What Makes A Family?
Dedicated to all of those families that are going to survive in a very unperfect society.
You all have my support.

What makes a family?
is it a mother and father
living together in unison?
Is it a supportive sister
or a dedicated brother?
Is it walking your dog
or feeding your fish?
Family is purely love...
Rather you have a mother
rather you have a father
a sister or a brother.
Rather you have 2 Mommy's
or you have 2 Daddy's.
Rather you live with your grandma
or go fishing with your grandpa.
It doesn't matter if your mommy gave birth to you
or if you grew inside her heart instead of underneath.
It doesn't matter if your mommy sleeps with your other mommy.
or if you daddy kisses your other daddy.
That doesn't matter in a family.
As long as there is love
as long as there is full support.
If your adopted that means you were chosen.
It means out of everyone in the world they chose you.
If you parents are gay that means they loved you enough to be themselves.
They are teaching you to be who you are and showing honesty.
If you are living with Grandparents it means they want to spend their last years with you.
It means they have dedicated the last part of their lives to you.
If you live with only your mother it shows her double love to you.
She is giving you the love of a mother and father in one.
If you live with only your father it shows his strong determination to give you your future.
He is showing you the dedication it takes to be strong for both of you.
If you are living with an aunt or uncle they have chosen to spend this time with you.
They have chosen to take care of you, love you and support you.
If you are being raised by a brother or sister you are double lucky....
they are showing you love as a sibling and giving you guidance as your guardian.
If you are living in a foster home relize what your foster parents are doing
They are modling your future because they want too- they are not being forced.
If YOU are raising YOURSELF know that you are the luckiest of them all
Never turn your back on the world- for you are being raised by God.
What makes a family?
Love, Support, Guidance, Hope, Dedication, Faith...

Story about "What Makes A Family"
To many people care about sexuality anymore that we have lost site about what really matters...love. If you have love in a family you will survive- be it single parent, adoptive, gay/lesbian....doesn't matter- with love anything is possible- the world needs to understand that.
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