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80 years old
time for the nursing home
his body is shutting down
but his mind knows
his heart is losing hope
his soul can not cope

We visit him
No, he doesn't smile
he can't bare to see us cry
we know the end is near
time is just hidden fear
The family turns to God 
during this time
Ask him for stregnth
to help us get by.
Time stands still another soul bound for eternity The lord above smiled He waits for his child to walk past the gates time against fate Time stands still.
I stood by his bed
his last breath
I held his hand.
I told him it was safe
It was okay to let go
without another moment
He let go...
so very slow.
I cry silent tears
unlock my hidden fears
I turn to god
for the first time
his arms are open wide
waiting for me to accept him
into my life.