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Embellishment Symphony









Welcome to the hive of the Embellishment Symphony

We are a band dedicated to composing unique songs and programming video games. Interesting or just wierd? Not only are we a band but we are a clique which is eager to hear compositions from other artists all around the world. This site was set up for the purpose of sharing art in all its forms.

-Liete Blacksheep

Liete's Guitar


August 14th, 2002

Uploaded New Song: Shifting Shadows. Played on guitar.. My best yet. Check it out.

-Liete Blacksheep

July 20th, 2002

Uploaded Two new songs: Battle of the stars, and Discoveries Through Tears.

-Liete Blacksheep

June 21st, 2002

My abilities in music making have drasticly improved. Download 'The Change' in the music section. It is my best composition yet.

  • Did the world a favor and deleted all my old SHITTY songs. From now on only my good professional songs will be posted. Enjoy my new material and look forward to more!
  • Music Posts: The change.
  • Staff page updated.

    -Liete Blacksheep

    April 7th


    -Liete Blacksheep

    I made my first attempt at drawing an anime head and failed miserably, i will make more attempts soon. Also im working on a tutorial for the my ak47.


    August 29th

    Added 3 new pictures on the art page, I used my new cel shader to render them and iv spent all day working on them.


    August 27th

    I got back last night from my vacation and I worked on the multi user shared world some so it wont be much longer than a month until its up (i think)


    August 23rd

    Spent a really REALLY long time improving aloof.mid .. now it's the SHIT! download it!

    -Liete Blacksheep

    August 22nd

    I finally got off my lazy ass and composed a song in cakewalk eheh.. I think it came out pretty well! When you listen to it.. think... aloof.. think mischief .. think ..... well the name of the song is 'aloof'.

    -Liete Blacksheep

    August 16th

    Now its my turn to leave, i'll be gone for one week and as liete said earlier please post in the forum!.


    August 14th

    I'm back from my vacation! When I got home (at 11:00 at night) I got on my guitar and made a decent song.. so this is the first song I'm going to post that isn't a midi file.. I played this on a real electric guitar not a midi keyboard.. I uploaded the song to the music section.. it's not finished yet.. that's just a demo ehhe.. it's called Guitar Demo.

    -Liete Blacksheep

    August 12th

    Added some stuff to the game page including one of my projects entitled black holes. It will be published in the next month or so, please buy it $$$$$


    August 8th

    Added some strange photos of me on the staff page


    August 4th

    Gotta go on "vacation" for a week and a half ;/ I'll be back eventually ;/ bai bai for now!

    -Liete Blacksheep

    July 31st

    Basically the entire layout of the sidebar has been changed. From now on when you hover the mouse over a link it lights up! It's kewl! People are posting in the forum that's kewl.. Not enough people if you ask me... POST AT THE FORUM!!!! Oh oh.. lesse.. The art section is finally in full swing.. We got a good amount of pics in there, can't wait to post some more.. Uhh the staff page has been changed a bit.. Glenn got a new logo.. Hehehe I look like such a little ... uhh Cutie pie.. I guess you could say in my pic of me in the staff page ehehe.. That was taken a year or two ago.. eh! I got an electric guitar (not a midi guitar) soon I'm gonna be posting some real live recordings of me and my band. We gonna do some phat songs with real instruments!

    -Liete Blacksheep

    July 30th

    Posted my life's best work on the art page. Please view it. The file is called "Robots."


    July 29th

    Art forum added! Please visit the new forum if you want to talk, seek advice, or discuss art.


    July 28th

    I apologize for the recent lack of updates; We had a few technical problems with angelfire and it took some time to work-out. Now that we're back I have posted 5 drawings in the art section. I plan to post a zip file of the drawings in hi-res formats such as tiff and targa. Enjoy!


    July 24th

    Spent all day working on a new upbeat song.. posted it in the music section.

    July 21st

    I have begun to experiment with the piano roll feature in cakewalk and now I'm able to make some seriously ill songs....

  • Posted new Piano rolled song I wrote - Leifrock.mp3
  • Posted another slower piano roll song I wrote, Piphilo.

    -Liete Blacksheep

    July 18th

  • Posted a very special song I wrote for the girl I love.

    July 16th

  • Posted a much better sounding Mp3 version of Rippling Echoes.
  • Posted my version/remix of Schala's theme from Chrono Trigger.

    -Liete Blacksheep

    July 14th

    I think I'm actually getting good at this percussion stuff. I just recorded what one would call a .. rock ballad I guess. I used chords and percussion in this song .. I'd say it's one of my best so far.. it's just a demo (only 45 seconds long). I posted it in the music page it's called Rippling Echoes.

    -Liete Blacksheep

    I finished my first composition. It's a song from Chrono Trigger. I posted it in the music section, it's called Frog's Theme.


    July 13th

  • Updated Fade to Black remix, added strings it sounds a lot better
  • Posted another midi file with percussion called Feeling Evil.
  • Posted another midi file by me called Ambient Merger.
  • Posted Fade to Black remix, check it out.
  • Posted my piano remix of Nothing Else Matters.
  • Posted the complete Final Fantasy 7, Final Fantasy 3 and Chrono Trigger musical scores. They are in ZIP format at the music page.

    -Liete Blacksheep

    July 12th
    I have created the site, although it is still really REALLY not complete

    To kick-off the start of the site I have posted a premier song in the music section. It is entitled Embellishment.

    -Liete Blacksheep

    You know there are some really phat games out there.. Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy, Jade Cacoon, Castlevania.. the list goes on forever.. Wanna why all of these games are so similiar? Because they have such good music! Music is what makes a game great.. that's why all the games we program must have unique and wonderful scores of their own. Listening is half the fun of a game.. in my opinion.

    -Liete Blacksheep

    Visit back again!
