelids. But, there was one channel that caught my attention in particular. The camera was on location just outside downtown Tokyo, and the reporter was nowhere in sight (I guessed he was on the ground asleep, as well as his crew). But there was something beyond, something in the horizon, that ripped my eyes wide-open. Something that should never have happened in Japan. A great sheet (or wall, I couldn't tell with the two-dimensional picture) of ice was heading toward the camera. With speeds that defied the laws of physics the ice formed, seemingly out of thin air, all the way up to the camera, and all around it (I assume), because when the ice passed the camera's position nothing was happening. But I had a good idea where the ice was going. I was certain I was not the only one who stared in horror when the great glacier engulfed Tokyo. From my vantage point (which was not terribly high, being from the second story window), I saw that the ice was heading my direction. As soon as I had thought that, I blacked out. I have no idea how many days passed since the mysterious ice storm and the great sleep, but, this being the day of awakening, I will continue to use the same dating until otherwise. Today, the day after Usagi's eighteenth birthday, I was among the first to awaken. Oddly enough, as I stepped up to look out the window I had witnessed the ice storm from the night before, I could see nothing but... well, Tokyo. No sign of the ice storm of the previous night. The sun was rising in the east as usual, as if nothing had happened. But, looking up into the sky, there WAS something different. The many high-rise buildings of downtown Tokyo were encased in crystal. In the midst of the crystallized buildings, however, was one building that was not there before: a single, towering citadel of pure, clear crystal, shining in the sunlight, reaching into the clouds for as far as the eye could see. Double-checking my eyesight, I discovered that, unlike the other buildings, this towering citadel WAS made of crystal. If I wasn't mistaken, the crystal citadel was standing right where the old Imperial Palace was located. I was not the only one to stare in wonderment at the crystal spires; many of those who were indoors from the previous night's blizzard were now out in the streets. Even some of my relations were crowding next to me by the window. Obviously, something was very wrong, and it wasn't the crystal citadel that bothered me: what happened to the glacier? I left the window, pushing my way past my relations, and made my way to the front door. Amidst all the stares anyone could make out Usagi's parents becoming quite frantic over their missing daughter. Still, that was the least of what I was thinking; my friends back in Kyoto was ahead in my mind, but far behind my curiosity. I had no idea where I was going, but I just had to get out, away from the family relations I barely (or never) knew, away from the madness, away from it all. I just had to run. But, I didn't have to run far before there was something else that caught my attention, and the attentions of everyone else in the city. Floating in the sky, seemingly blocking the view of the crystal citadel, was what appeared to be some angelic seraph-- a being of white, light, and purity, as in told in some legends, even with flowing wings. It was definitely female, her dress flowing down toward the earth for some immeasurable length. Standing by her side was a man, finely dressed in a black suit and a flowing navy-blue cape, his face masked behind thick white glasses. Standing behind the couple were a group of a number of girls (yes, I'm sure of it) dressed in sailor suit uniforms, like the ones the school girls wear around here. I'm not kidding; it looked like an army of Sailor V's that girls cried over a few years back (I'd like to add that I'm happy THAT craze is over). I rubbed my eyes, checking to be sure that I wasn't seeing things. Well, I WAS seeing the wings of the seraph; they certainly weren't there, but were actually long flows of hair, reaching down perhaps knee-length, dangling about like floppy bunny ears. Who does that remind me of? Someone behind me identified the Sailor V's: "The Sailor Senshi!" Well, obviously they were a local crew, because I never heard of them. I can't remember exactly what was being said, but the seraph was making an announcement; something about how she was here to usher a new age of mankind, or somesuch rot, a new era of peace and cooperation, a time to heal old wounds and look toward a bright and brilliant future (Admittantly, I wasn't paying a lot of attention to her words, as I was trying to figure out where I'd seen her before). Her name was Neo Queen Serenity (Neo? What happened to the old one?), and where we now were was her capital, Crystal Tokyo (a fitting name, given the crystal citadel and all). Anyway, it seemed that the people had little choice but to allow this Neo Queen Serenity to bring about her new age; many people accepted her with open arms, while others adamantly-refused. Those who flocked to her side were primarily the more religiously-inclined (that I have observed), while those opposed tended to be the cynics. Then again, there was yet a third faction, one that didn't know what to make of the whole thing. Perhaps the shocks of the morning had yet to settle in. Still, something about this 'Queen' bothered me, but I couldn't figure it out. Well, for the rest of the day, I tried my best to ignore the Queen, and tried to establish contact with my friends back home, but without success; it appeared the ice storm destroyed the communications network, but I was assured that it would be fixed by tomorrow evening at the latest (still, first they've got to figure out what went wrong with the system in the first place, so I'd give them four days). For instance, when I dialed on any telephone, the normal tones that came with the button-pushing never registered-- therefore no calls could be dialed-out. This also rendered Internet connection useless. Nothing much happened of note that I've noticed, but I'm sure much has happened; I only wonder what the world governments make of Queen Serenity and her 'new age of mankind.' I made my way back to the shrine where I was staying, all the while pausing to admire the sudden... NEWNESS, look of the buildings of the business district. I mean, there was no dirt, trash, litter, or wear; all the buildings were in pristine condition and concrete seemingly polished. In retrospect the rest of the city was like that as well, but I'd been so preoccupied with my thoughts that I didn't notice until now. When I entered the temple Rei's grandfather was there; I inquired about his granddaughter, but he had no idea where she was-- she never came back home since departing with Usagi and crew the previous night. Which was odd. So right now I'm lying on my futon, writing this journal in a blank book the old man gave to me to collect my thoughts. In retrospect, I think there must be some kind of connection with all this: the disappearance of Usagi and her friends, the ice storm's sudden appearance and subsequent disappearance, the crystal citadel, the appearance of Neo Queen Serenity and her Sailor Senshi (I forgot to mention that her consort was called King Endymion-- I wonder if there is more than a mythological reference to that?), the utopia and new age of mankind, and why the communications system went down (my reasoning is this: if the buildings are as clean as crystal, with no dirt or grime of any sort, and if this WAS a utopia, then why wasn't the communications network working?). And there was something about Neo Queen Serenity herself that was strangely-familiar. Something fishy is going on, and I intend to find out. July 2, 1999 Not surprisingly, the communications network did not go back up this evening as planned. I yearn to learn what happened to my friends back home, especially Kaori. I miss her in this time of turmoil. Listening to the radio helped little, for not a sound peeped out of the speakers. Heck, even listening to CD's was useless! Why were these devices not producing sound? I've also noticed that the neighborhood animals were deserting their masters. I've yet to find a stray cat, even. Nothing much happened today, except some 'utopial procedures,' as I should call it, which I paid little attention to. Instead, I set about studying these 'Sailor Senshi,' because they, according to the locals, appeared about the time Sailor V's popularity declined (actually, it's more like Sailor V decided to walk-off her role as a star, I think), supposively fighting crime and saving people from the occasional terrorist. Still, WHY SAILOR UNIFORMS? Their skirts were so short you could almost say they WANTED guys to look at them (sadly, or fortunately for me, depending on how you looked at it, I already have my share of tea-- and if you go THERE, you did it, not me). There was Sailor Mercury; her white uniform offset by an aqua-blue shade. From what I gathered she was a mistress of water and ice, and from her looks and demeanor she seemed arrogant in her own way-- feigning modesty whenever possible while flaunting her abilities in intellectual pursuits. I, for one, would love to meet her, if only to discuss topical debates; I could use a fresh challenge. Sailor Venus was dressed in orange-- and what a repulsive color it was. The blonde girl seemed arrogant as well, but not in the same way as Sailor Mercury; in my research and observation she was not unlike the Western school's prom queen, if you understand what I mean. Sailor Mars (there WAS no Sailor Earth, by the way) dressed in red, fitting for her flaming temper and mannerisms, and I do mean flaming. She is reputed to be a wielder of fire, and