The Wheel of Fire, #37: Endgame Written by Razorclaw X ( Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 and characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi. And all that other good stuff. Proper licenses belong to respective properties and characters. This file can be freely distributed so long as it appears in its complete form and proper credit given. No part may be reproduced for monetary gain without permission from the author. ------------------------------------------------ "In the world there is nothing more submissive and weak than water. Yet for attacking that which is hard and strong nothing can surpass it." -- Lao-Tzu "Ranma's gone with Cinder to the Kami Plane," Akane explained to the others, beside Ukyo and Sypha, who needed to hear the news. "They're going to try and find out just how far the Mekani have gone with their little collection scheme." Higure nodded. "While he is gone we will hold our battles here. Our primary objective will be to locate and destroy Enforcer Alpha." Seated around the central dominating fountain of the city park were the remains of the warriors left on Earth actively fighting the Mekani. Akane, Ukyo, and Sypha were the last members of the party that journeyed to the Kami Plane earlier, and the bearers of the news. Higure, Shang Long, Mizuki, and Johan Ritters arrived with probable locations of the Enforcer, information that was deduced from the Mekani attack pattern. The two Kuno siblings, along with Shion, Ayame, and Shizuka came bearing the news that the Earth Dragon Sword, an elemental artifact, was taken by the Mekabu. The others were surprised when they arrived in the experimental Mishima weapon, the Metal Smasher battle mech. Also arriving was Senryu Nishimura's party, which he gathered when he learned of the invasion, consisting of the newly-released Spencer Bates, Miranda Kusao, and Sakurai Sasaki. Others who have got wind of the threat, including Hayato Myojin and Hikaru Gosunkugi, also volunteered their time. By proxy, Taydome was also present, listening in on the conversation through the baseball-sized black box in Akane's hands. "We've isolated the invasion points at three key locations," Mizuki explained. "All invading Mekani have emerged from those locations, so we believe Alpha may be hiding somewhere in the middle of it." She unfurled a map for everyone's benefit. "We'll split into three groups, and each of us will tackle an entry point. From there, we will follow the trail our enemy has left us, and converge where the Mekani Enforcer is located." "The Metal Smasher's too big to go underground," Shion complained. "But the tracking mechanism is still working," Ayame added. "Mekabu has disappeared from sight, but it's at a location away from the three area points. So we're going after the sword." "Very well," agreed Mizuki. "If any of you find the Mekani are trying to get around us, by all means go after them, but don't let them distract you from the Enforcer. It's got to be just as smart as we are, so be careful." Shampoo swore as the Mekazaku appeared in the horizon. "That monster is heading back this way to finish us off!" she realized. "Do you suppose they got the artifacts at Jusendo?" wondered Cologne, standing next to the warrior. "That's not important right now!" she answered. "If it's coming back that means they aren't finished getting them." She cast a glance at the crater, where Mekazaku emerged a short time before, but now it was buried in many layers of rock, preventing the Amazons from entering the rift below. Shampoo was certain that the Mekani marauder would have to go back home that way, and when it did she and several warriors were ready to raid the rift. Until then, however, they had to fend off the mechanical terror somehow. Spotting several bursts in the distance, Shampoo shouted, "It's already attacking!" But Mekazaku's incoming flight was cut short as a second flying behemoth assaulted it in the air. Although most of Mekazaku's bulk was its massive wings, this new monster was more body than wings. "Pantyhose Taro!" she shouted in recognition. A massive cheer, thundering throughout the valley could be heard, to the Amazon's surprise. "He's the only one that can fight that thing...." "My my," Cologne said under her breath. "So we have reinforcements after all." Miranda was the first to drop down into the sewer system, but the familiar splashdown was noticeably absent from her fall. Whistling in amazement, she muttered, "Damn, those guys sure know how to clean house." "What did you say?" shouted Spencer from above. "Is something wrong?" She ran a gloved finger down one of the polished walls, squeaking as it went. "They cleaned up this part of the sewer," she explained. "Those Mekani must have blocked off some of the system and polished this place up." Jumping down from the manhole above, the sharpshooter saw what Miranda was getting at. "No kidding." He produced his favorite pistol, and waved a signal above, giving the 'all clear signal.' "If they could do this to downtown," Spencer remarked, "the city beautification will surely benefit greatly!" "Yeah, but this place is so squeaky-clean that you couldn't catch a disease if you wanted to," Miranda pointed out. "It's not just clean, it's sterilized." "Just as this world may be if the Mekani get their way!" Tatewaki finished as he climbed down the utility ladder, a wooden bokken at his side. Since he lost the Earth Dragon Sword to the Mekabu the kendoist had to resort to using traditional weaponry. They paused shortly as Hayato and Sakurai entered the Neriman underworld themselves. The party of five complete, Miranda lead the way, confident in her stride through the sterile tunnels. Spencer reached for a radio transmitter at his belt. "This is Zeta Team, we're in," he said. "Copy that, Zeta Team," they heard Taydome say. The engineer, it was decided, would serve as the central dispatch for all four groups. "You're cleared to go." "Delta Team, checking in," they heard Kodachi say. "Sigma Team, ditto," transmitted Mizuki. "Omega Team, too," Shion transmitted. "I've always wanted to say that." "Cut the chatter, this is an operation, not a game!" Taydome screeched. "Yeah, but it ain't exactly the army, either," the mercenary pointed out. "Look, just shut up!" Miranda shouted, grabbing the transmitter from Spencer. "It's hard ENOUGH being in an enclosed space, much less one that's been sterilized!" She caught movement in the corner of her eye. Tossing the transmitter back to the sharpshooter, she cried, "They're here!" "They're back there, too!" warned Sakurai. Spiderian shapes, ruby gems inlaid in their heads, crawled toward the five, just barely fitting in the tunnel themselves. Entering single-file, one at a time, the Mekani soldiers raised two appendages, armed with steam cannons. "Oh shit!" Miranda cursed, realizing there was nowhere to hide. "Wait, what's happening?!" demanded Akane, grabbing the transmitter from Kodachi. "Zeta, answer!" Kodachi snatched the transmitter back from the agitated girl swiftly. "Apparently, they have engaged the enemy." "If we're not careful," Shang Long said, chipping in, "then we may be caught as they are." From the rear of the line Johan shouted, "I think we'd better pick up the pace! Something's coming!" Kodachi raised a fist in anger, staring down the end of the tunnel where another Mekani soldier was making its appearance. "Curses! They chose their base well!" "And we walked right into a choke point," Akane realized. "A bit late to hear that!" complained Mizuki, as she threw a tri-flower back the way she came. The fused steel cards hit their mark, smashing into the warrior's eye. "Apparently," Higure said, shielding the others from the front of the line with his fan weapon, "Alpha is much more clever than we gave it credit for." Bullets from down the tunnel bounced off an invisible shield of force before the former assassin. Between the two, Ukyo and Shizuka bickered. "Give me that shotgun," Ukyo insisted, holding out her hand expectantly. "No way!" replied the priestess of Genbu. "Get your own!" "You're not using it!" the okonomiyaki chef reasoned. "Hey, quit it!" Mizuki hissed, throwing another tri- flower. "Can't you two do anything more constructive than bicker?!" "What DO you want me to do about it?!" demanded Shizuka. "I'm stuck in a pristine tunnel with the biggest hypocrite in the world; can't go forward or backward, and can't blow up a side tunnel because it might blow us up, too. So what do you want me to do?!" "Shut up!" Ukyo suggested. "Why don't you?!" countered Shizuka. "Back then, you said I was supposed to die; so aren't you happy?!" "We already passed that, you idiot!" the chef yelled back. "What do you mean, 'we already passed that?!' Don't you think that's where we are now?!" "I mean you aren't supposed to be alive right now!" Ukyo elaborated heatedly. "Do you really want to know how you die?!" "Lay it on, you bastard!" She told her. Hokuto peeled away her illusion, revealing herself and the bound Chika beside her as the Metal Smasher plodded its way through the streets. She watched the Mishima machine come to a complete halt, angling its forward-mounted gattling cannons toward her. Tightening the folds of her new cloak around her, for the last one was destroyed by Konatsu, Hokuto stood confidently against what most people would consider certain death. "I knew you'd come," the Shadow Weaver gloated. "I tricked your Section technology by masking the field around the Mekabu and transplanting the signal over my own." The cannons remained trained on the Shadow Weaver. "You might wonder who's side I'm on by now," Hokuto continued. "At one moment I could be helping the Mekani, or I could be helping you. Either way, I'm not helping the kami at all. In fact, any way I help you or the Mekani is incidental; I work on my own side." "To that end, I kidnapped your prissy sister. I don't need her per se, I need you and your partner in crime, Ayame. Yeah, I know she's up there with you, and I must congratulate you for delivering yourselves to me this easily. Now that you're involved, you have to die." "Shion, get back!" Chika warned. The Metal Smasher opened fire, spraying bullets down at Hokuto and Chika, but they bounced off a black shield that formed suddenly around them. Hokuto laughed at the ineffectiveness of the attack, stretching her shadow beyond the barrier. Two black tentacles ripped out of the ground, lashing and slapping at the cockpit of the mecha mercilessly. But the tentacles stopped in their onslaught as Hokuto felt something bite into her shoulder. Staring down at her right in shock she found a dart stuck there. Realization dawned upon her as she pulled the dart out, eyeing the Metal Smasher in surprise. The cockpit opened up to reveal Hikaru Gosunkugi, dazed, but