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"I’m Back in My Life and Disability Pages"

~ I’m Back in My Life and Disability Page ~
This page will not rhyme. I’ve written a book. of my life just not in print yet. I need to find a Publisher that does not charge an arm and a leg to print it LOL See I can still joke. I’m kind of like a jack in the box. LOL My life goes up and down up and down but thank god I’m still here. Well the last time I looked in the mirror I was here LOL. We have to laugh at some things in life for if we don’t we will fall completely apart. Do you agree with me?

“The Good Part “

I have many more new friends online that I thank god for. And if you are reading this you are one of them. And I thank God for you. My children Barbara, Christol, and Christopher have grown. They have a family of there own. I’m so very proud of them. And my grandchildren too. Barbara’s son Jonathan is taller than me now. That shouldn’t be a shock LOL Almost everyone is taller than me. Im so very proud of him. As I am of my granddaughter Amanda who is now 21. And has a beautiful baby girl Emma. Who is 1 and1/2 year old. . My little grandbaby butterball that makes me smile when ever I see her.

Christol and my granddaughter Kayla who is 13 now are doing well. Especially now that my daughter is in love with a policeman name Joe that I greatly approve of. Crossing. my fingers that they will get married someday. Kayla my granddaughter is so very smart. She knows everything about all sports at the age of 13. And she plays in many sports. The only sport that I can understand how it works is baseball LOL.

“Christopher My Son”

Is such a great dad to his 2 sons Brendan and Lucas. I’m so very proud of him. And their mother Charlene I love her as my own. IM waiting and hoping they will get married someday. I hope that for my 3 children. I want them all to have the best in life and to never have to be alone. I want my daughter Barbara to have someone in her life as a couple for she deserves the best.

I’m still single LOL Like that is a shock LOL. I’m on a dating service called POF LOL. My children tell me that i’m too fussy . My children worry about me being on that dating site. Afraid that I might meet a crazy man disguised as a prince charming LOL . That can happen no matter where you meet someone. I’m not going to close myself in with just my dreams like in some of my poems.. I will never be like that no matter how old I get.

“What is new for me” I’m stronger. And if you could see or talk to me you would not see a disability. Yaw Hoo But that doesn’t mean nothing bad happens to me. It just means the medication that my doctor gives to me is like a miracle to me. As the years have passed I can go anywhere and not have a panic attack In a car and on a bus and in a crowded store. . And riding by wooded areas no more flash backs. A combination of medications have made me post traumatic stress disorder free. Well that is as long as I keep taking the medication LOL. And no bad side affects.

I’m Back 2 Is another Trauma I will beet until I am again complete in which I did what I had to do by writing it on this site of which I will be showing you. And know that you can beet your traumas too. Hug’s And Kisses from me to you my faithful friends online. I love each and every one of you. April 7, 2011

By_Arlene R.Szynal

Copyright © April 7, 2011 All Rights Reserved

Music Midi Playing_Breathe_Faith Hill

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