to have a hot temper. Something about her reminds me of someone else I've met, but I'll have to think about that one later. Sailor Jupiter dressed in green, and was the wielder of lightning. Not much information on her that I could find, other than she was very tall and very strong, and sometimes acted like a guy in terms of physical feats. Sailor Uranus-- well, if Sailor Jupiter seemed guy-ish, then this one should've been, by all rights, a guy. Reports I've seen sum her up in one word: tomboy. Well, not much of one, in my opinion, if she is running around in a sailor suit. Sailor Saturn, dressed in dark, purplish colors, seemed quite young in comparison to the other girls (while most of them appeared no older than their late teens, this one was more like early teens). She carried a staff around whose head was shaped in some kind of warped sickle, like what farmers would use. Well, not much I can say about her, as she seems to be one of the last ones to show up. Sailor Neptune never seems to stray too far from Sailor Uranus; one could say they were two peas in a pod. Again, not much I can say about her, either. As far as I can tell, the one called Sailor Pluto was the eldest of the group (as with Saturn, I'm judging by appearance alone). She, like Sailor Saturn, carried a staff around, only the head was shaped in a heart pattern. Whether her seniority has any meaning or not has yet to be seen, but if mythological reference proves true, she is the mistress of death-- making her the one people should respect. There were others as well, but they, unlike the rest of the Sailor Senshi, did not dress in sailor suits. I could ramble on Sailor Star Fighter or Ceres, but somehow I feel they're less important in the grand scheme of things-- perhaps subordinates to the true Sailor Senshi? Anyway, all I'll say is I don't appreciate the taste of dress of the three so-called Star Lights. Interestingly enough, the leader of the Sailor Senshi, Sailor Moon, was nowhere to be seen, her role having been taken over by that of Neo Queen Serenity. The pictures of her on file, however, gave an uncanny resemblance to that of the Queen-- the same rabbit-ear hair, and her eyes, matched. Then, if I'm not mistaken, Neo Queen Serenity IS Sailor Moon, which would not be entirely unreasonable. That would make a LOT of sense. If that were the case, then the only male among them, Tuxedo Kamen, as he is named, reputedly the lover of Sailor Moon, would be King Endymion. That would also explain why he was not to be seen as well; it would also explain why King Endymion wore those stupid white mask-glasses, as Tuxedo Kamen wore those as well. Finally, I discovered today that Neo Queen Serenity and King Endymion have an heir-- her name was Usagi, and she had the same weird hairdo as her mother, but her 'rabbit ears' were nowhere near as long. Judging from her appearance and size, I'd guess she was no older than eight years old or so, but only the King and Queen could say for sure, and only when they wished it. Still, there was something really odd-- there were at LEAST four girls in the same city with the same hair style-- it couldn't be a coincidence. Not to mention that the child of the Queen was named Usagi, of all names! If anything, this has something to do with one Usagi Tsukino, for SHE was the first one with the rabbit hair. Therefore, if I find her, I should find my answers. All these astronomical names-- Mercury, Endymion, all of them, MUST mean something. If I discover the meaning, perhaps I can discern the course of Earth's future, and perhaps figure out just why there was no Sailor Earth (I wouldn't expect a Sailor Sun, however, simply because in mythological tradition the Sun was always far greater than the other heavenly bodies, and thus wouldn't be confined to the group of Sailor Senshi). Hmm, I wonder if there is a Sailor Senshi for the tenth planet we recently discovered? (Note to self: go back down to the phone company to help out with the network. I wonder what is going on outside Crystal Tokyo?) July 3, 1999 I volunteered my services to the phone company this morning, and I believe we isolated the problem: a constant frequency of unknown origin interferes with the waves formed by radios, telephones (both normal and cellular), and even television (I hadn't noticed this was a problem as well until coming in to the phone company). In fact, the unknown signal frequency was pitched too high for the human ear to detect, and, since the combined waveform of two frequencies yielded a third waveform that was the average of the two frequencies, all the communication signals were thrown off by an intolerable margin of error. Therefore, the reason why the radios and CD players weren't working was due to the fact that they were playing notes in a higher frequency than the human ear can hear. Of course, this also means that animals with a higher frequency range WILL react, which would explain the sudden disappearance of animals in the city. At the moment we could not think of any viable solution to the problem, but I was assured that the source of the unknown frequency will be discovered within a few days. I hope so. July 4, 1999 For the first time since leaving three days ago I went back to the Tsukino residence to find out what's been happening since I left. Primarily, of course, I did this to see Mother, who, obviously, did not have the means to communicate with me, nor I to her. I was willing to bet that she was still there, and it would have paid off, if only I'd put money on it. I related all that happened to me to Mother. She did so in turn, telling me how Usagi never came back, and how Neo Queen Serenity was walking amidst the people and curing ailments of patients in the hospital-- of incurable cancers, for that matter. She also went on to explain how she herself met the queen, relaying a feeling of comfort and serenity (which is perhaps where the queen got her name from, I suppose). I pressed Mother further, digging into details such as age, place of origin, anything-- but she did not have the answers. In fact, some of those questions crossed her mind, but she forgot them the moment Queen Serenity entered her presence. I must say, then, that this Neo Queen Serenity, whoever she is, is a person of great power, the means I've yet to determine. In any case, none of Usagi's friends ever turned up, either. The family of each were worried sick, but they seemed to hide it easily by gazing upon the wonder of the crystal citadel. Usagi's parents were always standing by the window, staring at the spires of the crystal building. Shingo, Usagi's younger brother, however, did not hide in his worry for his elder sister (I was actually quite touched by this, as I'm sure I couldn't do the same for certain, closer relations of mine who I will not divulge into details over). I took it upon myself to relieve him of his stress in the only way I knew-- I took him out on the town. So we went down to the local arcade, but it wasn't until after I'd played at least three rounds of my favorite game that I noticed that Shingo was still a bit down. I soon found the reason why-- this was the place Usagi always loved to come to, as she was a game junkie like I was (well, so I'd like to think). Therefore, in his eyes I must have come off as somewhat insensible; I apologized, and then suggested getting a bite to eat (this time, I let HIM choose where to go). I was feeling so generous that I offered to pay for his meal. Shingo told me a lot about his sister over a tray of all-you-can- eat sushi (this was a place that charged by the minute, so the faster you ate the cheaper your meal-- but since we were having a conversation, the bill was racking up fast). Well, from what I heard, there couldn't be anything to like about her-- unreliable, klutzy, flakey, and a general whiner. Of course, as Shingo liked to point out, she's been doing less and less of that recently, as if she were getting older (I had to laugh at this comment). I asked him about Sailor Moon and the other Sailor Senshi. Shingo, being one of the local residents of the city, and a first-hand eyewitness, could not tell me much, other than hinting that he once had fantasies about Sailor Moon herself (I didn't need to hear that, either; damn teenagers). He was telling about how Sailor Moon and her Senshi first appeared in the public eye, fighting terrorists that threatened the city. For the life of me, I failed to see a connection between the Senshi Shingo described to the ones ruling over Crystal Tokyo. So I changed the subject back to his family. Shingo obliged, and he rambled on with pointless details about his genealogy until I stopped him when he mentioned Usagi had a cat. In the entire time I've spent at the Tsukino residence, I have not once seen a cat. Thereupon Shingo described Luna, a female black cat with a strange crescent moon 'tattoo' (or scar, he speculated, because it couldn't be removed) on her forehead. She was described as a friendly, intelligent cat, for she knew just when she was needed. For a cat. The crescent moon tattoo intrigued me; I asked Shingo where he got the cat. He explained that Usagi brought her home one day, about the time when Sailor Moon showed up in town. I tried to press him for further information, but he knew little; I would have to ask Usagi herself if she ever came back home. After finishing our meal I asked to pick up the check. However, I was confronted by the manager, who stated very bluntly that Neo Queen Serenity was working to phase-out the use of money, therefore any money received by businesses was to be destroyed. "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard," I said. The manager shook his head, and insisted I keep my money. I, for the life of me, realized