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Welcome to my Home Aquariums Page. All my life I have always loved animals and keeping them as pets. Ever since I was a young boy, my parents always let me have pets to take care of. I've had dogs, cats, hamsters, fishes, turtles and even a pet mouse at one point in my life. Right now, although, since I've been a bit busy at work, I haven't had much time to take care of different pets. Only my Saltwater Aquariums. Back in 1999, I decided to try my luck in Saltwater Aquariums. Ever since I was young, I was so fascinated by saltwater fish because of their color and vibrance. But unfortunately back then, my parents didn't want me to have a saltwater aquarium primarily due to the expense thay would occur to keep that kind of aquarium. Well..... now that I'm on my own and can afford to keep them, I have three aquariums in my home!! One in my bedroom, living room and kitchen. Not only do these speciman add serenity to my home, but they also add style and compliment my furniture.

Exotic Saltwater Fish

This certain aquarium pictured above, is located in my bedroom. It is the largest of my aquariums at about 40 gallons. There are only 4 fish in the tank because they are quite large, about 4 inches each. The red fish located on the upper left is called a "V-tail Grouper" and and can only be caught in the tropics in coral reefs.It is part of the family "Lapu-Lapu" for most of you who are familiar with fishes from the Philippines. They grow to about 4 to 5 feet in their natural habitat. The next fish which is located in the middle is called the "Blue Jaw Trigger Fish" because of it's blue jaw. It is a very agressive fish and can only live with larger fish in the aquarium. If you put a small fish with it, it will surely eat it !! it may also bite your finger if you put in the water !! The next fish which has white polk-a-dots is called the "Clown Trigger Fish" now, this fish is one of the more expensive saltwater fish available!! The only place that this fish can be caught is in the RED SEA. So the reason why it is so expensive is that it has to be shipped from Saudi Arabia or some other Arab country!! The last fish I have in this aquarium is called the "Powder Blue Tang" it is in the family of surgeon fish. This is also one of the more expensive fishes available because of it's place of origin, the Red Sea and for it's beautiful colors. This certain fish only eats seaweed or algae but not too agressive.

My Live! Coral Reef Aquarium

This coral reef aquarium is my personal favorite. Not only is it beautiful, but it a difficult challenge to maintain the health and beauty of this aquarium. Not only is it more difficult to maintain this tank, but it also needs twice as more equipment to allow the corals to live. My theme for this tank is the tropical seas. If you were able to go to Hawaii, Mexico, Florida and even the Philippines, these are the kind of views you would encounter while diving underwater !! A Beautiful Sight.

A Close View

This is just a close up view of my reef aquarium. and do notice that each individual coral is alive and healthy. The only way to keep this type of aquarium is to be able to duplicate the natural sun's rays by special lighting and also to provide special filtering units such as protein skimmers and powerheads which are used to duplicate the ocean's waves and currents. And not to forget aquarium heaters, to keep the water warm just like in the tropics.