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Remember folks, writing is storytelling. Master the art of storytelling and all other areas of improvement will seem miniscule. But, here are some more tips anyways!:

"A long time ago, [contemporary science fiction writer] Robert Heinlein wrote down the secret of becoming a professional writer: (1) You must write. (2) You must finish what you write. (3) You must not endlessly rewrite. Finish it, then send it to someone who can buy it: not to friends, not to relatives, not to other writers in hopes of getting advice, but to editors who buy words. Don’t rewrite unless someone who can buy it tells you to. (4) Go back to step one, and keep going until [you are] successful. This works."

-From "Modern Letters," by Jerry Pournelle & Alex Pournelle, in Internet World, February 1996, page 102.


Have fun. One chapter, one point. Choose your headings carefully. Know your audience!


Common Grammar Problems 10 General tips to improve your writing:
  1. Does my opening catch a person’s attention?
  2. Is my narrative clear and to the point?
  3. Is the material presented in a logical manner?
  4. Does my writing have a clear beginning, middle and end?
  5. Is it easy for a listener or reader to follow along?
  6. Have I put myself in my listener’s or reader’s place?
  7. Have I made my story interesting enough to make people want to read all the way through?
  8. Is my main point or "moral" to the story obvious?
  9. Does my conclusion satisfy readers, rather than leave them hanging?
  10. Would people who have heard the story be likely to want to retell it to others?