that no monetary system was part of the grand idea of a utopia, but to enact such a sudden change so soon seemed a bit harsh. Besides, money was the motivation of many people who stayed in business; what would happen if everyone decided to simply stop working. Of course, Shingo pointed out that under those conditions only the people who truly loved their jobs would continue to work, and therefore service would continue. I remained skeptical, however, but Shingo's more rational view had merit, I must admit (this was the first time I realized how much of a cynic I was). I argued that people in general would have a lack of tasks to perform if they had no jobs. Shingo rebutted my argument, saying that it was better if people worked for the common good rather than for themselves. If the community needed something built, or something fixed, then people, out of the kindness of their hearts, would help out in the task. I truly wish the world worked that way, and I pointed out to Shingo that not everybody would like to live under this system of government. Well, at that point, the kid couldn't respond to me. Nothing else noteworthy happened today. So now, tonight, I gather my thoughts. First, there's the unknown frequency interfering with the communications systems. Second, Usagi's disappearance from the face of the Earth. Third, that cat with the crescent moon mark on her forehead. Fourth, where did Neo Queen Serenity come from, and what is her goal? Is she truly as benevolent and well-meaning as she appears? Fifth, what happened with the ice storm? Where did it come from, and what happened to it? Sixth, what is going on outside of Crystal Tokyo? For all the doubts and questions in my mind, I, at least, have deduced some answers. I am sure, first of all, that Neo Queen Serenity and Sailor Moon were the same person. Same goes for Tuxedo Kamen and King Endymion. Second, if the young princess Usagi were truly the daughter of Queen Serenity and King Endymion, and since the mother and daughter share the same hair style as Usagi Tsukino, who was missing, one could reasonably conclude that the missing girl was in fact Neo Queen Serenity, and King Endymion Mamoru. That, of course, is just wild conjecture, as there is no proof. Third, I'm sure Queen Serenity is behind the unknown frequency's presence, but why she wished to block communications was beyond me-- unless she was meaning to wrap her hold on Crystal Tokyo. Perhaps a trip down to the television station is in order. I hadn't thought of it until now, but the television station could have something very important... something that could prove a little theory of mine. We'll see. July 5, 1999 No luck at the first three television stations I visited; their security refused my entrance, citing that there were internal problems that needed no interference from outsiders. Something tells me that it's more than that, but I'll play their game-- for now. I've still a few other stations I'd like to check out first, before I have to resort to unfriendly means. If my previous theory held water, then I must be brilliant. I thought of another way it could work: the shrine girl, Rei Hino, who also disappeared before the ice storm, could be one of the Sailor Senshi, if Usagi Tsukino were truly Neo Queen Serenity. If that is the case, then it isn't unreasonable that all of those who disappeared are Sailor Senshi. If I had to guess, and I must, I would say that Rei would most likely be the firebrand, Sailor Mars. I mean, look at it: Rei's a shrine maiden to a shrine dedicated to FIRE, and Sailor Mars is the mistress of fire. Not to mention that her behavior and the described behavior of Sailor Mars match perfectly. If this is the case, then there's something else I'll have to look into. July 6, 1999 Between unsuccessful visits to another batch of television stations, I returned to the phone company to check on progress. By then they had recruited several fine engineers to help find a way around the problem. So far they have been unsuccessful, but I was assured that the problem will be solved. In the meantime, a small group was planning on making a road trip out of town to see what was going on in the rest of the country. I would have gone with them, but I had my own tasks set before me. For the first time I stood in front of the crystal citadel-- it was as I suspected, a construct of pure crystal. I made my way to main gate entrance, where I heard from others that people were being allowed inside. Not only did I wish to meet the Sailor Senshi for myself, but I wished to learn what happened to the old Imperial palace. I couldn't help but notice the old Imperial security was performing their task with the citadel. Mingling with the other 'tourists,' a guide took us on a tour of the citadel, pointing out the splendors and sights of the marvelous building. I could hardly contain my excitement, however, at the thought of proving my theory-- the only lynch in the plan was actually MEETING the Senshi. I was quite disappointed to learn that the Queen was not holding audiences today, as she and her Senshi were busy with other matters. I could only venture to guess. Today I had little time to run down to television stations, but I managed to visit one local radio station. I learned nothing I didn't already know, however; the anomalous frequency was still interfering with the airwaves. July 11, 1999 This morning I finally got my way into a television station, with the help of Shingo (one of his friends worked at this particular station). I discovered the reason why the stations were trying to keep people out-- there was something in the records they didn't want anyone to see. Akiko (the friend) took me to the editing room, where she showed me a tape of a familiar sight: the mysterious ice storm of over a week ago. In the corner, the editor pointed out the date and time, the means of keeping track of amount of time the segment takes. We watched for ten minutes before the great glacier appeared to engulf the camera (fortunately the sound was off, so I didn't have to hear the panicked screams of the reporters-- again). And, as predicted, the glacier engulfed the camera, but what I didn't notice before was that the tape was still running. Pointing at the time scale in the corner, Akiko said, "This goes on for a couple hours, until the tape ran out." I pointed out, "But the cold should have stopped the camera's function long before that." "Exactly," replied the editor. She continued, "Therefore, it must mean that the ice wasn't real." "Impossible," I said. "I FELT it myself!" "So did I," she agreed. "However, the source of the cold does not have to come from the ice, does it?" I conceded to her point. If the ice wasn't real ice, then what was it? "A co-worker of mine," began Akiko, "was out there in the ice storm. He got hit by the ice storm long before he fell asleep like everyone else in the city did. He didn't feel a thing." "So the ice storm was just a clever cover for the mass sleep spell," I concluded. "An illusion?" "Perhaps," the editor said. In any case, there was something sinister going on, and I wasn't liking it. The ice not being real wasn't an entirely ludicrous idea; the morning I awoke there was absolutely no sign of there being a storm at all. Someone must have wanted everyone to go to sleep-- perhaps to prevent people from knowing what happened over the night. All the arrows point back at Neo Queen Serenity. She is the key, and I intend to find out what she's up to. (Side note: find out if Akiko is just a 'friend,' just for fun.) July 12, 1999 The road trip expedition to out of town I mention a while ago returned this afternoon, and the news they brought was quite ill indeed. The outside world had also suffered the mass sleep and ice storm, and I suspect their ice wasn't real, either. The outside world had no strange crystal edifices in the middle of their cities, either-- I wasn't surprised, but that wasn't the worst of it: THEY did not have a communications problem. In fact, the United Nations banded together since day one, debating on what to do about the isolated Crystal Tokyo. The expedition crew was taken to the United Nations headquarters (which was why they took so long in coming back). They presented their findings to the world leaders. According to the gang, the United Nations had been trying to establish contact with Crystal Tokyo's people, but only got responses from one Neo Queen Serenity (I guess THIS is what the Queen is so busy with). In fact, a couple days ago the Security Council agreed unanimously that Neo Queen Serenity must be removed forcibly from Tokyo, and its people released from her dictatorial rule. I assume this means Crystal Tokyo is about to go to war with the rest of the world. I also assume the United Nations put the blame of the great sleep and ice storm on the Queen, as well, which wouldn't be a first for them. And, as usual, the United States was waving the flag in leadership-- the expedition crew expect the United Nations to be poised to attack in a few days. Everything started to fall in place: Neo Queen Serenity, the despotic ruler, came to the world overnight and created her capital in Tokyo. Then, cutting-off all ties to the outside world, she effectively created her own rulership. Who knows if she would have stopped there had the United Nations not acted (as usual; I'm surprised they even did something at all). The group also mentioned that conditions outside Crystal Tokyo were different than expected; it was as if time passed overnight. Where the landscape should have shown summer it was fall; one observant man noticed the drift in the alignment of the stars from where they were two weeks ago (I assume they've been to an astronomy at least; I asked