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Keith Sonnier Keith Sonnier Work Biography Bibliography Characteristics S Artist Page . . Keith Sonnier Keith Sonnier Work Biography Bibliography Characteristics S Artist Page . ..
Keith Sonnier Keith Sonnier Work Biography Bibliography Characteristics S Artist Page . . Keith Sonnier Keith Sonnier Work Biography Bibliography Characteristics S Artist Page . ..
zu den Wegbereitern einer post-minimalistischen, sogenannten "Neuen Skulptur". Er experimentierte kontinuierlich mit dem Stoff, der in den 80er Jahren zum zentralen Element seiner ersten Neonskulpturen wurde. Metaphysische Raumerfahrung Die aktuelle Installation "Tunnel of Tears", die Keith Sonnier 1997 erstmals in der Galerie P. Der metaphysische Aspekt in Sonniers Arbeit wird hier besonders deutlich. Anfang der 70er Jahre war Keith Sonnier einer der Pioniere auf dem Feld der Videokunst.
With this work, Sonnier wanted to find out how the visitors move through the installation and how they perceive it in the extreme lighting conditions. . (Keith Sonnier will be present) Exhibition from October 2nd until November 28th , 1999 Kunsthaus Bregenz Karl Tizian Platz, A-6900 Bregenz www. Although fluorescent light has been an integral part of his artistic work for more than 30 years, what makes Sonnier's work so special is the variety of material that he uses and their formal and topical complexity. The sculpture reminds of the artist's early textile work, but combines it with silk-screen prints of graphic work representing globally connected transmission systems, light- and soundwaves and international stock market prices.

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