The Wheel of Fire, #35: Star of Genbu Written by Razorclaw X ( Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 and characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi. And all that other good stuff. Proper licenses belong to respective properties and characters. The manga has precedence over material in the anime. This file can be freely distributed so long as it appears in its complete form and proper credit given. No part may be reproduced for monetary gain without permission from the author. Fanart can be found at: ------------------------------------------------ "When what we are is what we want to be, that's happiness."--Malcolm Forbes "YAAAAAHHH!!!" Several moments later, anyone walking past the Tendo residence would have seen a small troll of a man run out the front gates, followed by a pig-tailed girl waving his backpack over her head threateningly. "Hee-hee!" giggled Happosai, bounding away as fast as his feet could carry him. "You'll never catch me!" "Come back here, you old geezer!" shouted Ranma. "Finally!" Shizuka wiped her brow with the back of her hand as she raised a slender, short-lengthed blade up to the morning sunlight. Sitting with her back against the wall the priestess lowered her arm, scraping up the tattered bits of talisman consumed in her work. Holding out her arm out, she lowered the blade carefully. "Well, here goes...." She felt a presence behind her, but no sooner had it occurred to her someone jumped over the wall and landed on her head. Immediately that person bounded off, cackling madly like a schoolgirl. Shaking her head, Shizuka recognized the old man. "Hey... YOU!!!" she shouted, waving her kodachi around. But no sooner had she stood to give chase another person appeared over her, this time giving Shizuka a full meal of pavement. "Ow, that hurts!" "Shit, it's you again," Shizuka muttered, knocking Ranma off of her. She felt her kodachi's blade drag against something, but could not tell what it was. Holding it in front of her, she muttered, "Well, at least...." Stopping cold, she saw there was a trace of blood on the tip of the blade. It began to shake violently. "Oh shit." "Watch where you wave that thing!" Ranma complained, covering her arm with the scratch on it. "You fool...!" Shizuka yelped, just as the kodachi, and the priestess holding it, lunged at the martial artist. "He... hey!" She immediately got up and ran, the kodachi, seemingly having a mind of its own, throwing itself at Ranma. "What the hell did you curse me with THIS time?!" shouted Ranma, as she saw the blade pick up its pace to match her own. "Your blood triggered it!" Shizuka yelled, holding on to the blade for dear life. "You RUINED my returning dagger!" "'Returning dagger?!'" echoed Ranma, suddenly getting an idea. Turning around quickly, coming to a complete stop, she held out her open hand and watched as the kodachi came to a rest upright in her hand. Shizuka's body followed soon thereafter, colliding with Ranma and sending both girls to the ground. "Let go of it," Ranma instructed. "It's MINE, you turd." "Unless you like taking flying lessons, I think you should." Reluctantly, Shizuka peeled her fingers off her death grip from the returning dagger. She flinched, expecting the weapon to explode into action again, but it remained perfectly calm in Ranma's hand. Anger filling her eyes, she faced the martial artist. "You owe me another dagger." "What'd you expect me to do with this thing, anyway?" asked Ranma. "I don't need this!" "I NEEDED IT!!" complained the priestess. "It took me WEEKS... JUST to get the blade! And it took longer than that to get the right talisman...." "Oh, stop complaining and make another one!" Ranma suggested, tiring of the whining. She slipped the returning dagger through her belt. "'Sides, I don't see why you need it anyway." "Hold still," the priestess ordered, and Ranma could not help but obey. She reached behind her head, tugging at one of the loose ends of the chord tying up her pony tail. With one quick jerk the entire knot undid itself, loosening tumbles of hair Ranma found somewhat different for the priestess. But mesmerization broke as Shizuka ran the chord through the returning dagger's handle and pulled the weapon out of the martial artist's belt. "Hey, you idiot!" Ranma shouted. "What do you think you're doing?" "Ah-hah-hah-hah!" the priestess laughed, holding up the weapon so Ranma could see the knot running through the handle. "I'm such a genius." The moment she uttered those words, however, the dagger began to shake violently in her hand. Ranma took an involuntary step back, bracing herself for the inevitable tackle as Shizuka's fingers, one after another, lost to the returning dagger. But when it finally lunged at the martial artist it hung there in mid-air, tethered by the length of Shizuka's chord. Its other end was tied securely to the girl's wrist, and while the returning dagger struggled to tear free in order to return to its 'owner,' Shizuka managed to remain standing. "At least it's still good for something!" declared the priestess. Flicking her wrist she jerked the returning dagger back into her hand forcefully. Ranma blinked, unsure what to make of what the priestess was so amused about. She held out a kettle of warm water to the martial artist. "Here, take this." "Huh?" "Don't stare at me like that while you're... like that," she suggested, placing the kettle on the ground. Ranma shook her head, realizing she really was staring. "Sorry." "It's the oddest thing," Ranma explained to Akane as they seated themselves in the school assembly room. "I mean... I don't know why, but well... I was staring at her." "I don't believe it either," Akane admitted, a slight hint of a smile in her expression. "You're admitting to me that you're looking at other girls." Immediately the martial artist went on the defensive. "I-I-I didn't mean it like that!" This time she could do little to contain her amusement. "You LIKE her!" "Hey Ranma!" he heard someone shout from behind, recognizing the voice. "Cheatin' on Akane already?" "Oh, shut up," he shot back. "See? Told you he'd get more on the side eventually," jabbed another. "Man, I had money he'd get one sooner!" Closing himself off to the world, Ranma folded his arms and seated himself with a huff, Akane still giggling. "It's not funny," he muttered. "It wasn't when you were sneaking off to see them, no," admitted Akane. "But it's nice to see that you're telling me these things." "Whatever." Changing the subject, he asked, "Any idea what Kuno Senior is callin' this for?" She shook her head. "He kept saying it was a surprise... but everything he shows us is a surprise. Kodachi just shook her head and laughed." "Great," he decided. "Then it's nothing to worry about." "AAAALLLOOOOOOOOHHHAAAAAA!!!" said principal shouted over the speakers, deafening the students in the auditorium. "Yep, I'd say it's no big deal," muttered Ranma. Sliding onto the stage on his bare feet like a game show host, the principal of Furinkan High, dressed in his usual Hawaiian getup, minus the plant in his head, made his grand entrance. While the principal always showed this side to the students it was rumored he put on a different face in front of his family, and with the return of his wife from extended vacationing the coot's mannerisms have curbed a little, but particularly his stupid, phony Hawaiian accent. Not to say that he still made up stupid rules on the spot, but it happened with a lot less frequency than before. On the other hand, he could not enforce most of his rulings. The students, usually lead by Ranma and Akane, would overturn the ruling by brute force. "I've got a SPECIAL surprise for all you bruddas and sistas!" he bellowed, forcing the students to wince once more. "All da way, you gonna get some School Enforcers, you hear?!" A collective groan went throughout the student body as the words sunk in. Ranma snorted. "Great. Didn't he learn any better the last time he got outside help?" He cast a glance in Hinako's direction, looking quite disappointed. "Do you think the headmaster's replacing her?" whispered Akane, concerned. "I doubt it," he assured her. Thumbing toward the stage, he added, "He's still the headmaster, right?" "All da way from da Big Kahuna's pad is da first of your new Enforcers!" the principal said grandly, waving his arms toward the end of the stage. The students gasped in surprise when Tatewaki Kuno stepped on stage, arms folded. His sheathed Earth Dragon Sword hung to his right side, and those of the student body knowing what it was winced. "It pleases me," Tatewaki said sarcastically, "to walk amongst you again." "And being an EQUAL OPPORTUNITY employer," continued the headmaster, "a SISTAH for you all!" Ranma shrunk in his seat when Kanna Rajura stepped on stage, her double naginata shouldered. She bowed to the principal respectfully. "I relish the work experience." "AND," the headmaster shouted, "for those bruddahs gettin' them hairy voodoo ideas," Gosunkugi shrunk in his seat as well, "another for ya!" "Damn, not YOU!" Ranma muttered, as Shizuka walked on stage. She still held the returning dagger, still tied with her chord. A collective murmur ran through the students. The headmaster pulled out a handkerchief. "Sadly, our last bruddah couldn't make it, so...." "I'm HERE!!" someone shouted, back stage, followed by a series of clomping feet on the hardwood floor. The newcomer seemed to tower the others on stage, even Kuno, who was tall himself. He did not appear Japanese in origin, nor did he dress like one, wearing an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt over a white T-shirt, hanging over his long, khaki pants. His hair was bleached white, and wore a set of bandages over his fists, like a kickboxer. Eyes turning to scan the students, they came to a stop on Ranma's position. The martial artist stood up, absorbing the information at the same time the white- haired guy did. Pointing fingers, they shouted, "YOU!!" "Of all the places I had to land a job," complained Johan Ritters, Hawaiian street fighter, "I had to land one with YOU in it!" "Bring it on, Dance Man!" Ranma shouted. "Thankfully, you bruddas DO know each otha!" the principal exclaimed delightfully. "Hey, stop slammin' my state, bud!" Johan cried, ready to lunge at the principal, but Tatewaki and Kanna held him back. "I didn't think we'd see him again," Akane whispered, pulling Ranma back down to his seat. "Life's full of surprises," muttered Ranma. "Five Enforcers," counted Hiroshi, between classes. "And only two of them are cute enough to approach!" "Bites, man," another agreed. "And we have to put up with Kuno again for another year." Ranma shut him off from his classmates' conversation, twirling a pencil lazily in his hand while Akane sat on the desk next