the man if he'd been to the University of Kyoto, but he said no). This was very disturbing news indeed; if that is the case, then the time I've been tracking has no meaning. And, for the first time since awakening that morning, I realized I have never seen a star during each night in Crystal Tokyo. But, what could that mean? There obviously was no barrier surrounding Crystal Tokyo, otherwise the expedition would not have made it past the city limits. Obviously, it must be Neo Queen Serenity's work, but why? More than ever, I want to know what's going on. July 26, 1999 I am still keeping track of time as normal until I can figure out what the actual date is. I have not been writing lately because of the 'siege' of Crystal Tokyo by the United Nations-- the battle, and the war, lasted for a mere six hours. Bombers appeared in the sky eight days ago, but not alarm was sounded-- it was hardly necessary. For some strange reason, any and all the bombs dropped splashed against an invisible dome of force surrounding the city, leaving the buildings and occupants unharmed (I surmise this dome is also what keeps the starlight away; must be a weird side-effect for protection, I suppose). The next 'attack' was made by ground units and surface missiles; all those, too, failed to penetrate the dome. This was seven days ago. Then, five days ago, the United Nations forces finally wised-up to the situation and sent in troops THROUGH the dome to attack from within the city limits. THIS, readers, was the single and only battle of the war against Neo Queen Serenity. Soldiers of numerous nationalities and allegiances piled through the empty streets of Crystal Tokyo (for the populace had long since gone into hiding when the dome was breached by the army). I and a few bold souls remained close to the windows, watching the greatest army of all time surge through the enemy city. For two hours, they met no resistance at all. Of course, when those two hours were up, the Sailor Senshi appeared in the streets, along with Neo Queen Serenity and King Endymion. Queen Serenity offered the United Nations soldiers an ultimatum: lay down their arms and surrender, or she would use force. Not surprisingly, the soldiers hardly listened to her, and attacked. I was quite surprised to see the Sailor Senshi fight the soldiers; they were not aiming to kill, but rather, to incapacitate. Fire and lightning, ice and snow, anything that would not kill men outright was used. And it took the better part of four hours before the Senshi got them all. Emissaries (certain members of the defeated army) were allowed to leave Crystal Tokyo to inform the United Nations of Neo Queen Serenity's message (whatever that was). In any case, all I knew was that she found it her duty to bring peace to the world, and she needed the cooperation of the world leaders to do so. However, there was one condition: everyone must submit themselves before the power of the Silver Crystal, or leave Earth. Strange, that; the residents of Crystal Tokyo never had to submit to any crystal. Either that, or she used it while we were sleeping. Still, WHAT is this Silver Crystal? So the next few days after the war ended I assume the United Nations was under deliberations; in the meantime, the protective dome was held in place in case they decided to attack once again. Neo Queen Serenity promised the dome would be removed once the crisis was over. She also took the time to reveal the truth to the residents of Crystal Tokyo: a millennia had passed since the great sleep (by then quite a few people swooned). It was through the power of the Silver Crystal that she saved the people of Earth from a deadly menace-- Queen Serenity specified not the exact menace, but many assumed it was the ice storm (I tend to differ, from what I've learned). Neo Queen Serenity also revealed her plan to unite the world so humanity could live in peace and harmony-- therefore, the belligerent men of the outside world must be cleansed of sin, evil, and corruption through the power of the Silver Crystal before they will be accepted into her utopia. However, what she did NOT reveal was that those who refused had to leave the planet; I found this out myself from an expeditionary group who came to Crystal Tokyo directly from the United Nations headquarters with the news. That piece of information was kept quiet among my colleagues, for we assumed that the queen thought that nobody would deny her request. The healing process began yesterday, when Neo Queen Serenity left the safety of Crystal Tokyo to travel the world. True to her promise, the protective dome around the city was removed, and once again the stars were in full view (I personally verified the claim that the time was now in the Thirtieth Century; the stellar drift matched perfectly with the calculations). Yet, why did it take ten centuries before we could awaken from the sleep? There is another matter troubling me: why is Neo Queen Serenity so bent on removing the sin of mankind? I could hardly imagine a crystal being the only thing that could 'eliminate' sin, evil, corruption, and the like. If the Silver Crystal worked as the queen said, then what happened to one who was 'cleansed' of sin? Where did the sin go? If it remained in the crystal, then a 'pure' device as such would not be pure for very long. However, since I believe that Queen Serenity intends to use that one same crystal at all times, that cannot be the case. Still, where does the sin go? For that matter, what is man without sin? What is man without evil? For that matter, what is good without evil? Does this Neo Queen Serenity truly have 'good' intentions in mind by 'eliminating' evil? By removing an element of man (for man is neither totally good nor totally evil, but a mixture of both-- the union of opposites, if one wants to think of it as such), would this 'utopia' survive? October 3, 2904 I believe this is the correct date; I checked it out with some other mathematicians in the city, and their calculations agree with mine. As to my previous query: I could not imagine mankind without evil in it. Evil such as corruption, stealing, murder, rape, and the like, are part of human nature. Neo Queen Serenity can only be playing God by removing an 'undesirable' element of man; however, unlike the true Creator (I'm not Christian) she is being destructive. What is man when man is but a half of himself? At this point I can only guess. There is still much I don't know, and much I need to know. Anyway, with all this 'purity' nonsense, I'm willing to bet all the religious fundamentalists are having field days. Heck, anyone with strong religious ties should be flocking to Neo Queen Serenity's utopia, I think. Next I'll hear someone equating her with Jesus, and her arrival as the Second Coming. I've noted that Biblical references and the previous events are far too convenient for each other: a great catastrophe at the end of the millennium (of course, that might just be the suicidal cults), the rebirth of Jesus, and all that rot, with the great ice storm and the appearance of Neo Queen Serenity. Ocbober 5, 2904 Unfortunately, I passed by a group of fanatical Christians who were equating Neo Queen Serenity with Jesus. Go figure. (Note to self: try not to predict ridiculous events like this again. You'll become one of them if you do.) Well, it has been seven days since Neo Queen Serenity left Crystal Tokyo, and when she returned this afternoon she was quiet and weary. I had a word with her escorts (who were NOT the Sailor Senshi, by the way), and they mentioned that her worst fear came true: people of no small numbers elected to leave the planet instead of submit to her rule. I asked them what Serenity did to them, and they described it as thus: she waved her wand, and the people simply VANISHED. They, nor anyone else I spoke to, knew where they ended up. This thought troubled me greatly; I confided this news with Shingo, who took it reasonably well, considering he was hearing the information second-hand. I, for one, was worried about my friends back in Kyoto-- Shingo had no such problems, for all of his extended family was here in Crystal Tokyo. Therefore, I resolved to make a trip to Kyoto, and, surprisingly, Shingo offered to come with me. I secured a vehicle from my colleagues at the phone company, and promised to return it to them after I came back (Yes, I am coming back; I don't plan on leaving Crystal Tokyo for good until I figure out what Neo Queen Serenity is doing and not telling us about). To say the least, I am quite eager to see Kaori again. October 4, 2904 In hindsight, I should have asked the queen's escort what happened to the people who were 'purified.' Well, I suppose I could find out by myself. Shingo and I stopped halfway to Kyoto at a local inn in Nagoya; yes, we were traveling along the southern coast, the scenic route. And we were taking our time, too; if we were really in a hurry, the train would have been much faster. The two of us took the opportunity to observe the changed world around us: everything, down to the cement floors and roads, were free of dirt and grime, as in Crystal Tokyo. It seemed as if anywhere Neo Queen Serenity went, her influence followed. Relaxing at the beach, I finally got the chance to poke ribs into Shingo about Akiko, the television station editor. Of course, my friend here was reluctant to make such an admission, but I pointed out that he knew of MY girlfriend, Kaori. Still, he refused to admit it, but I can tell he does have feelings toward her. The only other odd thing I noticed today was that there were no young children of the four to eight age range in any of the cities or towns we passed through. I wonder what that means? October 5, 2904 Today I found the answer to my