still dangerous. "You didn't think we were that predictable, did you?" "Aya?!" Chika gasped. Hokuto felt the butt end of a grenade launcher against the back of her head. "Fire that, and you'll blow us all up!" "Pff!" Ayame snorted. "I'm willing to bet your life matters to you more than that. Besides, my trigger finger is itchy today." Dropping down from his hiding place Shion kept his crossbow trained on Hokuto carefully. "That first one has but one part of a vile agent," he explained. "This one has the coupling compound; if I inject this sucker into you, you're not going to live long enough to regret crossing me." "Heh," Hokuto laughed. "You have the advantage for now, mercenary." Quickly, she dropped into her own shadow like a trap door, vanishing from sight. Only then did Shion and Ayame lower their firearms. "," Chika said in awe. "I don't believe she bought that," Shion muttered, shaking his head. "Did she really think I'd waste something so expensive on her?" "W... w... what?!" his sister screeched, anger rising. "You bluffed her?!" "Yep," Ayame said, shouldering the grenade launcher. "Bluffing's cheaper." "You went through all that, and I'm not worth it?!" complained Chika. "Omega Team, reporting success," Shion said into the transmitter. "We're proceeding to projected secondary objective." "At least someone's doing better than we are!" Miranda hissed as she heard the news. She threw another energy disc down the tunnel, smashing into the steel hide of the warrior blocking the way. Over her shoulder Spencer took aim and squeezed off several shots, allowing Tatewaki distraction time to rush the monster in melee with his bokken. The kendoist let loose his fury, smashing holes into the warrior's hide with blinding speed, finishing by smashing its ruby eye. "Boxed one!" Miranda shouted cheerfully. "That's two!" corrected Sakurai, rushing back from his own tangle with the warrior behind. "Well, then," Spencer said, loading a fresh set of bullets into his pistol, "let's push this sucker out of the way and keep going." Quickly the five managed to push the warrior out of the way, opening up a fork in the road. "Well, ain't this pretty," Miranda snorted, looking at the two paths before the group. "Hayato, Spencer, and Sakurai will take the left tunnel, and Kuno and I will take the right. If I remember the city plans right, we'll meet back soon." The others nodded. "Right!" "The others have broken engagement from the tunnels," Taydome informed Sypha, as she smashed through the line of Mekani warriors covering the surface streets. "They are now proceeding ahead, and Omega Group is going to back you up." "I don't need their help!" the sorcerer snapped, withdrawing her claws from the broken shell of a steel warrior. "You'd think they'd pick a place more obvious than a sewage treatment plant for their base of operations!" "The surface area is being contained by my robots," Taydome added. "It couldn't be more plain than they're making it." Sypha fired off her claws at another warrior. "Then what I want to know is where are their Mekami? Surely they know its their best chance to survive!" "That puzzles me as well. Omega reported that Mekabu has disappeared from sight, so they may very well be preparing a withdrawal from the Earth." "If they're doing that," the sorcerer reasoned, "then they're probably really close to securing all eight artifacts. Enforcer Alpha won't want to get caught when the planes merge, that's for sure. Tokyo would be one of the places mangled by the fusion of worlds." "And what wouldn't?" "Any place people remember in both worlds," Sypha answered, retracting her claws. "Places like the Inferno Regions will continue to exist as normal because people here still remember it and its locales: Hades, Kibarak, Yamato... Hell, so to speak; the transition will be seamless. But, places like New York, for instance, don't exist in the Kami Plane. Places that don't exist, or are remembered, in both places will either get spliced, or erased in favor of one place over the other." "Most of civilization was built after the Kami Plane emerged," Taydome realized. "It would be disastrous." Sypha stopped, catching a new sight in her eyes. "Ah! I see you've decided to come out and play!" "Wait!" Taydome yelled. "What is it?!" From the center of the mass of Mekani, a single, serpentine steel creature emerged from the ground. It loosened itself out, kicking up concrete and debris all around it as Sypha watched Mekaryu emerge in all its glory. Producing her dragon pearl, Sypha shouted, "So, you want a rematch, eh? This time I won't be so merciful!" Her form glowed, reshaping and congealing into a serpentine creature of her own. Pantyhose Taro jammed another fist into Mekazaku's gut, but his hammering wasn't putting even a dent in the mechanical bird's hide. Mekazaku's wings closed in around him, and he felt the monster take a dive for the ground. Frantically he raised his fingers and injected ink into the monster's eyes, blinding it briefly, but the fast descent peeled away the black substance quickly. Almost too late to pull up Mekazaku spread its wings out, spinning as it began to climb back up, and discarding Taro toward the earth. Losing his hold on the monster Taro grabbed one of Mekazaku's snake-like tails, scraping against the earth as the bird began its ascent. Mekazaku closed its wings together, then spread them quickly, unleashing a quick barrage of bombs. Each of the tiny explosives burst around Taro, forcing him to lose grip on the steel tail. I'm not going to lose! Taro repeated in his mind, opening his wings to control his descent. He gained enough control to land on his hooves, then used the ground as a springboard back into the air, a fist raised for Mekazaku. He caught the bird square in the lower beak, twisting the creature's small head around in an unnatural manner. Still thirsty for the fight Mekazaku readjusted its head, glaring down at the chimera attacking it. It raked Taro with its talons, cleaving off a good amount of fur off his hide. Taro bellowed in pain, but his tentacles wrapped around the bird's slender body, securing grip. He felt cold, rigid air attack Mekazaku from behind. Tearing his eyes away from the monster Taro spied a constant stream of ice emanating from the ground, and while it was too far to see the warrior knew he was getting help. Soon thereafter a jet of flame slammed into the Mekani marauder's left wing, and Mekazaku screeched in pain for the first time. Taking advantage of the monster's momentary distraction Taro shifted all his weight backward, forcing the bird and himself into a dive, head first, toward the earth. Unlatching himself from the Mekazaku, Taro kicked off, bashing the bird's head at an unnatural angle, and soared away from the Mekani marauder's death plummet toward a pile of boulders below. Shampoo shielded herself from the thrown-up rocks as the Mekazaku plunged into the hole whence it came, kicking up boulders and debris everywhere. Quickly, she ran to the rim of the recreated crater, finding no sign of Mekazaku, but finding a very vacant rift in the earth. She heard Cologne, Kima, and Herb rush up behind her. Kima, carrying the Kinjakan fire rod, and Herb, holding the Gekkaja ice rod, both from the Jusendo faucets, held their respective artifacts ready. "We must go after it!" Shampoo shouted. "The battle is won," Herb replied. "We should seal the rift and be done with these monstrosities!" "The threat may be gone for now," Cologne conceded, "but the source of the problem yet remains." "Let them come!" Kima cried. "We have shown them our strength, so I say they are welcome to throw their toys at us!" "Nevertheless," Shampoo interrupted, "I'm going. I've already prepared a party to enter the rift. If you want to stay behind, that's fine by me, but you had better say out of our way while we're gone." "What's happening up there?!" demanded Akane, seizing the transmitter from Kodachi as the group pushed their way out of the tunnel. "Sypha's currently engaging the Mekaryu," Taydome replied. "It emerged from the location above the underground treatment plant, so it's definitely your target zone." "Big surprise," Johan snorted, looking upon the fork in the road. "Which way'll take us there faster?" "The left, I believe," Taydome replied. "Smashing," Kodachi said. "We will take the right, if you do not mind." "What, nobody's going left?" asked Shang Long. Akane shook her head. "It's better if we stick together." Shizuka and Higure took their turns drawing straws from Mizuki's hand. The priestess of Genbu cursed her luck as she drew the short straw. "Well, sorry, Shizu," Mizuki said, "but we're taking the left fork." Ukyo folded her arms, amused with the results. "Well, looks like you and I are sticking around for a little longer." Higure gave a nod toward Mizuki. "We will see you again at the plant." Both the old man and the older priestess took off, leaving Ukyo and Shizuka alone at the fork. "We'd better go," Ukyo suggested, taking the lead into the right tunnel. Shizuka grumbled to herself, unsheathing both her swords, holding them in an underhanded position. "Just my fucking luck. Stuck with the prophet of doom again." "Maybe if you kept your colorful vocabulary to yourself, then you'd get the guys," Ukyo shot back, annoyed. "As if you're one to talk!" countered Shizuka. "The guy you're after isn't talking to you!" "That's none of your business!" "Neither is YOU poking in MY life! What the hell do you know of me?!" They heard a shot ring out from down the tunnel, and a pair of steel cables flew toward the two girls. Too late they realized the danger as the cables wrapped themselves around the girls' arms and bodies quickly. With surprising speed they retracted, pulling Ukyo and Shizuka along as they screamed. Scraping against the polished sewer floor the girls were quickly drawn to the other end of the tunnel, and lifted in the air upside-down sharing eyes with each of Mekabu's own, one to each side. "Well," Shizuka huffed, "another fine mess you got us into, eh?" "It's YOUR fault we got caught!" Ukyo snarled, trying to reach her legs over to kick the priestess. Mekabu snapped its beak, its clamping sending jarring sounds through the bickering girls' heads impatiently. "Why don't YOU shut up?!" Shizuka screamed at the Mekabu, twisting her arms to whack the cable holding her with her swords. The marauder realized its mistake as both Ukyo and Shizuka broke out of their binding with a burst of adrenaline, whipping the remains back into its shell quickly. New compartments flipped back, revealing cannons, and fired. Ukyo whipped out her combat spatula, deflecting the cannon blasts with ease. Shizuka swung her arm around, slicing off the barrels of both cannons with little effort. Both cannons burst in a small