The Wheel of Fire, #38: Dreams Never End Written by Razorclaw X ( Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 and characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi. And all that other good stuff. Proper licenses belong to respective properties and characters. The manga has precedence over material in the anime. This file can be freely distributed so long as it appears in its complete form and proper credit given. No part may be reproduced for monetary gain without permission from the author. Fanart can be found at: --------------------------------------------- "The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it."-- Ralph Waldo Emerson "Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientous stupidity." -- Martin Luther King, Jr. "Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose."-- Lyndon B. Johnson The moment Ranma stepped through the rift Akane rushed up to him with arms open, and the two embraced warmly. "You're okay!" she cried. "You won't believe what I saw," Ranma said. "I don't believe what I'm seeing, either," Ryoga said as he stepped through the rift himself. Shizuka was the next to emerge, still supporting Hokuto. "What'd you expect? A hero's welcome?" She snorted. "Remember, they've gone to the edge...." "Not you too!" Ranma complained, turning around and breaking his embrace. "What makes you think we...?" "That's what I want to know!" Akane added as the others passed through the rift. "Then it's untrue that you guys went to bed together?" asked Shampoo. "And that you..." Kodachi puckered her lips, making a smooching sound. "And," Tatewaki added, waving his fingers around in circles. Quietly, emerging last from the rift, Cinder turned and sealed it, restoring the dimensional fabric. Beside him, Kanna Rajura snorted. "Dang, they're quick kids, aren't they?" Out of the air Happosai dropped in, a bag of stolen goodies over his shoulder. "Ranma, my boy! You've come back already?" He joined Kodachi in making noises. "What the hell...?!" muttered Ranma, blood boiling. "What makes all of you think we did... that?!" Akane demanded, her eyes scanning the gathered allies. "Just come out and say it," suggested Miranda. "We've heard it all by now." "I don't know what you people are getting all worked up over," Chika said in the midst of the crowd. "Don't you know anything?" Ayame asked. "They're talkin' about sex." "Wait, but...." "I heard you two did it," Mousse said, patting Ranma on the shoulder in congratulations. "Good job! Never thought you had it in you!" "Why are you guys getting all worked up over ONE kiss?!" Akane and Ranma shouted at once. Silence fell over the gathered people. "Does this mean...?" uttered Kodachi. "No." Akane said flatly. "But your sister said...." The gymnast stopped. Outside the gathered mass around Ranma and Akane, Nabiki Tendo, deciding it was a good time to make her exit, slipped away quietly. "I don't believe it," she muttered under her breath. "Tomo was being straight with me after all." The morning sun rose in the eastern sky, marking the start of a new day. Although the bulk of the guests invited for a victory party at the Tendo Dojo would have liked to have gotten a piece of Nabiki Soun gave them more than enough incentive not to touch his second daughter. "Okay, Mousse," Kanna said, as he took her out of the dojo, away from the rest of the guests. "What do you want?" "I've been watching you," the weapons master admitted carefully. "Although I haven't seen everything you've done...." "Oh, Mousse, there you are!" Jumping in surprise Mousse turned around, raising an angry fist. "Can't you see I'm busy, kid?" Konatsu bowed quickly. "Forgive my actions! But I need your advice." "Really." "How can I amend my previous error?" Mousse scratched his chin in consideration. "Well, you love her, right?" The kunoichi nodded. "She at least likes you, right?" Again, Konatsu nodded. "Well, I'm no expert on this, but...." Mousse's voice trailed off, considering the right words. "Take it one step at a time. Okay?" Confusion settled in Konatsu's eyes. "I... I'm not sure I understand." "Just talk to her," he insisted. Somewhat reluctantly, Konatsu nodded. Bowing again, he took off around the corner, disappearing from sight. "Now, where were we?" Mousse asked. "You were going over my resume," Kanna answered, "and giving love advice on the side." "Right." He nodded, remembering why he asked the Crystal Spider out here. "Like I've said, I've seen bits and pieces of how you worked... and...." He swallowed. "There's a war going on in my homeland, that doesn't look like it's going to end anytime soon. No one will yield, talk, or sue for peace, because each faction is too proud to give in a fight." "I see." Kanna's lips formed a slight grin. "You're recruiting me to win a war for you?" Raising his hands, Mousse quickly replied, "N-no! You don't...." "Sounds like fun," she interrupted. Doing a double take, the weapons master uttered, "Huh?" "You don't have a tactician like me," Kanna said, "so you're asking a professional. No problem; I'll just have to get my affairs in order and I'll see what I can do for you." "R-really!?" He could not believe his ears. "Really." "I'm back," Konatsu announced, appearing from around the corner for Ukyo, who was staring at the rising sun. "So," Ukyo said, "what did he say?" The kunoichi jumped in surprise. "H... how?!" "I'm not stupid," she answered. "You've been taking advice from Mousse." "But what he says makes sense," insisted Konatsu. "He said we should just... talk." The chef girl shook her head, leaning against the dojo wall and sinking to the floor. "Konatsu... I want to say that it's sudden... I want to say that I don't share the same feelings as you... but I can't." Wisely, Konatsu held his tongue. "Honestly," she continued, "I don't know what to think. I mean... I've known your feelings, but I haven't thought about them. I've been pushing thoughts of being with you out of my mind for the longest time." She buried her head in her arms, trying her best to hide her tears from the kunoichi. "I kept telling myself, 'I'm too dangerous to be around.' And because of that I've been trying to get you to move on with your life, because you deserve someone better." "Ukyo...." whispered Konatsu, seating himself next to her. "I'm messed up." She raised her head, staring at her empty palms. "I lost Ranma, and I couldn't take it. I get run through, and I couldn't take it. I get my head turned inside out and a hidden power is awakened... I couldn't take it. I met myself from..." she waved her hands for an arbitrary number, "fifty years in the future, and she hated me enough to give me a split personality... and I couldn't take it. Everything that happened I managed to screw up, but you've been very strong throughout all of it." Ukyo shook her head. "I'm not as strong as you think I am." "You're stronger than anyone I know," countered the kunoichi confidently. "It is I who is weak. It is hard to make decisions on my own, without a parent like you to guide me, and I must look toward one as strong as you to move on." "Don't lie," she warned. "It's the truth." Konatsu held her hand gently. "It is those same events you describe yourself weak that I find you so strong, because you have the will to move on, whereas I could not hope to have gotten as far as you have. When the Orochi assassin ran you through, you had the courage to get up and challenge him again. When Ranma turned away from you it was a harsh ordeal, but you kept your restaurant open... kept your customers happy throughout that period despite your pain. When your hidden ability was brought to your attention you didn't run from it, but you sought to master it, so that it can never again be used against yourself or others." He shook his head. "I won't begin to understand how long you've had a split personality, but, whichever was in control at any given time, you remained true to yourself. That is why you're strong; you taught me to make my own decisions, leading by example. Never again will circumstance dictate the way I live my life!" He offered a smile, staring into Ukyo's eyes with great certainty. He raised a hand to wipe away a tear rolling down her cheek, but she stopped him, holding his hand fast. "We're both screwed up," she decided, laughing softly despite herself. "I'm curious," Mizuki said, walking through the back yard alone with Cinder. "You've been to the Kami Plane and back... and all the places in-between." "Yes, yes," the salamander said, nodding. "Now that we've narrowly-averted disaster, I was wondering where we all stand now." "Ah, the political climate, you mean." Flicking his wrist a small candle-like flame appeared, dancing between his index and middle fingers. "Although the plans of the Mekani to merge the planes has failed, they still control a sizable army. They intended to create a massive energy surge with the merge, detectable in the undercurrents of the universe, in order to attract more of their kind to this planet. Had they been successful we would be too weak to retaliate against a full-scale invasion of the Hive Entire." "Their plans have been thwarted, so their advance has halted. While it is no massive withdrawal the Mekani hold a sizable area of the Kami Plane under their control, forming their own nation, so to speak. They remain a threat despite their setbacks." "So they still have their void rippers?" asked the priestess. Cinder nodded. "We suspect they have numerous factory satellites in the void, which produces more soldiers. As long as they remain in their new holdings, however, their numbers will grow larger as they gather more resources. I imagine the kami will not tolerate it and attempt to push them back to the void." "In the meantime, although their primary marauder units have been disposed of, plus one Enforcer, they can surely make more. The war will continue for quite some time, until the Mekani either solidify their seat of power or they get up and move again." "Soon, I will be returning home," he added. "I have set the wheels in motion that will open communication between those who live on the surface and the Infernals that dwell in the underworld. It is a delicate time, because we both need to set aside our differences if we wish to deal with the Mekani." "I imagine that will take a while," Mizuki replied. "Indeed it will. We have thousands of years working against us in this battle. It will have to be won with words. While I serve as the ambassador for the Infernals, Lady Sypha will serve as the go-between for the Surfacers." "What do you suppose the Celestial Emperor's reaction will be when he learns that one of his own is working with the 'demons of Hell?'" Cinder shrugged. "She may be banished, discredited, or even removed from the Court. Or, she may get a chance