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me, as drawn by the talented schuft

s t a t s
a page made especially for the extremely bored i guess

alias... maulie kat, mk, cory
real name... unknown
age... 18, whooo i'm legal for stuff now ^^
mental age... 15 or younger depending on my mood
status... happily taken thankyouverymuch!
occupation... energy efficiency techinian (aka lazy bum)
disciplines... art, basic web design
weapon of choice... photoshop...or sharp pointy things of doom. whatever the occacasion calls for.
wants to be... ???
personal phlisophy... "whatever happens, happens"
affinity for... swedmex, comics, video games, junk food, hanging out with friends
dislikes... unexpected spiders. oh, and mean people.

stuck in head... frou frou - must be dreaming
current status... unproductive, but ok overall
random words of wisdom...
when you lick a toad, you lick every toad its been with


all contents are copyrighted to maulie kat...
so don't steal!