to his own. "What happened that one Enforcer wasn't enough?" Akane shrugged. "I don't know. You'd think something big was going to happen." "Yeah, so let's crawl in the bomb shelter and wait it out," suggested the martial artist sarcastically. "Hey Ranma!" called Daisuke, chucking a paper wad at him to get his attention. "Wasn't that Shizuka a former student here?" "Why'd you have to ask him?" asked Hiroshi. "I knew that!" "Yeah, but do you know if Ranma thinks she's cuter with her hair up, or down?" "Why does Ranma have to get her?" "Ranma ALWAYS gets the good ones!" "Great," muttered Ranma. "It's so automatic now that I don't know what to say." "Well... is she?" asked Akane. "What's it to you?" he asked in return. "Just curious. I'm more used to seeing it in a pony tail. I guess that's 'up.'" "Hope she doesn't make a habit out of it." "So you do like it up." Ranma snorted. "It's what you're used to." "Hey, she's coming!" someone shouted from the doorway. Ranma and Akane watched as all the guys in the room, as well as curious girls, rushed to get a peek out the door as Shizuka came down the hall. "I give them five seconds," Ranma commented. Akane nodded. Counting softly to himself, the martial artist watched the students clamor back to their seats in a rush, as Akane slowly made her way to her own desk with a certain, knowing calm. The moment Ranma finished his five second count, Shizuka was at the door. Standing with her arms planted against each side, her gaze scanned the room and caught two guys not in their seat fast enough. "You TWO!" she yelled. "You're busted!" Ranma turned his eyes away as Shizuka entered, a clipper in her hand, silently ignoring the high-pitch whine of the device clicking on. A couple swings later the whine was gone, as well as the priestess Enforcer, leaving just as the teacher entered. Looks like the rule's back in effect, he noted to himself. "I hate to admit it," Ranma said as he and Akane walked out the front gates, "but that Headmaster Kuno really outdid himself this time." He scanned the schoolyard behind him, catching a glimps of bald-scalped boys and bowl-cut girls here and there-- those that could not escape the wrath of the Enforcers. For every little offense a student's hair was cut, it seemed him, and the terror campaign seemed to be working. Although Ranma felt he could beat any one of the Enforcers when he wanted, dealing with five at a time was no small task, and one that he wanted to avoid. "Hold it." The couple paused, turning to the side where Kanna Rajura stood, leaning against a tree with her arms folded. "What'd I do now?" asked Ranma preemptively. "Nothing... yet," Kanna assured him. "I came only to issue a challenge." She held out a folded note. Accepting the note, Ranma unfolded it quickly, and read it aloud: "'Meet me at the school field in three days from today, after school. One-on-one. No helpers or assistance. Bring everything you intend to use in the duel.'" He handed the note to Akane. "So you're challenging me, eh?" "You got it," the Crystal Spider confirmed. "I think I've gotten the hang of my new weapon here," she jabbed a thumb to the double naginata over her shoulder, "so it's nigh time to settle our dispute." "I don't remember even having a dispute between us," admitted Ranma, scratching his head. "Twelve years ago you told me that girls were too weak to fight," Kanna said. "You also said I was weak for relying so much on my weapons... but now... now, I can prove you wrong!" "Kanna, this isn't necessary, is it?" asked Akane. "Surely something trivial...." "'Trivial?!'" repeated Kanna incredulously. "My family's art... 'trivial?!' I'm proud, Akane, and so is my family. I'm fighting for their sake and my own honor." "Ranma, just apologize to her and be done with it!" suggested Akane. "I can't back down from a challenge, even if it's from a girl," Ranma replied, cracking his knuckles. "IF it's a challenge... three days, then!" "It's agreed, then!" the Enforcer said, nodding in satisfaction. "Until after our duel, you and Akane are safe from the Enforcers," she added, "as a gesture of good will. I also want my opponent to be in his best shape for our match." "That's... nice," Akane replied, stuttering. "In three days, you'll wish you never challenged me again!" Ranma boasted. "Well, it's done," Kanna declared as she entered the teachers' lounge. "Three days." Her audience was made up of the other four School Enforcers, plus the headmaster of Furinkan. Hinako still appeared to wear a depressive, downed face, while Shizuka appeared to have tried to comfort her, but to no success. Despite appearances the girl was actually a woman whose growth was stunted, although the priestess did not appear to have gotten that the first time around. "You KNOW I wanted him first!" Johan complained, unable to keep still. Kanna knew he was imagining some dance steps, but to her it looked like random movement. "Which is why you're supposed to fake the toss," Kanna pointed out. "Have you little motivation to the task at hand other than to challenge a foe unworthy of challenge?" asked Tatewaki. "The pay's good," Johan replied, justifying himself. "And yet it's still commission," Kanna pointed out. "I'm happy," the headmaster declared, breaking into the conversation. He assumed a business-like air in front of his Enforcers, discarding the dopey-Hawaiian motif. "Surely this new plan will induce a new Order in this chaotic school of mine!" "And your 'enforcement' isn't particularly practical, even if it is working," Shizuka pointed out. "Don't complain," Johan replied. "At least you got the side of the building with Ranma on it." "And that's supposed to be a GOOD thing?!" "Our rivals at Saint Hebereke are with their pants down," the headmaster continued. "In order to shoot past them and aim for higher rivals we need a better school. A better school gets more money, and more money means a better school." Kanna slapped her head. "Dumb circular logic." "While we're at this 'better school' stuff," Johan voiced, "how about dropping that dumb Hawaiian crap." Tatewaki glared at him, shaking his head. "Okay, fine, but after Kanna's through I'm beating the pig-tailed shrimp's face in," the street fighter declared, clenching his fists. "I've got a score to settle with him for that twister attack of his, and I've got payback in spades." Three Days Later It took two days for the boys at the school to realize that getting their heads shaved by Shizuka was not entirely a good idea, for after getting their heads shaved the enforcement was no good, as the priestess pointed out earlier. Therefore for those who already had their heads shaved the priestess Enforcer stamped a scorpion mark on their shaven scalps, using ink that was particularly difficult to remove. The others, too, were resorting to this punishment using their own marks: Kanna's spider, Tatewaki's canary, Hinako's coin, and Johan's foot. Eventually it became a set of prison tattoos for the male students. Most female students, however, were quick to keep to themselves and behave, so very few were subject to the bowl haircut, and none were punished any further. While some were fawning over the foreigner Johan or the college man Tatewaki they managed to behave around the two. On the other hand, of the five Shizuka was considered the most zealous at her job; her reputation grew to notoriety because she often punished the most insignificant offenses with equal severity as any other offense. Tatewaki, everyone realized, refused to touch girls, making those girls under his area quite safe from punishment. Johan and Hinako were laid-back and were quite reasonable; when they did catch someone they often gave them a good five seconds to save their heads. At first Kanna appeared to be just as zealous as Shizuka, but she offered to look the other way in exchange for favors. The catch, of course, was that the offender had to think to ask first, and if they couldn't offer the Crystal Spider a profitable service it was the end of negotiation. In a previous day several students banded together, realizing that they, numbering in hundreds, could easily take out five people. As the bulk of these students had enrolled without knowing the reputations of the five that the senior students knew, they charged foolhardily into battle. Numbers, Kanna would say, was an advantage, but not if they tried to attack Tatewaki Kuno, who beat each and every one of the students in that group by himself without breaking a sweat. "This is getting intolerable," Hiroshi declared, glad to be still in possession of a full head of hair. "It's after school," Daisuke pointed out, his head clean shaven to the sun above. "So aren't we going to watch Ranma fight the other girl?" "The spider-lady?" asked another. "No way." "But Ranma's fights are always good!" Hiroshi pointed out. "Yeah, but I'm too dispirited to watch," Daisuke replied, hanging his head low. "There might be a way." The eyes of the boys turned toward the girl dressed in Chinese clothing, standing against a nearby tree. "Who're you?" one asked. "I'm Hokuto," the Shadow Weaver introduced. "I can solve your problems with Shizuka." "Really?" Daisuke's eyes brightened. "Just lure her to me, and I'll take care of the rest," she assured them. Ranma stared down Kanna across the field as she did the same back to him. Behind him was Akane, still insistent that he apologize even at the end, but a challenge cannot be refused once accepted. Students filtered into the area, staying behind chain-linked fences Kanna set up specifically to mark the border of the fighting arena-- set in a large, circular formation. "Your last chance to back down," Ranma warned, his hands to his sides. He made himself large with confidence. "Heh-heh," the Crystal Spider chuckled. "I was going to offer you the same courtesy." Nabiki appeared off to the side, on the other side of the fence next to her sister. "Single round, no time limit," she declared. "No assists. Victory goes to nothing short of complete knockout. Begin!" Immediately Kanna unshouldered her double naginata, holding it out behind her while leaning forward. Ranma's mind raced, trying to remember the Rajura-style stances, but ten-year-old knowledge failed him. It was particularly due to the fact that only Kanna practiced the style, he knew, but the other part was that he simply wasn't paying attention ten years ago. Dammit, I was eight when I last fought her! he shouted in his mind. Am I really supposed to remember all this? And yet another voice in his head stated simply, "Yes." Oh, shut up, Pop. Twirling her polearm behind her, it glowed a shear white. "Now, Ranma, we'll see if you remember this simple one!" Standing upright, she spun the polearm out in front, dragging up a column of energy from the earth itself. "Ground