Kiss Kiss by Roald Dahl
30 September 2002


I had already read 7 of the 11 stories in this anthology, so I'll only cover the other 4 here.

William and Mary is kind of... interesting. I didn't feel that the "wronged woman" aspect of it was built up enough during the story. There was far too much about the actual operation William was to undergo, and I ended up far more interested in that (be still, my scientific mind) than in Mary's situation and part in the whole thing. Her part in it seemed to be the point of the story though, so this just failed to excite me.

My first thought on finishing Edward the Conquerer was "oh dear, that was rather upsetting". Perhaps it was the presence of my own cat in the room, behaving much the same as the cat in the story, that did it. I even paused in my reading to stroke her and talk to her before going on to the next story. Why is it that Roald Dahl uses so many horrid husbands vs lovely wives in his stories? This one is an absolute monster. I must admit, I wouldn't know what to do if someone was making a great fuss over their sudden belief that a stray cat was Lizst reincarnated. But I'm quite sure I wouldn't do what the husband does here.

Pig is very similar to The Last Act in that I don't understand it at all. By the way, I've figured out The Last Act. The guy was getting revenge for her having dumped him in high school. But no, I can't figure out Pig. I guessed from the first sentence that something very strange was going on, as this is not Dahl's usual style at all. Just what is going on is beyond me.

What can I say about The Champion of the World? It's essentially the climax of Dahl's children's novel, Danny the Champion of the World, with more swearing. I guess that the story came first and was later adapted for children. Unfortunately I read Danny the Champion of the World approximately nine thousand, seven hundred and forty-three times when I was small, so the story has nothing for me.

Generally, then, an uninspiring read and something of a disappointment following Switch Bitch.


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