to prove our worth. It can go either way, but she is up to the task. From her power base on Earth she could overthrow the Celestial Emperor easily, and he knows it. Thanks to her prolonged exposure to the true weave of this side her power greatly surpasses the Celestial Emperor. No, if he is wise as they say he is, he will allow Lady Sypha to try." "I foresee that our current arrangement will continue as normal," the salamander said finally, to Mizuki's delight. "Lord Kolvar, when he recognizes how strong his most loyal retainer has become, will be eager to lend warriors to this world." "So our Guardian of Suzaku's seal will be on the Kami Plane," Mizuki concluded. "It isn't something that is common, but is acceptable." She held out a hand. "Good luck in your endeavors." Whipping the candle flame out, Cinder reached out and shook the priestess's hand with his cold steel claw. "Watch the Mekani on your end of the Gate. They will be ever watchful of any sign of weakness when they are ready to deploy again." "I find it amusing that we meet again under entirely different circumstances," Sypha told Shampoo as they stood against the wall closest to the dojo's main exit. Shampoo nodded, even though she did not share the transformed dragon's humor. The last time she and Sypha met was under entirely different circumstances, for sure, but Shampoo was on the receiving end of a really nasty attack. "What do you want?" she asked. "If it is an apology then you aren't getting it." "Don't be absurd," the sorcerer replied. "I know you and your band of rowdy warriors are planning on returning home to the chaos I created. You know just as well as I there's only one way to solve it." Shampoo nodded. "We will be the ones to win. Even now Mousse is securing the aid of a valuable ally." "Yes, yes. Perhaps with her help you could win the war." Her eyes narrowed. "But that's hardly what you want, is it? How dare Mousse suggest enlisting the aid of an outsider to win?" "From the day I could start fighting my great- grandmother said one day that I could attain the leadership of the tribe," the Amazon admitted. "I've lived with that idea in mind for all my life, and I was the best warrior to be, until Ranma showed up. He made a fool of me, so I chased him out to Japan. All that brought Mousse into leadership in my stead." "A strange reversal of fortune." "At first I was jealous of him," Shampoo continued. "He had the young warriors following him and his example, and I was no longer recognized as the greatest of warriors any longer. But then you took the war into your claws, and you gave me the opportunity I needed to redeem myself to them." "But don't be convinced that it was good experience," she added quickly. "Mousse disappeared soon, and Great-grandmother returned from your captivity, but I was still leader by default. Yet, it was only as leader for temporary times, because they were waiting for Mousse to come back. And now he's going to go back with the key to victory. Why don't you think I'm angry?" "Nothing ever goes the way you planned," Sypha replied. "Your petty jealousy is barring your way to recognition, that's for certain. So long as you try to compete in Mousse's shadow, there you shall remain. If you ever wish to change it, then you cannot stay on your present course." Shampoo seemed to consider this. "Then if I'm not to compete with Mousse for leadership, what am I supposed to do?" "Stop trying to undermine him, and help him. You two share the same goals and purposes; it will help you in the long run if you help him. You don't have to make a decision now; think about it on your way home. He is no longer a silly boy." "Though it wasn't your advice I wished to hear," Shampoo replied, "there is truth in your words." Ranma poked his way through the crowded dojo, eyes scanning faces. While he recognized most of them the one he was looking for was nowhere to be seen. Every once in a while he paused for a moment to pick up on a conversation between people he knew, ranging from a formal apology from Senryu Nishimura to Kasumi to Miranda Kusao still arguing with Kodachi and Ayame over who was better between the two rivals. He gave a nod in Ryoga and Akari's direction, and a thumb's up signal toward Shion, a guy Ranma still had no real opinion of, but after hearing what lengths he went to in order to get his sister back from Hokuto, exaggerated or not, he gave him a little respect. A clamping hand on his shoulder followed by the loud and bellowing voice of the German-descended martial artist, Johan Ritters, broke Ranma's train of thought. "Well!" he shouted over the noise in the dojo. "I was looking for you!" "Great," Ranma answered, silently adding, "but I wasn't looking for you." Apparently the dance man didn't seem to notice. "I've finally remembered why I wanted to bust your chops a while back. I'm going to take you out dancing." Ranma blinked. "Uh... why?" Johan leaned over conspiratorially. "You see, if I can't beat you straight out fighting, I'm going to beat you straight out dancing. I played your game last time, so now's your turn to play mine." "Why should I?" "That's the way it works!" Johan replied, acting as if Ranma should know about whatever code he was referring to. "Out on the street, it isn't the guy with the biggest stick, it's the guy who knows how to use the stick!" And what did this have to do with a duel? he wondered. "Maybe some other time," Ranma said, ignoring any other words the Hawaiian street fighter had to say. He spotted the person he was looking for almost immediately thereafter. "Shizuka!" Ranma shouted over the crowd. The priestess of Genbu, obviously doing nothing too important, glanced in his direction with one of Kasumi's sandwiches between her teeth. Ranma pointed toward the exit, and she nodded, understanding the message. Quickly the martial artist made his way outside, pushing his way past Johan, who seemed to be ranting in a world of his own as he recited his ideas. He kept the door slid open until Shizuka could slip out herself, the sandwich held close to her breast as if she was afraid to drop it. Sliding the dojo entrance shut behind her she took another bite out of her sandwich. "Well," she said, mouth full, "wraht do rou wrant?" Ranma scratched the back of his head nervously. "Uh, well... you see, I wanted to thank you personally for saving me back there." Shizuka swallowed her bite, eyeing Ranma curiously. "I don't know what you mean." "Believe it or not," he replied, pulling the returning dagger from his belt, "this thing did it. I was wondering how I could pay you back for it." "Mmmm!" she huffed, taking a huge bite, consuming the rest of her sandwich. "Mmmmurr don haaav to do rit." "No, I'm not kidding," Ranma insisted. "It's just... it's just that I'm trying to look after Akane, and... well... you're helping me. I think I owe you." "You don't owe me a thing," Shizuka replied, swallowing her sandwich whole and thumping her throat. "Mine's a thankless job." "But I...." "Don't make me change my mind," she interrupted sternly. Ranma sighed. For the first time he realized that Shizuka was the type of person that didn't appreciate too much recognition, much less get credit for her work. People like that hardly did it because of a lack of pride; far from it, as the martial artist was quite certain the priestess was awfully proud. She was either unused to being praised, or did not like the attention associated with it. No wonder she's playing the unsung hero, he thought dryly. "Well," he said, replacing the dagger, "then I guess that settles it. By the way, it's good to see you back to your old self again, didja know that?" "Huh," the priestess snorted, folding her arms. "It just goes to show you don't realize you like stuff till you miss it." "Something like that, I guess," he agreed. "Saotome, a word with you," called a regal voice. Ranma turned his head away from the dojo, toward where Sypha, the transformed celestial dragon, stood. Glancing toward Shizuka, he said, "Gotta go," and hustled down to where the Chinese sorcerer stood. "Fraternizing with a child?" Sypha asked light- heartedly. "Whatever." He shrugged. "What do you want?" "Come, I've something to show you." Raising an eyebrow, Sypha lead Ranma toward the house, which was all but empty save for a few stragglers here and there. Nabiki was likely hiding in her room, and his mother was probably in the kitchen preparing more snacks for the guests. The sorcerer lead him up to his room, where Akane was waiting patiently, sitting on top of her bed. Closing the door behind them Sypha produced her dragon pearl and set it down on the desk. "I was thinking of a way to reward your services." "Uh, is that a safe thing?" wondered Ranma. "What he means is," Akane added quickly, "he doesn't know what you can offer us." "Well, I could promise you untold riches, but I don't have any," the sorcerer said jokingly. "But I can grant you a glimpse of your future." "The future?" Akane echoed. "I thought Hokuto said you can't go to the future," Ranma pointed out. "She can't, no," Sypha corrected. "The secrets of the ancient oracles, however, is a common source of power to my people. They have the ability to see into the future. In ancient times it was an oracle that was sought if one wished to know the outcome of a certain event-- that is the limitation. Many posed as oracles over time, and their visions prove false; it is only those gifted by the gods that can do this. The Oracle at Delphi, I believe, is your peoples' most celebrated oracle." "Why are you doing this?" asked Ranma. "Your actions, and your people, have helped redeem my own," answered Sypha. "We now stand a better chance of beating back the Mekani on our own now that their advance is halted. I am simply offering you a gift my people offer only to those worthy, and in these times those individuals are rare." "You two form a nexus," she continued. "Around you many pivotal events take place, and I believe a glimpse into your futures will prove most interesting. But it is up to you to decide what you want to see; I can only pass on information, not fabricate it." "Wow," whispered Akane. "That's some privilege." "Wait, one thing that's bothering me," voiced Ranma. "Back at Jusenkyo, Shizuka said she and you met twelve years ago. Why?" Sypha chuckled softly, a smile forming on her ruby lips. "It is because, when she was four, her parents took her to see me for a reading. They wished to see the future of their first-born daughter, and I revealed to them that it was not in their best interest for them to keep her. Of course she remembers me; I was partly responsible for her becoming a shrine maiden." Feeling he would not get much more out of the ancient sorcerer, Ranma sighed. "Okay, then... I guess we're going to dodge around those