Buster!" Ranma threw out his palms. "Moko Takabisha!" The moment his own bullet leaped from his palms the white column of ki raced toward him, tearing up the ground and throwing rock and earth everywhere, true to the technique's name. His bullet slammed into the column, canceling out the attack harmlessly. "It's comin' back to me!" yelled Ranma. "I won't go easy on you!" Kanna smirked. "As I knew you would!" She spun her weapon in front of her twice more, ripping up two more energy columns. "Double Ground Buster!" In quick flare Ranma threw two bullets in rapid succession, canceling out both ki columns easily. Kanna spun out two more, and Ranma realized that her limit was two, as well. But the next set of columns arced to the sides, threatening to attack Ranma's flanks. Spreading his palms apart he fired a double Moko Takabisha, wiping those out of existence as well. Despite the fact that Kanna was being quite predictable and single-minded Ranma knew she was trying to wear him down. Several more columns circled around Ranma, and it was all he could do to blast them, until he realized that none of the columns were coming at him. He shot a glance at Kanna, who ceased spinning her naginata. "What are you up to?!" he shouted as the dirt pelted him from all sides. Kanna pointed her finger downward, and Ranma suddenly realized the truth: the ki columns kicking up dirt in their paths were digging a hole-- a hole around him. The ground collapsed beneath the martial artist, and he could almost hear Akane call out his name. "No-no, darling!" exclaimed Kodachi. "It is like this." She raised the back of her palm to her lips, and laughed. "Really," Shizuka replied, mimicking Kodachi's stance and laughter. Next to the two, in the empty school hall, Chika covered her ears and closed her eyes. Many had long since fled the area when Kodachi and Shizuka began an attempt to out-laugh each other, but they needed a third party to judge. She and Ayame drew lots, but Chika drew the long one. Somehow, she suspected that Ayame rigged it so both lots were long. They caught wind of someone running in the halls past them, and Shizuka ceased her laughter, becoming all- business once again. Over Kodachi's laughing, she shouted to the student, "HEY!! No running in the halls!" She spotted the delinquent turn down the hall ahead, and gave chase at the same corner. While she lost sight of the student Shizuka eyed a closet door closing on itself down the hall. Quickly making her way there, she swung it open, ready to deal punishment. But her eyes went to shock when the occupant turned out to be none other than Hokuto Takemasa. "You!" she gasped. "Sorry, Shizu," the Shadow Weaver said, "it's nothing personal. But I can't let you run around the way you are anymore." Hokuto raised her arm, and Shizuka felt something push her into the closet. Darkness consumed the priestess of Genbu, chilling her to the bone, but she was used to it. However, when the darkness subsided she found herself bound to a table, flat on her back, in a dimly-lit, square room. "Dammit, Hokuto!" she screamed. "What the hell are you doing?!" "This'll only take a few minutes," assured Hokuto, when she appeared over her. She slipped on a latex glove on one hand, using that to clamp down on Shizuka's neck. "After all, I'm going to release the other side of you that you didn't want anyone to know." Ranma shook the pebbles and dirt from his head, casting his eyes upward from the bottom of the crater Kanna created. Said opponent stared down over the rim of the crater that was one and a half times deeper than she was tall, her weapon still in hand, as if expecting Ranma to do something. She had every right to be cautious. "You fell into my trap," Kanna gloated, "just as I predicted." "I don't remember this being part of your arsenal, Kanna," Ranma spat. "It's nothing like the style I fought against ten years ago." "You helped correct that," she replied with a smirk. "Your style is unrestricted, while my style was. Too restricted for my tastes, actually, so I changed it around to tailor my needs. It's a New Rajura Style combined with the old, traditional style." "'New Rajura Style?'" "Undertaking your style's philosophy I must watch, observe, and take what I can from each style I come across, and incorporate it into my own. In a respect, it could be an offshoot of your style." "Weapon-dependence will be your undoing still!" Ranma shouted, springing out of the crater. Kanna reacted quickly, slipping a switch on the length of her weapon. Both naginata heads shifted on their axis, dropping in opposite directions to form a double scythe. Winding up her arm, she tossed the weapon upward toward Ranma. He stretched out his arms and exploded a short bullet before him, propelling him back quickly and out of the path of the spinning double scythe. Silently he thanked Sypha for the trick, but self- congratulation transformed into awe as the double scythe spun back into Kanna's outstretched hand. "Do you like my new death scythe?" asked the Crystal Spider. She ran her fingers down the length of the wooden pole. "I designed it myself." "Even fancy things like transforming boomerangs," snorted Ranma. "You can't beat me with stuff like that, you know." "Oh, I know that," she replied, nodding. Shifting her blades back to their neutral position, Kanna spun her polearm, the blades glowing white once more. "I don't have to." More Ground Busters, Ranma realized. But this time, I'm ready for them. She can only fire off two of them at once, and there's a window of opportunity between that and throwing the next set. So I have to wait until she fires off the first two.... "Ground Buster!" shouted Kanna, spinning off two ki columns from her blades. Ranma rushed forward to attack, but Kanna was still smiling. He stopped, suddenly realizing that he was not the intended target as the white columns ripped through the earth, past him. Casting his eyes toward the edge of the fence, the columns were aiming toward Akane and Nabiki's position. Scared students fled for their lives when they put two- and-two together. "Dammit!" Ranma cursed, quickly darting after the ki columns. He threw his palms behind him, lighting up bursts of ki energy that propelled him even faster forward. Slamming into the chain-link fence in front of Akane, he turned quickly and blasted the two ki columns into nothingness. "Ranma," Akane said, "Are you alright?" Leaning back against the fence despite himself, he replied, "Damn, she's quick." "Kanna spends her time studying the books of tactical warfare," offered Akane. "She's not fighting the one-on-one, but the bigger picture." "Which includes you," he finished. "HEY!" shouted Kanna. "I thought the rule was NO ASSISTS!!" "This ain't no assist!" Ranma insisted. "It's only as fair as you're playing!" "Information IS assistance," Kanna countered. "Your legendary quick-thinking skills have met their match." "Only because you studied me a lot more than I studied you," Ranma pointed out, stepping away from the fence. For the first time he suddenly felt his ki control slipping from him, despite confidence. Mentally he re-reviewed the battle, recalling that he indeed expended more energy by discharging so many ki blasts, one after another. Kanna did not look the least bit tired to him, but Ranma hoped he didn't look tired, either. I've stayed too much on the reactive side, Ranma realized. I can't react to her attacks, I've got to make her react to me! "I've figured you out," Ranma shouted. "Figured what?" asked Kanna, perplexed. Seeing his opening, the martial artist threw a flying kick toward his opponent. Kanna raised her polearm to block, but the sheer force behind the sudden attack sent her down to the ground. Ranma rushed to her downed position, running his foot under the pole and lifting, tearing the weapon out of Kanna's arms and over his head. "Oldest trick in the book," he gloated, stepping back to allow Kanna to stand. "You're nothing without that weapon of yours." "Is that so?" Kanna replied, not the least bit fazed even with being disarmed. She settled back into a crane stance. Ranma took the invitation with his fists, throwing the first punch that Kanna dodged easily. Leaving himself momentarily open Kanna responded with her index and middle fingers, using only those to jab him in select positions on and around his neck. He cursed himself mentally, realizing that she was opening him up to a fake for pressure point attacks. He fell to the ground, clutching his neck, Kanna standing over him. His head pounded from severe pain, even though he suffered no injuries in that area, and the feeling was disappearing. "I've cut off the circulation in your head," Kanna advised coolly. "If blood doesn't flow back into it soon, you'll be out in thirty seconds. Yield to my superior genius." Maybe I should've paid more attention to Doc Tofu's ramblings, Ranma thought, wishing he knew how to undo the pressure points. She glanced at her watch impatiently. "Oh, what the heck." Leaning over, she jabbed Ranma in different locations, releasing the pain's hold on him. Allowing the blood to flow back into his head, Ranma lay there on his back, catching his breath. "You could've won...." "I don't need to kill you," Kanna assured him. "I want you to live, knowing that even I can beat you." "If that's all you wanted...." His words were cut off, as a shout came amongst the gathered students. A quick-flying projectile burst through the chain-link fence, heading straight toward Ranma, forcing Kanna to jump back. He was not surprised to see it was the returning dagger when it landed in his hand safely. Shizuka's red chord still hung at the end of the handle, dangling uselessly.... And not on her arm. Kanna stared down at the dagger, then back at Ranma. "So... now you have the advantage." "Forget it," he told her, scrambling to his feet. "Something happened to Shizuka." Her skin was pearl white, as if matted over with a lot of rice dust, yet she was wearing white stockings on her legs that only matched the same color of her skin. She dressed in a short-sleeved, red dress, tied off at the waist with a sash and an oversized, sky-blue bow ribbon at the back. Her skirt fell all the way down to her thighs, with violet trim, cut off at the left waist, exposing a good amount of leg for those who were looking. wore white feathers that fell down to her knees around her neck, and kept holding them and played with it, allowing it to slip down her back every so often. Her face was the same pearl white as the rest of her skin, but what lacked in color was made up in the contrasting ruby-red lips and dark eye shadow. Her expression was that of pure innocence and exotics, yet her hair was parted off to the sides in the same manner as Ranma remembered seeing her