explosion as the Mekabu retreated a couple steps. Opening its beak Mekabu spewed gales of flaming breath, and Ukyo jumped out of the way. It whipped out its cables a second time, harassing Shizuka as she swung at them mercilessly. With a loud yell Shizuka slammed one of the swords down into one of the cable's openings, then did the same for the other, severing both cables. "Ukyo!" she shouted, "get on!" Throwing her spatula over her shoulder Ukyo did as instructed, leaping onto Mekabu's hard shell and grabbing hold of one of the swords as Shizuka held on to the other. The Mekani marauder withdrew itself back into its shell, issuing a low hum as the shell hovered in place. Both girls ducked as the Mekabu slammed straight up into the ceiling, then switched sides as the shell slammed into each wall, trying to shake the girls loose. But with each blow both Shizuka and Ukyo were plunging the swords into the shell further, sending a shower of sparks out like a fountain from the blows. Finally giving up on its useless situation, Mekabu lowered itself back down to the tunnel's level, and rocketed back toward the treatment plant. "Hang on!" shouted Ukyo, grasping the sword with both hands. "What does it look like I'm doing?!" Shizuka yelled back, holding onto the handle of her sword with one hand. "So what makes you think you can boss me around and I can't?!" complained the okonomiyaki chef. "Can't I even at least be concerned?!" "I'll tell you when you should be concerned!!" As they emerged from the tunnel Tatewaki held his arm out to block Miranda's way. "What?!" she hissed. "Something approaches!" he replied quickly, gripping his bokken with both hands. Sure enough, rocketing toward the two from down the intersection was a flying spheroid, or, at least, what looked to be a spheroid. "The Mekabu!" Tatewaki recognized. "Damn, are those girls nuts?!" Miranda shouted, recognizing Ukyo and Shizuka hanging at the sides. She rolled up her sleeves, pressing her feet against the wall behind her. Timing her leap, Miranda sprung off the wall just in time to land on the face of Mekabu, her face smashing into the hard steel shell, much to the surprise of Ukyo and Shizuka. Tatewaki watched the flying shell and the three girls disappear around a corner, cursing to himself softly and giving chase. "Nice of you to join us!" Ukyo shouted to Miranda. "I wasn't planning on kissing this thing!" she shot back angrily, trying to find something to keep hold on. Giving up, she put her fists together and pounded against the top of the shell. "What do you think you're doing?!" demanded Shizuka. "STOP THIS THING!!" the martial artist shouted. Kodachi held her fencing foil close to herself, waiting at the corner as Akane, Shang Long, and Johan passed in front of her. "Okay, we're there," Akane spoke into the transmitter in her hand, looking around the underground treatment plant. "This place is even cleaner than I thought." Johan snorted. "There's a hole in the ceiling," he said, pointing to the light illuminating the complex in the ceiling. "The rift is here," Shang Long said. "I can feel it." "I can see it," Kodachi amended, pointing her foil below the hole. Easily as wide, perhaps even wider than the hole in the ceiling, was a tear in the dimensional fabric, a hole in the ground leading to nowhere-- a nowhere that strangely was somewhere. All around the perimeter of the complex copper Mekani workers busied themselves as they fused weapon appendages onto steel warriors, readying them for combat. "I don't see the Enforcer," Akane whispered. "Doesn't matter," Johan said, cracking his knuckles. "We're taking out the workers!" Scattering in different directions Kodachi, Johan, and Shang Long took off, skewering, smashing, or melting Mekani left and right as they went. Akane stood in the entrance hall, sighing to herself. "It's too easy," she realized, when a slight hum issued from behind. Instinctively she ducked, just as the flying shell of Mekabu passed overhead, carrying Miranda, Ukyo, and Shizuka as it went. Behind her, Akane saw Tatewaki Kuno rush up on foot, his bokken held ready. "Forgive me, dear Akane!" he shouted as he ran by. "We shall deal with the threat!" "Huh, don't mind me," Akane replied in a bored tone as the flying shell stopped over the rift. She looked down, suddenly realizing that the shadow she was casting was much larger than she expected. Turning suddenly, Akane screamed. Tatewaki froze in his tracks, just as the three girls and Mekabu dropped into the rift. "Akane!" Kodachi, Shang Long, and Johan finished the last of the copper workers just as Tatewaki stopped yelling. "What is that?!" Kodachi shouted. Akane, dropping her transmitter, was being suspended in the air by a manipulator claw. Its owner emerged from the tunnel, its two amethyst eyes sparkling in the light from above. Appearing larger than the warrior Mekani, this new spiderian was set on six legs, and had a third, tail appendage over its head, similar to a scorpion's tail, with a large cannon at its tip. Its other appendage bore a steel saw, held dangerously close to Akane's neck. "The rogue elements will cease rebellion at once," Enforcer Alpha demanded. Sypha, now as Star Crusher, aimed her dragon pearl at Mekaryu, throwing a bolt of lightning that hit the steel monster squarely. However, the marauder did not seem fazed by the hit as electricity washed over its hide and dissipated harmlessly. Mekaryu opened its great maw, and fired a beam of energy at the celestial dragon. At the last moment Star Crusher waved her free claw before her, creating a force barrier that deflected the brunt of the energy beam. "You mockery of my people!" the dragon hissed, blood boiling with fury. "I'll destroy you with my bare claws if I have to!" Mekaryu's eyes glowed a harsher red, acknowledging the threat silently. Lurching forward it headbutted Star Crusher square in the head, bypassing her barrier and forcing her to lose concentration. Knocking the monster back with her snout Star Crusher opened her mouth and sunk her teeth into Mekaryu's head, tearing off a good chunk of the machine's steel scales. She bit into it again, ignoring the pain as Mekaryu tore at her own proud scales with sharp talons. This time Star Crusher took off a good chunk of the creature's head armor, ripping off half its face and exposing its left eye to the sky. Spitting out the steel scales, she spat, "Egh, you taste terrible!" Mekaryu took cue from its competitor, and sunk its row of diamond-tipped teeth into Star Crusher's neck. She howled in pain, going so far as to slam her tail into the ground and smashing another squad of Mekani warriors. Locking her claws onto the steel serpent Star Crusher clamped her free claw onto the monster's neck, just below its head, and sunk in with all her fury. The mechanical beast released its biting hold, head snapping back as the celestial dragon dug her claws into the Mekaryu's spine. Panting heavily, she said, "Game over for you!" Passing her dragon pearl to a rear claw Star Crusher dug both her claws into Mekaryu's neck, tearing into steel with great effort. To its credit the mechanical dragon was charging up its breath weapon, thrashing its head about furiously. With a final burst of energy, Star Crusher lunged with her jaw open, and sunk into the monster's neck. Withdrawing herself from the steel mockery of dragons Star Crusher watched as Mekaryu's head snapped free from its spine, sending a massive energy feedback into the body from the incomplete breath attack. Quickly she willed her form to change, back into human shape, and summoned a bubble shield around her. As the Mekaryu's severed head tumbled back into the hole whence it came, the rest of its body exploded, raining the city with shards of steel scales. In the streets below, Hikaru Gosunkugi, still piloting the Metal Smasher, shielded his eyes from the explosion of the steel serpent. A transmission issued over the radio. "Gosunkugi!" he heard Ayame shout. "Get out of there!" The cockpit's glare dimmed, and Gosunkugi realized the cause for alarm as pieces of the defeated Mekaryu rained from above. Quickly he pulled the reverse lever, withdrawing just in time as a scale smashed the Mekani warrior he was engaging. Eyes tore away from Alpha and Akane as Mekaryu's severed, sparking head plunged into the rift, followed by several explosion rocking the ceiling above. "You're out of men!" Johan realized. "Give it up, Alpha!" "Enforcer Alpha will pass through the rift safely," demanded the Enforcer. "Alternative will be death of hostage." "A cowardly gesture!" Tatewaki replied angrily. A shot rang out from behind Alpha, causing it to lose grip on Akane. "Get it!" Spencer shouted from down the tunnel. "Don't let it get away!" "Got that!" Shang Long replied, aiming his Magma Dragon Staff at the retreating Alpha. A stream of elemental earth and fire combined shot out from the staff's head, slamming into the Enforcer, but stopping short, washing over an invisible barrier. Tatewaki and Kodachi charged, bokken and foil each, piercing through the barrier where elemental weapon failed. Both dodged as Alpha swung its saw wildly. Orienting its tail backward Alpha launched energy shells toward the threat behind, but a tri-flower quickly severed that appendage, courtesy of Mizuki. Quickly Johan took advantage of the monster's busy schedule, lowering himself to Alpha's side and running his feet around and under three of its legs. Alpha lurched and fell to its side, the street fighter leaping out of the way just in time. Tatewaki moved in and smashed the saw appendage off with a quick slash of his bokken, cleaving it clean away while Kodachi jammed her foil through one of Alpha's amethyst eyes. "Enforcer Alpha..." droned the Mekani, "unable to be retrieved. Initiate detonation sequence. All agents will be removed...." "Oh my..." Sakurai gasped from down the tunnel. "It's going to blow!" Akane warned. "The rift is closing!" Kodachi pointed out, turning her eyes toward the center of the facility. "The monster's in the way!" Mizuki shouted from the other end of the tunnel. "You guys get out, we're going back the way we came!" "Gotcha!" shouted Akane, her eyes turning toward the hole in the ceiling. "I hope someone has rope or something!" Johan shouted frantically. Suddenly, a column of light flashed through the hole, ending in wide disc at the floor where the rift used to be. Sypha stood in the center, holding her glowing dragon pearl before her. "I hope you'll come with me," she said slyly, indirectly answering the street fighter's question. "Because it would be a shame to lose at this point in the game!" Ranma whistled in awe despite himself as Cinder lead him, Ryoga, Mousse, Kanna, and Konatsu through the entrance hall of the fortress Yamato, the home of the Orochi and