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Some of the best SF artists created illustrations to the series and agreed to display their artwork on this site. Renown composer from Greece, Panayiotis (Taky) Kritidis arranged the title music (it will evolve along with the artwork posted on this site). Taky started also illustrating musically individual images. If you are an artist and would like to contribute your artwork to this gallery, please check the submission guidelines and e-mail the artwork to me. "Foundation" is the first book in the series to be illustrated - so it may be a good starting point for your journey.
But the full range of Gursky's photographic educations has figured in his mature work, enabling him to outgrow all three of them. The exhibition Andreas Gursky surveys that achievement from 1984 to the present. Within it, the anonymous individual is but one among many. ..
But the full range of Gursky's photographic educations has figured in his mature work, enabling him to outgrow all three of them. The exhibition Andreas Gursky surveys that achievement from 1984 to the present. Within it, the anonymous individual is but one among many. ..
But the full range of Gursky's photographic educations has figured in his mature work, enabling him to outgrow all three of them. The exhibition Andreas Gursky surveys that achievement from 1984 to the present. Within it, the anonymous individual is but one among many. ..

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