last. Surrounded by numerous, love-struck guys, and a few curious and jealous girls, Ranma, Akane, and Kanna stared down the exotic girl, perplexed. "Shizuka, what the hell did you do to yourself?" asked Ranma. "Please," she said radiantly, in a soft voice uncharacteristic of the loud priestess, "that language has no place in an institute of learning." "Oh... my... god...." uttered Kanna, her jaw dropping in surprise. "You've flipped." "Did someone hit you on the head?" asked Akane. "There is nothing to be concerned about," Shizuka replied calmly. "I feel as refreshed as the light of the morning sun." Ranma leaned toward Kanna. "You're right, she's flipped." Hokuto hid in the shadows, her arms folded as she observed the exchange in the schoolyard, satisfied that her work was completed. "Only one more to deal with," she reminded herself, melting back into the shadows. "Kanna... I'll have to come up with a more permanent solution for you later." The moment the operating system began to boot up was the moment Cinder regained consciousness. Mechanical eye flaring to life, the salamander stared upward, feeling that he was lying on his back, if what was above was the ceiling. His remaining, real eye struggled to peel open, but he could not muster the effort to do so. He tried to reanimate his arm, but the mechanical limb would not respond. Blast, he cursed mentally, the bomb also drained my psychic reservoirs. How am I supposed to reanimate this worthless shell without strength? Cinder's auditory functions booted up, allowing him to take in the sounds of the world, his only link to the outside since he could not move his head to look. He discerned a slight creaking noise from above, which sounded like someone was walking around on the floor above. There was another sound, however, which was more dominating-- something scratching... something in the room. Someone was writing a note at the desk, not far away. Good, someone else is in the room, he thought. If I'm not chained down this can't be a bad situation... so... to get the individual's attention.... He waited for the clomping feet on the above floor to vanish completely before charging up his eye-mounted blaster. Turning on his laser targeting guide, he fired. "Glad to see you're well," offered Mizuki, staring down at the salamander and blocking his view of the hole he made in the ceiling. "I don't think he can talk," Ukyo said. "He hasn't said a word since blowing that hole up there." She watched the mechanical eye adjust its view onto her, and the okonomiyaki chef got an idea. "Well, how about this, Master Cinder... we're going to have to do 'yes and no' questions for now, so if you want to say 'yes,' then move your eye upward, and downward for 'no.' Got that?" The eye's lens craned upward. "That's a good idea," praised Mizuki. "I guess that solves the problem of whether or not he can hear us, too." "Well... do you have any idea who might have done this to you?" asked Ukyo. Cinder's eye edged upward, then sideways back and forth. "'Yes' and 'maybe,'" interpreted Mizuki. "In other words, you have a good idea, but you're not sure if it's right?" The lens moved upward. "Kanna Rajura got attacked in the same exact manner as you did," explained the priestess of Genbu. "I don't think it was random selection; whoever attacked you knew who he or she was doing." Again, the lens moved up. "Okay, you can't talk because your voice box was smashed, right?" guessed Ukyo. "If I'm not mistaken, you're going to need that psychic energy of yours to repair it properly." This time the lens focused in on Ukyo. Raising her arms, taking a step back, she said, "O- kay, we won't go there." "Do you suppose Sypha did it?" asked Mizuki. The lens craned down. "Hokuto, too, could've done it, but she was trying to keep the Gate of Heaven closed." The lens craned up. "You think Hokuto did it?" "Well, it has to be, if he responded to it," Ukyo pointed out dryly. "But I don't understand why she'd go after the two of them," admitted the priestess. "Neither of the two share a thing in common." "Probably something only Hokuto knows the answer to," the okonomiyaki chef replied. The Next Day "You know," started Johan, "that Shizuka is scaring the crap out of me." In the hours before school was in session the headmaster of Furinkan High liked to direct his daily agenda to the faculty, particularly the Enforcers. This morning, however, Shizuka, appearing much the same way as she did in the later half of the previous day, was openly arguing with the boss on his methodology. The other Enforcers, minus Hinako, kept away from the two in their heated discussion. Already all three of them made bets that the headmaster would eventually lose. "If she's on something," he continued, "then it must be pretty potent stuff." Kanna shook her head. "No drug could do that-- at least, nothing documented. I figured out what's so wrong about it." "If the flower has found time to bloom in the most inconvenient of times," Tatewaki said, "perhaps we are not ones to judge." "But she's acting almost opposite the way she's always been!" Kanna replied. "Think about it; she's over there, arguing that the boss's methods are too harsh and border on a military boot camp." "Discipline is requisite before enlightenment," countered the boss's son. Kanna nodded quickly. "I'm not saying it, she is." Taking the speculation in, Johan folded his arms behind his head, leaning back in his chair. "So we're minus the extra fifth wheel; that means more work for us, and maybe less headache for the student body." "How'd you figure that?" asked the Crystal Spider. "Sure, we may get more workload, but the students don't hate us as much as Shizuka," Johan reasoned calmly. "Look, I made it clear that it's a job, nothing personal. They like me a lot, and besides, I don't necessarily HAVE to be strictly-enforcing." "Not unless you want to keep your pay," Kanna pointed out. "Commission, remember?" "Wanna know my secret?" he offered. "What?" "Lie. Or, give a cut to the students to make more in my pocket. Sure, it's a little dishonest, but it doesn't matter to me if some guys have low self- esteem." The three froze in their conversation, noting that Shizuka broke off from her confrontation, seemingly satisfied with herself. Their eyes watched her, seeing no hint of anger or disappointment. Tatewaki was the first to break the cone of silence. "In a sudden turn and a skill of words has my dad actually been beaten?" "We might get our answer soon," Kanna replied, noting the headmaster was heading their way. "Well, Boss!" greeted Johan, sitting up in his seat. "What's the good word?" The headmaster of Furinkan High lowered his head, taking in a deep breath. When he opened his mouth to speak, it was to their disappointment, overshadowed by a shaken relief, that fell upon the three Enforcers. "I don't believe it," was all Ranma could find to say as the student body exited the assembly room, called so suddenly and unexpectedly. It was not five days that the newly-hired Enforcers had worked that they were let-go-- or, as Hiroshi bluntly put it, fired. Despite the seemingly-crushing news the school headmaster still seemed in spirits, but that wasn't unexpected; what was unexpected was that he repealed his own decision without Ranma lifting a finger over it. A formal apology was issued to the students affected, but the damage had been done. Oddly enough, the most reviled of the Enforcers was the one being showered with the most attention; Shizuka openly claimed that she was responsible for the reversal of decision. Akane, walking by Ranma's side, scanned the crowds for a sign of the changed priestess. "It's so sudden, just like Shizuka. Even her reputation got a complete reversal." "Think we should do something about it?" asked Ranma, glancing at his wife for approval. She nodded. "It's too strange. I've thought it over last night, and I can't imagine her that way." "Neither can I," admitted Ranma quickly. "It's like Kuno refusing to challenge me, but worse." "No kidding," she replied, adding under her breath, "but this has nothing to do with your ego." "Did'ja say something?" "Nothing!" Akane denied quickly. The male kunoichi Konatsu was bored. Pacing about back and forth at the front gate of the Sun Tower Konatsu felt like a caged animal in the Shrine of the Four Gods, despite his charge-- Ukyo-- being rather important to him. No, he didn't mind having to look after her-- as she put it-- but the fact that he felt that his presence was becoming rather obsolete. He felt useless. Back in the old days, it was assisting in running an okonomiyaki shop. Eventually Konatsu built up the skill necessary to somewhat duplicate Ukyo's own skill, having been taught by the master herself. But her subsequent disappearance brought about another task, to help take care of her family while she was off to get some time alone. Konatsu wanted to be with Ukyo, but knew better than to look for her; she didn't want to be found, and he had to respect her wishes. And only days ago she reappeared to him, more enlightened than before, and asked him to come with her to the Shrine of the Four Gods. From what he had seen of the area, and of the recent events, Konatsu didn't feel like he was doing any good ; Ukyo never wanted him at her side anymore. Staring at his hands, he asked himself, "Can it be that I'm no longer fit to serve?" "Service should be it's own reward, but you're no longer a pure servant." Instinctively the kunoichi unsheathed the familial sword strapped to his back, already having the tip of the blade under the newcomer's chin before she realized it. Konatsu squinted as he studied the girl's face, finding no recognition whatsoever, but her eyes betrayed power. "Who are you?" he demanded. "Put that toy away," suggested Hokuto, remaining quite relaxed in her composure despite the threat on her life. Her eyes narrowed, focusing on Konatsu's own, and he found himself tumbling into a spiral. "I'm no threat to you." Despite himself, Konatsu found himself lowering his arms. "Kunoichi are trained to resist hypnosis, whoever you are." "Yes, I admit you're resisting quite well, but not enough," Hokuto pointed out. "I guess I should've watched you much more closely... got more data... but the seeds of discord are sown in you already. The advantage was an illusion, I see." "Stop speaking in riddles!" the kunoichi ordered angrily. "The only reason you'd confront me directly is if you can't confront Ukyo by herself." "Damn, you ARE good!" the Shadow Weaver commended, obviously impressed. "Is that kunoichi training kicking in there, too?" "Common sense!" he corrected. "You have quite a bit of power if you are affecting me. You wouldn't bother to attack me, a lowly, useless servant as I, unless you were after something I held dear. That