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I Would Like to Say it Now
Dedicated to Phyllis Louise Carstensen (Sally) June 22, 1929-March 25, 1998

I wonder why God made you leave me
without letting us say goodbye
I wonder this often
Why did you have to die?

I was just starting to love life
when this tragedy came about
the worst thing that ever happend to me
that is true, without a doubt

You were there
with a listening ear
to comfort me,
and make my fears dissapear

You're last words to me were
"I'll see you at Easter honey"
I wish I could hear one of your jokes
you were always so funny.

I feel all alone now Grandma
part of me died too
I am so young
I still need you.

I remember us looking at family albums
you drinking out of the #1 Grandma cup
I remember our quiet mornings
when we were the only two up.

I remember us going to the grocery store
to most that wouldn't seem like much
but to me it means the world
because never again will I feel your touch.

I miss the little things we would do together
Cooking the crab legs on Christmas morn
Singing together, hoping no one hears
but now my life is torn.

I remember opening up Christmas gifts
We all gathered around
Listening to all the laughs
It was such a great sound.

Everyone else is going on with their lives
That is too hard for me to do
I can't stop remembering
the great times I had with you.

People keep telling me God has reasons
to take you away
but it doesn't make any sense to me!
now what I am supposed to say?

People tell me I have a perfect life
I would give it all away
Just to see you
for one very special day.

I remember the last time I saw you
looking so pale and weak
but you were breathing
Thats what was important to me.

Grandma, I took you for granted
in more ways then one
I thought you would always be here
but now you're gone.

As you layed in your coffin
I touched your hand
so cold and doll like
I just didn't understand.

When we lowered you into the ground
my parents just held me
as we all had to cry
wondering why this had to be.

You're always there
you come to me in my dreams
give me orders
we must work as a team.

Since I did not have the strength
to tell you this then
I would like to say it now
Good-Bye Grandma Carstensen