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Rinlady's Headquarters
||| Vegeta 4 Dictator ||| Andrews Photography ||| RECIPIE 1 ||| RECIPIE 2 ||| Terminology ||| Images |||
Hello, and welcome to our page. We humbly invite you to search through our sections, sub-sections, and submarine-sections.

***Disclaimer: This page is basically a big bashing fest for people that we do not like/enjoy, or for people we like to make fun of. We made this page for our own personal enjoyment, and never intended anyone to look at it, so if you are here by mistake or you do not enjoy bashing, then leave. We won't miss you. This page's founders, Ashley and Tressa, will hereoff be referred to as Hiroko and Kitie, in their respective order. We are freaks. We are so self-centered and selfish that we actually enjoy making fun of others, just for a few kicks. And we are proud of that fact. This is Trash. Enjoy.***

This is a smeerkaat. Derived from the Dutch language, zeroing down in on the Dutch word "smeerkaas", which means "smeared cheese", and derived from Hiroko and Kitie's twisted minds comes this term. Is the main obsession of Trash, along with Rinlady. Can often be seen with spatch.

The Trash Team drew this picture together one night. We like to draw things together. Gives us a better outlook and inlook of our art.

This page was made on Saturday, March 17, 2001, St. Patrick's Day, by Kitie and Hiroko. Enjoy the love.