kind of readings." "Actually, I'm curious about one thing," Akane said. "What I want to know is where we'll all be in a few years... say, I don't know... five years or so?" "Is that what you wish of the oracle?" asked Sypha, directing her attention toward Ranma. The martial artist turned toward Akane, looking deep into her eyes, and realized he wanted to know the same thing. "Yes." * * * * * "All nine months and a bag of chips," Ranma said to himself, standing at the grocery store shelf and shaking his head. "I'll be glad when it's all over." Beside him, Shizuka was throwing a bag of chips into a shopping basket, shrugging seemingly uncaringly. "I don't have much to complain about; it's just starting for you. For me, it's another pay check or I split." "I don't pay you enough," the martial artist said with a heavy sigh, not understanding how she could maintain her stamina throughout the ordeal. He thought over the past eight months, and he realized he would have been a nervous wreak by now if he hadn't enlisted help. These days in Tokyo Ranma knew very few people he trusted enough to help him with such a delicate task as to cater to Akane's needs, so he had to find the right people. He always had Ryoga's help, but his aid was few and far between, as it was always dictated by his travel. Tatewaki and Kodachi were always too eager to help, which is why Ranma never asked them. Tofu helped sometimes, unless his schedule was full. Other than them, there were no other local trusted friends and acquaintances, so Ranma had to turn to help from outside town. Shizuka was invaluable help, but, since she preferred to remain back west Ranma had to pay her to come. To his disgust she brought along her ever-growing boa constrictor, Thanatos, but thankfully she left it at her cousin's all the time, the place where she stayed while in Tokyo. Since she had the most free time on her hands it was her duty to supplement Ranma in waiting hand-and-foot to Akane's needs and cravings, a job she took quite seriously. She was getting paid quite well, which was enough of an incentive to do a good job in the first place. "I don't think you earn your pay," Ranma complained, tossing more food off Akane's shopping list into the basket. He could not imagine another month of doing this kind of work, but somehow Ranma knew he would make it... somehow. "Oh yeah?" the priestess replied, raising an eyebrow. "I don't recall seeing you around when I was getting my face smashed in last week. You're always too quick to run off on 'training trips,' just to get away from it all. She's not stupid; she knows you're doing it to avoid her." "What can I do about it?" asked Ranma, tossing a bag of carrots to the priestess. "I need to take breaks too, you know. Besides, that's what you're getting paid to do." "Always you and money," grumbled Shizuka. "So when can I look for a raise?" "A raise?!" he shouted, drawing attention from the surrounding shoppers. He grinned nervously for their benefit, then lowered his voice. "Are you out of your mind? I'm barely making enough to pay what you're making now and all of this shopping." "Then get a real job!" "I can't get a 'real job!'" "Oh no, because you're too proud to be anything else other than a martial artist." "Not that you're doing as well as a priestess," he countered coldly. "I don't ever see you doing your gods a service." "That's because I don't believe or worship them," she answered smartly. Ranma blinked. "You're... you're an atheist? B-but, you're a priestess...." Shizuka shrugged. "I said I don't worship them, and don't believe in them, not 'I don't believe they exist.' So yeah, that technically makes me an atheist. I think it's just as good as ants worshipping us." "Ants don't worship us," Ranma pointed out. "Maybe... or are we too aloof to notice?" Shizuka tore her attention away for a moment, grabbing a loaf of bread. "See, that's the way I figure it is between gods and us; they're too aloof to care either way, but it matters that they are remembered and respected." She hatcheted her index finger, punctuating both 'r' words. Ranma shook his head. "You're weird." She smiled slyly. "I get that all the time." Nabiki paused while reading the text displayed on the monitor before her. Leaning back against her office chair she folded her arms behind her head, and stared up at the ceiling. Rolling her eyes to see if the door of her room really was closed, she said, "Well, how should I go about this one?" "What does it say?" said a voice through Nabiki's computer's speakers, a deep, male voice. She snorted to herself. Something in Nabiki told her she was in for real trouble when she snooped a little too close to Shion's dealings, especially after he seemed to be a rather active help during the Mekani invasion. It took a while, but she stumbled into his secret life, learning that it was he that was Warlock, the well-known underworld mercenary that would work for anyone at the right price. No, she corrected herself; Shion admitted it readily when she found out, and even welcomed her. "Actually, I'm glad you approached me," the Kagami Warlock said, "It saves me the trouble of coercing you in. That's right, I was going to approach you. Just by you doing it yourself shows you have great potential at this kind of work. No... you'll be perfect." He said all that and gave her an ultimatum: join or 'disappear.' Nabiki knew Warlock purely on reputation alone, even if she had previous dealings with him, but she knew enough to understand that he had the ability to carry out such a threat. Reluctantly, she joined, becoming another entrapped in his web of intrigue. It was also then she figured out his sister, Chika, was actually Tomo, to Nabiki's surprise; she thought Tomo was a guy. She was disappointed that the other famed mercenary was a weak-willed wimpy girl, and Chika reacted likewise toward Nabiki. That was as far as Shion allowed her in, however, as Nabiki knew there was more to it than that. His offer, it turned out, was grooming of a replacement Warlock, as he wished to retire from his mercenary status quietly while maintaining the illusion. Now that Nabiki was to become the second of the Warlocks she constantly being taught, and likewise very busy, spending most of her time at home in her room. She had little concern that Shion was using his real voice across the network, understanding that he knew what he was doing. She hoped he knew what he was doing. Certainly, the pay was good, and it was easy money once you got the connection network up and running, but what Nabiki was doing was also very illegal. Unlike Shion she was by no means a computer genius, and therefore she didn't know all of the tricks. In a sense, she was just like Tomo. "This guy," she said, knowing her microphone would pick it up, "wants to smuggle a certain cargo out of the country. He's willing to pay around thirty thousand yen to get it to Hawaii." "What is the cargo?" asked Shion. Nabiki shrugged. "I don't know... it's probably another game console that you're not supposed to export." She heard a muffled snort. "Bah. The more hardware they put into those suckers the more life-threatening they become. Don't ask what it is; you're probably right, considering how many more we got in the past couple of weeks." "Handle the same way?" she asked. "No. I want you to try something different...." "NABIKI!!!" she heard through the wall. "Great," Nabiki said. "My sister's calling again. I'll be back in a couple minutes." "What happened to Shizuka?" asked Shion, sounding a little too interested to know for Nabiki's ears. "I thought she was supposed to wait on her." "She's out shopping with Ranma because he wanted to see how things were working out with her," she answered in a bored tone. "I mean, almost all of his earnings are going into her. He's a moron like that, but I guess it's working." She leaned closer to the microphone. "Besides... worried about your girlfriend?" "She's not my...." "NABIKI!!!" "Sorry, gotta go. You got off easy." "You'd like to think so." "Well, we're back!" Ranma shouted an announcement as he opened the front door, followed by Shizuka, who was carrying all the grocery bags in her arms. He turned to glance at her progress. "Don't drop 'em!" he warned. "Wha? Did you say something?" she asked. "Oh, Ranma?" Kasumi said from down the hall, poking her head. "We have guests!" "Guests?" echoed Ranma, scratching his head. "Who'd want to see us?" "Rent collectors," muttered Shizuka. "Did you say something?" "Nothing." Moving on ahead Ranma followed Kasumi to the dining room, leaving Shizuka to her own pace in getting to the kitchen. His mind raced to think of anyone that would want to drop by at this time of the afternoon, but the answer would not have been anywhere close when he stepped into view. Seated with their backs to Ranma, the guests turned to greet him. "It's been a while, Saotome," Mousse greeted. Passing his gaze from left to right, Ranma recognized Shampoo, old Cologne, Mousse, and Kanna. "Hey! What're you guys doing here?" "Why don't you tell them?" suggested Soun, seated at the head of the table. Kanna nodded. "I assure you, it's entirely social." She wrapped her arm around Mousse's arm. "We're getting married." Unable to take in the news, the martial artist passed his eyes to the groom in question. The weapons master nodded, and so did Cologne and Shampoo. "When Mousse brought back this young lady to us," the old woman explained, "we were skeptical she could be of any use to us. Outsiders are shunned everywhere in our closed valley, and Kanna was no exception. But in no long time did she prove herself, time and again, one after another. Utilizing resources as limited to our village she turned around what looked to be a war of self-destruction into something new." "Single-handedly," Shampoo jumped in, just as Shizuka was passing through the hall, "she united the villages under one banner." "I think that's going a little too far," Kanna said, her cheeks rosing. "Don't be ridiculous!" Mousse said. "You should be proud of what we've done." "And that's the key word, 'we,'" she pointed out. "I did nothing. I'm just an advisor to a general, and that happened to be Mousse." "And somehow that makes you guys in love?" Ranma asked skeptically. Mousse shook his head. "If there's anything I've learned from watching you, it's to never let go of the one you love." "Ah, still the love philosopher?" they heard Shizuka shout from down the hall. "Oh, hi, Shizuka," called Kanna, over the background noise between Genma and Nodoka about how romantic the story was. "Didn't see you." "So why're you coming all the way here just to get married?" asked Akane, lounging on a pillow across from Mousse. "Kanna wants her parents to be there," Mousse answered quickly. "They won't come to China, not