the souls of his followers. Standing at attention to each side of the great hall was row upon row of ancient Orochi warriors, showing a gesture of respect for the newcomers, from one warrior to another. Each was decorated in ceremonial armors from their respective cultures, from all over the world and then some. Ranma himself recognized only the Asian-style armors, each decorated with many serpents and the distinctive Orochi ring symbol. He diverted his eyes away as he recognized faces of those defeated not long ago. Ashinzo Kusanagi stood at attention, followed by Akutare Furui, Nagi Tachibana, and the rest of the deceased Orochi assassins. Ranma recognized them all, but could find no hint of malice in any of them, yet he noticed that two of them were still missing. They paused at a great set of iron doors, which parted before them without any movement on the part of the honor guard. Cinder marched ahead confidently through the doors, through the arch held up by the heads of two serpents, fitting for a fortress built in the shape of a dragon's head and seven dragon head towers. As the last of them passed through the gate the heavy iron slammed shut, cutting the party from their escape route, if necessary. Ranma cast his eyes backward, finding only nervous reaction in Konatsu, who seemed to recognize numerous places an ambush could be staged, and curiosity from Kanna, who had not previously had dealings with the Orochi. Cinder came to a complete stop before a massive throne, built of human skulls. Ranma tried to tear his eyes away, but the skulls were arranged in a somewhat hypnotic pattern that he could not help but be fascinated by it all. Perhaps it was not the throne itself, but the large head resting at its seat; an enormous dragon's head, resting lazily, with seven smaller heads dancing about behind it, similar to Medusa's hair from mythology. The creature, however, was no more solid than Ranma remembered Deathclaw to be, marking it as more spiritual than actual matter. Without moving its mouth, Orochi spoke, "Lord Warrior Sokar na Kibarak, loyal retainer of Kolvar na Strakil of the flame salamander kingdom." Cinder bowed respectfully. Mousse ripped Ryoga quickly. "That's a mouthful of a title." "I think that's Cinder's name here," Ryoga replied. "Shhh!!" quieted Kanna. "Your deeds precede you," continued the Speaker of Orochi. "To what honor have we of your visit?" Before the salamander could reply, the Orochi noticed Ranma and the others. "I see you have brought before me an offering?" "If you will," interrupted Cinder, "you will hold your tongue when I am asked to speak!" Konatsu gasped. "Is that wise?!" "He knows what he's doing," Kanna whispered to the kunoichi. "At least show some faith in him!" Orochi laughed jovially, obviously amused. "I requested an audience with your illustrious self," the salamander said, driving straight to the point, "because of a concern that you are not pushing any effort into preventing the Mekani from retrieving elemental artifacts." "You have been absent for many moons," Orochi replied carefully. "What is your source of this news?" Cinder's mechanical eye rotated and focused in on the spirit body. "Zhou Tian-long, the rogue celestial dragon." A curtain of silence fell upon the hall as Orochi considered the salamander's words. Ranma glanced back at the others, each unable to figure out what Cinder meant. "She has returned?" the Speaker asked, surprised. "Zhou Tian-long must be Sypha," Kanna realized. "Along with her, the Mekani," Cinder pressed. "Surely you know of them." "Of course!" the Speaker replied. "They have attempted to assault this fortress for many moons, as our fortress contains the most valuable of artifacts! But, our standing guard is too much for their mechanical wiles." "And yet, you venture no further from the fortress, shunning your neighbors as they are plundered. Maybe you would gain much in the reunion of worlds." "That would be so!" admitted Orochi. "I hear they require but one more artifact to begin the collapse of the pillars; they have retrieved an artifact left behind on Earth belonging to me." "So we're almost too late?!" Ranma shouted, talking out of turn. "Ranma!" hissed Kanna, but it was too late. "Ah, I see that you have the will to stand up to me as well, Destroyer?" Orochi said with amusement, focusing attention on Ranma. "Will you destroy this fortress as well?" "If that's what it takes!" the martial artist replied hotly. "An empty threat! You are in my domain now." "You are an outcast of the kami," Cinder interrupted, driving his words like a knife into the conversation. "Because we of the Inferno Regions are shunned by the surface worlds, our affairs are no concern of theirs. Even my Lord Kolvar na Strakil lounges in his palace, and Hades in his dominion, because we are the people of Hell, the underworld where all evil spawns. We are perceived this way because the humans imagined it, and it has carried over into our world." "And yet our people are no more evil than those who dwell on the surface, away from the fires of the Inferno. We wage wars, for glory and honor, and for territory... even to settle disputes. So do they. We fight, jealous of each others' power, craving for more of our own. So do they. We fight, kill, slaughter, and mercilessly destroy one another, as do the surface dwellers. But the one thing we share, between kami and human, dweller of the depths or not, is our love for this planet, Earth." "Our goals are misunderstood," conceded Cinder. "Our ways are alien to those who decide social values. Our methods are revolting because it is different. They make us less than people by saying we have no love of this Earth, and I say to you, great Orochi, that this shall not be true. If your goals indeed are with the Earth foremost in your mind, then you, along with the rest of the Inferno Region, will take arms, and aid our surface brethren in the war against the Mekani, because they share the same Earth as we. Isolation is no longer an option; the underworld must do their part in this battle, because we fight not for ourselves, or for the sake of others, but for the sake of the planet." A new cone of silence descended upon the throne room as Orochi paused to consider Cinder's words. The salamander folded his arms expectantly, his mechanical eye focusing out, issuing the only sound that could be heard in the silence. Ranma dared not speak, nor breath a word, wondering if the soldier-turned-speaker had any affect on the monstrous eight-headed dragon. "Ow!" Ranma spat, rubbing his posterior as the gate of the Yamato fortress slammed shut behind him. "If this is how they treat their friends," Mousse said as he got up to his feet, "I'd hate to see how they treat their enemies." A moment later the group watched as the gate swung open a second time, save this time Cinder walked out, with great dignity and head high. He lowered his head, eye focusing on Ranma intently. "You can be assured that Orochi has agreed to fight," the salamander said. "Those words were not meant for human ears." "Well, that's nice to know," Kanna replied sarcastically. "Now what?" "Messengers are being dispatched to the rest of the Inferno kingdoms as we speak," the salamander answered. "I fear, however, it will not be enough." "Why?" asked Konatsu. "Orochi imparted that the Mekani are currently seeking an artifact attuned to the lightning element," Cinder explained. "They have retrieved artifacts from all the other basic and composites but that one." "And what's the big deal, anyway?" asked Ryoga. "Why did they have to kick us out like that?" As if to answer Ryoga's question, everyone's attention was drawn to the horizon beyond Yamato. Where none stood before legions of Mekani soldiers appeared, each clacking and clomping their way toward the Orochi fortress. "You see," Cinder said, "we're carrying two such artifacts on us right now." "Oh that's just swell," Kanna snorted, pulling her death scythe from over her shoulder. Mousse strapped on his razor claws. "It has to be this thing, I'm sure of it!" "But what can we do against an army?" wondered Ranma. "Sure, we can take plenty of them out, but not before they clobber us with numbers." "And perhaps that is where you are fortunate, boy," he heard Nagi say, stepping out of the gates proudly. "Clash?" gasped the martial artist in surprise. "Yamato has never fallen for nothing, Saotome," Ashinzo Kusanagi chipped in, leading several other spirit warriors through the gate. "Help from unexpected places," Kanna noted. She shot a glance toward Cinder. "If it's an army we're directing, I need to be up there." The salamander nodded in understanding. "Come with me." Ranma watched as both the Crystal Spider and the Guardian of Suzaku's seal disappeared into Yamato. "Well, I guess we won't have to worry about that artifact." "But in it's place, another light artifact!" he heard Akutare screech delightfully, twiddling his pudgy fingers. Wires sprang from each of them threateningly, and Ranma groaned. "Oh great, you still have that?!" Ryoga complained. "It's still mine until a new assassin takes it!" the short assassin answered. "I don't see you got anything better!" Mousse pointed his finger out, and gulped. "R-Ranma! Look!" Quickly the martial artist cast his eyes out to where the weapons master was directing, and Ranma gulped himself. Standing atop one of the lead Mekani warriors was the Mekako, the steel tiger Mekani. "Damn, I knew this was too easy!" Kanna burst into the Yamato command center, followed by Cinder, startling the occupants gathered at the observation port. "Okay, what're we looking at?" she asked. "What right have you to barge in here on us, girl?!" demanded one of the spirits. "She is here because I allowed it," Cinder replied nastily. "You will obey her directives without question!" "I see." "I want to see positions, and numbers!" demanded the Crystal Spider. "As of now, I'm your chief tactician." "If you wish," the lead spirit said, eyeing Cinder suspiciously. He pointed toward the observation port, displaying a large monitor showing the tactical layout around the fortress. "As you can see, they surround the tower on all sides save the side with Acheron on it. Their numbers are in the thousands, and outnumber us by at least a factor of ten." "And yet they have no generals of their own?" asked Kanna. "Traditionally, one of their Enforcers, Gamma, will direct action against us," the spirit continued, still skeptical. "Instead, Gamma has sent us a marauder unit against us; it is more than sufficient to direct the battle itself." "I know of it," she replied quickly. "I need to know our defensive capabilities." "All seven outer towers are equipped with elemental cannons. Each can handle a battalion on their side of the tower, but nothing in between; too