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Why Can't My World Be Of Peace

Why Can't My World Be Of Peace

Don't you realise why I sent you here. Where does all the hate come from. I didn't give that to you when you were born. Why do you make my heart feel so torn.

I gave you the miracle of life when you were born. I made you with love. And gave you a heart that was not made of stone. What happened to you that made you forget the loving child you were when you were born

Now I see your heart is not of the way when you were born. I cry for you in the storms. What do I have to do to make your heart be of love. Not a heart cold as stone.

Be a person of love before I have to take you home. For your home might not be with me. It might be a place that you find yourself all alone. With your heart made of stone.

Show me love and compassion for all man kind. So that when you die, I will be able to take you to my home. And so I won't have to shed any more tears in the storms.

Let my love for you. Make you the child of love that I made you, When you were first born. Don't let the hate, anger, prejudice and pain of your past be your thorns. Let me help you get back the heart of innocent love, That I gave you when you were born.

Don't be afraid. Take my hand. I will take you back to where you belong. With me, We can do it together. I promise you that it won't take very long.

Let me help soften your heart. So that I can get in to fill it with love and warmth, To keep you from falling apart. From that stone cold heart.

So my world will be as it was meant to be. You will be free of your pain and misery. And I will not have to cry any more tears in the storm.

Help me make this world be as it was meant to be as when you were all born. Help me ban all the wars and the hate in the world. Help me ban the storms.

So my world. Your world, Will be a place filled with love and warmth. Trust me, Believe in me, Have faith in me. So your heart, no more, will be made of stone.

I love you all my children of the world. Show me what I need to see. So that when I come for you. It will be to take you in my arms. To take you home with me. For I don't want you to be alone, Can't you see.

For I can't do that. If your heart is made of stone. You will have to go to a place. Where you will be all alone. With your heart made of stone. Don't make me shed any more tears for you in the storm

I love you my child, I don't want to have bring you to a place to be all alone. Please take my hand and let me lead you back home with me, Where you know that you belong.

Poem By_Arlene R. Szynal

Copyright © August 29, 2000 All Rights Reserved

Music Midi Playing_Adagio

Nevr2lb's Bars/Lines/Divider Gifs_My Gray Bars

Picture By_My Universe_Mi Universo

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