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Due to length, (and content) the Atlantian Breeze was unable to publish the full interview with Sam and Brandon.
Here is an extended version of their article, for your reading enjoyment

AB:We're all so excited you've been able to come down to California for Thanksgiving! Tell me, what were your thoughts on the trip down?

B: The trip was very scary for me, 'cuz I haven't flown in seven years.

AB: So when you moved up, you drove up there with your family?

B: Yea, I drove up there with my family. It took all of 20 hours strait through. No sleeping, nothing, just driving.

AB: Wow! How about you Sam, what were your thoughts?

S:I had a Brandon attached to me the whole way down. I was worried about keeping him calm.

B: It was very cute! Nothing I can do about it, just say it was very cute. I was like, "The plane moved! The wings are vibrating!"

AB: So, you flew out of SeaTac Airport, or did you -- Sam: Yea.

AB: Really, you had to go all the way down to SeaTac?

B: It took about three hours.

AB: What did you think of SeaTac? Because they have museum inside the Airport.

B: We didn't see that part.

AB: So where did you fly down to?

B&S: Burbank!

AB: Was it crowded?

S: In Burbank or on the plane?

AB: The Airport.

B: It was not crowded.

S: At least not where we got off.

AB: That's good to hear. So, Brandon, you've been living in Washington for a year now, and Sam, you've been up there for three months, is it all that different up there?

B&S: Yes!

B: It's "Fricken" Cold!

S: And there's lots and lots and lots of trees. B: It's like fourteen degrees at night, and it snows when she's [Sam] not there. It's really weird.

S: When Tess is not there, too.

B: We had it [snow] on Christmas Eve!

S: Yea, last year.

B: Obviously not this year, because it isn't Christmas yet. It was snowing when we left, too.

AB: So, what do you like most about Washington?

S: Brandon!

B: My parents are there, we're close to Canada.

S: I like the trees.

B: Maybe one of these day's we'll make it over to that ... State.

S: I saw Ryan Stiles in Target!

AB: Did you get to talk to him?

S: No, he didn't come in my line...

B: She was working, of course.

AB: Awww.. That was cool, though.

B: Tom Cruise came in to my mom's Home Depot once.

AB: What do you miss most of California?

S: You guys! And my family.

B: To tell you the truth, it wasn't just you guys, it was mainly the fact I can go out at midnight with my friend Steve. I never got to do anything at night in Washington.

S: That's true! I was stuck in the house every day, all day.

B: It takes 48 minutes at 22 miles just to get from Bellingham to where we live.

AB: So, what did you want to do most, when you came down here?

S: I wanted to see my family, but that didn't work out too well.

B: It's been a horrible vacation here.

S: Yesterday was the best day so far, my Aunt and my Grandma came over for Thanksgiving and then Jessica called and we went out.

B: They left me at Target!

S: We went to Coco's and he didn't want to come, so we left him there. My mom picked him up...

AB: So what you wanted to do most when you came down here was...?

S: Visit with my friends and my family.

B: Hang out with Steve...

AB: What will you guys do when you go back up [to Washington]?

S: Sleep!

B: A lot!

AB: Aren't you going to go to Seattle for a few days?

B: Yes, we are.

S: We're going to go to The Fish Market.

B: Pikes Place, in case there's another fish market we don't know about... We were originally going to go see Matrix Revolutions at the IMAX but we don't have enough money now, 'cuz we spent it all down here...

S: I want to go to the aquarium! I don't know if I'll get there, though... It's depending on how much money we have, and stuff...

AB: Are you going to go to the Space Needle?

S :Maybe, but Brandon won't go up it. My mom told me to have him take me to dinner up there. I said, "he would, but he's afraid of heights."

B:I said I would, I can't sit near the edge, though, that's the thing. It's like flying, it's the main thing about flying I don't like... It's a moving object!

AB: So, what else are you going to do when you are up there?

S: Um, sleep.

B: Spend lots of time together in the hotel, 'cuz we haven't had any personal time down here.

AB: Well, that's because everyone wanted to see you!

B: We just wanted to do a little cuddling, and you know, "be cute." She's blushing [Sam]. Make sure you put that in the thing, she's blushing!

S: Stop! B: (narrating) "At this point she begins to blush brightly." She's glaring at me!

AB: Quite a bit has happened down here since your move, one of the bigger events was the "Simi Valley Fire" in October. What were your feelings when you found out about the fire? How did it affect you? Did you do anything differently?

S: when I head that practically all of Simi was burning as well as Moorpark I was very worried because my family and friends were there and I didn’t know how they were doing. I was constantly on the lookout for news bits on TV and kept in touch with my family often. luckily everyone I knew was ok.
Brandon wasn’t as worried because his family was up in Washington. He says he knew everything would be ok.

AB: So is there anything you'd like to say before we close?

S: I want to say, all of you who are not going to Knott's Berry Farm, you're in trouble! I miss everybody, I didn't get to spend any time with some people, because they didn't come to anything!

AB: Well, we hope we get to see you guys soon, and I want to let you guys know it's been great to have you down here!