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Steph Ratté

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"Sonic the Hedgehog" Directory
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This Artist has added her own information

OTHER ART FEATURED ON THIS PAGE: [Main Directory] [Art For Us] [Sonic The Hedgehog Art]

HOMEPAGE: SkyLightWeasel Productions

OTHER: Her Side 7 Archive


ART RATING: General Audience. All is free to view.

Total number of images in "Art For Us": 159
Total number of images in "Sonic the Hedgehog": 23
Total number of images in the "Steph Ratté" Directory: 182


NAME: Stephanie G. M. Ratté
AGE: 18
ALIAS: Ratfink Lightshadow is my main alias, and I'm known as all my other chars as well, but mainly Ratty =)
COMMISSION INFO:Yes I do take free commissions, with pictures only (no descripts!! PLEASE!! BLAH!). I am also always ready to do free pic exchanges (originals or scanned), also only as long as there's a pic of your character to draw from. I also draw Sonic pic requests =) To own one of my originals, it's gonna cost ya unless we do an original pic exchange. Starting price for 8..5 X 11 pencil coloured pic is $1.00 - $2.00 (Canadian Funds Only). If you'd like a price list, e-mail me.
MORE STUFF: Well, lesse... I was born outside of Montréal, Québec, Canada on August 27, 1981. I now live in Ontario, Canada with my parents, my wonderful sister and bestfriend, Jessica, and my dog, Shadow. I am currently attending OAC @ high school, so I can go to University, majoring in the arts, of course =)
    Some non-boring stuff about me: I'm a huge Sonic fanatic and SEGA worshipper, my favourite games being, of course, the Sonic series. I love cartoons, writing fan-fic, drawing (my ultimate fav =) ), sequencing music, surfing the net, and some other stuff I can't think of right now. I love drawing cartoon style, only cause I can draw it better than RL. =p A majority of my free-time, which rarely comes, is spent either drawing, sequencing music, or working on my webpage(s). Yes, I also have a life (REALLY??? It's possible?!?). I enjoy hanging out with my friends, going to parties, as long as there's no booze (yes, I'm one of those loser people who want a future and believe drinking and smoking are not how to act "cool"), and believe it or not, spending time with my sister sib, who I get along with better than my friends! When we hang out, we talk about REALLY STUPID things... trust me... that and how hot Mulder is =) We can spend HOURS talking about why we exist... (don't ask... PLEASE don't ask =\) We also talk to eachother over ICQ when we're sitting right next to each other (again, PLEASE don't ask). Uhm... nothing more to say @ the moment... if I think of anything, I'll send it over. If you'd like to add anything, Jess, go ahead.

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