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The reality of our world is a shifting, evolving, dynamic energy field. As part of this ecosystem, humanity is greowing and developing. As the needs of the whole shift, changes need to be made in the parts that make up that whole. So it is with the auras. A new color --Indigo--has emerged, with skills, talents, and physical characteristics significantly different from those of the other colors. At this time, most Indigos are still children or young adults. I see Indigo children while as a new color invested with new talents and abilities that will be necesary for our evolution. These chldren have unique characterists for which we can only guess the purpose. Parents of Indigo children have a special challenge--how to nurture and cultivate their unique children while at the same time helping them exist in the mainstream of contemporary society. The parents of some of these Indigo children will love and support their differences. Other Indigos will not be so lucky. The significant thing about Indigos is that they have leadership capabilities unlike those we have heretofore experienced. They understand what it means to be a fully actualized human being without having been taught that concept. The most difficult thing for an Indigo to develop is patience and forbearance. Because they seem to have already grasped what it means to be authentic, they have little tolerance for those who struggle with this issue. Indigos are not without compassion. However, their form of compassion is to give other human beings time and space enough to find their own answers, to come to their own resolutions.