alone is Ukyo." "That's good, but while you were explaining this all to me I've managed to carry out my contingency plan." Reacting on instinct Konatsu leaped straight up in the air, barely escaping the creeping shadow cast by Hokuto in the morning light. He tucked himself into a ball, raising his sword over his head, rolling as he descended in a spin slash. Hokuto cursed, sinking into her own shadow and vanishing before the attack could slice her in half. Reappearing a few meters away the Shadow Weaver raised her hands, palms pulsing with dark matter. Konatsu dodged two shadow bolts heading his direction, making two leaps closer to the enemy for each one taken back. Hokuto quickly realized this, and sunk back into darkness like a drop of water. Konatsu paused as her shadow vanished upon itself, switching his sword to underhand and stabbing backward, catching cloth but no skin. Hokuto tore her cloak off from around her, ripping a good tear in it with Konatsu's sword. She quickly wrapped it around her left arm as the kunoichi spun around, changing orientation of his sword back to its natural position. He cut with an overhead slash as Hokuto spun her cloak in a shield before her, and to his surprise the defense deflected the attack. Leaping back on a short hop Hokuto wound up her arm, guiding the chaotic movement of the cloak with her thoughts, and Konatsu realized she was using her power to alter the shape of the cloak. He ducked, but was grazed on the right shoulder as the cloak formed into a lance and darted at him. The cloak had not made physical contact at all with the kunoichi, but he knew it was a vacuum needle surrounding the cloak that did it, a terribly common but effective technique. The next lancing came, and this time Konatsu was ready. Raising his sword he parried the attack, momentarily opening his opponent up for a free shot. Wheeling his sword down and back Konatsu thrust forward with a flying kick straight into Hokuto's chest, sending her reeling backward and losing control over the cloak. Before the folds of cloth could unfurl from its lance position Konatsu gripped his sword tightly and slashed upward, slicing the cloth-turned-weapon in half. He added a downward stroke for good measure, cutting up one of the halves into two halves of its own. But his task was not finished when Hokuto's shadow drifed toward him again, this time a sinewy, shadow- born tentacle-like creature whipped from the depths of blackness. With surprising strength the tentacle smashed Konatsu across the face, sending him sprawling on the ground and forcing him to lose grip on his sword. Unwilling to admit defeat yet the kunoichi reached for two throwing stars in his belt pouch, and let them fly through the air. His aim was true as they sunk into the shadow tentacle, but to his disappointment the throwing stars did not seem to affect the monster's thrashings. "Definitely NOT good," he decided, scrambling to his feet. In a desperate panic Konatsu dove for his sword, not knowing if even the familial weapon could harm the monster if the stars couldn't. The tentacle and the shadow stain emerging from Hokuto's position gave chase, managing to keep pace with the kunoichi. Konatsu tumbled forward, grabbing the sword as he went, and rolled back upright, facing the tentacle monster with sword low. Hokuto grinned, a hint of triumph if Konatsu knew one, but it was also a good sign that his feignt was working perfectly. "Now you see me," the kunoichi muttered, slipping one hand off his sword and into his pocket, "and now you don't!" Quickly Konatsu produced a gas canister, a common tool for his trade, and threw it on the ground with all his might. Hokuto gasped in surprise, and the tentacle monster paused at the same time, giving Konatsu a little of his own satisfaction as the smoke from the shattered canister burst free. Smokey gas rushed to escape the small confines, pushing out clean air away from the kunoichi and obscuring him from Hokuto's view. She can't direct the monster when she can't see me, Konatsu thought, congratulating himself as he slid through the smoked area quietly. In his mind's eye he estimated the location of his opponent; being blinded by the smoke himself Konatsu had to rely on his other senses to move around effectively, something that often did not occur to most people. He pounced at the location where Hokuto ought to be, but grasped only thin air. Cursing, the kunoichi realized that she teleported again. A sudden jolt hit his mind: "She's not here anymore," he muttered. Running in the direction of the Sun Tower and sheathing his sword Konatsu quickly slipped wall-scaling suction cups on his hands, and jumped up the side of the wall. Looking up, he estimated his time of arrival to the room Ukyo was using on the sixth floor, and initiated his climb. "I hope I'll be there in time!" Hokuto slipped into Ukyo's room unnoticed, remaining as silent as the kunoichi while standing in the shadows of the morning light. The okonomiyaki chef, oblivious to the world, slept soundly in a rolled-out futon, on her back. The blankets were barely disturbed, giving the Shadow Weaver the idea that her nights were met with fitful sleep. Lying on its flat at her side, within arm's reach was Ukyo's infamous combat spatula, a heavy metal weapon that was surprisingly useful in combat. Hanging on the wall nearby was her bandoleer, filled with ten small spatula darts. If she did it right, Hokuto knew she would not have to deal with the darts at all. She glided past the sleeping Ukyo, the shadows cushioning her feet from making a sound against the hard wood floor. The single window in the room was open to the morning light, unblocked by bug screens or glass. Hokuto glanced down the side of the tower, snorting when she noticed the kunoichi scaling the wall at a surprisingly fast rate. "Amazing," she whispered in admiration. "That kid is almost as fast as I am." Quickly glancing around Hokuto could not find anything that could block the window from the kunoichi long enough to be of use. She turned her back to the window, risking an attack from behind, but knew that her attack would not take too long to scramble Ukyo's head. Bending her knees she placed her palm against the girl's forehead. "I had something more artful in mind for you; it would've been much more terrifying for you if your friend were the one to physically maim you. But now it's function over form." She began to stretch her mind to Ukyo's, but stopped cold. Ukyo's eyes burst open suddenly, and in a swift motion Hokuto was on the ground, her arms clamped in the chef's hands. "Didn't think I was awake, did'ja?" Ukyo gloated. A moment later Konatsu leaped through the window, feet-first and landing perfectly. "Ukyo!" "Thanks, Konatsu," she said quickly. "H... how?!" demanded Hokuto angrily, struggling in vain against Ukyo's grip. "The battle you had down there was noisy; how couldn't we know?" Ukyo replied. "So I jumped back in bed and waited for you to come." "So who are you?" asked Konatsu. "You're Hokuto, aren't you?" guessed Ukyo. "Let me go!" she demanded. "If you don't, I guarantee you, everything you sought to prevent will happen again." "What're you talking about?" "You know EXACTLY what I'm talking about!" the Shadow Weaver shot back venomously. "You, who lived life twice should know better what it is." "Ukyo?" Konatsu gasped when the girl's expression crystallized in shock. Immediately he focused his attention back to Hokuto. "Don't say such things to her!" "N... no way!" muttered Ukyo, loosening her grip on the Shadow Weaver. Before Hokuto could sink herself into the shadows again, Konatsu dove and got the girl into a headlock. "Let go!" "You're not going anywhere this time!" Konatsu threatened. Hokuto allowed the ground beneath her to collapse, dangling over her own shadow as if hung over a cliff. The weight in Konatsu's hold greatened quickly, and threatened to pull him along with the Shadow Weaver into the darkness. He released hold over the girl, allowing her to fall into blackness, and then nothingness. Cinder stared up into the sky, the priestess Mizuki at his side in the courtyard of the Shrine of the Four Gods. Turning toward the southern tower, the Suzaku Tower, he willed control over the seal he placed over the red Suzaku crystal, controlling its radiating energies and focusing it in a linear burst toward the Sun Tower. A beam shot up into the sky from the Sun Tower, tearing a hole in time and space in the sky. Clouds swirled around the hole as if it were the eye of a storm, one that was growing larger by the second. The last time the Gate of Heaven was opened the radiating energies were wild and uncontrolled, allowing anything in-between the planes to travel through the gates at will. But, now that a Guardian of the gods was controlling the Gate the void was closed off, allowing passage only to the other side of the Gate in the Kami Plane. As the Gate had barely opened even an eighth of its full diameter a ragged, human-form being fell from the sky. Noticing this Cinder resealed the Gate, his eye watching the falling one smash down into the courtyard not far away. Mizuki was the first to get to the fallen's side as Cinder took his time to study the traveler he was expecting. Looking no worse for wear Sypha Blade, as the Chinese tribes called her, looked like she had seen better days, as she was mentally-drained rather than physical. Sypha's eyes fixated on Cinder wearily as Mizuki propped her upright. "Hello, old friend," she muttered. Cinder bowed respectfully toward the human-shaped celestial dragon. "My lady." "It's worse than we feared," she said cryptically. "Then it's true?" Mizuki asked. She eyed Cinder. "Then it was worth opening the Gate." "There are many holes torn in the dimensional fabric on the Kami Plane," Sypha began, slowly regaining her strength and composure. "The Timeless Ones are on the move, and I've been fighting them for the past few days... weeks... whatever." She shook her head. "I lost track of time; there's no markers of time in the void. They made the holes... the tears." "Somehow, they finally did it," Cinder said, scratching his chin in thought. "They must have done this within the past three years." "The Kami Plane must be weak enough for it to happen, so maybe it was only now they could do it," Mizuki considered. "Every day the other plane gets weaker as this one does as well." "They are also here," Sypha revealed. "They couldn't make tears in the dimensional fabric to this plane until the Gate of Heaven opened; some of their agents slipped through during the struggle, and working from both sides of the fabric they are carving holes." "You're kidding," Mizuki wanted to believe. "She's not," Ukyo said, walking out of the Sun Tower followed by Konatsu. "Hokuto said that