large a gap. The central tower can be moved, however, and directs a concentrated dark elemental blast." "Is that all?" The spirit nodded. "For the most part." Kanna shook her head. "I don't need weapons of mass destruction; if that's all we have to work with you don't need me." "Precisely." "However!" The spirit looked startled. "Those are your defenses 'for the most part,'" Kanna pointed out. "What ELSE do you have? Preferably some kind of remote operating device." Cinder nodded in approval, eyeing the lead spirit carefully. "We have remote scouters," he replied. "But what good will they do? They only observe." "If I know the Mekani," answered the girl smugly, "they single-mindedly follow a goal, just like any stupid machine. Of course, they'll attack and pursue only that they consider a threat to or are their goals. So I want those scouters deployed, and modified appropriately." "What do you intend to do?" "I'm going to make this the shortest skirmish in history," Kanna announced decisively. Konatsu arced wide in his slash, taking out three Mekani warriors grouped too close together in the advancing line. Soon thereafter three more emerged, crawling over the corpses of their brethren and pushing the line onward. He cursed under his breath, slipping ninja stars into his hands and tossing them with deadly precision. He risked a glance toward Ranma and Ryoga; the two martial artists were double teaming the apparent leader of the pack, the tiger-like Mekako. The Mekani marauder slashed widely, forcing the two to keep a wide berth, but allowing the line to advance around it all the same. Neither Ranma nor Ryoga were gaining a noticeable advantage over the Mekani. Slashing again at the next wave Konatsu barely met his end at the edge of a saw, but Mousse was already on top of it, skewering the attacking Mekani through the head with a tethered spear. The kunoichi gave a quick thumbs-up signal as the Master of Hidden Weapons discarded the weapon, turning his attention to other threatening warriors. "Konatsu," Ukyo had said before he left for the Kami Plane, "I must ask you a favor. Please look after Ranma for me." He shook his head. "I'm not sure if I can do it anymore." "Why?" she asked. "What's the matter?" Sighing, Konatsu answered, "I feel as if my service is going unrewarded. Lately you have been pushing me away rather than allowing me to be at your side. Am I so unworthy of you?" To that, Ukyo could not answer for quite some time, obviously taken aback by his words. Pressing on, he added, "Ever since our battle with the Orochi assassins so long ago you have been stressing my independence, and I have done so. At the same time, you've been pushing me away; going off alone by yourself or with Ranma all the time. I feel I've been patient with you, Ukyo, but my heart is aching, because I think I've lost my way. So I need to know where we stand." Guilt obviously sunk into the chef, but it was the last thing Konatsu wanted. She replied, "I... I don't know what to say." Konatsu understood those words exactly. The last words he imparted before agreeing to go was: "I won't force you to answer now; you may give me your answer when I return." A feeling of uncertainty in both their hearts, for a moment the kunoichi wondered if he did the right thing. Slashing more of the Mekani warriors, Konatsu felt his heart aching all the more, pounding against his chest and threatening to tear itself out. "No, I must be wrong!" he shouted, furiously tearing one soldier to pieces. "Konatsu!" he heard Mousse shout. "What's happening?" "Was it wrong of me to spill my dying heart upon her?!" Konatsu cried, increasing his furious attacks with swifter slashes. "Was it wrong to expect an answer to the calling of my heart?!" Mousse said nothing, burying his razor claws into the ground angrily. In a wave before him several blades ripped through the ground, tearing apart Mekani in a single line. Withdrawing the claws Mousse turned and attacked another warrior. "You know something, Konatsu?" he said at last. "If you love her so much, if you love her so purely that you can't stop thinking about her, then you were wrong." "What?" Konatsu said, nearly stopping in his tracks from the shocking response. "You heard me!" he hissed angrily. "The one thing you should NEVER do is mess with a girl's heart!" As if punctuating his point, over their heads several small, spherical pods launched away from Yamato's towers, disappearing in the horizon. "It's about Ukyo, isn't it?" Konatsu nodded quickly. "What you did was wrong," he repeated. "You told her how much you loved her, right?" Without waiting Mousse pressed on, slashing another Mekani angrily. "You told her you loved her..." he skewered another warrior with a quick blade toss, "with strings attached!" The kunoichi buried his sword into another warrior's eye, then withdrew it quickly and turned toward Mousse. "What are you talking about?" "You demanded an answer, didn't you?" "Y... yes." "You blew it!" Mousse cried. "You BLEW IT!!" He unleashed his fury by throwing several sets of tethered weapons at the incoming Mekani, hitting true on each mark. "You DON'T ask them for an answer, because, dammit, the girl isn't necessarily thinking the same as you!" Konatsu threw down his sword in frustration and shame. "I blew it," he echoed. "So come get me!" But the Mekani line halted in its advance, and Mousse also picked up on this, halting in his attack. "They've... they've stopped!" the kunoichi managed to say. "The scouters are emitting the power-up signals as requested," the lead spirit informed Kanna. "The Mekani are advancing toward them as you predicted." "Good," the Crystal Spider purred, leaning back in a soft leather-hide chair, Cinder standing behind her. "Stupid and single-minded as they are the Mekani are dying to get their hands on an elemental lightning artifact, so we just gave them a bunch of them to play with." Cinder nodded. "As they move away from Yamato they are putting themselves in the firing range of the seven energy towers." "In effect, their single-mindedness has worked against them," Kanna concluded. "All gaps are filling. The only trick, of course, is how we're going to get rid of the Mekako." "I don't believe it!" Ranma shouted, ducking under a slashing blow from Mekako's claws. "They're running away!" "Pay attention, Ranma!" suggested Ryoga, looking for an opening, but finding none. "This guy isn't going anywhere!" True to the martial artist's words Mekako and all the Mekani immediately around it were keeping to the push, and while Orochi's spirit warriors were dealing with the warriors it was up to Ranma and Ryoga to tackle the marauder unit. The primary reinforcements, lead by Nagi and Ashinzo, were dealing with the warriors with ease, using their superior skills. Mekako spun in place, creating a whirlwind of slashing, and forcing both Ranma and Ryoga back. It curled into a ball, exposing a buzzing saw blade along its spine, and bowled toward them. Both martial artists dodged to the side each, allowing the Mekako to pass by, but the machine recovered from the aborted attack quickly and leaped at Ranma. But Ryoga was there to intercept, landing a deep kick in Mekako's side and sending it on a path away from Ranma. Mekako rolled over, catching Ryoga's leg and tossing him away. "Ryoga!" Ranma shouted as his body collapsed in the distance. The Mekani steel tiger blocked Ranma's way, eyes glowing maliciously in silent warning. Growing sick of his predicament the martial artist reached for his belt, grasping hold of Shizuka's returning dagger, and held it out before him. The monster slashed at him, but Ranma deflected the blow with the dagger. Taking advantage of the parry Ranma threw the dagger straight into Mekako's left eye. Ranma plugged his ears as the creature screamed an unearthly sound. He felt the beast plant a good fist into his gut, sending the martial artist back and momentarily open. It ceased its painful scream, and Ranma expected the returning dagger to fly back into his hand, but the weapon remain wedged in place. "Damn!" he cursed. "What's with you and cruddy weapons, Shizuka?!" Mekako leaped out at Ranma, ready to attack, but was stopped in its tracks. The martial artist gasped in surprise as several sets of thin wire coiled themselves around the beast, stopping it in its tracks. "Akutare?!" he uttered as he saw the short man do his work with the wires. "You owe me a body later!" the scrawny assassin shouted. Mekako, acting in frustration as it pulled against the stiff wires, opened its jaw wide, an energy spike glowing within. Ranma took that as his cue to escape, jumping straight up into the air as an energy burst lanced out. He extended his leg for a drop kick, but the Mekani was already orienting its head to fire again. But something else caught both of the combatants' attentions, as lights of all the color spectrum issued forth from the Yamato. "The bulk of the Mekani soldiers are within range," announced Cinder proudly. Kanna wrung her hands in anticipation. "Fire!" All fighters on the battlefield shielded their eyes to the exclusion of anything else as the Yamato's towers spewed beams of pure elemental energies, lancing out into the distance where the scouters landed before. A burst of flame, light, and energy annihilated the horizon, taking with it all those Mekani caught within the area of destruction around the scouter targets. Ranma felt himself land at his feet, but his ears picked up another sound, that of a twang of wires. He braced himself as Mekako's heavy body rammed into him, broken wires trailing behind. The moment the light dimmed to normal Ryoga, Konatsu, and Mousse were standing over him, concern in their eyes. "What happened?" asked Ranma, shaking his head. "The army's been wiped out," explained Mousse. "Kanna did it. She tricked them into going after decoys with elemental signatures. What a genius...." "Where's the Mekako?" "It retreated into a rift," Konatsu answered, his finger pointing away from the Yamato. "The remaining Mekani soldiers are attempting to retreat as well." "So... I guess it's over," Ryoga decided. "No," Ranma said, quickly getting up to his feet. He turned toward Akutare, who was sitting on the ground nearby, severed wires hanging loosely before him. "Akutare...?" "What?" snorted the short man. "Those wires," the martial artist pressed. "Do they retain their elemental...?" "Of COURSE they do!" the assassin replied. "Do you know how long it takes to regenerate them once cut?!" "Oh shit!" Ranma cursed, breaking out of the circle of allies and heading for the rift. "It's not over!" "Ranma!" shouted Ryoga, rushing to catch up. "What's the matter?!" Konatsu and Mousse followed. "Mekako's getting away with the last artifact!" he shouted, knowing that was all the others needed to