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Welcome to my Texture Pages

Due to the circumstances beyond my control, I have removed ALL of my pictures and textures from the internet because a 12 year old snot nosed Bitch has decided that she was going to claim MY work as her own. This is not the first time she has pulled a stunt like this and has either used my graphic's illegally or uploaded to her site without permission. She is one of the most spiteful snots I know on the internet and I hope and pray to god that she gets hers. They say what goes around comes around and I hope and pray to god I'm around to see her get hers.

The names she goes by in Active Worlds is.....

Princess Lauren/Lady HorseRider/Wyzard./Princess FiBBLe/Vanilla Bean and several other identities.

Most of these pic's were scanned by me personally or made from scratch in PSP. The other pic's I personally animated myself in PSP with permission. I believe she has done this out of spite because she KNOWS she can get away with it because AW will not do shit about it.

I will never put up textures, graphic's etc. again for anyone's use. I'm sorry. I'm tired of her being spiteful and doing as she damn well pleases. I'm done!

I refuse to try and fight this little snot because last time I tried I was banned. She ain't worth it. I'm sure she will see these signs at the site and as usual she will report me to Mountain Myst and I'm sure Mountain Myst will want to ban me again based on the words from a lying 12 year old thief! *sigh*

Please use caution when letting people use your graphic's. People like Lauren WILL come along and claim YOUR work as their own and this isn't right. I'm very sick over this