things I lived through are happening again; the mechanical plague is a reality now." "What is the mechanical plague?" asked Konatsu. "The kami call them the Timeless Ones," Cinder explained. "The humans call them the mechanical plague. But they share one name in common: Mekani. They are machine monstrosities from beyond the stars that attacked this world thousands of years ago." "They are a small part of a greater whole," Sypha jumped in. "Their mechanical order, stemming from a world, perhaps a galaxy far away, overrun by machines, exist only to survive in technological perfection. They travel from world to world, stripping them of all resources and killing anything that is not them. One such colony came here thousands of years ago, but the kami and humans of the time could not defeat them. In a temporary solution it was decided to seal them; not just anywhere, but nowhere. The separation of the two planes stemmed from a plan to trap the Timeless Ones in the void between planes, with the understanding that they would never return to plague us." "But now the people of Earth have forgotten the kami," Mizuki added. "The reason for the kami to exist is slowly fading away, as they are born from human imagination. As they fade, so does the Kami Plane, and therefore the dimensional fabric keeping the Mekani in check is weakening. They must be invading the Kami Plane even as we speak." Sypha nodded. "And they're now working on this side, too." "What for?" asked Ukyo. "They know quite well which plane is the real one," the sorcerer replied. "And besides, they're not just going to strip-mine this world, they're going to put it back the way it was, and THEN strip-mine it." "And to do that, they'll have to break the hold the Four Gods have between the planes," Mizuki added. "How?" asked Konatsu. "How could those things get so much more powerful than the Four Gods?" "It's a matter I've researched myself," Sypha said. "In numerous attempts to force my way back to the Kami Plane I have discovered a way to re-merge the planes to one again. The Timeless Ones require artifacts that are greatly-attuned to the elements... eight in total. Not just any elemental weapon will do, but ones that are closely-tied to them enough. Plenty of those exist in both planes." "We've got to warn Ranma," Ukyo decided. "It's none of his business," snapped the sorcerer. "It WILL be if the Mekani are HERE!" the chef pointed out. "You said so yourself that they could merge the planes; what if they do?" "The Inferno Regions and many of the underworld domains lie in the exact same pockets as your magma mantle," Cinder said. "While my homeland and Hades may survive, many others will be annihilated." "The frost salamander kingdom in Antarctica would destroy anything on that continent, in turn," he continued on the other hand. "Many other locales would be wiped out by the extremities on the other plane in the corresponding locations." "So neither of us can afford losing," Ukyo concluded. "We need their help, just as much as we need yours." Sypha snarled, getting up to her feet and folding her long arms, turning away from the okonomiyaki chef. "Lady," Cinder said, "we will need their aid." "If that's what you want," Sypha muttered, "then do as you wish. Surely this is no longer an internal affair." "There's one more thing," brought up Konatsu. "Yeah," agreed Ukyo. "Hokuto is attacking specific people, ones that are important to this fight." Turning to Mizuki, she said, "When Konatsu and I go back to Tokyo, we need you to come with us." "Why?" asked the priestess. "Because if I'm right, Shizuka's going to need all the help she can get." A butterfly landed on her outstretched hand, delicately tickling the skin. Shizuka raised the small insect to her eye level, studying the small creature with a certain, innocent fascination. The butterfly flapped its wings gently, seemingly at peace in the girl's hand. She turned her hand over, allowing the insect to crawl its way into Shizuka's palm. Without warning, she crushed the creature in a fist. By the time Ranma got there Shizuka was already prying her fingers loose, too late to undo the damage. He grabbed her wrist and shook her. "What did you do that for?!" he yelled. "A creature of beauty," the changed priestess said. "Delicate as it was in life, beautiful it is in death. A creature too trusting, so naive, cannot live long." She turned her hand, allowing the crushed corpse to fall to the ground, much to the screams of nearby schoolgirls. "What's wrong with you?!" the martial artist insisted angrily. "Hey, Ranma!" he heard a fellow student yell. "You tryin' to get her all for yourself?" "Yeah!" shouted another, and suddenly Ranma felt the weight of the presence of many love-stricken boys around him. "Please, none of this," commanded Shizuka, waving her free arm back. Immediately, the boys backed away. "You sure got them broken in fast," Ranma muttered. "Violence and anger solve nothing," she replied. "It is a lesson all should learn, and is followed by my example. I am their center of attention; such, it is my responsibility to set a proper example." "You once told me you were scared of white faces," Ranma said. "And look at you now." "That which is feared must be conquered." "The old Shizuka was nothing like you." "I have had a change of heart. My eyes are open; are yours?" "You also said that if you couldn't be yourself you'd rather be dead." "I didn't say that." "Not to me, at least." "Did I?" she asked innocently. Ranma groaned, realizing this was getting nowhere. His hand still clamped to her wrist he lead Shizuka through the crowd of students watching, toward where Akane was waiting. "This isn't working." "Well, probably because you're not close enough to her," Akane replied. "Neither of us know enough about her to jog her memory." "Yeah, but who around here can do that?" asked Ranma. "Everyone that knows her personally isn't in Tokyo, or we don't know...." He stopped, suddenly thinking of an idea. "What's up?" asked his wife. "There IS someone!" he cried, dashing toward the school gates, with Shizuka in tow. The moment Shion Kagami popped his head out the front door Ranma grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt and dragged him out. "You didn't have to ruin the threads," Shion complained as he sat himself at the park bench. Ranma snorted. From the short time he knew of the guy the martial artist had little opinion about him, but so far first-hand impression was slanting toward the bottom end of the spectrum. When he saw Shizuka he was flabbergasted, to say the least. She sat on the same bench as Shion, as both Ranma and Akane stood before them, as if waiting for something to happen. "Just talk to her," Akane suggested. "Remind her who she is." "Easy for you to say," Shion replied. "How long's she been like this?" "Since late yesterday afternoon, we think," answered Akane. "Kanna thinks she's acting the exact opposite the way she used to." As if to underscore her point, their eyes turned to Shizuka, who was going out of her way to face away from Shion's direction. "You've got to be kidding," muttered the hacker. Ranma clapped his fist in his palm. "I've got it!" "What?" asked Akane. "We've got that reversal jewel, remember?" he explained. "Well, two of them, actually. I'll go home and see if I can dig it out." "Uh, whatever, man," Shion replied. "What's some fancy bauble going to help?" "What if Kanna's wrong and that's not the problem?" Akane wondered. "She's not suffering the same kind of symptoms. It's not just her feelings, it's her entire lifestyle." Ranma shrugged. "We'll cross that bridge later." "It is difficult to detect them," Sypha explained, leading Cinder through the basement of the Sun Tower. "They are unliving beings; thus they carry no aura around them." "In other words, unless we find a different means we will not be able to detect them in the normal manner," Cinder interpreted. "Martial artists rely on the opponent's ki to detect them using extrasensory means; we won't be able to see them until we CAN see them." Sypha stopped in front of a wall, flashing her talons as she whipped her claw arm around. She slammed it through the wall, biting a good chunk away, then punched through it with her other claw. Dust clouds kicked up in all directions as the hidden cave entrance revealed itself with the wall's collapse. "These tunnels have been hidden for many centuries," the sorcerer explained. "I've never been through them for a thousand years, at least, but if the Timeless Ones have set up camp on Earth they will be here." "Depending on how many of them got through they may be long gone by now," Cinder pointed out. "They could be searching for the elemental artifacts now." "I'm aware of that!" Sypha snapped angrily. "I'm more concerned if they've torn a hole or not." She lead the salamander into the tunnel, neither requiring light to pierce the darkness. "You hear?" Hiroshi said on his way back from lunch. "Ranma and Akane skipped class!" "Probably off to do their lover-thing," Daisuke muttered. "Yeah, but they took Shizuka with them, too," another revealed. "I mean, he has Akane already; can't he let us have anybody?" "'Specially since we made her a nice person," agreed Daisuke. Behind the talking boys, Hikaru Gosunkugi's ears perked up. He froze in his tracks in the hall, realizing he came upon something important. Despite himself he ran to catch up with the boys. "Look, it's Voodoo Spike," one of them said. "Hey, stop hanging around us!" Hiroshi said. "J... just a question," Gosunkugi asked. "You just said that you m... made Shizuka a nice person." "That's right!" Daisuke said proudly. "Thanks to that Hokuto girl. We don't know what she said to her, but whatever it was, it worked like a charm." "I see." Gosunkugi took all of this in, allowing the boys to go ahead to class as he turned the other way. Could this information be important to someone? he wondered, rushing toward the nearest exit. "Alright, I'm back!" Ranma declared, holding up the reversal jewel in between his index and middle finger. His jaw dropped in disappointment when he saw that Akane was sitting between Shion and Shizuka, both of which appeared ready to tear each other apart. Akane eyed her husband with a look that read, "And you thought this was a good idea?" "Uh, what happened?" he asked, even if he didn't really want to know. "Trust me, you don't want to know," Akane answered, echoing his thoughts. "She's impossible," Shion spat. "He's too stuck-up and self-absorbed," Shizuka countered, folding her arms. "Whatever happened to your 'peaceful solutions?'" the martial artist asked sarcastically. "None can be gotten by his immoral methods!" the priestess insisted. "Well, that'll change," Ranma said, flicking the reversal jewel toward