<XMP><BODY></xmp> Large Calibre CIWS

Large Calibre CIWS

        This is a supplement to 20-30mm Gatling-type CIWS weapons and is suitable for mounting on larger vessels.
        Large Calibre CIWS mounts 2 x 5 40mm barrels, possibly fed from a single chamber. One primer, one discharge, multiple bullets leaving multiple muzzles.
        The barrels are smooth bore and the projectiles elongated and fins stabilized for good penetration.
        The chamber is polygonal to ensure correct alignment with the barrels. The breech and feed mechanism are adapted from a naval gun such as the UK 4.5" or the US 5".
         In addition to more range the larger calibre also allows features such as proximity fuses or projectile guidance.
        Large calibre CIWS will also prove to be a potent surface to surface weapon system.

        An alternate/additional idea is to create a shrapnel or beehive round for the 5" gun. The Programmable Priming proposed for the OICW M25 and OCSW XM307 have already been successfully applied to 30mm cannon and 40mm Grenade Launchers so could be fitted to the larger calibre naval gun to ensure correct detonation distance of the round. The 35mm AHEAD round is an example of a smaller calibre round along these lines that already exists.
        Such a round could easilly be made by fitting a 105mm Howitzer Beehive round with a discarding sabot. This would give the round a higher velocity and shorter flight time -never a bad thing to have for surface to air shooting.
        An air-burst flechette round as described would greatly increase the capability of the 5" naval gun against both aircraft and missiles.

By the Author of the Scrapboard :

Attack, Avoid, Survive: Essential Principles of Self Defence

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Crash Combat Fourth Edition
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