in the middle of nowhere. And since I don't have parents to mind, and since most of the people we want to come are here in Japan...." "That's great!" Ranma exclaimed, almost spontaneously for the others. He grabbed Mousse's hand and shook it violently. "Always knew you had it in you!" "Uh... thanks?" replied Mousse, confusion overcoming him. At that moment Shizuka chose to burst into the room from the kitchen, her arms dangling lazily before her as she stood hunched. "Curse you," she hissed toward Ranma. "You're right, you DON'T pay me enough." "Eh, physical activity's good for you." "Thanks, Shizuka," Akane interjected, before the exchange could go any further. Shizuka was about to say something, but Nabiki's stare caught her eye. The two exchanged glances, each nodding slowly, then the priestess of Genbu turned on her heels a circle and marched back into the kitchen. "So," asked Soun, "when are you planning to get wed?" "Hopefully within the next month or so," Shampoo answered. "Although we are not the seat of government at home we will be missed." "Then would you allow us the opportunity to help you plan the wedding?" offered Nodoka. "If it wouldn't be too much trouble," Cologne replied. "You don't have to worry about the money," Kanna said quickly. "I've got that covered." "Huh, just ask Kuno for money," Ranma suggested. "Like I said, I've got it COVERED." "Not that you should be one to talk, Ranma," Nabiki jabbed. "And that brings us to the next thing," Mousse said, standing to his feet. "We're doing it a Western style, as Kanna wants. I'm no expert on these kind of things, but...." He stared at Ranma seriously, although his eyes were hidden from view. "How'd you like to be my best man?" "M-me?" Ranma said, shocked. "You're asking me?" "Well, it's a formality issue," admitted the Master of Hidden Weapons. "Typically it's the male best friend of the groom... and you're the closest to it." "Uh... thanks, I guess." "They timed this," Ranma realized, leaning against the door as he watched Akane down a bag of chips while lounging on her bed. "They timed this for the reunion we planned." Akane nodded, downing a mouthful of chips. "Which is in another month. They must've been planning this for months, even years... depending on how long it's been going on." "They're crazy," Ranma decided, shaking his head. "Why do they want guys like Cinder and Sypha there? Are they out of their minds?" "They're warriors, just like Mousse and Kanna," Akane tried to rationalize. "Of course they'll want their fellow warriors to see them off... I guess." She shrugged. "It might be an Amazon law thing." "Knowing my mom," Ranma said, "she'll probably go overboard. 'Money is not an issue?' Is she out of her mind?" One room over, in Nabiki's room, the middle Tendo sister sat at her desk chair, her back to the monitor, facing Shizuka, leaning back against the opposite wall. "You're paying for it, aren't you?" Nabiki said out loud. "Oh, was that too easy a guess?" Shion answered over the network, through Nabiki's computer speakers. Shizuka nodded, even though the retired mercenary could not see her. "You just can't resist, can you? You can't resist throwing your best friend the best wedding she could imagine, only you don't know how to do that. That's why you enlisted Saotome." "That was her idea," Shion corrected. "So I have deep pockets; I can afford to give her this good a gift." Of course, we just can't say where we got that money from, Nabiki thought. "Just as long as you know what you're doing," she said, breaking the needless discussion. "So long as nobody but us know where the money's coming from, we're safe." "Nobody'll look," the mercenary assured them. "There isn't a thing to look for. It's all about Kanna, and she knows how to deal with it." Nabiki nodded, her thoughts wondering how many others Shion brought into his private world. Shizuka, she knew, found out about Shion by digging around herself, but Kanna was in on the operation because she was one of the mercenary's connective sources. Shion himself almost never carried out jobs, but he delegated them out to others in different areas of expertise, a list which Nabiki was now privy to in order to keep up the guise of Warlock. On the other hand, she knew that Akane was suspicious about Shion's occupation, but Nabiki was comfortable in the fact that she never heard of Warlock before, or had any dealings with the underworld. Ignorance was bliss sometimes. "So we just lay our hands off this?" asked Nabiki. "That's right. We'll discuss what other measures need to be taken to ensure a flawless wedding later; we'll tackle them as they come up. Discretely." "If this is the wedding you're planning for your best friend," Shizuka noted dryly, "I'd hate to see what you'd do when your sister gets married." "Or how about you two?" suggested Nabiki innocently. "She's not my girlfriend!" "He's not my boyfriend!" complained the priestess at the same time. "Well, you guys've got that down pat." She shook her head. Word spread throughout town like wildfire of the upcoming wedding, as if it were the main event since the turn of the century. For three straight weeks many prepared and planned for it, spending money liberally on what was decided to be the best of the best. Those who did not even know who Mousse or Kanna were got caught up in the excitement as well, once they caught wind that money was being thrown around by the organizers. Mousse thought about the past week as he adjusted his bow tie in the mirror. He straightened the jacket of his tuxedo, adjusted the rim of his glasses, and struck a pose for his own benefit. "Yep, you look good," Ranma said over his shoulder. "Not just good, Saotome," Mousse corrected. "I'd say 'snappy.'" He turned to face his best man. "Well, Saotome... I must say I'm surprised that nothing major went wrong over the past three weeks." "I'm surprised myself," admitted the martial artist. They both turned to look at Tatewaki Kuno, sitting at the corner of the dressing room, frantically scribbling notes in a notebook. Every once in a while he would pause to think, then resume his work, uttering gasps of inspiration to himself. "What's he writing about now?" asked Mousse. Ranma shrugged. "Last I checked he was going to write out the details of the wedding to sell a new book." "Ah, I must include that as well!" Tatewaki exclaimed loudly. "Doesn't he know a tape recorder is easier for this kind of stuff?" wondered Mousse. "Forget him," Ranma said. "What I want to know is where Ryoga is. Hope he didn't get lost again." They heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" Mousse shouted. A moment later Konatsu peeked his head inside. Unlike the others he was still wearing his ninja outfit, and while Nodoka objected to him over this Mousse intervened, citing that it is his privilege as a warrior. On the other hand, they were unsure he could rent a tuxedo to begin with. "They're about to start," the male kunoichi said softly. Mousse nodded. Glancing at Ranma, then to Tatewaki, he said, "Well, guys, it's magic time." "Already?" asked Ranma. Konatsu shook his head. "We've got a city order to finish this up before five, so we won't mess with the traffic. So we have to start now." "Fine, fine! Just so long as nothing goes wrong other than that!" "But everybody hasn't come yet!" Mousse pointed out. To Konatsu he said, "See if you can find Senryu Nishimura. Tell him to persuade them to lay off, okay?" Nodding in understanding, Konatsu gently shut the door behind him as he left. In the room adjoining the altar Chika busied herself in silent delight as she finished setting up her equipment. Standing back, folding her arms, she proclaimed, "It's done!" Entering from the altar came Shion. "Camera's set up, too." "That's good to hear," Ayame said, looking at the video equipment carefully. When Nodoka decided to hire a professional crew to tape the wedding Kanna almost immediately volunteered Chika, a job which she took with great enthusiasm. Shutting the door behind him, Shion took a seat next to Chika's chair, and stared at the monitors. Each video camera set up was controlled by a hired hand, and from this makeshift control room Chika could splice together a decent show on the fly. Her ego, however, wouldn't allow anyone else to see it until it was done. "Someone want to tell the bride?" he asked. "Don't mind me," Ayame volunteered. "I'm not doing anything important." "Well, geez, isn't it bad luck if I see it?" asked Shion. "You're not the groom, are you?" countered Ayame. Akane absorbed the commotion in the church with good form, as she sat back against her seat in the front row of the groom's side with the rest of her family. While such a place was difficult to catch the guests coming and going many had the decency to come to her, considering how difficult it was for her to go to them. Many of the early arrivals offered their greetings before seating themselves. The old man Higure offered his congratulations to Akane, as did Mizuki when she arrived. Akane spotted many other familiar faces in the gathered crowd, watching as the number of people grew. She spotted one face in particular. "Ukyo!!" The okonomiyaki chef made eye contact with Akane, and waved. Ukyo stood out against the numerous faceless party-goers that just wanted to have a good time (and which Akane suspected were not actually invited), dressed in a formal, expensive-looking kimono for special occasions. Ukyo took a seat behind Akane. "Well, how've you been? Time's been good to you... congratulations." "Thanks," replied Akane, leaning over the back of her seat. "I didn't know if you could make it. Other than you I know for sure Kodachi can't come." "Well, circumstances do it to you," Ukyo said with a shrug. "She's missing out on all the fun, but I guess an internship is nothing to sneeze at." Akane shook her head. "It's too bad, though. I think she would've liked it." "Anyway, we made it just fine," the chef said, changing the subject. "Konatsu's off checking in on the guys, I guess." "So how is it between you two?" "It's great!" she answered enthusiastically. "I took Konatsu to a movie last week, and it was a blast. I'd say you ought to see it, but it's not your type of film." "Still dating, huh?" Akane said slyly. "So when're you going to put the question to him?" "When he asks," Ukyo answered simply. "I'm not going to pressure him until he's ready himself." "What if he's waiting for you?" "Then that just proves how screwed-up we are!" she answered with a giggle. "Better watch it, or Kodachi'll get married before you do!" warned Akane, laughing. Ukyo sighed, her head darting about looking for someone. "Say... Akane...?" "What?" "You have any idea where Shizuka is?" "Beats me. Probably in the back with Kanna. Why?" "Oh, nothing big," she assured