Shizuka. Instinctively she batted it away with her hand, forcing Ranma to chase after the brooch. "Ranma, it isn't going to work," Akane said plainly. "At best it'll only be a temporary solution, and even then we won't get the same Shizuka back." "I'm grasping at straws here, Akane!" Ranma shouted back, picking up the reversal jewel from the ground. "If I can't save one person, I can't save anybody." "That's not true!" "If I can save Shizuka, maybe I can save Ukyo from herself." "Don't be ridiculous!" Shion snapped, jumping to his feet. "What makes you think your friend needs saving?" "She's suffering like Shizuka is," Ranma replied hotly. "She, like Shizuka, is not acting like herself anymore, even though she thinks she is." "People change, doof," the hacker pointed out. "Okay, maybe I'm not the big expert on you and your pal, but did it happen within a day like Shizuka did? Did it?" Ranma could not find an answer. "People change," he pressed. "People change all the time! Think about it. When my mother remarried, Chika became my sister. She looked up to me, listened to every word I said. You want to know what she does now? She doesn't listen to me anymore. She's talking back to me and ordering me around, and you know why? She's changed; she's learned how to stand on her own feet. If I were her father I'd be proud; she doesn't need to depend on me to be herself." "And there's something Shizu told me... before this," he continued, gesturing toward the white-skinned girl. "She would...." "Yeah, she'd rather die before she changed," Ranma finished. "I don't know where I heard that from." "It's because she found what she liked, and wanted to be. She found happiness in being herself." "Are you saying I should be dissatisfied with the way I am?" asked Shizuka. "It's not the real you," Akane said. "You're pretending you like the way you are, but you're not happy at all, are you?" "I can get married," Shizuka insisted. "I can raise a family I've always wanted. I can discard the shackles of priesthood, and live out the life I've dreamed of. What more is there to ask for?" "The Shizuka we know," Ranma picked up, "finds thrill in the hunt. Sure, sometimes she's clumsy, but she gets the job done. She's so single-minded about her jobs that you can't help but admire her tenacity. She never gives up." "And yet the one before you is scared," another pointed out. Everyone jumped in surprise as a white-haired man appeared from behind a tree. Dressed in a clean black business suit, waving a feather fan toward himself the former Orochi Assassin, Higure Furui, made his presence known. "You," Ranma said in recognition. "A... and me, too," stuttered Gosunkugi, appearing behind the old man. "Gosunkugi?" Akane gasped in surprise. "Apparently, Hokuto is the one who did this," the old man revealed. Gesturing toward Gosunkugi he added, "This fellow brought the news to my attention." "A... actually, I kinda ran into him," Gosunkugi corrected. "I thought maybe you'd want to know." "I, too, was on my way to see you myself," Higure said. "There is much to discuss." "So Hokuto did it," Ranma repeated. "Now what?" "Shizuka is suffering from a minor mental fix," Higure explained. "All Hokuto had to do was alter her thought process to amplify her fears and phobias, and thus she reverted to this. In effect she's living out her fears. It's more complicated than that, however." "I don't care what it is; I want to know how to fix it." Higure turned toward Shizuka. "If Hokuto could do it in a matter of minutes, all we need to do is find the single fear dominating it all and undo it." "Uh, excuse me?" piped Shion. "But how do you 'undo' a fear? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard." "Alright, how about 'conquer?'" suggested Akane. "Whatever it is," the old man said, "it is the one fear Shizuka hasn't displayed yet." He shook his head. "Unfortunately, we need to help her NOW; we can't wait to sort it all out." "Why now?" asked Akane. "Is something happening?" "One thing at a time," Higure replied. "Well, then, we start with what she HAS displayed, and do a process of elimination from there," Shion suggested. "Attraction of guys, unnaturally amplifying her body, much less reveal it...." "The white-faced guys," Ranma chipped in. "Being different from the way she already is." Akane shook her head. "This could take forever. It's probably something NOBODY will think of except Hokuto." "It's probably right in our faces, too," Ranma thought. "Hokuto always tries to hide stuff, but its all usually out in plain sight." "Naturally, the best place to hide something," Shion agreed. "Umm... if I may ask?" Gosunkugi piped up. "But when was the last time she used that shotgun of hers?" "What're you saying?" asked the martial artist. "W... well," he stuttered, "I thought it was her most favorite thing in the world, so...." "You know, that might be it!" Akane realized. She turned toward Shizuka. "Can I see your shotgun?" At the mere suggestion the priestess shirked back. "I... I don't have one!" she lied, failing miserably. "But it can't be just that," Shion pointed out. "As he said, Shizu loved her shotgun more than anything; there has to be a reason why she doesn't want to touch it anymore." "And there may be a way to find out," Akane said. "Follow me." When it was announced that he had visitors, Spencer Bates, former paladin of the Saint Hebereke Church was overjoyed, but when he saw the white-faced girl enter the door he wanted to get out of his bed and throttle her. "YOU!!!" he screamed, but Ranma and Akane quickly clamped him back down. Shizuka in turn tried to bolt and leave, but Shion blocked her way. "Let me go!" she pleaded. "Please!" "I can't," Shion told her. "You're afraid of your most prized possession because you shot a man." "I don't want to see him!" she screamed. "The feeling is mutual!" snapped Spencer. "As soon as I can get out of the hospital she'll get what's coming to her!" "Look, I don't care if you're supposed to get out tomorrow," Ranma hissed, "'cuz I can keep you in for a few more weeks if I had the time!" "And I can call Miranda or Sakurai to come and kick your ass!" Spencer shot back. "I hear Mira can really own you." "Shut up about that!" Ranma replied. "This isn't getting us anywhere," Akane realized. "Between you and Spencer, and Shizuka and Spencer...." "Perhaps it is best for Ranma to leave," Higure suggested, as he helped Shion struggle to get Shizuka into the room. "Yeah, I've got better things to do," Ranma said, flipping up the reversal jewel into the air, and catching it. He handed it to Akane. "Just in case." She looked toward Spencer, then to Ranma. "You aren't thinking...." Ranma flashed his wife a smile, and winked. Then, with confident strides he walked out of the room. Akane sighed. "I hope it doesn't have to come to that." "You'd think trains would move faster," Ukyo said impatiently as the scenery flew by in the window. Next to her, Konatsu leaned over and whispered, "This is the fastest there is in such short notice." Sitting across from the two was the priestess Mizuki, who, as Ukyo could gather, was Shizuka's mentor during her training period. "Patience. Those who wait strong are rewarded strongly in the end." "Is that what you tell Shizuka?" asked the okonomiyaki chef. "No, it's what I'm telling you," she replied smartly. "You're a person who likes action; you can't stand doing the waiting, knowing that things are happening without you." "So?" "It takes much more courage and strength of will to wait," Mizuki said. "I suggest you learn that." "She's right," Konatsu agreed. "Ukyo, we can't make the train go any faster, much less get to Tokyo any faster. Complaining about it won't help any." "I know," Ukyo replied, sounding defeated. She stared out the window. "I just can't help but think about what Hokuto's doing... it shouldn't be happening." "What's that?" asked Mizuki, her interest perked. "In the last timeline," she explained, "Nemesis was off building up power during the Mekani invasion. We did repel it for a while, sure, but Nemesis came back and let them out again, just to wipe us out. They were his personal army after that. Hokuto was one of our most valuable allies until she disappeared after the invasion; she got us from one place to another in no time." "But this time she's seemingly working toward creating the Mekani invasion," Mizuki considered. "It's not like her." "Too many things are happening differently than I remember," admitted Ukyo. She glanced at Mizuki with a certain understanding in her eyes. "Perhaps knowing IS a curse in of itself." "You want me to FORGIVE her?" Spencer snorted in amusement. "That's the richest thing I've heard." Akane sighed, and Shion shook his head. They kept Shizuka in a seat next to the bed, hand-cuffed so she could not escape easily. The old man Higure had left not long after Ranma did the same, without leaving a word as to where he was going. "Hey, man, she needs your help," Shion countered. "You're no stranger to the magic stuff, right? Well, for some reason, the only way to counter the one over her is if she gets over her fear of guns." "I'm the gun guy, moron," spat the former paladin. "She freakin' shot a hole in my stomach; I'm lucky to be alive, and NOT paralyzed." "It's not just her fear of guns, though," Akane added. "She's this way because she shot you, and she can't forgive herself over it. Don't you think you ought to help her?" "Heh, no." "'No?!' You bastard!" Akane wanted to strike the patient, but Shion grabbed her arm before she could do so. "How can you let her go on like this?! She's a mess because she is feeling sorry for herself for shooting you. How could you?!" "Because she shot me," Spencer said in a low tone. "She shot me, a marksman, while piss-drunk, and across an alley. I've spent the last month in this hospital, rehabilitating so I could go back to work. Only I don't have a job anymore, either. So you could say she helped ruin my life, too. Serves her right." Akane struggled against Shion's grip, but to no avail. "You're sick." "You wouldn't forgive her, either, if your pride was shattered," Shion realized. "Akane... let it go." "Why should I?" "Look, it goes both-ways," explained the mercenary. "She hurt him, and in a way, he hurt her back. Most people don't ever get past that." Akane lowered her arm in defeat, staring down at her pocket where the reversal jewel rest, considering Ranma's dubious idea. "Shizu," Shion said, "don't you have anything to say to him?" The priestess remained stone-silent, dead as the white of her face. "Crap, Shizu!" he cursed. "Say something!" "...something," she muttered quietly. Turning around, Shion banged his head against the wall. Ranma looked toward the setting sun in the west as he walked alone from the hospital, sighing deeply for the