Revive The Beauty Way
words and music by Bear Dyken
Woke up this morning wonder what kind of tracks we'll make today
Running food and supplies to the resistance there's people clinging to their native ways
spent the night in Tuba City they made some room there on the floor
and before the sun comes up we'll be headed out the door
because the woman told us it's a long way to Sandsprings
(long way to Sandsprings)
and we're not sure if anyone's out there anymore
(long lonely way to Sandsprings)
the people are getting tired it's been twenty five long years of war
turn off the lights in Las Vegas shut down the power in L.A.
leave the coal in Black Mesa revive the beauty way
take your foot off the neck of the sufferers
take your foot off the neck of the sufferers
take your foot off the neck of the sufferers
take your foot off the neck of the sufferers
and it's a long way to Teesto
(long way to Teesto)
they're hanging tough there at Star Mountain
(red sky in the morning)
at ninety five Grandma sat in the dirt on Thanksgiving day
(gathered 'round for Thanksgiving)
that's the same dirt she sat in when she was sixteen and she ran toward the
light of a new day and
(sacred earth on Thanksgiving)
that's the same dirt her Grandma sat in
and that's the same sun coming up on Blue Canyon
(sunrise on Blue Canyon)
as it was before Peabody Coal as it was before Standard Oil
as it was before the relocation
and that old womans' eyes they looked right through me
they told me more than words can say
leave the oil and uranium buried deep in the Mother Earth
revive the beauty way
there's nobody left on Low Mountain
(where have all the people gone)
and there's a few hanging on around Jedito
(far away from their homes)
finally made our way to Anna Mae camp
(fire burning in the hogan)
as it was getting dark and cold
(fire of hope in the hogan)
and it sure was good to see her face again
(fire of hope in the homeland)
she said it's like David and Goliath but we're doing the best we can
just like the families herding sheep and growing corn
their just families with family struggles
(families families)
of the earth native born
and the sky cries the tears of her ancestors
while justice looks the other way
and the sun burns with the rage of future generations
they're crying revive the beauty way
revive the beauty way
revive the beauty way
revive the beauty way
revive the beauty way
Revive the Beauty Way - 
Copyright: 1999 ñ Dyken Music (BMI)  &  Forward Productions




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