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She sits


She sits alone day after day wondering why noone see's her worth and never comes her way.People say she is sweet they also say she is kind,though what they don't realize is she knows thier minds. They think her a fool,they think she is blind,they just don't realize she's so much the forgiving kind. Noone see's the faithfulness and love she has to give,they just don't realize that a heart could ever be the way her's is. She was born out of her time,a lost child roaming A world thats so full of selfishness and greed,and oh hey just what about me. She's no need for riches,no need for fame she's a simple one who only wants to love to give and to share and yes sometimes to shine. If she call's you a friend theres not much she wouldn't do to care, to share and to comfort you. She sits alone day after day wondering why oh why Lord does it have to be this way,why oh why does the world have to be this unkind.