trouble that was going on. Two days ago, before his scheduled duel with Kanna Rajura Johan Ritters, the Hawaiian champion street fighter, challenged him for the day after, citing that it was plenty of time for Ranma to gear-up for another battle. Before he knew it the martial artist arrived at the appointed location, the bridge he and Akane walked on many times going to and from school. A drainage ran under the bridge, and it was not filled with too much water, exposing much concrete for anyone to see. He spotted the dance man sitting against the rail, taking a quick swig of a bottle filled with a liquid Ranma could only guess to. "Johan Ritters," Ranma called as he approached. The German-descended Hawaiian cast a sodden glance toward the martial artist, waving him over to his side lazily. "Didn't think you'd come." Ranma came closer, his eyes catching the label of the bottle. "I can't fight you like that." "Doesn't matter," Johan replied. "I'm forfeiting." "Forfeit?" "Yep," he said, taking another swig. "I can't do it, not now, not after I lost such a good job." "That job of yours sucked." "Well, maybe." He took another swig. "That, and that girl... the living death girl." He shook his head. "I was trying to make passes at her the past couple days, but this time, she responded. Oh, she responded." He nodded to himself, and took another swig. "Damn scary, you know." "She's just as shaken about it as you are," Ranma said. "Well, if you don't wanna fight... well, I don't, either." Johan shook his head. "After all this, I forgot why I wanted to fight you." Ranma kept his mouth shut. Although he himself had no idea he didn't want to jog Johan's memory any time soon. He reached out his hand. "I think I might need some, too." Happy to oblige, Johan handed the bottle to Ranma. The martial artist held the rim of the open bottle up to his nose, took a careful sniff, then downed some himself. Wiping his mouth, he handed the bottle back to the street fighter. "It's not alcohol," he decided to his satisfaction. "'Mineralwasser' in German, or just plain water to you," Johan said, chuckling softly. "It beats getting smash-drunk, you know, but it helps to simulate it a bit." Ranma nodded. "You know, though, I can't help but think something big is going to happen," Johan confided. "Like there's some 'big life-threatening thing,'" he said, waving his hands around grandly and spilling some of the water. "I just feel these kind of things." "Something may happen yet," Ranma muttered. His name was, and still is, Shang Long, but to the members of the eccentric Orochi Cult, he was known as the Reaver of Souls, or simply Reaver. He appeared dressed as a traditional Chinese Buddhist monk, straight out of history, and it was not far from the truth. Before his indoctrination into the Cult, he was one. He stood in front of the Orochi altar, alone in his communion with Orochi, the eight-headed serpent of legend. Most kami had left this plane, but many opted to remain, and Orochi was one of those. Being particularly powerful few could force him to leave the Earth he loved, until a rival kami arrived and forcefully threw Orochi's essence into the Kami Plane. However, his body was left behind on Earth, creating a strange pseudo-connection with both worlds, leaving him much more powerful than the average kami on the Kami Plane. Shang Long held up the Magma Dragon Staff, his prized weapon given to him upon his indoctrination as an assassin. Fashioned similarly to traditional staves its orange-red head was shaped in the spiked circular symbol of Orochi, save rings were hanging off to each side, jingling with every movement. Shang Long was blind since birth, forcing him to rely on other senses to get by, but the Orochi Magma Dragon Staff granted him a limited sort of 'sight,' if it could be described as such, making him just as formidable as an opponent with perfect vision. Attuned strongly to the composite magma element, it was also a powerful weapon in its own right. "Something comes," he realized. Quickly, he shut his thoughts out as Orochi began to speak to him again. "You should be warned," a voice echoed, emanating from the Orochi statue in front of the Orochi Cult's leader. "There is a mechanical plague now roaming the Earth." "I have studied it." "Our agents are in no danger, but it is that which you hold they are after," continued the speaker. "They arrive even now." Just as Orochi predicted, Shang Long heard the ground burst behind him. Without turning the monk knew it was as the Orochi spoke of. Turning around, Shang Long aimed the Magma Dragon Staff and fired an elemental bolt at the intruder. He barely made out the outline with the staff sight when the magma energy consumed the metal monstrosity the moment it touched it. The melted metal quickly sealed the hole where the creature emerged, but Shang Long knew they would make more, and ruin the altar chamber's floor. Turning back toward the statue, he said, "I'll return to my duties when the crisis is dealt with. I apologize for the floor, and the acolytes will clean it up appropriately." He turned and exited, quickly dispatching his message to the younger priests, then made off with all haste to put distance between himself and the Orochi Cult under his charge. When Tatewaki Kuno wanted to be alone, he came to one place where nobody knew he frequented. In the old days samurai would train by the beachside, listening to the waves lap on the sand, and practice their sword. But that was in a bygone age, one which Tatewaki dreamed he was a part of, once. No, it was no fun to kill, especially not after taking the life of a real life samurai from said bygone age. He swung the Earth Dragon Sword, the last gift of the swordsman Nagi Tachibana, the same way he had done the night he killed him. Perhaps it was Fate's boon that it was the artifact attuned to the earth element that could regulate the dangerous phoenix flames born from the kendoist's body. It was said that users of the invincible Chinese Phoenix Sword set of techniques did not survive at most three usages of the technique, for it consumed the soul of the wielder. Tatewaki himself had gone far beyond that, and had in many instances come close to spontaneously-combusting. All of it was changed because of the Earth Dragon Sword, but there was a catch; Tatewaki required it to shut-off the phoenix flames. "Eliminate inner turmoil," he recited to himself. "Order will not come to the educational institution at this time, so you may be ready in the future!" He took a swing, slicing air with the sword. But his inner turmoil alerted him of a disturbance in the sand. He stopped in his practice, feeling the vibration of movement in the sand. Feeling a tug of danger-sense Tatewaki jumped out of the way as a large, steel spike emerged from the ground where he had been standing. "What manner of...!" he hissed. Surprise caught him as the spike, easily as tall as he was, was followed by the monstrosity attached to it. Emerging from the ground was a spherical-shaped metal creature, its spike being one of two spike appendages hanging under its single ruby eye and mandibles. It stood on four stalk-like legs, like some sort of arachnid, but its overall appearance was a lot more similar to that of a crab. The spheroid monster turned in its entirety, its eye focusing on Tatewaki. "What manner of creature is this!?" he cried, finding his voice again. He raised his sword to deflect a lancing spike, but the force behind it was far more powerful than he anticipated. Falling to the sand, Tatewaki willed the phoenix flames alight, bathing the Earth Dragon Sword in ki fire. Shouting a war cry Tatewaki rushed the monster, swinging his sword with blinding speed, and burying it to the hit through the monster's eye. Behind him the two spike lances collapsed in two pieces, while the spheroid split cleanly in half down the middle and through the ruby eye. Watching the creature fall apart in satisfaction Tatewaki extinguished the phoenix flames. "A single opponent is not enough to defeat Tatewaki Kuno, yet I feel as if you will not be the last." Sheathing his sword, Tatewaki headed back toward town. Unseen by the kendoist, a second mechanical beast emerged from the sands, collecting the cut pieces of its fallen comrade. Disappointment ran through Cinder's mind as he sealed the hole the Mekani tore into the dimensional fabric. The tear appeared as a rift in the air itself, opening itself to the blackness of the void between planes, as there was nothing to see. Sypha was infuriated to learn that the rift existed at all, which meant that the Mekani did have the means to enter Earth and seize whatever artifacts they needed from anywhere in the world. She was doubly infuriated that none of the Timeless Ones were in the tunnels, having scattered to who-knows-where in the time since they tore open the rift. Running his claw along the length of the rift Cinder summoned the inner energies, sealing the tear using the power granted to him by Suzaku. In a matter of seconds the air patched itself back up, and the void vanished from sight. "It's done," he declared, "but it won't be the last. Our homeland... we must return there as soon as possible." "That may have to wait," Sypha called from down the tunnel. Her footsteps indicated she was coming back to the cavern. "I've found something more interesting." Cinder turned to face the sorcerer, who indicated for him to come along. Quickly she lead him into another tunnel and into a small alcove. Switching modes on his mechanical eye he scanned the room of a tunnel, pausing every once in a while to observe. "Rock is chipped here and there," he said. "Signs of a struggle, very recent." "And look there," Sypha said, pointing a finger into one corner. The salamander complied, focusing his scanning eye to where Sypha's talon indicated. His real eye widened in surprise at what he saw. Discarded carelessly in the corner of the alcove was several bits of clothing of recent make, torn quickly with a clean slice that indicated no traces of blood. Among the articles was a set of slip-on shoes, blue ribbons, and a Chinese outfit and traveling cloak. "I see." He nodded. "These couldn't have been here for less than a day," Sypha said. "So if the Mekani have Hokuto, then who's the one going around attacking everybody?" * * * * * Shion (VO): "Wow, these Mekani are fascinating! Just look at how efficient these ancient technologies are-- they're so much beyond our own! What? What do you expect me to do against a mechanical plague that even the ancient kami could not wipe out? Especially since they're trolling after all the elemental weapons...." "Next time: Dawn of Seiryu. Utterly fascinating!" ------------------------------------------------ Author's Notes Stay tuned for more. Razorclaw X (