her friend. "I was just wondering how she is after being gone for so long. Before she took up Ranchan's offer she used to come by every once in a while to my restaurant." "You know, that's why people keep coming back, I think," Akane said. "To your restaurant, I mean. You're just so friendly like that." "You think so?" Ukyo replied sarcastically. "And all this time I thought it was my cooking!" Both girls laughed, but it did not last long as a hushing silence fell upon the room. They tore their eyes from each other and toward the entrance, where two imposing figures stood, their backs illuminated by the light of the sun, casting long shadows. A flash of metal reflected off their claw weapons as they marched in. "Cinder and Sypha," whispered Ukyo, surprised. "Looks like they came, after all." Sypha drew the stares of men and women alike, her exotic airs enticing them toward her. She dressed in an Imperial purple shade of Chinese court dress, decorated with dragons and phoenixes in various stages, as if acting out a story. Many ignored the claws poking out at the end of her long sleeves, an obvious weapon that some considered bad luck, but to Mousse and his warrior traditions, it was a respectful gesture-- one that Sypha was apparently quite aware of. Cinder concealed himself with a heavy, dark hood, adding a stark contrast to his fellow kami. Most of his obsidian body and steel limbs were concealed under the folds of what appeared to be a black ceremonial robes of office, draping off a cuffed point on Cinder's left shoulder along with long tassels. His red mechanical eye focused in on Akane, and the two kami headed her direction. The salamander bowed slowly. "I bid you greetings." "Nice to see you again, Master Cinder, Lady Sypha," greeted Akane. "They'll be happy you two made it." "It is quite a bother to be torn away from our affairs of state," Sypha said, "but it is a great honor to be here." "You guys're lookin' good," Ukyo said, her eyes on Sypha's dress. "It's so... wow...." "It also dates back to the Later Han Dynasty," Sypha warned. "Be careful not to wear it out." "The state of our homeland cannot be better," Cinder declared. "For the past few years we have worked to bring together the nations of the world, and our labors are bearing fruit. The war with the Mekani has halted, as, while they still control a good deal of our world, negotiation has begun that may end the conflict for the rest of time." "That's good to hear," Akane said. "But trust does not come easy," added Sypha. "It will take many more years to erase the hate and suffering our peoples have endured; for old rivalries to die out. The Surfacers, the Celestials... all of them must come to terms with even conceptually allying themselves with the Timeless Ones or the Infernals." "I'm sure it'll all work out for you guys in the end," Ukyo encouraged. "And I...." Another cone of silence descended upon the room as something heavy thudded against the ground, throwing an echoing vibration throughout the church. Once again, eyes of guests clustered to the front door, where two more people emerged. "Uh, hi?" Ryoga shouted, Akari at his side, his voice echoing his uncertainty. "Is this where Mousse and Kanna are getting married?" Kanna stared at the mirror before her, seated at the vanity of the designated dressing room, sighing to herself. She leaned forward in her seat, glad she had a chance to be alone after the hectic schedule of the past few weeks to collect her thoughts. "Wonderful dress," she said to herself, "white as snow. Pop's happy I'm marrying a martial artist, Mom's happy I'm marrying a gentleman. Shion's happy I'm marrying at all. Heck, everybody's happy," she pressed closer to the mirror, studying herself, "but why am I not happy?" "Probably because you have a heavy weight over your head?" Kanna jumped in surprise, as she noticed movement in the reflection of the vanity's mirror. Turning quickly she saw Shizuka, hanging upside-down from the ceiling with her arms folded. "What the heck are you doing here?!" "For the reasons you named, of course," Shizuka answered. "Also, since you won't let anyone in I thought something had to be done." "The door hadn't opened," Kanna realized. "I don't want to think how you crawled in." "It's not important," the priestess agreed. "What is important is that you're not so down when you walk down the altar. You've obviously got something on your mind, so maybe talking it out might work." "Hey, don't you lecture me on my job!" Kanna said, quickly acting on the defensive. "Really, I...." Shizuka's words were cut short as her suspension period ended, and she crashed to the floor at Kanna's feet, landing square on her head, a broken rope tied to her foot. The other end of the rope dangled, its end frayed from strain, through the ventilation duct in the ceiling. "You need stronger stuff," the bride suggested. "Shut up." Kanna laughed to herself softly as the priestess gathered herself. "Your therapy strangely works in a way." "At my expense," the priestess added bitterly. "Alright, fair enough," the Crystal Spider decided. "How long have we known each other?" "Five years, off for a good deal in between." "You remember, five years ago? I had a duel with Ranma." "No, I don't. I wasn't there, remember?" Shizuka shivered at the thought. "Oh, yeah... sorry. I had him down, but he managed to disarm me. I resorted to using pressure points to subdue him, but I couldn't beat him that way." She shook her head. "For a good deal of my life my art was my weapon, and I couldn't think about going through a battle without it." She eyed said weapon, a double- bladed death scythe, the same one Shion made for her, leaning against the wall. "I beat Ranma, sure, but I did it without a weapon." "So you had to throw away your principles to win," Shizuka concluded. "Conscious decision or purely on circumstance, you're burdened by it." "Yes," Kanna confirmed. She got up to her feet, slowly making her way to her weapon. Picking it up she held it in her hands lengthwise. "I practiced for ten years to prove to him that the one with the weapon was the superior fighter. I failed. I've carried this with me for the past few years, and no matter how many times I go into battle with this weapon I can't help but think how unworthy I am of it." "But you're stronger than I ever was," Shizuka pointed out. "When I shot Spencer five years ago," she shuddered at the thought, "I felt the same way about my shotgun. It was a special weapon to me, but after what I did... shooting a human being I should be protecting from the demons... I couldn't touch it at all. I turned to my other available assets, and that drove me to make a pact with Deathclaw. I don't regret doing so, but it has its prices. Had I not strayed from myself it never would've happened." "And yet I was still too weak to lay hands on it. You're different; you had the courage and will to carry on and amend your mistake; I tried to run from it." "Still," Kanna said, "it's the principle." "Screw the principle!" Shizuka yelled, her emotions boiling over. "Here's the other part of my story: I had to shoot another person to gather my scruples again. It wasn't as bad as the first time, and the circumstance wasn't nearly the same as the last time, but it didn't hurt as much. That's probably not a good thing; just another thing to kill my soul...." "Wait," interrupted the bride. "You're trying to tell me that it's okay to fight without weapons? That it's perfectly acceptable? That I'm no less a warrior for doing so?" Before Shizuka could reply from her bluster, Kanna threw down the weapon and threw her arms around the priestess joyfully. "Why didn't I think of that?!" she exclaimed happily. "Save it for your husband, okay?" Shizuka said uncomfortably, trying to figure out what she said that made Kanna so happy. "I'm not a touchy-feeling kind of person, you know?" "Oh, sorry," apologized Kanna awkwardly, releasing the priestess of Genbu. Before she could say more Shizuka raised her hand in the stop signal, her eyes darting toward the ceiling. "Quiet! Do you hear something?" "Uh... no...." Slowly, the priestess slid out one of the swords at her left from its sheath, and fixated her gaze on the open ventilation shaft above. The snake-headed end, its maw open and fangs barred, seemed ready to thrust upward. "Cranky," she muttered, "he's here!" "Who?" wondered Kanna, kicking up her death scythe to her hands with her foot. "Oh, forget that!" Shizuka ordered, watching Kanna from the corner of her eye. "You've got a wedding to go to, you know?" Slowly she slid out her second sword. "I've still a job to do!" "You're leaving?!" Kanna exclaimed, surprised. "After all that flowery stuff? The ceremony's going to start in only a little while...." "You don't know me all that well," the priestess replied, leaping straight up into the shaft. Kanna heard something giggling echo through the duct, followed by frantic footsteps. "I've got someone to catch!" Kanna strained her ears as Shizuka disappeared from view. She heard her shout, "I've got you now, old man!" The guests busied themselves at the reception after the wedding ceremony, seated around several round tables helping themselves to the food. Among the caterers Ukyo served up okonomiyaki to order at a cart, while Hayato did the same with takoyaki in the next cart over, competing for the same business, as usual. Not far away Cologne and Shampoo did their share in the food service by selling their best Chinese dishes quickly. Soon, however, their attentions were drawn as Tatewaki Kuno made his way to each cart and sampled the food, voicing loudly that he would include his tastes in his book. With that in mind all the vendors worked double and even triply hard to please the writer who had sold thousands of copies of his first book. Ranma walked to where the first cask of sake was, its seal broken by the newlyweds as part of tradition. He raised a glass to the groom. "Congratulations." Mousse nodded, raising his own glass. "Yeah, thanks." Beside him, in his arm, Kanna offered the martial artist a curtly smile. "New beginnings." Before he could form a reply, Ranma felt someone tap him on the shoulder. Turning, he saw his old rival from junior high. "Ryoga! What's up?" "Akane wants to see you," he said urgently. "Now." "Well, whatever it is, it can't be that impor...." "She said, 'NOW.'" This time Ryoga placed further emphasis on the last word, and Ranma immediately got the hint. Turning back to the couple, he said, "Catch you guys later, we're likely going to split." "I see," Kanna said, nodding in understanding. "Hope you have a strong kid, Saotome!" Mousse added encouragingly. Ryoga pushed his way back through the crowd, Ranma in tow. "I sent off your dad to get us transportation, but I don't think he'll