...hungry ravenous oceans...

"so i ran like the wind to the water... please don't leave me again i cried... and i threw bitter tears at the ocean... but all that came back was the tide..." ~ Sarah McLachlan

not that i am proud of my body, it's just the one i have and i think every body is beautiful in it's own way. this page is to give a clear depiction of everything i find beautiful and inspiring. the body is one of them.

~the body

"this pen has danced for me when my legs could not walk one more step... and sang for me when my words had run out... and cried for me when the tears had all dried... i will write until the day i die" ~ Me

~"the deep ocean is dark" poetry


...and then the calming tide...

"all the fear has left me now... i'm not frightened anymore. its' my heart that pounds beneath my flesh... and it's my mouth that pushes out this breath." ~Sarah McLachlan

~"on a happier note" poetry

~emily jayne

~emily's orphanage


the colors of my rainbows...

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