Life is a road, full of dead ends.
You get to where your going
then have to turn around.

Things are going so well
The road is clear
Then construction hits
Your life stops.

Things begin to come together
The cars move slowly
stopping every few miles
getting back on the road.

The one car in front is slow
Keeping you from moving ahead
You get aggravated once again
and the traffic stops.

Then the construction ends
your on your way
you switch lanes
turn off the exit of life.

Life is a road
you hit constuction along the way
you get bothered by slow cars
but you always exit the pain.

Story about "Construction of Life"
This poem was actually just a test for me. I was told to compare traffic to life for a writing class. Everyone poem was completely different, respectivly. I was pretty excited about how this one turned out, so I have decided to share it with you.
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