find any, so Akari asked Nabiki." "Smart," noted Ranma. "How many other people know about this?" "You, me, Akane, Akari... Nabiki... your parents...." "Oh man," groaned the martial artist. "This's going to be quite a ride." As they departed, the platform stage set up for the entertainment became the center of attention as the bride and groom took their seats. Set up in a perfect square only a microphone stood there, connected to a set of speakers in a wonderful sound system. Loud clomping followed, and a bound Happosai flew across the platform as Shizuka skidded into view, grabbing the microphone as she went. "Sorry I'm late," she offered quickly, regaining her composure. She eyed the old lecher carefully, watching to make sure the talisman she stuck on his head would keep him knocked out for a few minutes, at least. "At first I was going to do this by myself, but I need a couple volunteers." The priestess saw many hands go up, but she fingered only two. Clenching her hands together Miranda Kusao mouthed a "Yes!" as she came up, followed by Mizuki Shimozuki, who had not raised a hand at all, but went anyway. She shook her head as she went, as if there was no point in arguing with the junior priestess. Breathing heavily into the mike, Shizuka eyed the bride and groom seated near the foot of the stage. "Okay, now... granted, I'm no good at this, but Kanna, you could consider this another gift from your best friend, on request." Kanna immediately flashed her gaze in Shion's direction, seated near the stage equipment, who simply nodded and smiled, as he did when he didn't want to be bothered. Mousse just laughed, having a good idea what was coming up. "Now that we've got the dedication thing squared away," she continued, waving a finger toward Shion, "hit it!" Miranda and Mizuki looked at each other as the music kicked up, Shizuka getting down to the groove only she seemed to hear. The elder priestess merely shrugged, mouthing, "Just fake it," and Miranda understood completely. At the same time, each held out their right hands in the stop sign. "Stop! In the naaaame of love...." The Master of Hidden Weapons could not cease his laughing, and Kanna's cold dismay melted as well as the three lunars took on Diana Ross and the Supremes on their own, tone-deaf terms. Ranma was thankful for a thousand times when the ambulance allowed only himself to board the back with his wife, leaving the others behind. Even Nabiki had the sense to stay, further pointing out that it was discourteous for the guests to leave en-masse, and Nodoka had to agree. By the time they got Akane into a proper bed she was yanking at the martial artist's pony tail, pulling him out of sheer pain and frustration. "RANMA!!" she screamed. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT, YOU IDIOT!!!" "Someone drug her!" Ranma screamed in turn, unable to fight back against Akane's might. And in the next second he wished he hadn't. "Oh, ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho!!" Akane released her hold in surprise as a storm of black rose petals rained from the ceiling. "GYAAAHH!!" "Kodachi?!" Ranma gulped. Popping up from behind one of the doctors was the intern of the hospital, the anesthesiologist in training, Kodachi Kuno. The martial artist shook his head, remembering suddenly that of all the hospitals in Tokyo, they managed to pick the one Kodachi was at. Or, rather, the one Nabiki picked. "Mister Ranma!" Kodachi said loudly, obviously amused. "It is truly a pleasure that you called for my aid this one time!" "I wish I didn't." "Kodachi, look!" one of the doctors said, his fingers at the floor. "Who's going to clean this up?" "Never mind that!" she snapped, instantly putting on a serious face. She held out her cupped hands, holding black rose petals and waving them under the doctor's nose. "Just relax." Ranma watched in shocked fascination as the doctor's expression melted from its furious exterior to a more relaxed one. "Yes, yes... I suppose so...." "Don't knock him out!" Ranma yelled. "GET RID OF HER!!" demanded Akane, but this time Ranma managed to avoid her grip of death. Tossing the petals over her shoulder, Kodachi whipped out a bottle of undetermined liquid and a needled syringe from her clean coat. "Although I am not doctor in name, in training Kodachi Kuno is!" she replied, raising her voice back to splendor. "You see, it takes a complex formula time to settle a patient in, but my new formula should do the trick!" Before anyone could stop her the intern injected her solution into Akane's arm. Ranma wanted to jump at the crazy girl, but he did not wish to risk the wrath of going over Akane. "What'd you do that for?!" "But it feels good!" insisted Kodachi, pointing her spent needle toward Akane. "See how my patient enters the relaxation phase, letting go of all care of her pain, as there is no pain to care for!" For the first time since entering the hospital, the ringing in Ranma's ears, true to Kodachi's word, had stopped. Akane stared up at the ceiling lazily as the chemicals did their work in her system. To Ranma's eye she looked no better than one who was smashed up drunk. "That felt great," Akane said, "how about some more?" "What kind of a painkiller is that?" wondered her husband. "I don't believe she did that," one of the assistants said. "We hadn't tested it on a human before, just on lab mice...." Kodachi flashed him a look that said, "What do you know, you ignoramus?" This time Ranma reached over Akane and grabbed Kodachi by the scruff of her shirt. "You gave her lab rat crap?!" She nodded several times, seemingly drunk, but her gaze suggested otherwise. "Of course, the sedative is but a side effect of its purpose, but we will not let that bother us, will we, dear Ranma?" "Side effect?" echoed Ranma. "Then what is it?" "It was supposed to kill bacteria in infections," offered the doctor. "We're awaiting final approval on the compound, so...." This time Ranma wished he could kill Kodachi. "You idiot! What if that kills my kid?! What if it screws up my wife?! What do you say to that?!" Kodachi tore Ranma's grip away with surprising strength, then straightened her lab coat. "Why do you worry so much? Would you prefer some yourself?" she asked, replacing the needle on the syringe. "No." This time her tone became serious. "Honestly, my darling Ranma, have you so little faith in my work that you would question it ceaselessly?" "Yes." "Humph!" she snorted, folding her arms. "Had I little or no faith I would never have injected her in the first place." "I doubt that." "Are you so persistent because it was I who carried out the deed?" "Yes." "I doubt your reaction would be much more different if Doctor Fujieda were the culprit!" "Hey!" complained Fujieda. "Bah, you drug everything you get your grubby hands on," Ranma countered. "From day one since we've met you've drugged, poisoned, and otherwise turned me into your personal lab rat. And you expect me to entrust my wife's life in your hands? How do you expect anyone to accept YOU as a doctor?" He realized he pushed a wrong button when Kodachi threw the syringe toward the floor, producing a loud twang of the needle spearing itself into the tile. His composure faltered and his palms sweated as Kodachi's aura threatened to explode. She raised a fist in anger, and Ranma watched it shake, growing in intensity with each passing moment. "How little you understand," she hissed slowly. "You, but a boy when you were wed... you think you know how the world works? Do you believe because it was I who administered a proven formula that it was rat poison?" "Do you truly believe everything planned shall go as such?" the intern asked, raising her voice an octave. "Do you believe that I became an intern at this illustrious hospital simply because I was a rich man's spoiled brat of a daughter? DO YOU?!" Ranma cowered as Kodachi's world threatened to engulf him, thoroughly blocking out the presence of the others. "Infection it was designed to destroy in its original conception in another man's mind," she continued, lowering her voice to a more threatening tone, "but that it did not do. No; what one plans for their brainchild to do becomes moot when the results yield yet another result. I have spent the past three years working on this solution, Ranma-darling, and it is because of my research on that compound that I achieve lofty ends. And you, poor boy that you are, still cling to childhood memories of the ghost hiding under the bed!" "You're a master at paralysis solutions," Ranma said, trying to gain a footing in a one-sided argument. "It was no wonder you could find something that could paralyze the very cells that tell us we're in pain... the ones that tell us we're alive. No wonder your work was so good; you were already an expert at it." "Flattery will get you a ticket out the window!" Kodachi hissed angrily, rolling up her left sleeve. "Had you the patience and understanding that any virtuous man has, perhaps you would not be so quick in making rash decisions and irresponsible judgements! How dare you even THINK of getting married as young as you are, a mere boy of ten-odd years? Even now you are still but a boy! Have you not the sense to grow up, or has your wit... or half of it, clouded the very idea?" "Ugh," groaned Akane. "That was easier than I thought...." "Eh?!" both Kodachi and Ranma gasped at once, realizing that they were missing out on something rather important. "Well, now!" Fujieda declared, over the sound of a crying infant. "That was the easiest I've ever had it done!" "Oh... my... god," Ranma cursed. "I missed it." Akane laughed to herself, lying against her pillow almost serenely. "It felt like nothing... nothing at all...." Kodachi regained her composure, folding her arms and assuming a proud face. "Well! It appears the genius of Kuno has struck gold once more! Oh, ho-ho-ho-ho-ho!" "Eh... eh... eh... it's over...?" Ranma did not want to believe it. "Well, congratulations," said the doctor. "It's a healthy baby...." * * * * * "I can show you no more," Sypha said, finishing her reading. Ranma and Akane remained silent as the sorcerer removed her dragon pearl from the desk, replacing it somewhere up her sleeve. "Is this a future that will happen?" asked Ranma. "Or something that may happen?" Sypha shrugged. "Use that information as you will. Perhaps if you act against it you may create it. Maybe if you do nothing it will happen. Or if you live your life normally, it may not happen. The reward I offered you is a double-edged sword in that respect." "Then why did you offer it to us?" Akane wondered. "Because it is no longer tolerable that you two be ignorant of what goes on around you," Sypha explained. "Your days as kids is over; you are young adults growing up with the world around you. I have seen many people