previous question. I met Kaori for the first time since the ice storm this morning, but what I found out shocked me: she married, and gave birth to a strong young boy. In the span of a month, this could not have happened! The lucky man was none other than Hideyoshi, one of my oldest friends. He looked older than when I left a month ago; and I congratulated him sincerely for his happiness with my fist. I learned that, in estimation, for every week I spent in Crystal Tokyo, a year passed in the outside world. The young children grew up to teenagers, and it was only now that a new generation was replacing the strange gap. Therefore, there MUST be some sort of time difference between Crystal Tokyo and the rest of the world, but how it differs is beyond me; the numerous expedition crews never reported any differences in time. It must be that the people of Crystal Tokyo woke up later than everyone else? Or something else? When I confronted Kaori I tried to handle myself well, but I admit that Shingo had to restrain me from killing Hideyoshi. To their credit, when I went missing (in their perception) they eventually decided I was dead, then... this happened. Somehow, I suspect my old friend Hideyoshi had his eyes on Kaori for a while even when I was going out with her. Perhaps I should be honored that they named the child after me. I also took the time to take a trip down to the University of Kyoto; they, too, were surprised I was still alive, and YOUNG, to boot. To them, I had not aged, but I don't want to write all about that again. Getting straight to the point, I asked the astronomers about the tenth planet. I was surprised to learn that it turned out to be some kind of moon in an erratic orbit-- it was not a true planet at all, and it was heading into our solar system (over the course of ten centuries it had left and returned). The moon came from another solar system (unspecified), and traveled between that system and our own in its erratic orbit. Since the moon was black, all light was absorbed into it, and no information could be gained about it. When Neo Queen Serenity visited Kyoto, she saw the astronomers' findings, and dubbed the moon 'Nemesis' quite unceremonially. So, thereafter the black moon will be called Nemesis. I wished I could stay to study the new moon, but I promised to return to Crystal Tokyo; besides, Shingo really ought to see his Akiko before she runs off with someone else, too. It was nigh time to confront Neo Queen Serenity. October 7, 2904 I reported my findings to the gang at the phone company (well, leaving out the details about my escapade with Hideyoshi and Kaori, of course). Only recently had the gang discovered the mysterious frequency that was interfering with communications was gone; why or when it happened, they didn't know, but I think it was the dome that was doing it; that was the only thing different around here. Before leaving it was agreed that we would meet again in three days time, when the appropriate people could be contacted, then together we would confront Neo Queen Serenity. October 10, 2904 Waiting for the meeting was torturous. Those residing in Crystal Tokyo who harbored suspicions against Neo Queen Serenity were there, from any and all walks of life. Shingo was there, too; I believe it was because he could not deny that something was wrong, despite the support he gives the queen. Weapons were illegal in Neo Queen Serenity's utopia, but somehow these men managed to gather some simple firearms-- I myself took a .38 revolver, but Shingo refused to touch the weapons. We weren't planning on using them, only use them if necessary. Plans were made to enter the tour groups at the crystal citadel; when the time was right, we would storm our way to Neo Queen Serenity's throne room, whether she wanted to see us or not. If we turn out unsuccessful, this may be my last entry for a while. October 12, 2904 This is the first time I've managed to write an entry since my capture and imprisonment in the crystal citadel. The Senshi had the decency to allow me to retain this journal; they saw little harm in my having it. Yesterday turned out to be a flip-sided coin; we did get some answers out of Neo Queen Serenity, but at the cost of our freedoms. We barged into the throne room as planned, and we held the monarch hostage at gunpoint. Time was quite limited; even though we sealed ourselves within the throne room, the Sailor Senshi would get in eventually. When asked about what happened to the people who refused to submit to her rule, the queen answered that she banished them to Nemesis. We found that the black moon was indeed inhabitable, and that the people would indeed survive. However, they were denied the means to leave the moon, their weapons of destruction, and many other modern conveniences. Next we wanted to know about the time differences. Neo Queen Serenity admitted that she ordered Sailor Pluto, the Guardian of Time (not the death maiden as I originally thought), to slow-down time within the city. However, we had no time to ask why, because there were more pressing questions, and the Senshi were getting in. The last question we got an answer to was this: under her order the ice storm was created in order to mask the cause of the great sleep spell. By then, the Sailor Senshi broke into the throne room, King Endymion at the lead. Then chaos broke loose. Gunfire went off all around me. I threw myself at Shingo to escape the erratic gunfire, as the gang I was with was shooting EVERYWHERE, the fools. We were both down on the ground, heads covered, hoping fervently that the chaos would end. I would've personally killed the one with the sub-machinegun. It was all over very quick; the Sailor Senshi were still standing, but many of the gang were not; they were incapacitated, not dead, I could tell. Then, unceremonially, we were carted off to the prison. When we were lead to our cells I noticed that Shingo was lead away; it was obvious he would not be joining us. Why they did so, and what they did to him, is beyond me. Not long after everyone was locked up, Sailor Mars came down to the prison alone. She told us, "It was a mistake not to use the Silver Crystal on you guys. That'll be fixed soon enough." I have no idea what that meant, but Neo Queen Serenity never came down-- no, here she comes. October 13, 2904 Well, I wanted to get a good look at Nemesis, and now it looks like I'll have the closest experience anyone else back at the University of Kyoto will ever have. Last night Neo Queen Serenity gave us the same choice she gave the rest of the world: submit ourselves to the power of the Silver Crystal, or be banished to Nemesis. Naturally, none of us volunteered to submit, therefore we all were banished (except for Shingo, that is; I never did see him again-- although some believe he betrayed us, I could find little indication of that being so, as we never would have gotten as far as we did if he did tip off the Sailor Senshi). Observation from space doesn't begin to describe this desolate place; sure, there were the normal landmasses such as mountains and canyons and lakes (albeit dark lakes), but everything was... black. There was no greenery, no plant life for all the eye could see, and it was quite possible that plants could never grow on Nemesis. We were unceremonially teleported (for lack of a better term) to the moon's surface; the sun was a dark blot in the sky, the sky was black, the ground was black-- everything was black except for the people (it was a wonder that anyone could see anything). The moon indeed had breathable air, and it had drinkable water. The local ruffians (the ones who were banished to Nemesis before us) laid down the rules of the land-- every man for himself. When I asked where to get some food, the lead ruffian laughed, saying that there was no need for food, as something in the water kept away hunger (I really don't want to test that theory). Water was uncontrolled, and it was everywhere, so there was no need to regulate it (or, at least, it was futile to try). In fact, from what I've seen the 'every man for himself' rule doesn't seem to hold much water (pardon), as cooperation seemed to be the norm to adjust to the new, strange life. None of these people were my friends; therefore, I kept my distance from them whenever possible, effectively making me a hermit. The first order of business is to find someplace to stay. October 14, 2904 A trek through the mountains revealed several naturally created caves, many of which were unoccupied. Therefore, searching for a suitable vacancy, I found the proper home. Since I had none of my belongings (except maybe this journal), I had to find some way to make myself at home. I asked around, but the people were unusually bitter; no wonder, since they were kicked out of their homes. Still, one soul carried extra linens and rags, and freely gave some to me (where he got them from is beyond me, but I don't want to dwell on it too much). The weather-- there was no weather to speak of. The dark sun was certainly not our own sun, which meant that Nemesis was in its other solar system, perhaps its home system. Still no plant life. The water seemed magical-- it cleaned itself no matter how many pollutants one put in it (I witnessed this first-hand, and I don't wish to divulge). It's strange, surviving only on the magical water (for a lack of a better explanation; I've only started believing in magic when Neo Queen Serenity appeared, but I'm still a skeptic). October 16, 2904 Today I've noticed something strange growing on my skin; it had not appeared on anyone else. It was some sort of black fungus; no matter how many times I try to scrub it, the growth will not come off. Therefore, to prevent inciting fear in the masses I've isolated