
You were there through the laughs
suffered through the fears
You enjoyed the happy times
but didn't leave for the tears.

Rather I was 3 and playing
or 16 and dating
you stood by my side
no matter how rough the ride.

I can't express the feelings
or the emotions that carried me through
when I didn't have anyone
I always had you.

You didn't try to run my life
You let me cry my own tears
It might have taken me years
but now...I know.

You did what you had to
I might not have agreed
But because of your guidence
I know I am going to succeed.

It hasn't always been easy
Lord knows we've had our bad days
But that can be put behind us
It was a rough, but worth it, phase.

So now that I am growing up
and thinking about living on my own
I will never forget the things you taught me
With you, I will never be alone.

As you get older
the future starts to fighten me
Whatever happens just know...
In my eyes you will always be

Story about "Father"
This is simply a tribute to the most important man in my life, my Dad. I am so blessed with the best father in the world- he is everything I could ever dream to have in a Dad. An absolutly amazing man.
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