live and die in the thousands of years I lived, and few of them were able to go through life ignorantly blissful. But it is the ignorant who do the most damage in our world-- both our worlds. The informed are oft more careful in their decisions, decisions which affect themselves and those around them. You two make decisions affecting both, in many people, and it is critical that you grow and learn from each other- mistakes, loves, hates, hopes and dreams... all of it. It is because these people help define who you are; by helping them they help make you a better person." "I offered you two a favor that many others will go through their lives without, and what you do with that is up to you. You can learn from your experiences, or you can repeat them for the rest of time, and I do hope for your sake that you choose the former. The meaning of life is to live, to be truthful, but a life living in joy and happiness is far superior to that of misery and suffering. Your lives mean a great deal not only to yourselves, but to those you call friends and allies, relatives, enemies, and rivals." "The most I can ask of you is to make the most out of your lives; live it to its fullest." Ranma sighed to himself as he glanced to the party at the dojo, hands in his pockets. Beside him, Akane kept company with the forlorn silence. "I think I'm going to set things straight," he said aloud. "What?" asked Akane. "I thought about what Sypha showed us," the martial artist replied. "She said it was something that might happen, right?" Akane nodded. "The future's not set in stone, hasn't been written yet." "I think she offered us a chance, Akane," he explained. "A chance to set things right I wouldn't have ever thought there was a problem with." "You're going to settle things with Kanna," she guessed. "From one warrior to another." He nodded. "Her, and Ukyo." Ranma produced her paired jade dragon earrings, their ruby eyes sparkling against the sun's morning light. "Shizuka, and..." he struggled to mention the name, "even Kodachi Kuno. Who would've thought that even she'd be so integral in our future?" "Or so different," Akane added. "I've never seen her so... serious like that before. It's possible she's no different than we are." Ranma breathed a heavy sigh, shaking his head. "Life's too short to carry around meaningless grudges and burdens for five years; I owe them that much, at least, for what they'd gone through... and go through, for me." He started toward the dojo. "Ranma," Akane interrupted sternly. "I don't remember a thing you had to settle with Shizuka." Her husband glanced over his shoulder and winked, a flash of inspiration in his eyes. "Well, it can't hurt to save a bit of change while I'm at it, can it?" Sitting cross-legged on the rocks rimming the koi pond Shizuka stroked the scales on Thanatos' back lovingly, and the boa constrictor slithered its forked tongue. While many recognized that the priestess had a strange affinity for the reptile most kept their distance from it whenever possible-- particularly girls that found an aversion to slimey things, a fact which Shizuka was always too ready to refute. The snake coiled himself around Shizuka's waist and around her left arm, holding his head up to the girl's face. "I'm glad to see you well," someone said from behind. Shizuka hardly had to turn to know who it was. "I was wondering where you'd gone to, Hokuto." The Shadow Weaver's footsteps rustled in the low grass softly as she approached. "I felt that I was not welcome to the victory party, considering what my other half did." "Maybe you're right," conceded the priestess, "the others probably aren't as forgiving as I am." "You're too much. To a fault, almost." "It's not a fault, it's a virtue." "If you say so." Hokuto shrugged. "For such a cynic you sure are naive." That's what she'd like you to believe, Shizuka heard Thanatos say to the Shadow Weaver, his sibilant voice echoing in her head. "Don't talk back to me, snake," Hokuto warned. Thanatos flicked his tongue in amusement. "Huh," she snorted, "the snake named Death and her master have the same sharp tongue." "When you get a familiar, maybe it'll have the same cheery personality you do," Shizuka replied sarcastically. "Fat chance." Shizuka laughed, and the boa constrictor followed suit in her mind. Changing the subject, she asked, "So... what're you going to do now?" Hokuto sighed. "I don't know, to tell you the truth. I need some time to think things through, and perhaps rethink how I've been living my life. After all that's happened there's no reason to dodge my responsibility anymore." "So you're going home?" guessed Shizuka. Although she did not turn her head to see, she knew the Shadow Weaver was nodding. "I need to make amends for what I did, starting with them. I need to show them that our destinies are ours to seize, not an arbitrary superior being's whim. Since our family's tradition has been passed for over fifteen-hundred years it may be hard to accept... but in time the damage can be undone. I hope." "Sometimes hope is all we have," added the priestess. "Perhaps," Hokuto considered. "But it doesn't end with them. All the people I've hurt... directly or indirectly, for the past three years since I ran away from home... I have to apologize to them. I need to clean my soiled past." "That should take a while," noted Shizuka. For the first time she turned her head to face her friend. "Hokuto... you're putting yourself at the mercy of all those people. It's not easy to go back across the river once you've burned the bridge. If I were you, I'd never think to go back across the river. But then, that's me." She shrugged, turning her whole body around with her back to the pond. Slowly the priestess stood to her feet, towering over Hokuto slightly. "And it's not because I know it won't be easy that I'm wishing you the best of luck. In fact, I know you'll succeed. When you go out there, though, don't forget to stop by my place when you get the chance, okay? You're my friend, so I care about you. Don't forget that, okay?" She held out her free right hand. Hokuto stared down at the hand awkwardly, unsure whether or not to take it. "I can't promise anything. I'm still Hokuto the Shadow Weaver, after all." "And that's the way you always should be," Shizuka replied with a smile. Slowly, the esper of shadow extended her right hand out, and shook with her friend strongly. "I'll be back, Shizu," she said, offering her own small grin. "You count on it." One Week Later School days were often rather quiet when students were passing from home to the school grounds, but to Ranma and Akane, as they set out the door, it seemed all but quiet. They waved good-bye for the day as Soun, Nodoka, Genma, and Kasumi saw them off. Nabiki, leaning out her window on the second story, offered her own gesture of good will by paying them the barest attention at all. No sooner had they turned their eyes the middle Tendo sister was already back to work at her desk and her computer. At the other end of the computer Shion waved off Chika as she frantically packed her bags for school, dashing off as if she were late. Outside she met up with Ayame, who stopped on the way to school every morning at the exact same time, ridiculing her friend as she did all the time for her behavior. Not far away, down the street Miranda, too, was heading off toward school, making a long detour stop at the front gates of the Kuno estate. A stink bomb in hand, she lobbed it over the wall, causing a stir and forcing Kodachi's mother into action. Not long afterward Kodachi was out the gate, chasing down her rival with a ribbon, with Tatewaki and his father standing behind with clothespins on their noses, ready to clean the mess under Mother's supervision. Shampoo and Mousse watched the two rivals run by Tofu's office, their travel bags slung over their shoulders. Behind them were Ling-ling, Lung-lung, Paste, and the rest of the Amazon team following Shampoo. Tofu waved the Chinese group a heartily farewell, sorry to see the extra help he had for the past week go. Not far away Kanna Rajura, too, was readying her travel bags, rushing to meet up with Mousse as they planned earlier. She passed by Ryoga and Akari, the former staring at a map, and Akari waiting patiently for him to orient the map in the right direction. They tore their eyes away from the map long enough to wave to the passing Ranma and Akane, and they repaid the wave in turn. Johan Ritters watched Ranma and Akane pass by on the bridge as he performed a street show there, drawing plenty of attention from other students on their way to class. The couple waved and kept going, walking through Nerima's business district and passing by Hayato's Takoyaki, where Ukyo and Konatsu were giving their rival a little business of their own. They waved as they passed by, and the three waved back in return before resuming business. Ranma almost bumped into Senryu Amakusa, Asuka the White Lily at his side in his arm, both followed by Spencer Bates and Sakurai Sasaki. Each gave their apologies, and moved on to their respective destinations. Not long afterward Akane spotted Higure Furui and Shang Long at a nearby coffee shop, relaxing and chatting over old times over a warm brew. Leaving the business district they rounded a corner, only to be confronted by both Cinder and Sypha. The salamander stared at Ranma from the darkness under his heavy hood, concealed like the day Akane first met him. No words passed amongst the four, only nods, and both kami stepped out of the way and let the couple pass. Short words passed between the salamander and the dragon, but in a tongue neither Ranma nor Akane could understand. Not far away they saw a cleanup crew, picking up some of the debris left behind by the Mekani battle. Although most people would not give it a second glance Akane caught sight of Philip Taydome, recognizing him from his appearance long ago, but said nothing of it as he directed the crew. Finally the two made it through the front gates of Furinkan High. Ranma paid courtesy greetings to his fellows, Hiroshi, Daisuke... and even Gosunkugi, while Akane did the same for her friends, including Yuka and Sayuri. Both gave a quick hello to Hinako as she carried her equipment through in her scatterbrained manner. Ranma stopped, catching movement out of the corner of his eye. Glancing in the direction of the headmaster's statue he thought he saw the Shadow Weaver, Hokuto, but it was either his imagination, or she dropped out of sight too quickly. Akane asked him what the matter was, but he shook his head. She then directed his eyes toward the opposite end of the yard, where several schoolgirls were cheering Shizuka Minazuki as she held a beaten Happosai in her hands, laughing triumphantly, and with good reason. Mizuki stood