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Five Years Old And Up-Part 1

I Picked This Peach Rose For Three Reasons.
I love Roses. My Mother Said That The Color Peach Looked Best On Me.
And It Is The Color Of My Favorite Ice Cream As A Child

"Five Years Old And Up_Part 1"


Out of the cast at last. Another moment in my past. Was not the way it was expected to be. My bones lost a lot of strength. As my parents found out you see. For my bones in the coming years as a child, Would break very easily


From simple innocent falls, As most children have normally, Was worst for me. My collar bone broke three different times. Which meant more cast for me in time. The doctors said that my bones would get strength eventually, And I would grow normally. I sometimes think of how my parents must have been frustrated, And in debt financially, All because of me


I was very thin. I had a hard time to eat. I use to pass out a lot in the fourth grade in school, Because I had a hard time to eat. It was a great embarrassment to me. I would wake up to smelling salts put to my nose you see


And my legs lifted high in the air for all to see. The girls in those days had to wear dresses to school. I would wake up with everyone staring at me. I wanted to hide, Because I also knew that some children were laughing at me


My parents had to send me to a special children's camp, That doctors said would be the best thing for me. It was a camp that big children went to loose weight you see. And thin sickly children like me were forced to eat normally


To try to keep me from getting sick, and passing out on the floor, So my parents won't have to worry any more. And I could have a life of normality


I remember how I dreaded dinner time. When I knew I would be at the table for what seemed like a very long time, Because I had to stay there, Until I ate everything on my plate. that was given to me, I even hated steak. They seemed to make everything that I hate. Especially spinach and cranberry sauce, That to me was Yuk !!!


That was something they gave me with every dinner that I hated so much. The two things that I now love very much. Which sometimes confuses me. How our taste for food changes so much when were older, It has totally baffled me. To think that those two things when I ate them as a child would make me feel like I was going to get sick


At the camp they had games and a lot of activity's, That should have been fun for me. But I was to home sick, To enjoy any of them. I cried myself to sleep every night. Because I missed my favorite doll, and my family. I went to sleep in fright. I was to young to understand that my family wasn't deserting me all those nights


The camp councillor was very nice to me. She sometimes read me stories because she felt bad for me. She sent a letter to my mother, Asking her to send me my cupie doll to help comfort me


My cupie doll, How I loved her so very much. She was like a best friend to me. She never laughed, sang insulting songs or ever made fun of me


I remember the day my cupie doll came in the mail. I was so excited, That my best friend cupie doll was finally with me. I hugged her so tight each and every night as she lay next to me


I didn't need to cry any more, I felt more comfortably. For my cupie doll made my stay at camp easier to cope with, Until I could leave eventually. And be again with my family


When I was home. Once in a great while my mother would take us on a small trip. There was a road in Millbury where I grew up. That was like a roller coaster ride to drive on if you speed up the car a bit. Of course she did that for us to excite us. And we laughed until we felt like our stomach would split


It was fun every time we drove over the little hills in the road. I would get butterflies in my stomach. A trip I looked forward to when ever we could go. A special day my mother made for us all, In the summer that I treasured most dearly of all. It was better then seeing my favorite movie show


We could also on a rare occasion get a trip to the ice cream store. On a Sunday afternoon after church. What a wonderful treat that was for us. Especially because that was a rare treat for us


So to us not like other children, I felt we apreciated it more. Orange sherbet ice cream I would always order. At that time, It was my most favorite kind. My mothers favorite too


I still love orange sherbet ice cream, But my other favorite is coffee ice cream. Every time I eat orange sherbet, It brings back the memory of that special day with my family. Some of the memories I will treasure for eternity


By_Arlene R. Szynal

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