myself in my cave, away from the people I didn't really want to know. Something tells me that the dark sun's radiation gets trapped in the absorbing atmosphere of the black moon; that could explain some of the anomalies, but how? October 17, 2904 The growth is spreading. There's nothing I can do about it except try to conceal it. I realized that there was no use trying to keep myself hidden in the cave, so I began the habit of throwing a heavy, concealing robe over myself. Somehow I suspect I look quite mysterious with the robe on. Many people were going out of their ways to give me a wide berth. October 23, 2904 I'm not sure why I'm keeping track of the days by the Earth calendar; the black moon certainly did not follow it. It seems strange to me, but I swear that everyone around me was aging much faster than I was. Most of the members of the Crystal Tokyo gang got themselves killed in a rash attempt to escape Nemesis (I hear that many people have tried everything from making giant slingshots to formulating rockets fueled by the water), so there is no way to compare myself, them, and the rest of the people of Nemesis. One of my neighbors seemed to grow old before my eyes. At about this time I discovered an artifact: it was a gold bracelet, which obviously did not belong to anyone banished from Earth, for the design was too... bizarre, so indescribable. Therefore, I'll be searching for more artifacts to pass the time. April 30, 2916 A marvelous find! Ruins of an ancient civilization! After many days of searching and digging (alone), I've found the find of the century: it appeared to be some sort of library. And, strangely enough, this culture used books as we did. However, opening a random tome, it contained an alphabet that I could not decipher; it was obviously the language of this ancient culture, and could take years to decipher. Still, I certainly had the time. Tomorrow I'll be moving out of my cave and into the ruins. August 7, 2916 Something strange happened to me today. While poring over a tome, I got decidedly frustrated over the complexity of the language. I wished I could read the damn thing, and then, as if by magic, everything in the text was clear to my mind! This was a marvel indeed! Perhaps the radiation of the dark sun was mutating my genetic structure, and therefore I could warp reality? Strange theory, but worth looking into. August 8, 2916 I truly believe in magic. I don't really know how I did it, but I was trying to light a candle with my finger. I willed it to happen, and it HAPPENED. If my theory is correct, then this ancient culture used magic. If that is so, then there must be some kind of instructionary tome somewhere in this library. I'll have to find it, and practice, if I ever want to get anything done. March 24, 2944 At last, I've finished reading everything in the library. Well, this will be the first time I touched this journal since my discovery of this magic force. I could go on end how powerful I've become, but that would be pointless. Especially since, after a complete, exhaustive study, I've learned something of far greater value: the existence of an artifact called the Black Crystal. The Black Crystal was the most powerful weapon of the Ancients, using dark energies to fuel it. Anything was possible with the Black Crystal, but there was one catch-- the artifact was supposively destroyed at the time the civilization fell (the home planet of the civilization, the original heavenly body Nemesis orbited, was destroyed in an undocumented disaster; all that survived was what meager constructs they built on this black moon). However, something in the back of my mind TELLS me that the Black Crystal still exists, and it was CALLING to me! I must find the artifact at once! March 25, 2944 No luck so far in the search for the Black Crystal. For reference, it might be prudent to record what I have learned from the ancient library: it seems that these people, who I will term as 'Nemesians' (for they, like humanity, did not name itself), was a rival 'country' in this galaxy with the twin nation of the Silver Millennium, a civilization that was based in our very own solar system. The Millennium's capitol was on the moon orbiting Earth (again, without a proper name), ruling over all the smaller communities within the entire solar system, from Mercury to Pluto. It was a peaceful kingdom ruled by Queen Serenity (this must be the reason there is a 'Neo' Queen Serenity now), who ruled with the blessing of the Silver Crystal (the very same artifact, I suppose). The Nemesians ruled over their solar system as well, with their base of operations on the planet Nemesis (which leads me to believe this moon was not always called 'Nemesis'). Where the Silver Millennium stood for peace, Nemesis stood for conquest. The King of Nemesis ruled with the power of the Black Crystal at his beck and call (which is why I believe that the Black Crystal and the Silver Crystal are polar opposites of each other), and wished to bring the Millennium under his power. Unfortunately for the Nemesians, the Silver Millennium was far too powerful (more powerful than they appeared, I suppose). The invaders became the invaded. Finally, Queen Serenity and her Senshi (they bore the same names as this time's Senshi) came to Nemesis and ended the empire-- that is where the documentation trailed off. Needless to say, the Nemesians never recovered, and eventually died out somehow. The Black Crystal was supposed to have been destroyed in the final battle; however, it seems to be calling to me. If my theory is correct, then the Black Crystal can no more exist than the Silver Crystal-- that is, they are two peas in a pod, one existing along with the other. If both were destroyed, then both would remain destroyed; however, when one continues to exist, so must the other. It gives a new definition to the yin and yang, if one looks at it at a certain angle. If the Black Crystal has chosen me to wield its awesome power, then I could very well be the successor to the Nemesian civilization. June 23, 2972 After failing to find the Black Crystal, I decided to return to the cave that served as my original home. Although I tried my best to stay away from these people, they would not stop badgering me. Just because I wore a robe and was shrouded in mystery did not mean I could help them out (although I always did, and quite successfully, too). What they didn't know was why I continued to wear the concealing robe: my body has decayed over the years. The growth I spoke of long ago ate away at my skin and tissue, and now there is little organic material left in my body (bones). However, I have magically-animated my skeletal remains (there was still a good deal of life in me yet), using a specially-fashioned crystal ball as a focus. All the people would see was my heavy robes, a pair of shimmering, transparent hands, and a crystal ball. Since people often came to me for advice and help, and since I seemed to know a lot, I became known as the 'Wiseman.' Not a name I would have chosen, but it stuck. June 11, 2994 I've done it! In-between visits from the local populace, and many, many divinations into my crystal ball, I've finally found the Black Crystal! It looked quite unimpressive, to say the least. It was a spherical orb, no larger than a baseball, made up of many spear-like crystal shards jutting out of the center, yet, since there were so many of them, the crystal felt perfectly spherical. True to its name, the artifact was purely black, quite fitting for a black moon. Careful study is required before I try anything with this. If this is what I think it is, the artifact may be the key to eliminating the creature known as Neo Queen Serenity, and her abominable city of Crystal Tokyo. Mankind will be put back on its proper course, or be destroyed by its 'benevolent' ruler. May 31, 3102 I've finished my study of the Black Crystal long ago, but there is something interesting to note. As a note, I estimate that about seven generations have passed since my arrival on Nemesis. By this time magic became borne within the people of the black moon; magic became a part of life instead of a wonder or miracle. If someone wanted something, they fashioned it with their magic. Still, one needed proper training and guidance in order to perform such feats; over the years I have had many who sought my teaching, but I refused, as I was too engrossed with the Black Crystal. However, I did tell them a few pointers, but only enough to get them to go away. Cutting to the chase, I was visited this day by two men: Diamond and Sapphire. They approached me for the first time, although I knew who they were; Diamond was the rising leader of the Black Moon Family, as people were calling themselves these days. In fact, his lineage could be traced to the same line as Mamoru Chiba, Usagi Tsukino's fiancee (or, should I say, husband). In fact, since Mamoru was King Endymion, I informed Diamond that his proper title was 'prince' (although I can not yet PROVE that Mamoru is Endymion, I feel it is right, if only to feed the boy's arrogance). Sapphire, Diamond's loyal brother, was obviously of Endymion's line-- if you took away his forehead tattoo (which was shaped as an upside-down black crescent moon in a cruel mockery of the tattoo worn by Neo Queen Serenity and her court) and changed his clothes, he would look EXACTLY like the King of Crystal Tokyo. Prince Diamond decided he wished something better for his people-- not the desolate, barren moon of Nemesis, but Earth, the Family's true home. I asked what sparked this, and Sapphire answered that the two found a patch of crabgrass growing in the wastelands a few days ago (I myself was shocked beyond belief; for all the time I lived in Nemesis