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Kindness of a Stranger


Falling asleep crying,tossing and turning in such restless sleep.Praying oh Lord please give me the strength I need to do the right thing. Standing strong upon your faith but yet loosing faith in the world around you. As I awake a sadness spreading as my most precious of loved ones appears and says, it's ok mommy it really is gonna be ok,a kiss and hug as she leaves to her friends house. A knock at the door comes and it is a neighbor. Hello and how are you he says,being honest I say I have been much better.To my suprize he says yes I know your lilone told me all about it. Not understanding why this is happening to us, him thinking the world of my lilone he goes out front to look at a problem listing what must be done he says "don't worry I will take care of it for you.At that momment thinking to myself thank you Lord for yet again answering my pittiful prayers.The smallest of kindness shown to one can make all the difference in the world to a soul that might feel lost.If you ever see someone down and you can help,please for Gods sake do it.He will reward you someday for your kindness no matter how small or large you may think the kindness to be.In all things give thanks to the Lord and someday he will bless you!