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Five Years Old And Up-Part 2

"Five Years Old And Up_Part 2"


The penny candy store, Another special trip that we had once in a while. Maybe once a month. I'm not really sure of that. Candy was really a penny a piece. Oh what a very special treat for us on that day. Made us feel special and unique in every way. There once was a trauma for me on the trip back from the penny candy store

Part of the memory was scary and mentally and physically painful. But now is referred to as partly funny today, When is thought of in a different way. We had a bridge to cross to get home from the penny candy store


The old bridges then had big spaces between the sides of the bridge. In which someone walking across on the sides had to be very careful not to fall into the Blackstone River below


That one day I will never forget. For more reasons then one. I was opening the paper wrapper of a piece of my candy. All excited about the candy that I had got. I asked my mother if I could throw the paper out the window


She said yes. We were driving on the bridge at the time. I was seven years old. I remember of my age very well that day. Because of the trauma that came my way. I remember every thing clearly as if it were yesterday


I grabbed the handle of the car door. Not realizing it was not the handle for the window. It was the handle to open the door. I opened it. And the force of the door opening and the movement of the car. Pulled me out and dropped me hard onto the bridge


I was rolling from the force of the fall. I rolled almost off the bridge. I rolled in between the rails on the side of the bridge with big openings in between. I managed to grab one of the side rails before falling into the river below


I was all scraped up from my head to my feet. Crying and afraid that I wouldn't be able to hold on long enough, Before my mother realized I had fallen out of the car. It was so scary being only seven years old


And knowing that if I couldn't hold on long enough, That I would fall into the moving river below. And I would die by drowning. The way the river flowed below the bridge. No one would be able to save me if I fell into it


My older sister Jean told my mother that I flew out the door and was hanging from the bridge, Holding onto the side. My mother stopped the car. And had my sister Jean get out and run to me on the bridge


Jean is five years older then I. She was able to pull me up to safety onto the bridge. My mother ran to me and picked me up to take me to the car a few feet beyond the bridge


I was in pain with cuts and scratches every where. The funny part is of how I was crying real hard. But not because I was in pain and almost lost my life


But because I had my penny candy bag when I flew out the car door. I kept saying that I wanted my candy. My mother told my sister Jean to see if she could find any of my candy on the bridge


She was able to retrieve most of it, Except my bubble gum. It fell into the river. I kept crying. Telling my mother to make my sister go into the river to get my bubble gum


My mother tried to explain to me that it was impossible, That my sister would drown. The funny joke of the family of that day. Is that I didn't care of all that happened to me that day. Except that I never got my bubble gum back


I sometimes laugh when I think about it now. Because my logic as a child was funny at that time. I could have been killed. And all I could think about at that time. Was that I lost my Bubble gum. When I got home, My mother tried to patch me up with bandages and cleaning my cuts and scratches


When my Dad heard what happened and saw how I looked. He kept yelling at my mother and blamed her for what happened to me. I remember feeling so bad for my mother


For I felt that It wasn't her fault that I wasn't paying attention which handle I turned. That made me almost fall off the bridge. Another feeling of guilt embedded in me, Of a problem I caused for my mother who tried her best to take care of me


By_Arlene R. Szynal

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