I never saw plant life-- it must be a sign! Still, grass?). What the two came for was not only advice, but my help. They needed my help to return to Earth and the home they never knew. I told them this: the Black Moon Family was banished from Earth because they would not submit to Neo Queen Serenity's despotic rule. I told them that the Black Moon Family DESERVED to live on Earth. I told them the only way to succeed was to give power to the Black Crystal-- only then could the Family get its revenge against the despot Neo Queen Serenity. I warned Diamond of the Silver Crystal-- Neo Queen Serenity's most powerful weapon, which could do whatever the queen pleased. It was the only thing that could possibly stand in the way of the might of the Black Moon Family and the Black Crystal. Therefore, it must be destroyed. Prince Diamond was angered and impressed; he personally invited me to come to his court. I reluctantly agreed, as there was a price to be paid for my freedom-- the Black Crystal must be given energy. For the first time in... many years, I left the cave that served as my home. The barren landscape was no more-- in its place was the magically-created fortress of Prince Diamond, and an entire city around it. All created by the magic borne in the Black Moon Family. I was introduced to the rest of Prince Diamond's court: Emerald, the sly, devious woman; Rubeus, Diamond's best friend, and commander of the droid army (droids are artificial constructs that came about some time ago that were just as good as any other sentient being in terms of thinking); and the four Sisters, who obviously needed a better taste in dress (by this time, fashion had taken a whole new course of evolution; where men prefer simple, yet effective, plain clothes, the women often went to extremes-- dressing in revealing clothes that flaunted physical beauty, while the clothes themselves were made in some sort of parody of ancient royal court gown). I repeated my words to the gathered court, but what I never told any of them was what I really had in mind. During my study of the Black Crystal, I realized that its power was still quite limited, unless there was a great source of energy. The greatest source of energy available I discovered, however, was pure Death Force energy. Only with this energy could I eliminate Crystal Tokyo and its wickedness from the face of the universe; mankind must be purged of this impurity (ironic, that; Crystal Tokyo is 'supposed' to be the center of right, goodness, and purity). However, unleashing the Death energy requires vast amounts of energy in itself-- that was where the Black Moon Family came in. They will gather the energy for me, enough energy until I could open a gate to the pure Death Force. More energy than anyone could imagine was lying in wait! With the gathered energy, I would be able to fashion a special gateway from which to harness the energy. With a fully-powered Black Crystal, nothing could be undreamed of. If the Silver Crystal existed to eliminate evil and sin, the Black Crystal existed to counter the ever-so subtle evil borne within it. The only wrench in the plan, of course, was to keep the Black Moon Family occupied long enough to perform my duty. As they were descendants of those banished to Nemesis long ago, they were quite rude, rowdy, and uncivilized (I continue to live through the sheer power of my will, although I believe the time-warping magic of Sailor Pluto had something to do with it-- there's no way to tell, since I cannot study time travel effects), quite unlike their ancestors. And, unlike their ancestors, these people were quite hateful and jealous of each other; the fact that they followed Diamond at all was a miracle (of course, it could just be simple charisma); I wouldn't be surprised if they turned on each other at a critical juncture in the future. In fact, I heard that Emerald got her position by offing her predecessor-- no one could prove that, of course, without the body (obviously she was craftier than she dressed... may be dangerous or useful, depending on how intelligent she was). Prince Diamond ordered a general raising of forces. The war machine of vengeance had begun. July 2, 3102 The volunteer army of the Black Moon (made up of everyone on Nemesis, of course) consisted of both man and droid; all were given the forehead tattoo of the black crescent moon and swore allegiance to Prince Diamond. I, however, took no such vow, and I declined to wear the tattoo. While Sapphire was angered with this, Diamond understood a certain significance-- as one of the Family's last surviving ancestors, I deserved respect and a degree of authority of my own. However, to help placate Sapphire, I submitted myself humbly as merely an advisor to Prince Diamond. That was all I needed to get my task done. One member of the Black Moon Family interested me in particular: a woman of no significance named Apusu. I felt great potential in this woman, therefore I took it upon myself to take her as an apprentice under my tutorage. The Black Crystal seems to get larger the more energy I give it. (Incidentally, the energy used is that being given off as residue of the Black Moon Family's war machine; they had not used so much magic since the construction of the palace, I hear. Like other sources of energy, magic apparently produces a waste product; fortunately, it is quite undetectable to the untrained, and is easily recyclable, considering the nature of the Black Crystal. However, this is a meager amount of energy, but it should suffice for now.) Could be a possible hindrance in terms of portability. I have noticed that Emerald seems interested in Prince Diamond. That could be useful later on. She may not be stupid, but emotions tend to destroy reason at the wrong times. Of course, unless I had a hand in it. July 23, 3112 Apusu has far-surpassed my expectations! This young woman is quite apt at magic, at a caliber that could potentially surpass the power I possessed. Quite dangerous indeed, as Apusu proved to be quite power-hungry and prone to treachery (as if that were any surprise, considering she is a member of the Black Moon Family-- that's right, I don't consider myself a part of them, and with good reason). I will have to test her at a later date. This regime of Diamond's might draw parallels to certain other governments in Earth history where knives were hidden behind smiles. However, there was very little bribery involved; most schemes involved outright assassination and 'accidents' made through third- party connections. The little bribery involved dealt mainly with concessions and promises, which I suspect, more often than not, were never kept. It's a wonder that the Black Moon Family doesn't destroy itself. October 1, 3112 I am quite disappointed. While the war machine continues to perform admirably, Apusu has failed her test. The sorceress knew all about the importance and power of the Black Crystal; it served as part of the test nicely. I 'accidentally' left the Black Crystal with Apusu unattended, claiming an emergency was going to take my attentions for the rest of the day. Apusu, in her drive for power, tried to remove the Black Crystal from its pedestal, but what she failed to realize was that I still had the artifact in my possession; what my student had was a well-designed replica. Apusu then confronted Prince Diamond with the Black Crystal, wishing to overthrow him from his leadership. Diamond, of course, took the threat quite seriously, but before Apusu could force her hand I arrived. "I thought you had to take care of an emergency!" she screeched. "I did," I replied. "You are it." She tried to use the power of the Black Crystal against me, but nothing happened, to the surprise of both Apusu and Diamond. I laughed. "I am quite disappointed, Apusu," I said. "Your treacherous nature and your power are far too dangerous for the well being of the Black Moon Family. Therefore, you are hereby banished from Nemesis." Ironic, it was, that I was banishing someone from the place I was banished to. With my sorceries I sent Apusu away from Nemesis, to reside within a drifting comet. I left her with all she needed-- her magic. You might wonder why I let her live; if, by some improbable chance that the Black Moon Family should fail in its quest for vengeance against Crystal Tokyo, Apusu would remain to finish the job (most of all, I have a great possibility of failure, therefore it is prudent to keep a backup, just in case). She deserved at least as much. And, even if I never need Apusu, I can still eliminate her with the powers of the Black Crystal behind me. In any case, the treacherous witch was out of my way for the duration of my mission. June 12, 3134 The invasion has begun. Although I suspect Crystal Tokyo's Earth yet still suffered a slower timeline than the rest of the universe; to them, only a quarter as many years passed as happened on Nemesis. I doubt they remember us. The initial attack was a complete success; Neo Queen Serenity, as reported, was taken out in the initial attack, and she had no time to use her Silver Crystal! However, four of the Sailor Senshi, the only ones in the palace, erected a great force field, preventing the Black Moon's forces from entering. Instead of killing the people of Crystal Tokyo outright, Prince Diamond opted instead to put them to sleep (ironic, isn't it?); Neo Queen Serenity was also hit by the same spell. Something tells me that Diamond has some kind of ulterior motive. King Endymion was mortally wounded in the attack. The other Sailor Senshi were nowhere to be found, but it appeared they were not coming anytime soon. I took no direct part in the battle; as is my place as advisor I remain at Prince Diamond's court only as such, not as a field