know. "We gotta go, before it's too late!" Dropping through the rift first Shampoo was glad she readied her weapons, aiming the blaze cane's dragon head and firing at the Mekani. Several other Amazon warriors stepped into the metal chamber, each armed with their own Amazon artifacts. Just before entering the rift Cologne approached Shampoo and her hand-picked team of warriors to assault the Mekani base. She handed the blaze cane to her, a weapon Akane once used to defeat Pink and Rink back in Japan. "Just press the button," she explained, "and the head will spew jets of flames. It is one of the artifacts the Mekani were after, but I think they will prove to be a welcome edge against them." "Great-grandmother was right," Shampoo said, taking out several more of the waiting Mekani warriors. Taking out the last of the guard, she took in her surroundings. The Mekani fortress, not surprisingly, appeared to be made entirely of metal. Steel plates, walls, cables, and tubes ran each way, in seemingly haphazard directions, but polished clean nonetheless, such that Shampoo could see her own reflection in it. Looking back, she stared at the portal whence she came, the other end of the rift. It was shaped in a ring pattern, and next to it, to each side were two more rings, each with an open rift. "Looks like we're not the only ones home," Ling-ling said, clutching her polearm tightly in her hands. Her sister nodded. "I wonder how the others are doing?" "There's no sign of the Mekazaku," Paste noted, scanning the room with a bit of disappointment. "I was hoping we could finish it off." Shampoo raised her hand for silence, just before the remaining three warriors could chip in their own, undisciplined opinions. Just then, the rift to their left shimmered, and something popped right through, rolling along on the platform before it. "Ranma?!" she shouted in surprise. Soon thereafter Ryoga, Mousse, and Konatsu stepped through the gate, shaking their heads out of the daze of rift travel. "All of you?!" Shampoo gasped. "Mousse?" "Shampoo?" Mousse said, turning to her, looking confused. Ranma stumbled back to his feet, panic in his eyes. "Hey, you happen to see a big metal tiger run through here?!" "We were going to ask you the same about a big metal bird," Lung-lung replied tensely. "They've got all the artifacts," Mousse said quickly. "We've got to find them and stop them from doing... whatever it is they're doing." Shampoo nodded. "You're welcome to join us." Ukyo shook herself awake, cradling her head with one arm and grasping at Shizuka's sword with the other. She pulled the weapon tightly toward herself, barely realizing that it somehow got loose from the Mekabu's shell. Forcing her eyes open she spied Miranda, spread out face-down on the cold metal ground, and Shizuka, leaning against a wall, both her hands on the sword she was grasping to. The okonomiyaki chef rubbed her eyes, dropping the sword, unable to see where the Mekabu disappeared to. "Shizu... Mira..." she whispered carefully, urgently. "Wake up!" "Urgh," grunted Miranda, picking herself up from the cold steel floor. "That ride deserved an A ticket." "Don't call me 'Shizu,' you hypocritical bastard," Shizuka muttered, struggling to get her eyes open. Miranda shook her head, taking in her surroundings. "Damn, this isn't a cell or anything...." "No," Ukyo said, shaking her head. "It's just a dark hall. Who knows why we're here?" "That's because Mekabu brought us through the rift," the priestess of Genbu replied, reaching for the sword near Ukyo. "After that... I don't remember what happened." "Whatever," Miranda said, shrugging. "Wherever we are now, we'd better step on it. I doubt the Mekani will miss us for long." "I'm surprised they didn't kill us already," Ukyo voiced. "They couldn't," Shizuka said, realization dawning upon her as she sheathed both her swords. "Hokuto's here." "No kidding?" asked Miranda. "What's that supposed to mean?" "I can feel it in my bones," the priestess replied. "She's here, and she's watching us." "I'm not sure if that's such a good thing," the okonomiyaki chef replied. "We'd better get moving." Ranma and Shampoo lead the way through the dark halls, the others trailing behind, ready to battle at a moment's notice, but meeting no resistance along the way. "This is ridiculously quiet," he muttered, sharing his concern to the Amazon leader. "Where are all their soldiers?" "Maybe we busted them all back there," Ryoga suggested. "Even still, that can't be all of them," Mousse pointed out. "Don't jinx it!" hissed Shampoo. They continued down the hall, stopping only when they were about to pass a large set of double sliding doors in the wall, which Konatsu barely noticed in their haste. Quickly, the kunoichi unsheathed his sword, using it to pry the door open using it as a lever. Light poured out into the hall, opening the object of the party's quest for them to see. A vast cylindrical chamber, stretching up as far as their eyes could see, Ranma could make out eight points of light dancing high above, each focusing their energies on a central point, the towering spire in the center of the cylinder chamber. "Rogue elements detected at the bottom of the Cauldron," they heard a voice drone impassionately. "Eliminate immediately." "The Mekani Director!" Ranma realized, looking up to scan for the source of the voice. His eye caught a slight movement against the glow of the elemental energies, he guessed, at an alcove two floors above. "The plan will proceed as scheduled," the Director said. "The planes will be reunited as it once was." "There's no reasoning with a machine!" Mousse hissed angrily. "Ryoga, Konatsu!" Ranma shouted. "Give me a boost!" Both warriors nodded in understanding, cupping their hands together. Ranma gave himself a short running start, making a short leap and landing his feet on Ryoga and Konatsu's hands. They used their arms to help spring the martial artist up into the air, obviously startling the Director immensely. It retreated back as Ranma landed in the alcove. He looked upon the monster, easily three times the size of a Mekani warrior. Colored jet black the Director possessed a pair of large amethyst jewels for eyes, shining impassionately against the swirl of elemental energies. Standing on eight legs the monster may have resembled a spider, save it possessed three appendages: two below its mandibles, and one tail-like appendage resembling a scorpion's tail. "You thought you had us," Ranma said, cracking his knuckles. "You almost had things your way, but now it's going to end for you!" "The Director is protected at all times by its most dangerous weapons," the Mekani overlord said, without concern. "Initiate Mekami Unit 00." Ranma tensed himself, not knowing what to expect out of the Director's latest command. A hidden door pulled up and away, and a steel monster stepped out. Easily topping Ranma's height, the new Mekani marauder, like the rest of its kind, was made of polished steel, but it was the form that surprised the martial artist more. It possessed two arms, two legs, a torso, and a head, all in the same fashion as a human, save it was nearly featureless. Eyes glowing maliciously red, Ranma knew he was in for some real trouble as he stared down a Mekami fashioned after a human. Shizuka tossed steel cards with extreme prejudice at the Mekani warriors, smashing them with good marks in their eyes. She slipped her arm back up her sleeve for more, but came up empty. "Miranda!" she shouted, just as another warrior readied its steam cannon. Quickly an energy discus flew from the martial artist's hands, finding its mark cleanly and taking out the warrior. Miranda and Ukyo quickly rushed to Shizuka's side, the last of the Mekani warriors defeated. "I'm out," Shizuka said sadly, shaking her sleeves as if it could produce more steel cards. "I found something," Ukyo said, pointing toward the a set of open double doors. "I think it's important." "Really?" Miranda said sarcastically, viewing the swirl of lights issuing from within. "You don't say?" "You guys go ahead," the priestess insisted. "I've got business to take care of." "Huh?" Ukyo grabbed Shizuka's arm tightly. "Where do you think you're going? Don't tell me you're going off to die...." She shook her head. "Ukyo... there's something I just have to do. If you don't want to be a hypocritical bastard all the time, let me go. I need to follow what my instincts are telling me, and they're telling me something's up ahead, and that I should be there. I don't know about you, but I don't get premonitions as a fact, but I think people like you listen to them, right?" Sighing to herself, the okonomiyaki chef released her hold on Shizuka. "Fine, but stop calling me the 'hypocritical bastard,' okay?" Unsheathing her swords, Shizuka offered a smile. "I guess I'll see you on the flip side!" As the chef watched the priestess dash off down the hall, Miranda coughed. "Don't you think we ought to go?" "Yeah, right," agreed Ukyo. Stepping into the chamber, they found it to be perfectly cylindrical, with a catwalk running all around the perimeter. An alcove was set, eight in all, evenly spaced around the cylinder, each producing an energy lance firing toward the central cylinder. "And no more guards!" Miranda said cheerfully, cracking her knuckles. "Miranda!" Ukyo shouted in warning. She ducked just in the nick of time, just as Mekako tore itself out of its alcove, leaving one of its arms, and the wire around it, behind. The single-armed, one- eyed tiger growled at the two girls angrily. The moment Ranma vanished was when the fun started for the warriors under Shampoo's charge. A large door opposite that of the one whence they came opened up, revealing a monstrous sight. Wheeling into view was a gigantic head of a dragon, its head armor ripped off on the left side, which obviously marked it as being Mekaryu's head. Attached to the back of the head was the great wings of the Mekazaku, its smashed head drooping over that of the Mekaryu. Where the dragon's left eye should have been was a large, sphere-like shell, where Mekabu was sitting, thrashing its head about angrily. The head's jaw, permanently stuck open from its death battle with Sypha, revealed a series of jury-rigged steam cannons attached within. "That is the ugliest thing I've ever seen," Mousse spat, edging back along with the others. The steam cannons fired all at once, scattering the warriors quickly. Mekabu, acting as a turret, emitted gales of flames, attacking seemingly at random while the wings spread a deadly barrage of bombs. "I don't have time for this!" shouted Ryoga, rushing the chimera. He leaped into the air, sailing over the bewildered Mekabu, and thrust downward, feet first. Using great momentum Ryoga slammed through the shell, burying himself up to his