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JediKnightGirl02: did you get my last message?
BlackMercury6: Luc's big one?
BlackMercury6: I had Ursa reply as he walked off
JediKnightGirl02: when he walked off.. I didn't get Ursa's message
JediKnightGirl02: I didn't get your message..
JediKnightGirl02: so how do you like Luc so far?
BlackMercury6: he's being mean
BlackMercury6: Ursa: *calls out* It's not like we have an army at our disposal.
BlackMercury6: (offending Ursa.. must calm down more.)
JediKnightGirl02: Luc: *turns around* And thats where you plan and make an army that might take two to the three days... oh I forgot.. you don't have two to three days to perpare. *turns back around and walks off*
JediKnightGirl02: (^^ Luc will BE this way...)
BlackMercury6: Ursa: We have two or three weeks, for your information.
JediKnightGirl02: Luc: Too long! You need to perpare as soon as you can so there won't be any more attacks on innocent people... *turns back around* Or didn't you know that messager ape?
JediKnightGirl02: (^^ I know he is really offending Ursa)
JediKnightGirl02: (but come on.. Ursa doesn't have any come backs?)
JediKnightGirl02: (I was going to say messager monkey.. but I put ape instead)
BlackMercury6: Ursa: *growls under his breath and storms away*
JediKnightGirl02: Malachi: *is in Ursa's sight and points towards Luc making it look by mistake and freezes his mouth shut before he can say anything more* Hehe.. I wonder if I did that.. *grins*walks up to Ursa* You know Ursa... you don't need to take his crap.. he didn't get any lovin' hes going to be cranky... so what you do is.. tell him to shut the fuck up and get a life... do you understand?
Luc: *mouth froze shut*glares angerily at Malachi*and walks over to them*

BlackMercury6: Ursa: I don't wanna be too rude to him. And what are you doing up so early?
BlackMercury6: (brb)
JediKnightGirl02: Malachi: Couldn't sleep? *blinks* Look I know you don't want to be rude or anything.. but he was being rude to you and you don't need to take his crap.. just tell him to shove it up his ass and get a grip and then go do something then waste your time.
JediKnightGirl02: Luc: *stops right behind Ursa glaring at Malachi*
JediKnightGirl02: (^^ k)
BlackMercury6: (back)

Auto response from JediKnightGirl02: Yeah, I'm off doing something at the moment please leave a message or call me and leave message and I'll get back to you!

BlackMercury6: Ursa: *shrugs* I'll let him go. Hopefully he'll be better tomorrow.
JediKnightGirl02: Malachi: Ha I wouldn't count on it.. he'll be worse!
Luc: *trys to move his mouth and it only comes a muffles*

BlackMercury6: Ursa: *raises his eyebrow and turns around* Hi Luc.
JediKnightGirl02: Luc: *small wave and glares at Mal*
Malachi: Why should I defreeze you? Your mouth will just run off and offend more people.

BlackMercury6: Ursa: *watches on in half-amusement*
JediKnightGirl02: Luc: *glares*puts up his hand and it glows a light green*
Mal: *raises an eyebrow* Like you have the guts to do it.

BlackMercury6: Ursa: Geez... Luc, calm down and Mal, unfreeze his damn mouth!
JediKnightGirl02: Mal: *nervous laugh* If only I could...
Luc: *eyes widen*glares angerily at Mal*

BlackMercury6: Ursa: You... can't?
JediKnightGirl02: Mal: That's the spell I don't a counter too... defreeze a mouth is a lot harder then defreezing feet or a whole body.. sometimes the mouth will be frozen for as long as it has to... sometimes it lasts a day others.... last a week..
Luc: *looks about ready to kill Mal*

BlackMercury6: Ursa: *looks down8 Well isn't this an awkward moment. *nervous laughter*
JediKnightGirl02: Mal: Its not trully my fault for not knowing my spells.. I do... I just don't have a counter for that one... plus I've been studing the other magic ability I have would you rather that I be sending you fiffy feet down a hall or leave your mouth frozen for a week?
Luc: *glares*

BlackMercury6: Ursa: ...
BlackMercury6: (fuck! I have to redo Kay's CD)
JediKnightGirl02: Mal: *stares at Luc* Look I'm sorry but there isn't anything I can do.
Luc: *glares*

JediKnightGirl02: (oh really?)
BlackMercury6: (the tracks are out of order. Must be in order!)
BlackMercury6: Ursa: How is he supposed to eat, Mal?
JediKnightGirl02: Mal: I knew that one was coming... I don't know..
Luc: ...*closes his eyes*

BlackMercury6: Ursa: Isn't thrre anything you can do about it?
JediKnightGirl02: Mal: *shakes his head* No... inless you want to burn his mouth off..
Luc: *opens his eyes*...

BlackMercury6: Ursa: Well, we're certainly not doing that!
BlackMercury6: (I'm gonna go)
JediKnightGirl02: Mal: I know..
Luc: ...