nearby, against a tree, nodding to herself approvingly. Laughing to himself, he looked toward Akane. "Well, I wouldn't call it an ending, would you?" She nodded, having to agree. "Every day is a set of new beginnings. Another set of challenges, another set of joys and pains. Another day to live." "Together," Ranma added. They walked into the school together. * * * * * Shizuka (VO): "At the end of the war, nothing was the same. I look back at those times with a certain fondness, as when I turned seventeen that year I learned quite a bit of myself, and of the people around me." "Ranma and Akane seemed to have finally come to an understanding of each other. I'm not sure how things were before I came in on the scene, but it seems to me that these two kids have grown up much. Well, maybe not that much, but enough to get going. That villain Nabiki Tendo was crafty in her Machiavellian ways; not even this last trick would change my opinion of her." "For his part, I'm sure Ranma's finally ready to let go of his friends...." "I think his rival, Ryoga, was the easiest to see off with a happy life. Ranma took no small part in helping Ryoga face his feelings, after all. Happily married and living quietly with Akari in the country, its a wonder the two are expecting their first child, since Ryoga still gets lost all the time." "Somewhere, deep down, I think Ranma might even like Tatewaki Kuno. The poor clod's still full of ideals from a bygone age, but the sum of his college life is looking toward a promising future in business, but he plans to go into writing. I wouldn't be surprised; after all, his even-bigger clod of a father is a school headmaster. It's the ones that underestimate him that'll be surprised the most; such is the way of things. Even fools can achieve greatness; I'm proof of that." "I'd dare say that Kodachi is still one despised girl, but somewhere I guess Ranma respects her on one level. She, too, had to learn how to grow up, and has proven that she can be an effective leader when she set her mind to it; not unlike her mother. Definitely one to watch closely in the coming years-- aiming for a doctorate in medical science. Still, I don't think I want someone like her looking at me for check-ups...." "Shampoo may not be the tribal leader she strove to be, but that's life; you can't always get what you want on the first try. Sometimes I wonder what it is that keeps her ticking, or what Ranma sees in her. Given the state of her homeland, though, I doubt she'll be bored anytime soon-- such is the way of the warrior. Perhaps, one day, the fish won't get away from the cat. It doesn't take a fortune-teller to know that." "Surprising it was for Mousse to achieve all his goals, different that they were from his original conception. A powerful warrior, a leader of his tribe, respected, and with a woman at his side. Watching Ranma and Mousse part for the last time, I couldn't help but notices a somewhat grudging respect for one another. Perhaps Ranma did consider him a rival after all." "Most surprising of all, I think, was Ukyo. I'm not sure what to think, really, but it was for the best that she went home to her father and Konatsu. Maybe, just maybe, she wanted Ranma to understand that friends come and go, but memories are forever. We talked every once in a while to see how things were going, and I still like Ukyo's okonomiyaki. She's still a damn hypocritical bastard, though. Last I heard the Kuonji and Saotome families were reestablishing contact with one another-- perhaps there was hope for Ranma and Ukyo after all." "As for the rest.... I heard that most of the people who got Nabiki's word finally accepted Ranma and Akane as a couple. She's effectively taken up Shion's job, and is doing a surprisingly good job about it, too. She was taught by the master himself, of course. Last I heard of Pantyhose Taro he's still the head of his tribe, even with that stupid name-- and quite respected despite it, something I believe he always wanted. It sounded like Daichi and Shoto Kuno are settling down in their aging-- good for them. And Hikaru Gosunkugi, I hear, is actually trying to move on." "Master Higure, the last I heard from him, was planning on traveling the world in the short life he had left to him. In the relatively short time I got to know the thousand-year-old priest I learned to respect the wisdom of the ages, and perhaps much more. I do hope he plans on stopping by one day." "His colleague, Shang Long, is still the head of the Cult of Orochi. Even after suffering a bitter defeat in their ages-long secret war the minions of the dragon god remain steadfast to their beliefs. Reaver seems a patient sort to me; perhaps Orochi's cult will thrive at last under his leadership." "Johan Ritters I hear is currently living in Japan, after securing a sweet deal with a high-up company. In fact, he's in quite some demand for his dancing talents, but it's completely odd that it was originally to playtest Konami's Dance Dance Revolution; it seemed that a few designers thought it would be too hard for human players, particularly some of the hard songs, but he proved it could be done. I heard he got a good amount of cash out of it, and is still working for those guys, testing all the time with those moves." "Senryu Nishimura returned from his self-imposed exile from the world a changed man. The first thing he did was disband the Church of Saint Hebereke completely, citing his unworthiness. He has since reformed the institution of his to promote education to higher standards, and last I heard Senryu's school once again became a hotly-contested hall of learning. Both Spencer and Sakurai are doing well for themselves, too." "Cinder and Miranda parted, as I bore witness to this myself. Having achieved his ends in a roundabout manner, Cinder was ready to return to his home plane as the Guardian of Suzaku's seal, as it hardly mattered which side the Guardian lived on. Miranda, I suppose, was saddened to see him off, as well as happy for him. I wonder often how intimate the master-student relationship was, but Miranda seems to be doing well for herself with her newfound fame. Last I heard she was in college-- doing what, I have no clue, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were some kind of physical activity; she's definitely made for that." "Shion and Kanna parted as well, unlikely to see each other for quite a while. Kanna proved a very valuable asset and girl for Mousse, and I doubt Shion is envious; he seemed quite happy to see his old friend finally happy. It seems that Kanna was quite well- received after the final resolution of the Cistern Valley War; her studies effectively make her a tactical genius. Also, it seems that both Shion and Chika hung up their side jobs for good, as Chika landed a good job at an animation studio with college on the side, and Shion was recently hired by a software firm to concoct a new security program. Judging from his skill, I'd say they got their money's worth." "Sypha vanished after she left for home when Cinder reopened the Gate for her. Despite her voiced hatred of humans and humanity in general, it was ironic that she chose to retain her human shape even after being released from her cursed state. While the ancient dragon credited it with having being more used to it these days more than her dragon form, and thus much more useful, somehow I believe Sypha, the Star Crusher, liked humans more than she was willing to admit. She wouldn't be the first to be in this kind of situation, I know, but the way she carried herself in the end proved it. I wonder if she and Cinder still talk to each other now that they're home." "Last I heard from Ayame she was about to get grounded by her mom for being an arms dealer, but the head Mishima pulled some strings and got her a full- time job in the family business. I have no idea what in the world she does, but I'd hazard a guess on it. Likely keeping guys like Taydome in line; there's certainly more to the mobster-wanna-be than meets the eye." "The Shadow Weaver dropped out of sight once again, and it's probably for the best. I hated her for a time, without understanding why she did what she did. Her motivations were alien, and no matter how many bad things she did to me I found I couldn't hate her for it. Maybe I'm stupid, maybe I'm a real sucker, or maybe I'm just too forgiving, but at the end of the day she's still my friend." "Sometimes I still feel the tug of darkness from when I summoned Deathclaw, to the ghost dragon's bitter amusement. I'm actually sorry to say I'm getting used to it, even if it's starting to get stronger all the time. At the same time the light... the seraph that Hokuto awakened in me, seemed to threaten my being; Mizuki says that it's a part of me, and that I should learn to embrace it. If that is the kind of stuff the seraph enjoys, she's welcome to it, but I'd rather be left out of it. It's my life and I like the room dark, thank you very much. I have no regrets in this life, for all the decisions I made, or were forced to make." "There are times on random nights were I take a walk in the courtyard, and simply stare at the moon high in the heavens, and wonder... and dream. It was by no random chance that we all met, but it was by no means pre-determined by a thoughtless concept as Fate-- circumstance pulled us together. Each of us took something of each other from it, making all of us better people in the end. Perhaps that was the reason I started on this journey so long ago. And perhaps that is the reason I'm continuing that journey." "It'll be good to see them again, now that the time of our reunion draws near, five years since I turned seventeen. Maybe they will return after all." "The future is what we make of it." * * * * * Dream Chasers Shizu: Every night when I sleep A new world unfolds before me It is a place of imagination And there are so many things to see! Mira: With the rise of the morning sun The land of dreams disappears It vanishes in the dawn, but it is never gone Both: Chase your dreams There's no end for you and me Chase your dreams The limit of imagination is infinity Mira: In a wonderful place I remember The expression on your youthful face Everything happened as I dreamed... I wish we could never leave this place! Shizu: Waking reality tears me away from you And all we shared is a distant memory If I followed my dream, surely it can be true! Both: Chase your dreams A place where you fulfill regrets Chase your dreams I promise I'll never forget! Both: Chase your dreams There's no end for you and me Chase your dreams The limit of imagination is infinity Singer: Miranda Kusao, Shizuka Minazuki Lyrics: Shizuka Minazuki Arranger: Razorclaw X, 2000 ----------------------------------------------- Author's Notes Thank you for reading. Razorclaw X (