waist, and pulled himself out quickly. Moments later the turret exploded. Taking after his example Mousse threw several sets of chains into Mekaryu's exposed maw, smashing the reloading steam cannons easily. At the same time Shampoo, and her Amazons jumped at the wings, their feelings obviously intent on destroying their rival. Each took a swing, cleaving off a good deal of wing with each blow, not allowing Mekazaku to unleash a second bomb attack. Konatsu, taking the honors, sailed into the air, and descended, thrusting his sword through Mekaryu's sole remaining eye. Quickly the kunoichi withdrew the blade, just in time to avoid the crackling sparks dancing about the shattered eye. All the warriors leaped off the defeated chimera, watching as the monster's great maw collapsed on itself along with the rest of the grafted parts. "Such a poor piece of work," scoffed Shampoo. "Blast it, I don't have time for this!" Miranda shouted, as she ran across the catwalk, with Mekako chasing her steadily. "Mira!" Ukyo shouted from across the chamber. "The cylinder in the center is the focusing point of the elemental energies! If we take out one of these, it should be harmless!" Operating on her own suggestion, the okonomiyaki chef reached into the closest alcove, toward a spherical object, but withdrew her hand quickly as a jolt of electricity shocked her. "What, you can't do it?!" the martial artist shouted in complaint. "Can't you see I'm a little busy?!" In desperation she reached into the nearest alcove, lightning dancing around her gloved hands harmlessly. With little effort Miranda pulled the Earth Dragon Sword out of its holding position, ceasing the energy pulse toward the center and giving her an edge. "Ha-hah!" she laughed. "Looks like you disarmed yourself for nothing!" Snarling in anger, Mekako charged, arm extended outward, but Miranda was quicker. She raised the sword over her head, and brought it down, quickly lopping off the marauder's arm at the elbow. Lowering the sword, Miranda wasted no time, doing a backflip kick that connected squarely into Mekako's jaw. With surprising force behind it the creature's neck tore from its body, and the tiger's head soared over Miranda and right into Ukyo's startled hands. "YAAAAH!!!" she screamed in shock. "Damn, that's a good catch," Miranda shouted, holding the sword carefully. "Ever thought of going into baseball?" "Umm, no," the chef replied, unable to tear her eyes off the severed head. She stared at the knife stuck in the left eye curiously. "Oh shit, it's almost like what happened to me...." She reached to pull out the weapon. "Behold," the Director said, "Mekami Unit 00 Proto- type marauder, code name 'Lazarus.' You will be eliminated." Ranma gulped, wishing he was not alone with the Mekani overlord and the mechanical man. Lazarus's eyes glowed blood-red as it lowered itself into a tiger stance, which the martial artist recognized immediately. Okay, maybe this guy won't be so bad.... He tensed himself, building up confidence within. Ranma squinted, trying to discern an aura field, but could find none. Well, this'll be interesting, he thought. I might as well be fighting blind. As the Director scurried away as fast as its legs could carry it Ranma shouted a battle cry, rushing Lazarus with a fist cocked back, ready to strike. The mechanical man thrust its fist out suddenly, but Ranma dodged it in the nick of time. Throwing a punch of his own Ranma drew back his fist quickly, shaking it as it throbbed in pain. "You know that hurt!" Ranma shouted. But the pain dulled to nothingness as Lazarus threw another punch, this time landing on the cheek. Quickly gathering himself Ranma blocked the next blow, settling into the pace his opponent was setting for him. One after another Ranma threw a punch and kick, and the Mekani did the same, neither gaining an advantage. Is this thing learning? wondered Ranma as Lazarus gave him a quick jab in the gut. It's got to be predicting my moves by now! Changing his pattern Ranma performed a spin kick, landing a blow in Lazarus's side. Momentarily stunning the monster Ranma cupped his hands together and threw a burst of ki, blasting Lazarus backward and giving the martial artist more breathing room. That was pathetic! Ranma chastised himself. Can it be that my power's getting weaker? Lazarus recovered quickly, opening its arms up and revealing a pair of wrist-mounted cannons. Ranma ran for his life as energy bursts trailed behind. Changing his mind Ranma turned and ran toward the Mekani, dodging from side-to-side and forcing the machine to readjust to his movements. He leaped into the air as he approached, appearing between the arms of Lazarus. As he descended Ranma spread his legs apart to the sides, kicking off both cannons at once and smashing into the Mekani full on. With blinding speed Lazarus kicked Ranma off and away. Ranma rolled against the ground, his body scraping against the cold surface. Jumping back to his feet at the same time as the machine the martial artist eyed a pipe in the wall, and dashed for it. Tearing it out just as Lazarus rushed Ranma raised it to block the first attack, catching the Mekani's arm and throwing it back. "You're nothing like fighting the real thing," Ranma shouted in contempt. Readying the pipe he charged, intending to skewer the Mekani marauder. Lazarus had little time to react as the pipe embedded itself into its chest. Sparks crackled around the new hole, forcing Ranma to release his grip. The Mekani grasped its hands around the pipe, struggling to tear it out, but electrical force lanced out from the pipe and up its arms. Taking several steps back, Ranma raised a hand to shield his eyes, and snorted. "Is that the best you can do?" But to his surprise the Mekani responded, in the voice of the Director. "Termination sequence initiated. All impurities will be eliminated." Eyes widening in shock, Ranma realized that the Mekani was going to overload. Turning to run, he realized too late that he fell for the Director's clever trap; while the overlord escaped Ranma was kept busy with a ticking time bomb. No matter who won Ranma would be dead. The blast would reflect off the walls and amplify, he reasoned with himself as he ran. Kanna would think this guy was a genius. Damn, they ought to compare notes. Throwing his palms behind him, Ranma propelled himself forward, ki trailing behind. And then, Lazarus detonated. "Dammit, not fast enough!" he yelled, frustrated. Akane, he thought, feeling the explosion consuming him even as he bolted, wait for me...! The massive Mekani Director came to a halt in the middle of the hall, reaching out a manipulator arm to the blank wall. A hidden door swung open, allowing the Director just enough time to enter. Darkness consumed the Mekani overlord as it continued its journey, one that required no illumination. "The rogue elements have prevailed at this time," the Director said to itself, coming to a halt in the center of a cylindrical chamber. "The timetable has been set back considerably. We will evaluate our errors and correct them before proceeding further." A disc beneath the Director began to glow, bathing it in a column of light. "Factory Satellite 27 has been compromised. Initiate evacuation to Nexus Zero and await further orders." Issuing its final command, the Director's form vanished into nothingness. Shizuka kicked the door down, startling the copper Mekani workers. Raising her swords she quickly ran through them, turning them into discarded cans in short order. Sheathing them quickly, she dusted her hands. "Serves you right to wander around without your big brothers." Casting her eyes throughout the chamber, Shizuka realized that she was almost outside, as the walls were low in this area. If one raised their eyes slightly higher than eye level they could see the darkness of the void surrounding the Mekani factory-fortress. The workers, however, were not busying themselves for nothing, the priestess noted. Rising high above was a great metal spire, of which was still being constructed from the looks of it. The spire, piercing the void, appeared almost no different from the rest of the factory, until Shizuka's eyes caught a differing of coloration near the top. Climbing a utility ladder on the side of the spire Shizuka quickly made her way upward, coming to a stop at the rafter adjoining the strange area. Upon closer inspection it was a human head, jutting out of the front of the spire, as if encased in a tomb. "H-Hokuto?!" she gasped. The Shadow Weaver's eyes fluttered open slowly. "Shizuka?" The priestess quickly made her way to Hokuto's side. "What're you doing HERE?!" "It's a long story," Hokuto replied. "Well, hang on, I'm getting you out of there," Shizuka said, unsheathing one of her swords. Raising it high, she jammed it into one of the machine's creases, prying it off with little effort. "Dang, they've got you in here pretty tight." "Shizuka," Hokuto whispered, sounding tired all of a sudden, "why are you helping me...? After what...." "Don't ask," advised Shizuka, "I won't offer to do it again." She pried off another plate. "Besides... I can't leave a friend behind. As they say, 'we all go home, or nobody goes home.'" Hokuto shook her head, laughing despite herself. "You never change." "Damn straight!" Prying off the last of the panels, Shizuka looked up and down Hokuto's naked body. Reaching up her sleeve she produced a well-folded emergency blanket. It was so well-done that it was still in the packet it came in when the priestess bought it at the store. "I guess we're going to have to teach those Mekani about a little modesty, huh?" Laughing softly, Hokuto replied, "Yeah, I guess so." "I was wondering when you'd show up," Ranma commented dryly. Ukyo grinned, carrying Ranma through the halls with his arm wrapped around her neck. The same arm held the returning dagger he had lost before. "Well, I would've gotten there sooner, if only the dagger went faster." "I guess I can thank Shizuka for something, then," the martial artist said with a chuckle. "Maybe even the old lech, too. I guess things do work out." No sooner had Ranma been caught in the blast Ukyo appeared in the opposing direction, her hand on the returning dagger. True to its magical nature the dagger landed right into Ranma's hand, and Ukyo had recognized the danger. Instinctively she raised a bubble-like shield around herself and Ranma until the blast dissipated. While the explosion did a number to both of them Ukyo was still full of energy despite her ki reserves drained. "And I guess I should thank you, too," Ranma added slowly. Ukyo shook her head. "You don't have to. I understand if you don't." "No... really...." he muttered in protest. "You're right, I'm not the same person I used to be," interrupted the chef. "I've changed too