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"Part two. Birth to five years old with my sister Carol."

Part Two
The Beginning

My First Miracle From God.
The Gift Of Life
That Was Originally Never Meant To Be
Birth Name-Arlene Miller
January 1947

"My Sister Carol And Me"


My sister Carol, One year younger then I , Use to come along when my cast was being changed. She didn't like having to wait. So she cried one day when my cast was being made

I remember Being on a hard table that reminded me of an ironning board. Being rolled over and over until the cast was on complete. I remember wishing that I were my sister, Not having to have this thing done to me


I remember that day very clear. For a reason you will all understand of a child who would find it hard to understand all that happened here. The nurse gave my sister Carol a lollipop to stop my her from crying. But forgot about giving one to me

That is the first time I remember feeling mental pain. Because as a child I didn't understand. Thinking of how I was in physical pain not her. But yet she got a lollipop. That we rarely received because we were so very poor


I guess it was because I didn't cry. My Mother said that I was very good at the doctors. Maybe because I was so use to it by then, That holding in the tears was easier to make off that my first trauma, Almost five years in a cast wasn't real. I wanted to think that it was

Just a bad dream

"Adult Christmas With Carol"


A day I will never forget. A day that my sister did something as a joke. But to this day doesn't realize how much that day meant to me. And always will be a special loving memory in my heart of her


The whole family got together on Christmas day. As we tried to do every year. But sometimes I couldn't make it because I would be very sick with my allergies, And a lung infection would set in with pains in my chest so bad when I coughed. That I would have to have a pail next to me. For when I coughed I would get very sick

I am allergic to ragweed and pine Christmas trees. Of which from Thanksgiving to New Years is in full bloom. It was impossible to avoid being near. Unless I kept myself sheltered in my room. I'm also allergic to cats, dogs, birds, cows, dust. All trees ,Not just pine trees,lilacs. Most of things that I love

To add a laugh to my allergy problems. I sometimes say that I think that I'm also allergic to men. But there is no test to prove it.( LOL ) Men tend to want to run away from me. ( LOL ) To be honest if I were a man having to be around the female me. I would run away from me too LOL


That Special Christmas I was ok. My sister Carol handed me a gift. All my family looked at me in a strange way. With intense smiles on their faces. Carol said it's a very special gift. It was a big box. Wrapped very pretty. Inside that box was another box. Then another and another. Until appeared a small box


I think you know what was in that small box. A lollipop. But not just any lollipop, A tootsie roll pop. Every one burst out laughing. Especially me. My sister Carol is not emotional like me. Well that is what she tries to make us all think. LOL

My sister Carol gets embarressed about admiting to emotion.There was once a time she would block her eyes if she even saw someone kissing on a movie. She has a lot of love and emotion inside. But has a fear of letting it show on the outside

I can't hide mine. The little girl in me from a long time ago won't let me. I love the little girl in me. Even though she can sometimes be my worst enemy. There will be a page about that part of me

My sister Carol had mental pain too at that time of our lives. My being ill caused her to feel that she was put aside. Because my illness demanded much attention from my parents, I felt and still do feel that my illness took attention and love that she was in need for herself

I pray that now she understands I didn't want her to be affected by those years I was in a cast. And that I wish that I could give her back of what she felt I took from her. The love and attention that she needed at that time. I pray that some day that she can forgive me


My sister said to me that Christmas day, After I opened the gift of a lollipop. Don't ever throw that story about the lollipop that you didn't get in my face again. Then she burst out laughing. I know that she has love in her heart for me that she tries to hide sometimes. As I always have and will have for her


What Carol did that Christmas day for me. She doesn't realize to this day what it meant to me. It is the best Christmas memory of my life. Because what she did, Took away a lot of the hurt from that part of my child hood

By giving me a special memory of that Christmas day with her to think about. To make me smile and laugh about the lollipop scene as a child. It replaced the feelings of hurt and mental pain of my almost five years living in a cast

It replaced it with a memory of a Christmas of love from my beautiful sister Carol, That I once use to doubt her true feelings for me

By_Arlene R. Szynal

Copyright © October 3, 2000 All Rights Reserved

"Message To My Sister Carol"


I don't know if you will ever see this page of my life. But if you do. Thank You. Thank you for that special Christmas day memory that I will be eternally grateful for. We have had some hard times you and I


Our fighting and competing for so many things growing up. You ended up getting the best out of life then the rest of the family. And have helped me in certain ways by things that you have given me. But the best thing that you have ever given me was your love that Christmas day.


What started out to be a joke to you. Gave me so much more then words could ever convey. In the memory in my heart of that precious Christmas day. A special beautiful rose for you below my beautiful sister.
( Thank You )

"I Love You Carol"

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My Favorite Picture Of My Sister Carol And I. When I was not in a cast any more. My precious mother who is with God now. Made the beautiful dresses that we wore. That in a picture I will treasure forever ever more. I'm on the left. Carol is on the right side of me