A necessary indulgence...

i don't know where i'm headed/ think i know where i am/ apologize for your confusion/its still here/ and i didn't stay up to write this/the title's all wrong/ and the words aren't quite right/ but its here/ its all here/ for when the sound of my own voice is frightening 9.21.03

"Brevity is the soul of lingerie"
---Dorothy Parker
July 2004

"I miss you more than I knew"---Nada Surf
June 2004

"And every time she sneezes
I believe its love"
---the Counting Crows
May 2004

"Everyone has the right to make an ass out of themselves.
You can't let the world judge you too much”
-- from Harold and Maude by Colin Higgins
April 2004

"The years are falling down, but I just can't be there for you today"
---Sesshu Foster
March 2004

"The only normal people are the ones you don't know very well"
---Joe Ancis
February 2004

"there will always/be time to stare/across the room
at a blank wall/& wonder have you/done this before--!"
---Pedro Pietri, Telephone booth number 63765057
January 2004

"What happens to a dream defeated?"
---Langston Hughes
December 2003

"for you i'm gonna break my bad habits"
---Duncan Sheik
November 2003

"Life is not perfect nor a journey toward perfection.
It is perfect at every moment"
October 2003

"& poem is my thank-you for music
& i love you more than poem"
--- Ntozake Shange
September 2003

"Go rate thy minions,proud,insulting boy!" -- Shakespeare
August 2003

"Snee!" -- Me
July 2003

"I won't worry my life away"
--Jason Mraz
June 2003

"If you like pina coladas, and gettin' caught in the rain
...well I'm the love that you've looked for. Write to me and Escape"
---Rupert Holmes
May 2003

"If you could save me from the ranks of the freaks who suspect they could never love anyone"
---Aimee Mann
April 2003

"Its what the jukebox knows"
---Jimmy Eat World
March 2003

"Happiness is an aquisition"
---Wallace Stevens
February 2003

"Beauty is truth, truth beauty"
---John Keats
January 2003

"Art is about making something out of nothing and selling it"
---Frank Zappa
December 2002

"A dork is a dork is a dork"
--- Judy Markey"
November 2002

"As the pattern gets more intricate and subtle,
being swept along is no longer enough"
---Waking Life
October 2002

September 2002

"I am Scrumption!"
---CSSSA Creative Writing class of 2002
August 2002

"Prodigal, you have given me love---therefore I to you give love!
O unspeakable passionate love."
---Walt Whitman
July 2002

"To know that you feel the same as I do is a three-fold utopian dream"---Incubus
June 2002

"Can I be a mongoose dog?"---Gir
May 2002

"I felt very still and very empty, the way the eye of a tornado must feel, moving dully along in the middle of the surrounding hullabaloo"---Sylvia Plath
April 2002

"Music appeals to the heart whereas writing is addressed to the intellect; it communicates ideas directly, like perfume"---Honore de Balzac
March 2002

"Love is pepto bismol"---Ben
February 2002

"I'm here for my sanity, sanity. I am here for you"---Train
January 2002

"Everything is quiet since you're not around. I live in the numbness now, in the background"---Third Eye Blind
December 2001

"This was uncalled for"---Dave Eggers
November 2001

"When I was young I knew everything"---the Verve Pipe
October 2001

"Sometimes I don't think there's anything other than something being salt"---Nick
September 2001

"Keep breathing"---Sophie Tucker
August 2001

"Aaeeeyaaayaaayaayaa..."---Johnny Weissmuller
April to July 2001

"I tell myself to watch where I step or at least watch where I fall"---Ariel
December 2000 to March 2001

"No day but today"---RENT
Poems of unknown dates


Red Sneakers

Needing the Same

Remembering August

Check out Ariel's site! Airy Words
Michelle's too! ::seachelle'spoetry::

Sign my guestbook! Pweety pwease...?

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again! Comments and questions are welcome!

Email Lani: wenufrefall@msn.com
Thanks to Kirsten Johnson for my graphics! ::muah!::