much for you, even for Konatsu, and for that I'm sorry. I haven't even called you 'Ranchan' since then... and you know, it probably is all my fault." "Stop blaming yourself," the martial artist replied. "Konatsu still loves you... I...." She sighed. "You know, Ranchan... you can hate me all you want. If being Seiryu is what it takes for you to be alive, then I'll take it, 'kay?" "How sentimental of you. If I had tear ducts left I'd shed a tear now." Ranma's eyes perked up as he stared down the hall. "Damn, it's you." The Shadow Weaver removed her cloak from around her shoulders, wrapping one end around her wrist carefully. "You would dare to get in my way!" Hokuto hissed. "Who do you think you are," Ukyo shouted, lowering Ranma gently to the ground, "that you would declare yourself judge, jury, and executioner? What the hell is the matter with you?!" She grabbed three spatula darts from her bandoleer in each hand, fanning them out threateningly. "Don't you ever get tired of all the killing?!" "You let the people instrumental in our mutual destruction live," the Shadow Weaver replied angrily, whipping her cloak about in a test. "Taydome, Shion, and Ayame were the ones instrumental in retrieving and studying the Mekani technology, which I tried so hard to keep from them. Thanks to them Section Fourteen was able to create a time machine." "You're from the future," Ukyo realized. "You're nothing more than a shadow of a time that has yet to pass!" "If you knew we would beat the Mekani," Ranma said, "then why did you bother in the first place?" "In the previous timeline," explained Hokuto, "back at the Shrine of the Four Gods I attacked Ukyo while she was bringing Konatsu back with her. I thought I could siphon her strength to battle Zhou Tian-long, who dared to defeat me, but I found something far more interesting." "You found my memories as Seiryu," Ukyo guessed. "You saw the apocalyptic future I saw. But you know just as well as I that will never come to pass." "Very true," agreed Hokuto. "Yet, there was one issue you were never too concerned with, Seiryu. The fact is I dropped from sight after the Mekani battle. The reason for this was because Section captured me. You see, they gathered the remains of the Mekani, and studied them. They somehow found the means to build themselves a time machine using alien technology, but the Mekani used a different fuel source. They used my body." "So Section kidnapped you," Ranma said. "They did their experiments on you, and succeeded." "By the time they were through with you," Ukyo picked up, "you were nothing more than a vegetable. Section's time machine was imperfect; they had to use time stabilizers to maintain an anchor in place in time. We used a machine fueled by your very being to save this world from an apocalypse." "The time stabilizers are due to the fact that they were using Mekani technology," the Shadow Weaver explained. "The Mekani could not stay in time because they did not generate the necessary ki field; machines do not have ki. Section relied on them too much." "And then you decided to come back in time and kill those involved in your eventual destruction," Ranma accused. "You wanted to save your own hide, and even though the events you described won't happen you want to cover your ass." "It is due to the involvement of Shion and Ayame that Taydome got his hands on the Mekani technology," Hokuto said. "Taydome developed the technology because he is the one most familiar with the time stabilizer technology in this timeline... because it is the same. I need not have to deal with him unless I stopped Ayame and Shion, but since that's no longer possible I'm going to have to kill him, too." "So what happened to the real Hokuto?" asked Ukyo, studying her opponent's barest movements carefully. "I imagine she's dead by now," gloated the time traveler. "I got her before she interrogated you in this timeline so she won't learn how to do it." "So how do you know if what you're doing is right?" asked Ranma. "If I knew that I'd go to the future; but, since I can't imagine the future, I can't travel forward in time, can I? Time travel for Shadow Weavers is limited only by the fact that you can only go backward, not forward." "And that's why you killed your present counterpart, isn't it?" Ukyo's anger began to boil. "You intend to keep on living in her place. That's why you sometimes helped us, and sometimes tried to kill us." "And still you foiled my plans!" Hokuto hissed venomously. "Thanks to you, Zhou Tian-long is still alive, even if I took out Kanna who stopped me the last time. Thanks to you, Shizuka will never know happiness. Thanks to you, Cinder managed to retrieve the ancient dragon from the void." "Did you ever stop to think that some of the problems you named were because of you?" Ukyo shot back. "Maybe you hadn't noticed, but you're working toward making the future you're trying to prevent." "SILENCE!" demanded the Shadow Weaver, whipping her cloak into a lance and charging. Ukyo parried the lance with her spatulas, trying hard to keep the needle point away from her. "If you read my memories, you should know that I made some of the problems happen, too! Time travel is too dangerous!" "Then you DO agree with me!" Hokuto screamed. "You, too, must die, because you remember how to reproduce the time machine." "Sorry, but I BELONG in this world!" the okonomiyaki chef declared, shoving the lance up into the air. "You have no place in it!" Hokuto stumbled back momentarily, and Ukyo took the opportunity to throw all six of her darts at her. At lightning speeds the Shadow Weaver recovered, spinning her cloak before her in a shield, deflecting the darts. Cursing, Ukyo pulled her combat spatula from over her shoulder, holding it low like a sword. "Ukyo!" Ranma shouted. "Below!" Quickly catching the lunging shadow heading toward her from Hokuto's shadow, Ukyo leaped to the side, barely escaping the shadow lance that would have impaled her. Risking a glance toward Ranma she shouted, "Thanks, Ranchan!" "Pay attention!" Hokuto demanded, lancing her cloak at the chef. Ukyo cried out in pain as she was too slow to dodge, the cloak running through her left arm. Her grip on the spatula loosened, giving the Shadow Weaver another opportunity to attack. The shadow swept along the ground, a black tentacle emerging in place of the spike. Whipping quickly Ukyo was sent sprawling onto her back, the combat spatula flying over her head. Withdrawing the shadow, Hokuto raised her cloak lance over the okonomiyaki chef threateningly. "Maybe if you used your true strength, you would've beaten me, Seiryu." "My name is Ukyo!" she spat, seething with anger. "Sadly, it shall be no longer!" declared Hokuto. "Ucchan!!" Ranma shouted. An explosion rang the martial artist's ears, and he found that his eyes were shut despite himself. Ranma forced them open, forcing himself to watch the agonizing death of his old friend, for the second time. And it was the second time I couldn't save her.... I don't need to be saved, Ukyo would say. But reality flooded his eyes, as Ukyo was still on the ground, and Hokuto was still towering above her, the cloak lance unfurling in her hands. Dropping it over the okonomiyaki chef uselessly, Ranma's jaw dropped in shock as he, Ukyo, and Hokuto stared at a large hole in the Shadow Weaver's stomach. "S... Shizuka...." Hokuto whispered, realizing who attacked her. She collapsed onto her knees. Ukyo sat up, pulling herself together and supporting the Shadow Weaver. She quickly wound her chest with the discarded cloak, then cast her eyes behind Hokuto. Still smoking from the shot was a single-barrel shotgun, its owner, Shizuka, standing with a cold expression. Leaning against her at the left side, her arm wrapped around the priestess's neck was Hokuto, hastily wrapped in a thin camping blanket, appearing quite tired and drained. Both Ranma and Ukyo did a double take from the appearance of the second Hokuto. "Y... you're alive?" Ranma uttered in shock. "Shizuka..." Ukyo said, "you... you shot her." Lowering her shotgun slowly, Shizuka snorted. "Well, I think it was a lot easier in practice than on paper, don't you think?" "Pretty good shot," congratulated Ranma. "I... I lost...." whispered the future Hokuto, clutching her stomach, still in shock. "No, you didn't lose," Shizuka corrected, her approach slowed down by Hokuto. "You accomplished more than you ever thought. Your goals have been achieved; there will be no more time machines, no more time travel, and no more torment. Sypha... Zhou Tian-long will no longer haunt you. The war is over. And... you saved my life." She saw the shock in Hokuto's face. "Yes, I understand now. If you hadn't intervened, the Mekako would have killed me in the initial attack." Ukyo nodded, whispering to Ranma. "I couldn't keep it from her." "S... she died?" Ranma whispered back, shocked. "For real?" "It's time for a well-deserved rest," the priestess finished. "Yes... rest...." the dying Shadow Weaver agreed, smiling despite herself, her voice weakening. "You were always... such a good friend... Shizu...." Ukyo slowly closed the girls eyes, and looked up toward the two girls. "I'm... sorry." Hokuto shook her head. "No. Don't be. It's what had to happen, not because Fate decreed it, but because it happened. There can be no Fate controlling all life if she... I... could change it so recklessly. She seized her destiny... seized the moment." She looked toward Shizuka wearily. "So much wasted time...." "And yet," Shizuka said encouragingly, "you're a better person because of it." She turned to the corpse. "The Section time machine was based entirely on the Mekani Shadow Spire; the only way humans could build one so quickly is if they had a working model. It is the spire, and not the technology itself, that brought about the time machine. Killing the others was unnecessary." "But it was necessary for you to be alive," Ukyo realized, remembering fully that Shizuka should not have survived this long. "You found the spire." "The spire is no more," Hokuto added. "Just as my counterpart was disposing of the Mekani in the shadow stream so was the construct disposed." Ukyo nodded. "Without the spire there will never be a time machine." She regarded Shizuka carefully. "I guess my work did do some good after all." "Then Hokuto... the other Hokuto," Ranma corrected, "didn't die in vain." He sighed. "Well... Akane's going to love to hear about all of this...." * * * * * Ranma (VO): "We've come so far, and grown so much. We've learned much about one another, and sometimes not even enough. What does the future hold?" "Next time: Dreams Never End. We'll see ya there!" ------------------------------------------------ Author's Notes Note: never count on getting to a goal exactly the way you expect to. Razorclaw X (