commander such as Rubeus or Sapphire. What little advice I gave them was to make the battle swift; that they accomplished splendidly. Of course, that was not all I busied myself with; I saw to it that all the excess energies generated from the battle were channeled to the Black Crystal directly; in only a span of hours the artifact had grown by at least a magnitude of twenty, taking up the size of a small room. It now rests in a specially crafted chamber I previously suggested Diamond to construct; he was delighted at my foresight. However, even though we succeeded in most of our goals, the heir to the throne, the young princess Usagi (Rubeus and the others not-so-affectionately call her 'the Rabbit'), escaped! Divination revealed that she was in possession of the Silver Crystal, and that she was going back in time! Unthinkable! How DARE those wretches of Crystal Tokyo think of changing the timeline?! The girl could have gone anywhere in time; it was a wonder that I still existed! However, there was no other choice: someone must chase the Small Lady Usagi through time and retrieve her; she couldn't possibly have any idea what tampering with the timeline could do! (For that matter, neither do I.) And, if possible, destroy the Silver Crystal she carried with her. Prince Diamond left the task up to the four Sisters. I sincerely hope those four ditzes do their job, but I'm not counting on it. If they fail, I may have to intervene. (The journal of Kenji Shiromatsu ends abruptly at this critical juncture. It was later recovered by an expedition from Crystal Tokyo, who was there to dismantle the Nemesis war machine for the future. Given to the hands of Neo Queen Serenity herself, only her eyes have seen what was written within. The journal currently rests in her private study, a constant reminder of the price of victory.) * * * * * The Death Force was just that: pure Death. It was pitch-black, but one could make out streams of energy flowing throughout the... space. Death was everywhere, Death was supreme. Except for the fact that Wiseman was there. Once again, Neo Queen Serenity, who was indeed Usagi Tsukino and Sailor Moon, used the power of the Silver Crystal to eliminate him. Only this time, she had the help of a SECOND Silver Crystal, one from the past, and one from the present time. By all rights, the Black Crystal should have overwhelmed the Silver Crystal! Even with the infused Death Force the Black Crystal was no match for two Silver Crystals. The fools, thought Wiseman, tampered with the timeline! The fool Prince Diamond, almost destroyed time itself by smashing both Silver Crystals together! The fool Sailor Pluto, killed herself in order to stop him-- by stopping time itself! The Small Lady, formerly my most powerful agent, changed time to defeat me! Of course, by all rights, the Black Crystal, antithesis of the Silver Crystal, should have been destroyed, and I should have been destroyed as well. However, there was something that wasn't in the Ancients' texts, and something that two Silver Crystals could not do: defeat Death. By all rights, long ago, I should have died along with the rest of the initial residents of Nemesis, but force of will alone, and the aid of Death, kept me going. I should have been laid to rest, if only Sailor Pluto's time-warp had not interfered with my body. Now, I have no need for a body; I have transcended. I am Death. As such, time has no meaning to Death. And, since Death is the end of all things, it is also the 'afterlife.' It is where the dead Sailor Pluto merged with the Death energy, where her memories and thoughts were made available to me. A most interesting subject. Time is only a perception; Death has no perception of time. I could keep track of how long it took to scour through all ten- thousand-years-worth of memories, but no. I could will it to take anything from an instant to a millennia, and I would still know the same things. The Black Moon family suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of Neo Queen Serenity; instead of making the same mistake twice, the whole of Nemesis' population was devastated after the war. All of them died-- Emerald, Rubeus, Sapphire, Diamond, the four Sisters, legions of droids and Family. Emerald and the Sisters got their just reward for their stupidities; Rubeus got what he deserved for trying to flee Nemesis during a crisis; Sapphire was done in by his own brother. Those Black Moon children-- how unpredictable they were! Delicate manipulation was the only way to keep them in line, but that didn't serve to keep Diamond in line in the end. The madman deserved his fate. And, I was a fool to believe that I could manipulate the daughter of Neo Queen Serenity to serve my cause; her work was my undoing. I knew of the death of Apusu, which occurred not long after my own defeat. As predicted, she arrived at Crystal Tokyo to wreak her vengeance, but she failed in one respect: she tampered with the time stream to the point where events, past and present, were in collision with each other. Pathetic, that Diamond, Sapphire, Beryl, Rubeus, Professor Tomo, and the rest had to die a second time. And the Silver Millennium got sacked by Beryl for a second time (unlike them, I was quite unaffected by Apusu's meddling). Of course, Apusu was destroyed by her own plans; the Sailor Senshi came to Crystal Tokyo from the past once again and destroyed her. And before Apusu's meddling, there was Sailor Pluto, who paid the price for meddling with the timeline with her life. That in itself should have been enough, but her death yielded far more than I could ever have imagined. It will be her undoing, in more ways than one. If she wanted to play with the timeline, I can do it, too. There was only one viable solution to the problem that Neo Queen Serenity created, and that was to return where everything ended: June 30, 1999. With the Black Crystal in my possession, and armed with the knowledge of what is to come, there must be a way to prevent it all. Kenji Shiromatsu deserved to lead a normal life. With new determination, Wiseman's form, along with the Black Crystal, disappeared from the Death Force space. After all, Death has no perception of time. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Rant Before you bark about the fates of certain characters, keep in mind the primary source was the original manga; the anime, as always, is secondary to my works, then supplementals (such as video games), then other fanfics (which is least likely to be used). This was an idea fermenting in my dark mind for quite some time; after studying Sailor Moon for quite a while (that being because certain elements within my familial unit wished to have answers that simply weren't there), I've only come to like Wiseman as a character. Now, that in itself is quite odd, for there's nothing to like about the guy; he's lied and manipulated many people, ranging from the Sailor Senshi to the Black Moon Family and then some (not to mention that wiping out the universe isn't an admirable trait). Most people I've spoken to can't say anything about Wiseman except how evil he was. However, there's one question most people don't ask, one which I believe the most important: why? Heck, most people didn't know that Wiseman was banished to Nemesis; if I asked around most people would answer he was just... there. And therefore, I have embarked upon uncharted territory, where no other fanfic author dared to tread... into the heart of one 'cruel, heartless, irredeemable bastard!' If it is true that I am the first to do this, then I am the king of the world (uh, yeah, and here comes the guys with the pretty white jacket, too). My reasoning behind why Wiseman was so superintelligent before he became Wiseman: well, you can't GET smart without BEING smart in the first place. After all, this is the guy who figured out who Sailor Moon and her cronies were; this is the guy who figured out what happened to the Silver Crystal; this is the guy who... never mind. It's obvious that Wiseman hates Crystal Tokyo and what it stands for. His true goal was to wipe it off the face of the Earth, which was something the Black Moon Family didn't want (they wanted to CONQUER it, not destroy it). I tried my best to show how Wiseman was wronged enough that destroying Crystal Tokyo was the only way-- he lost too much to be bearable. An ancient Black Moon civilization is not implausible. It and the Silver Moon civilizations are too intwined-- Black Crystal, Silver Crystal; Black Moon, Silver Moon; when one falls, the other falls; when one rises, so does the other. Two peas in a pod, good and evil alike; one cannot exist without the other. A note about Apusu: she was the main villain in the Super Famicom game, 'Sailor Moon: Another Story' RPG. Apusu came to destroy Crystal Tokyo by ruining the past; her minions were warped mirror-images of the five Inner Senshi, and a boy named Angel. Her plan was such that dead villains returned to life for a second time, and events which took place in the past were repeating themselves (such as the sack of the Silver Millennium). Most villains up to the third season reappeared in this game, with the exception of Ann, Emerald, Wiseman, Metallia (Negaforce), and Master Pharaoh 90 (note that all three of the Chaos Children up to that point remained dead; Zirconia had yet to show up). The storyline follows the manga, but uses anime visuals and characters. Monsters are made up of Dark Kingdom youma (including the five D-Girls), cardians (??), Black Moon droids, and Deathbuster daemons (but you still don't get to see the Daemon King). Sailor Saturn was made grown-up again just for the span of the game. Apusu's connection to the Black Moon Family is purely fan-made, but it isn't inconceivable.